/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { require, loader } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://devtools/shared/loader/Loader.jsm" ); const { ViewHelpers } = require("devtools/client/shared/widgets/view-helpers"); const { KeyCodes } = require("devtools/client/shared/keycodes"); loader.lazyRequireGetter(this, "EventEmitter", "devtools/shared/event-emitter"); const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["AbstractTreeItem"]; /** * A very generic and low-level tree view implementation. It is not intended * to be used alone, but as a base class that you can extend to build your * own custom implementation. * * Language: * - An "item" is an instance of an AbstractTreeItem. * - An "element" or "node" is a Node. * * The following events are emitted by this tree, always from the root item, * with the first argument pointing to the affected child item: * - "expand": when an item is expanded in the tree * - "collapse": when an item is collapsed in the tree * - "focus": when an item is selected in the tree * * For example, you can extend this abstract class like this: * * function MyCustomTreeItem(dataSrc, properties) { * AbstractTreeItem.call(this, properties); * this.itemDataSrc = dataSrc; * } * * MyCustomTreeItem.prototype = extend(AbstractTreeItem.prototype, { * _displaySelf: function(document, arrowNode) { * let node = document.createXULElement("hbox"); * ... * // Append the provided arrow node wherever you want. * node.appendChild(arrowNode); * ... * // Use `this.itemDataSrc` to customize the tree item and * // `this.level` to calculate the indentation. * node.style.marginInlineStart = (this.level * 10) + "px"; * node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.itemDataSrc.label)); * ... * return node; * }, * _populateSelf: function(children) { * ... * // Use `this.itemDataSrc` to get the data source for the child items. * let someChildDataSrc = this.itemDataSrc.children[0]; * ... * children.push(new MyCustomTreeItem(someChildDataSrc, { * parent: this, * level: this.level + 1 * })); * ... * } * }); * * And then you could use it like this: * * let dataSrc = { * label: "root", * children: [{ * label: "foo", * children: [] * }, { * label: "bar", * children: [{ * label: "baz", * children: [] * }] * }] * }; * let root = new MyCustomTreeItem(dataSrc, { parent: null }); * root.attachTo(Node); * root.expand(); * * The following tree view will be generated (after expanding all nodes): * ▼ root * ▶ foo * ▼ bar * ▶ baz * * The way the data source is implemented is completely up to you. There's * no assumptions made and you can use it however you like inside the * `_displaySelf` and `populateSelf` methods. If you need to add children to a * node at a later date, you just need to modify the data source: * * dataSrc[...path-to-foo...].children.push({ * label: "lazily-added-node" * children: [] * }); * * The existing tree view will be modified like so (after expanding `foo`): * ▼ root * ▼ foo * ▶ lazily-added-node * ▼ bar * ▶ baz * * Everything else is taken care of automagically! * * @param AbstractTreeItem parent * The parent tree item. Should be null for root items. * @param number level * The indentation level in the tree. The root item is at level 0. */ function AbstractTreeItem({ parent, level }) { this._rootItem = parent ? parent._rootItem : this; this._parentItem = parent; this._level = level || 0; this._childTreeItems = []; // Events are always propagated through the root item. Decorating every // tree item as an event emitter is a very costly operation. if (this == this._rootItem) { EventEmitter.decorate(this); } } AbstractTreeItem.prototype = { _containerNode: null, _targetNode: null, _arrowNode: null, _constructed: false, _populated: false, _expanded: false, /** * Optionally, trees may be allowed to automatically expand a few levels deep * to avoid initially displaying a completely collapsed tree. */ autoExpandDepth: 0, /** * Creates the view for this tree item. Implement this method in the * inheriting classes to create the child node displayed in the tree. * Use `this.level` and the provided `arrowNode` as you see fit. * * @param Node document * @param Node arrowNode * @return Node */ _displaySelf: function(document, arrowNode) { throw new Error( "The `_displaySelf` method needs to be implemented by inheriting classes." ); }, /** * Populates this tree item with child items, whenever it's expanded. * Implement this method in the inheriting classes to fill the provided * `children` array with AbstractTreeItem instances, which will then be * magically handled by this tree item. * * @param array:AbstractTreeItem children */ _populateSelf: function(children) { throw new Error( "The `_populateSelf` method needs to be implemented by inheriting classes." ); }, /** * Gets the this tree's owner document. * @return Document */ get document() { return this._containerNode.ownerDocument; }, /** * Gets the root item of this tree. * @return AbstractTreeItem */ get root() { return this._rootItem; }, /** * Gets the parent of this tree item. * @return AbstractTreeItem */ get parent() { return this._parentItem; }, /** * Gets the indentation level of this tree item. */ get level() { return this._level; }, /** * Gets the element displaying this tree item. */ get target() { return this._targetNode; }, /** * Gets the element containing all tree items. * @return Node */ get container() { return this._containerNode; }, /** * Returns whether or not this item is populated in the tree. * Collapsed items can still be populated. * @return boolean */ get populated() { return this._populated; }, /** * Returns whether or not this item is expanded in the tree. * Expanded items with no children aren't consudered `populated`. * @return boolean */ get expanded() { return this._expanded; }, /** * Gets the bounds for this tree's container without flushing. * @return object */ get bounds() { const win = this.document.defaultView; const utils = win.windowUtils; return utils.getBoundsWithoutFlushing(this._containerNode); }, /** * Creates and appends this tree item to the specified parent element. * * @param Node containerNode * The parent element for this tree item (and every other tree item). * @param Node fragmentNode [optional] * An optional document fragment temporarily holding this tree item in * the current batch. Defaults to the `containerNode`. * @param Node beforeNode [optional] * An optional child element which should succeed this tree item. */ attachTo: function( containerNode, fragmentNode = containerNode, beforeNode = null ) { this._containerNode = containerNode; this._constructTargetNode(); if (beforeNode) { fragmentNode.insertBefore(this._targetNode, beforeNode); } else { fragmentNode.appendChild(this._targetNode); } if (this._level < this.autoExpandDepth) { this.expand(); } }, /** * Permanently removes this tree item (and all subsequent children) from the * parent container. */ remove: function() { this._targetNode.remove(); this._hideChildren(); this._childTreeItems.length = 0; }, /** * Focuses this item in the tree. */ focus: function() { this._targetNode.focus(); }, /** * Expands this item in the tree. */ expand: function() { if (this._expanded) { return; } this._expanded = true; this._arrowNode.setAttribute("open", ""); this._targetNode.setAttribute("expanded", ""); this._toggleChildren(true); this._rootItem.emit("expand", this); }, /** * Collapses this item in the tree. */ collapse: function() { if (!this._expanded) { return; } this._expanded = false; this._arrowNode.removeAttribute("open"); this._targetNode.removeAttribute("expanded", ""); this._toggleChildren(false); this._rootItem.emit("collapse", this); }, /** * Returns the child item at the specified index. * * @param number index * @return AbstractTreeItem */ getChild: function(index = 0) { return this._childTreeItems[index]; }, /** * Calls the provided function on all the descendants of this item. * If this item was never expanded, then no descendents exist yet. * @param function cb */ traverse: function(cb) { for (const child of this._childTreeItems) { cb(child); child.bfs(); } }, /** * Calls the provided function on all descendants of this item until * a truthy value is returned by the predicate. * @param function predicate * @return AbstractTreeItem */ find: function(predicate) { for (const child of this._childTreeItems) { if (predicate(child) || child.find(predicate)) { return child; } } return null; }, /** * Shows or hides all the children of this item in the tree. If neessary, * populates this item with children. * * @param boolean visible * True if the children should be visible, false otherwise. */ _toggleChildren: function(visible) { if (visible) { if (!this._populated) { this._populateSelf(this._childTreeItems); this._populated = this._childTreeItems.length > 0; } this._showChildren(); } else { this._hideChildren(); } }, /** * Shows all children of this item in the tree. */ _showChildren: function() { // If this is the root item and we're not expanding any child nodes, // it is safe to append everything at once. if (this == this._rootItem && this.autoExpandDepth == 0) { this._appendChildrenBatch(); } else { // Otherwise, append the child items and their descendants successively; // if not, the tree will become garbled and nodes will intertwine, // since all the tree items are sharing a single container node. this._appendChildrenSuccessive(); } }, /** * Hides all children of this item in the tree. */ _hideChildren: function() { for (const item of this._childTreeItems) { item._targetNode.remove(); item._hideChildren(); } }, /** * Appends all children in a single batch. * This only works properly for root nodes when no child nodes will expand. */ _appendChildrenBatch: function() { if (this._fragment === undefined) { this._fragment = this.document.createDocumentFragment(); } const childTreeItems = this._childTreeItems; for (let i = 0, len = childTreeItems.length; i < len; i++) { childTreeItems[i].attachTo(this._containerNode, this._fragment); } this._containerNode.appendChild(this._fragment); }, /** * Appends all children successively. */ _appendChildrenSuccessive: function() { const childTreeItems = this._childTreeItems; const expandedChildTreeItems = childTreeItems.filter(e => e._expanded); const nextNode = this._getSiblingAtDelta(1); for (let i = 0, len = childTreeItems.length; i < len; i++) { childTreeItems[i].attachTo(this._containerNode, undefined, nextNode); } for (let i = 0, len = expandedChildTreeItems.length; i < len; i++) { expandedChildTreeItems[i]._showChildren(); } }, /** * Constructs and stores the target node displaying this tree item. */ _constructTargetNode: function() { if (this._constructed) { return; } this._onArrowClick = this._onArrowClick.bind(this); this._onClick = this._onClick.bind(this); this._onDoubleClick = this._onDoubleClick.bind(this); this._onKeyDown = this._onKeyDown.bind(this); this._onFocus = this._onFocus.bind(this); this._onBlur = this._onBlur.bind(this); const document = this.document; const arrowNode = (this._arrowNode = document.createXULElement("hbox")); arrowNode.className = "arrow theme-twisty"; arrowNode.addEventListener("mousedown", this._onArrowClick); const targetNode = (this._targetNode = this._displaySelf( document, arrowNode )); targetNode.style.MozUserFocus = "normal"; targetNode.addEventListener("mousedown", this._onClick); targetNode.addEventListener("dblclick", this._onDoubleClick); targetNode.addEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown); targetNode.addEventListener("focus", this._onFocus); targetNode.addEventListener("blur", this._onBlur); this._constructed = true; }, /** * Gets the element displaying an item in the tree at the specified offset * relative to this item. * * @param number delta * The offset from this item to the target item. * @return Node * The element displaying the target item at the specified offset. */ _getSiblingAtDelta: function(delta) { const childNodes = this._containerNode.childNodes; const indexOfSelf = Array.prototype.indexOf.call( childNodes, this._targetNode ); if (indexOfSelf + delta >= 0) { return childNodes[indexOfSelf + delta]; } return undefined; }, _getNodesPerPageSize: function() { const childNodes = this._containerNode.childNodes; const nodeHeight = this._getHeight(childNodes[childNodes.length - 1]); const containerHeight = this.bounds.height; return Math.ceil(containerHeight / nodeHeight); }, _getHeight: function(elem) { const win = this.document.defaultView; const utils = win.windowUtils; return utils.getBoundsWithoutFlushing(elem).height; }, /** * Focuses the first item in this tree. */ _focusFirstNode: function() { const childNodes = this._containerNode.childNodes; // The root node of the tree may be hidden in practice, so uses for-loop // here to find the next visible node. for (let i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i++) { // The height will be 0 if an element is invisible. if (this._getHeight(childNodes[i])) { childNodes[i].focus(); return; } } }, /** * Focuses the last item in this tree. */ _focusLastNode: function() { const childNodes = this._containerNode.childNodes; childNodes[childNodes.length - 1].focus(); }, /** * Focuses the next item in this tree. */ _focusNextNode: function() { const nextElement = this._getSiblingAtDelta(1); if (nextElement) { nextElement.focus(); } // Node }, /** * Focuses the previous item in this tree. */ _focusPrevNode: function() { const prevElement = this._getSiblingAtDelta(-1); if (prevElement) { prevElement.focus(); } // Node }, /** * Focuses the parent item in this tree. * * The parent item is not always the previous item, because any tree item * may have multiple children. */ _focusParentNode: function() { const parentItem = this._parentItem; if (parentItem) { parentItem.focus(); } // AbstractTreeItem }, /** * Handler for the "click" event on the arrow node of this tree item. */ _onArrowClick: function(e) { if (!this._expanded) { this.expand(); } else { this.collapse(); } }, /** * Handler for the "click" event on the element displaying this tree item. */ _onClick: function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); this.focus(); }, /** * Handler for the "dblclick" event on the element displaying this tree item. */ _onDoubleClick: function(e) { // Ignore dblclick on the arrow as it has already recived and handled two // click events. if (!e.target.classList.contains("arrow")) { this._onArrowClick(e); } this.focus(); }, /** * Handler for the "keydown" event on the element displaying this tree item. */ _onKeyDown: function(e) { // Prevent scrolling when pressing navigation keys. ViewHelpers.preventScrolling(e); switch (e.keyCode) { case KeyCodes.DOM_VK_UP: this._focusPrevNode(); return; case KeyCodes.DOM_VK_DOWN: this._focusNextNode(); return; case KeyCodes.DOM_VK_LEFT: if (this._expanded && this._populated) { this.collapse(); } else { this._focusParentNode(); } return; case KeyCodes.DOM_VK_RIGHT: if (!this._expanded) { this.expand(); } else { this._focusNextNode(); } return; case KeyCodes.DOM_VK_PAGE_UP: const pageUpElement = this._getSiblingAtDelta( -this._getNodesPerPageSize() ); // There's a chance that the root node is hidden. In this case, its // height will be 0. if (pageUpElement && this._getHeight(pageUpElement)) { pageUpElement.focus(); } else { this._focusFirstNode(); } return; case KeyCodes.DOM_VK_PAGE_DOWN: const pageDownElement = this._getSiblingAtDelta( this._getNodesPerPageSize() ); if (pageDownElement) { pageDownElement.focus(); } else { this._focusLastNode(); } return; case KeyCodes.DOM_VK_HOME: this._focusFirstNode(); return; case KeyCodes.DOM_VK_END: this._focusLastNode(); } }, /** * Handler for the "focus" event on the element displaying this tree item. */ _onFocus: function(e) { this._rootItem.emit("focus", this); }, /** * Handler for the "blur" event on the element displaying this tree item. */ _onBlur: function(e) { this._rootItem.emit("blur", this); }, };