import execa = require('execa'); import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import { useSpinner } from '../utils/useSpinner'; import { Task, TaskRunner } from './task'; import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'; import globby from 'globby'; const clean = (cwd: string) => useSpinner('Cleaning', () => execa('npm', ['run', 'clean'], { cwd })); const compile = (cwd: string) => useSpinner('Compiling sources', () => execa('tsc', ['-p', './'], { cwd })); const bundle = (cwd: string) => useSpinner('Bundling', () => execa('npm', ['run', 'bundle'], { cwd })); const preparePackage = async (packageDist: string, pkg: any) => { pkg = cloneDeep(pkg); // avoid mutations pkg.main = 'index.js'; pkg.types = 'index.d.ts'; const version: string = pkg.version; const name: string =; const deps: any = pkg.dependencies; // Below we are adding cross-dependencies to Grafana's packages // with the version being published if (name.endsWith('/ui')) { deps['@grafana/data'] = version; } else if (name.endsWith('/runtime')) { deps['@grafana/data'] = version; deps['@grafana/ui'] = version; } else if (name.endsWith('/toolkit')) { deps['@grafana/data'] = version; deps['@grafana/ui'] = version; } await useSpinner('Updating package.json', () => fs.writeFile(`${packageDist}/package.json`, JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2)) ); }; const moveFiles = (fromPath: string, toPath: string) => { const files = ['', '', 'index.js']; return useSpinner(`Moving ${files.join(', ')} files`, () => { const promises = => fs.copyFile(`${fromPath}/${file}`, `${toPath}/${file}`)); return Promise.all(promises); }); }; const moveStaticFiles = async (packageRoot: string, pkg: any) => { if ('/ui')) { return useSpinner('Moving static files', async () => { const staticFiles = await globby(`${packageRoot}/src/**/*.{png,svg,gif,jpg}`); const pathSearch = new RegExp(`^${packageRoot}/src`); const pathReplace = `${packageRoot}/compiled`; const promises = => fs.copyFile(file, file.replace(pathSearch, pathReplace))); await Promise.all(promises); }); } }; interface PackageBuildOptions { scope: string; } const buildTaskRunner: TaskRunner = async ({ scope }) => { if (!scope) { throw new Error('Provide packages with -s, --scope '); } const scopes = scope.split(',').map(async (s) => { const packageRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, `../../../../grafana-${s}`); const packageDist = `${packageRoot}/dist`; const pkg = require(`${packageRoot}/package.json`); console.log(chalk.yellow(`Building ${} (package.json version: ${pkg.version})`)); await clean(packageRoot); await compile(packageRoot); await moveStaticFiles(packageRoot, pkg); await bundle(packageRoot); await preparePackage(packageDist, pkg); await moveFiles(packageRoot, packageDist); }); await Promise.all(scopes); }; export const buildPackageTask = new Task('Package build', buildTaskRunner);