dist: bionic language: go go: - "1.13.x" env: - GO111MODULE=on install: - make build stages: - name: Build & test if: type != cron - name: Fuzzit-Regression if: type != cron AND type != pull_request AND branch = master - name: Fuzzit-Fuzzing if: type != cron AND type != pull_request AND branch = master jobs: include: - stage: Build & test script: - make test # Coveralls is down for maintenance currently - go get github.com/mattn/goveralls - bash scripts/cover.sh # TODO: Fix this # - stage: Fuzzit-Regression # go: 1.12.x # script: # - bash scripts/fuzzit.sh regression # # - stage: Fuzzit-Fuzzing # go: 1.12.x # script: # - bash scripts/fuzzit.sh fuzzing