is_manager() && !$Me->isPC) $Me->escape(); // load mail from log if (isset($Qreq->fromlog) && ctype_digit($Qreq->fromlog) && $Me->privChair) { $result = $Conf->qe_raw("select * from MailLog where mailId=" . $Qreq->fromlog); if (($row = edb_orow($result))) { foreach (["recipients", "q", "t", "cc", "replyto", "subject", "emailBody"] as $field) if (isset($row->$field) && !isset($Qreq[$field])) $Qreq[$field] = $row->$field; if ($row->q) $Qreq["plimit"] = 1; } } // create options $tOpt = array(); if ($Me->privChair) { $tOpt["s"] = "Submitted papers"; if ($Conf->timePCViewDecision(false) && $Conf->setting("paperacc") > 0) $tOpt["acc"] = "Accepted papers"; $tOpt["unsub"] = "Unsubmitted papers"; $tOpt["all"] = "All papers"; } if ($Me->is_explicit_manager() || ($Me->privChair && $Conf->has_any_manager())) $tOpt["manager"] = "Papers you administer"; $tOpt["req"] = "Your review requests"; if (!isset($Qreq->t) || !isset($tOpt[$Qreq->t])) $Qreq->t = key($tOpt); // mailer $mailer_options = array("requester_contact" => $Me); $null_mailer = new HotCRPMailer($Conf, null, null, array_merge(array("width" => false), $mailer_options)); // template options if (isset($Qreq->monreq)) $Qreq->template = "myreviewremind"; if (isset($Qreq->template) && !isset($Qreq->check)) $Qreq->loadtmpl = -1; // paper selection if (!isset($Qreq->q) || trim($Qreq->q) == "(All)") $Qreq->q = ""; $Qreq->allow_a("p", "pap"); if (!isset($Qreq->p) && isset($Qreq->pap)) // support p= and pap= $Qreq->p = $Qreq->pap; if (isset($Qreq->p) && is_string($Qreq->p)) $Qreq->p = preg_split('/\s+/', $Qreq->p); // It's OK to just set $Qreq->p from the input without // validation because MailRecipients filters internally if (isset($Qreq->prevt) && isset($Qreq->prevq)) { if (!isset($Qreq->plimit)) unset($Qreq->p); else if (($Qreq->prevt !== $Qreq->t || $Qreq->prevq !== $Qreq->q) && !isset($Qreq->psearch)) { $Conf->warnMsg("You changed the paper search. Please review the paper list."); $Qreq->psearch = true; } } $papersel = null; if (isset($Qreq->p) && is_array($Qreq->p) && !isset($Qreq->psearch)) { $papersel = array(); foreach ($Qreq->p as $p) if (($p = cvtint($p)) > 0) $papersel[] = $p; sort($papersel); $Qreq->q = join(" ", $papersel); $Qreq->plimit = 1; } else if (isset($Qreq->plimit)) { $search = new PaperSearch($Me, array("t" => $Qreq->t, "q" => $Qreq->q)); $papersel = $search->paper_ids(); sort($papersel); } else $Qreq->q = ""; // Load template if requested if (isset($Qreq->loadtmpl)) { $t = $Qreq->get("template", "genericmailtool"); if (!isset($mailTemplates[$t]) || (!isset($mailTemplates[$t]["mailtool_name"]) && !isset($mailTemplates[$t]["mailtool_priority"]))) $t = "genericmailtool"; $template = $mailTemplates[$t]; if (!isset($Qreq->recipients) || $Qreq->loadtmpl != -1) $Qreq->recipients = get($template, "mailtool_recipients", "s"); if (isset($template["mailtool_search_type"])) $Qreq->t = $template["mailtool_search_type"]; $Qreq->subject = $null_mailer->expand($template["subject"]); $Qreq->emailBody = $null_mailer->expand($template["body"]); } // Set recipients list, now that template is loaded $recip = new MailRecipients($Me, $Qreq->recipients, $papersel, $Qreq->newrev_since); // Warn if no papers match if (isset($papersel) && count($papersel) == 0 && !isset($Qreq->loadtmpl) && !isset($Qreq->psearch) && $recip->need_papers()) { Conf::msg_error("No papers match that search."); unset($papersel); unset($Qreq->check, $Qreq->send); } if (isset($Qreq->monreq)) $Conf->header("Monitor external reviews", "mail"); else $Conf->header("Mail", "mail"); $subjectPrefix = "[" . $Conf->short_name . "] "; class MailSender { private $recip; private $sending; private $qreq; private $started = false; private $group; private $groupable = false; private $mcount = 0; private $mrecipients = array(); private $mpapers = array(); private $cbcount = 0; private $mailid_text = ""; function __construct($recip, $sending, Qrequest $qreq) { $this->recip = $recip; $this->sending = $sending; $this->qreq = $qreq; $this->group = $qreq->group || !$qreq->ungroup; } static function check($recip, $qreq) { $ms = new MailSender($recip, false, $qreq); $ms->run(); } static function send($recip, $qreq) { $ms = new MailSender($recip, true, $qreq); $ms->run(); } private function echo_actions($extra_class = "") { echo '
', Ht::submit("send", "Send", array("style" => "margin-right:4em")), '   '; $class = $this->groupable ? "" : " hidden"; if (!$this->qreq->group && $this->qreq->ungroup) echo Ht::submit("group", "Gather recipients", ["class" => "btn mail_groupable" . $class]); else echo Ht::submit("ungroup", "Separate recipients", ["class" => "btn mail_groupable" . $class]); echo '   ', Ht::submit("cancel", "Cancel"), '
'; } private function echo_prologue() { global $Conf, $Me; if ($this->started) return; echo Ht::form(hoturl_post("mail")); foreach (array("recipients", "subject", "emailBody", "cc", "replyto", "q", "t", "plimit", "newrev_since") as $x) if (isset($this->qreq[$x])) echo Ht::hidden($x, $this->qreq[$x]); if (!$this->group) echo Ht::hidden("ungroup", 1); $recipients = (string) $this->qreq->recipients; if ($this->sending) { echo "
", "
In the process of sending mail. Do not leave this page until this message disappears!
", "
", "
Sent to: ", $this->recip->unparse(), '
', '
', Ht::submit("go", "Prepare more mail"), "
", // This next is only displayed when Javascript is off "
Sending mail. Do not leave this page until it finishes rendering!
", "
"; } else { if (isset($this->qreq->emailBody) && $Me->privChair && (strpos($this->qreq->emailBody, "%REVIEWS%") || strpos($this->qreq->emailBody, "%COMMENTS%"))) { if (!$Conf->can_some_author_view_review()) echo "
Although these mails contain reviews and/or comments, authors can’t see reviews or comments on the site. (Change this setting)
\n"; else if (!$Conf->can_some_author_view_review(true)) echo "
Mails to users who have not completed their own reviews will not include reviews or comments. (Change the setting)
\n"; } if (isset($this->qreq->emailBody) && $Me->privChair && substr($recipients, 0, 4) == "dec:") { if (!$Conf->can_some_author_view_decision()) echo "
You appear to be sending an acceptance or rejection notification, but authors can’t see paper decisions on the site. (Change this setting)
\n"; } echo "
", "
In the process of preparing mail. You will be able to send the prepared mail once this message disappears.
", "
", "
Verify that the mails look correct, then select “Send” to send the checked mails.
", "Mailing to: ", $this->recip->unparse(), ''; if (!preg_match('/\A(?:pc\z|pc:|all\z)/', $recipients) && $this->qreq->plimit && (string) $this->qreq->q !== "") echo "
Paper selection: ", htmlspecialchars($this->qreq->q); echo "
"; $this->echo_actions(" fx"); // This next is only displayed when Javascript is off echo '
Scroll down to send the prepared mail once the page finishes loading.
', "
\n"; } echo Ht::unstash_script("fold('mail',0,2)"); $this->started = true; } private function echo_mailinfo($nrows_done, $nrows_left) { global $Conf; if (!$this->started) $this->echo_prologue(); $s = "\$\$('mailcount').innerHTML=\"" . round(100 * $nrows_done / max(1, $nrows_left)) . "% done.\";"; $m = plural($this->mcount, "mail") . ", " . plural($this->mrecipients, "recipient"); if (count($this->mpapers) != 0) $m .= ", " . plural($this->mpapers, "paper"); $s .= "\$\$('mailinfo').innerHTML=\"·" . $m . "\";"; if (!$this->sending && $this->groupable) $s .= "\$('.mail_groupable').show();"; echo Ht::unstash_script($s); } private static function fix_body($prep) { if (preg_match('^\ADear (author|reviewer)\(s\)([,;!.\s].*)\z^s', $prep->body, $m)) $prep->body = "Dear " . $m[1] . (count($prep->to) == 1 ? "" : "s") . $m[2]; } private function send_prep($prep) { global $Conf, $Me; $cbkey = "c" . join("_", $prep->contacts) . "p" . $prep->paperId; if ($this->sending && !$this->qreq[$cbkey]) return; set_time_limit(30); $this->echo_prologue(); self::fix_body($prep); ++$this->mcount; if ($this->sending) { $prep->send(); foreach ($prep->contacts as $cid) { // Log format matters $Conf->log_for($Me, $cid, "Sent mail" . $this->mailid_text, $prep->paperId); } } // hide passwords from non-chair users $show_prep = $prep; if (get($prep, "sensitive")) { $show_prep = $prep->sensitive; $show_prep->to = $prep->to; self::fix_body($show_prep); } echo '
'; $nprintrows = 0; foreach (array("To", "cc", "bcc", "reply-to", "Subject") as $k) { if ($k == "To") { $vh = array(); foreach ($show_prep->to as $to) $vh[] = htmlspecialchars(MimeText::decode_header($to)); $vh = '
' . join(', ', $vh) . '
'; } else if ($k == "Subject") $vh = htmlspecialchars(MimeText::decode_header($show_prep->subject)); else if (($line = get($show_prep->headers, $k))) { $k = substr($line, 0, strlen($k)); $vh = htmlspecialchars(MimeText::decode_header(substr($line, strlen($k) + 2))); } else continue; echo " "; if (++$nprintrows > 1) echo ""; else if ($this->sending) echo ""; else { ++$this->cbcount; echo ''; } echo '", '\n"; } echo " \n", "", "
', $k, ":', $vh, "
\n"; } private function process_prep($prep, &$last_prep, $row) { // Don't combine senders if anything differs. Also, don't combine // mails from different papers, unless those mails are to the same // person. $mail_differs = !$prep->can_merge($last_prep); $prep_to = $prep->to; if (!$mail_differs) $this->groupable = true; if ($mail_differs || !$this->group) { if (!$last_prep->fake) $this->send_prep($last_prep); $last_prep = $prep; $last_prep->contacts = array(); $last_prep->to = array(); } if ($prep->fake || isset($last_prep->contacts[$row->contactId])) return false; else { $last_prep->contacts[$row->contactId] = $row->contactId; $this->mrecipients[$row->contactId] = true; $last_prep->add_recipients($prep_to); return true; } } private function run() { global $Conf, $Me, $subjectPrefix, $mailer_options; $subject = trim((string) $this->qreq->subject); if (substr($subject, 0, strlen($subjectPrefix)) != $subjectPrefix) $subject = $subjectPrefix . $subject; $emailBody = $this->qreq->emailBody; $template = array("subject" => $subject, "body" => $emailBody); $rest = array("cc" => $this->qreq->cc, "reply-to" => $this->qreq->replyto, "no_error_quit" => true); $rest = array_merge($rest, $mailer_options); // test whether this mail is paper-sensitive $mailer = new HotCRPMailer($Conf, $Me, null, $rest); $prep = $mailer->make_preparation($template, $rest); $paper_sensitive = preg_match('/%[A-Z0-9]+[(%]/', $prep->subject . $prep->body); $q = $this->recip->query($paper_sensitive); if (!$q) return Conf::msg_error("Bad recipients value"); $result = $Conf->qe_raw($q); if (!$result) return; $recipients = (string) $this->qreq->recipients; if ($this->sending) { $q = "recipients=?, cc=?, replyto=?, subject=?, emailBody=?, q=?, t=?"; $qv = [$recipients, $this->qreq->cc, $this->qreq->replyto, $this->qreq->subject, $this->qreq->emailBody, $this->qreq->q, $this->qreq->t]; if ($Conf->sversion >= 146 && !$Me->privChair) $q .= ", fromNonChair=1"; if (($log_result = $Conf->qe_apply("insert into MailLog set $q", $qv))) $this->mailid_text = " #" . $log_result->insert_id; // Mail format matters $Me->log_activity("Sending mail$this->mailid_text \"$subject\""); } else $rest["no_send"] = true; $mailer = new HotCRPMailer($Conf); $mailer->combination_type = $this->recip->combination_type($paper_sensitive); $fake_prep = new HotCRPMailPreparation($Conf); $fake_prep->fake = true; $last_prep = $fake_prep; $nrows_done = 0; $nrows_left = edb_nrows($result); $nwarnings = 0; $preperrors = array(); $revinform = ($recipients == "newpcrev" ? array() : null); while (($row = PaperInfo::fetch($result, $Me))) { ++$nrows_done; $contact = new Contact($row); $rest["newrev_since"] = $this->recip->newrev_since; $mailer->reset($contact, $row, $rest); $prep = $mailer->make_preparation($template, $rest); if ($prep->errors) { foreach ($prep->errors as $lcfield => $hline) { $reqfield = ($lcfield == "reply-to" ? "replyto" : $lcfield); Ht::error_at($reqfield); $emsg = Mailer::$email_fields[$lcfield] . " destination isn’t a valid email list:
" . htmlspecialchars($hline) . "
Make sure email address are separated by commas; put names in \"quotes\" and email addresses in <angle brackets>."; if (!isset($preperrors[$emsg])) Conf::msg_error($emsg); $preperrors[$emsg] = true; } } else if ($this->process_prep($prep, $last_prep, $row)) { if ((!$Me->privChair || opt("chairHidePasswords")) && !@$last_prep->sensitive) { $srest = array_merge($rest, array("sensitivity" => "display")); $mailer->reset($contact, $row, $srest); $last_prep->sensitive = $mailer->make_preparation($template, $srest); } } if ($nwarnings != $mailer->nwarnings() || $nrows_done % 5 == 0) $this->echo_mailinfo($nrows_done, $nrows_left); if ($nwarnings != $mailer->nwarnings()) { $this->echo_prologue(); $nwarnings = $mailer->nwarnings(); echo ""; echo Ht::unstash_script("\$\$('mailwarnings').innerHTML = \$\$('foldmailwarn$nwarnings').innerHTML;"); } if ($this->sending && $revinform !== null) $revinform[] = "(paperId=$row->paperId and contactId=$row->contactId)"; } $this->process_prep($fake_prep, $last_prep, (object) array("paperId" => -1)); $this->echo_mailinfo($nrows_done, $nrows_left); if (!$this->started && !count($preperrors)) return Conf::msg_error("No users match “" . $this->recip->unparse() . "” for that search."); else if (!$this->started) return false; else if (!$this->sending) $this->echo_actions(); if ($revinform) $Conf->qe_raw("update PaperReview set timeRequestNotified=" . time() . " where " . join(" or ", $revinform)); echo ""; echo Ht::unstash_script("fold('mail', null);"); $Conf->footer(); exit; } } // Set subject and body if necessary if (!isset($Qreq->subject)) $Qreq->subject = $null_mailer->expand($mailTemplates["genericmailtool"]["subject"]); if (!isset($Qreq->emailBody)) $Qreq->emailBody = $null_mailer->expand($mailTemplates["genericmailtool"]["body"]); if (substr($Qreq->subject, 0, strlen($subjectPrefix)) == $subjectPrefix) $Qreq->subject = substr($Qreq->subject, strlen($subjectPrefix)); if (isset($Qreq->cc) && $Me->is_manager()) // XXX should only apply to papers you administer $Qreq->cc = simplify_whitespace($Qreq->cc); else if ($Conf->opt("emailCc")) $Qreq->cc = $Conf->opt("emailCc"); else $Qreq->cc = Text::user_email_to($Conf->site_contact()); if (isset($Qreq->replyto) && $Me->is_manager()) // XXX should only apply to papers you administer $Qreq->replyto = simplify_whitespace($Qreq->replyto); else $Qreq->replyto = $Conf->opt("emailReplyTo", ""); // Check or send if (!$Qreq->loadtmpl && !$Qreq->cancel && !$Qreq->psearch && !$recip->error && $Qreq->post_ok()) { if ($Qreq->send) MailSender::send($recip, $Qreq); else if ($Qreq->check || $Qreq->group || $Qreq->ungroup) MailSender::check($recip, $Qreq); } if (isset($Qreq->monreq)) { $plist = new PaperList(new PaperSearch($Me, ["t" => "req", "q" => ""]), ["foldable" => true]); $plist->set_table_id_class("foldpl", "pltable_full"); $ptext = $plist->table_html("reqrevs", ["header_links" => true, "list" => true]); if ($plist->count == 0) $Conf->infoMsg("You have not requested any external reviews. Return home"); else { echo "

Requested reviews

\n\n", $ptext, '
'; if ($plist->has("need_review")) echo "Some of your requested external reviewers have not completed their reviews. To send them an email reminder, check the text below and then select “Prepare mail.” You’ll get a chance to review the emails and select specific reviewers to remind."; else echo "All of your requested external reviewers have completed their reviews. Return home"; echo "
\n"; } if (!$plist->has("need_review")) { $Conf->footer(); exit; } } echo Ht::form(hoturl_post("mail", "check=1")), Ht::hidden_default_submit("default", 1), "
Template:  "; $tmpl = array(); foreach ($mailTemplates as $k => $v) { if (isset($v["mailtool_name"]) && ($Me->privChair || defval($v, "mailtool_pc"))) $tmpl[$k] = defval($v, "mailtool_priority", 100); } asort($tmpl); foreach ($tmpl as $k => &$v) { $v = $mailTemplates[$k]["mailtool_name"]; } if (!isset($Qreq->template) || !isset($tmpl[$Qreq->template])) $Qreq->template = "genericmailtool"; echo Ht::select("template", $tmpl, $Qreq->template), "  ", Ht::submit("loadtmpl", "Load", ["id" => "loadtmpl"]), "   Templates are mail texts tailored for common conference tasks.
\n"; // ** TO echo '\n"; // ** CC, REPLY-TO if ($Me->is_manager()) { foreach (Mailer::$email_fields as $lcfield => $field) if ($lcfield !== "to" && $lcfield !== "bcc") { $xfield = ($lcfield == "reply-to" ? "replyto" : $lcfield); $ec = Ht::control_class($xfield); echo " \n\n"; } } // ** SUBJECT echo "
', $recip->selectors(), "
\n"; // paper selection echo ''; if ($Me->privChair) echo '
', Ht::checkbox("plimit", 1, isset($Qreq->plimit), ["id" => "plimit"]), " ", Ht::label("Choose papers", "plimit"), ":  "; else echo 'Papers:  ', Ht::hidden("plimit", 1), ''; echo Ht::entry("q", (string) $Qreq->q, array("id" => "q", "placeholder" => "(All)", "class" => "papersearch", "size" => 36)), "  in "; if (count($tOpt) == 1) echo htmlspecialchars($tOpt[$Qreq->t]); else echo " ", Ht::select("t", $tOpt, $Qreq->t, array("id" => "t")); echo "  ", Ht::submit("psearch", "Search"); echo ""; if (isset($Qreq->plimit) && !isset($Qreq->monreq) && (isset($Qreq->loadtmpl) || isset($Qreq->psearch))) { $plist = new PaperList(new PaperSearch($Me, ["t" => $Qreq->t, "q" => $Qreq->q])); $ptext = $plist->table_html("reviewers", ["noheader" => true, "nofooter" => true]); echo "
"; if ($plist->count == 0) echo "No papers match that search."; else echo '
', $ptext; echo '
', Ht::hidden("prevt", $Qreq->t), Ht::hidden("prevq", $Qreq->q); } echo "
\n"; echo '
'; if (!$Qreq->newrev_since && ($t = $Conf->setting("pcrev_informtime"))) $Qreq->newrev_since = $Conf->parseableTime($t, true); echo 'Assignments since:  ', Ht::entry("newrev_since", $Qreq->newrev_since, array("placeholder" => "(all)", "size" => 30)), '
'; echo '
'; Ht::stash_script('function mail_recipients_fold(event) { var plimit = $$("plimit");, null, {f: !!plimit && !plimit.checked, n: 8}); var sopt = $(this).find("option[value=\'" + this.value + "\']");, null, {f: sopt.hasClass("mail-want-no-papers"), n: 9});, null, {f: !sopt.hasClass("mail-want-since"), n: 10}); } $("#recipients, #plimit").on("change", mail_recipients_fold); $(function () { $("#recipients").trigger("change"); })'); echo "
", Ht::entry($xfield, $Qreq[$xfield], ["size" => 64, "class" => "textlite-tt$ec", "id" => $xfield]), ($xfield == "replyto" ? "
" : ""), "
", "[", htmlspecialchars($Conf->short_name), "] ", Ht::entry("subject", $Qreq->subject, ["size" => 64, "class" => Ht::control_class("subject", "textlite-tt"), "id" => "subject"]), "
\n", Ht::textarea("emailBody", $Qreq->emailBody, array("class" => "tt", "rows" => 20, "cols" => 80, "spellcheck" => "true")), "
\n\n"; if ($Me->privChair) { $result = $Conf->qe_raw("select mailId, subject, emailBody from MailLog where fromNonChair=0 order by mailId desc limit 200"); if (edb_nrows($result)) { echo "
", "Recent mails:\n"; $i = 1; while (($row = edb_orow($result))) { echo "
", "
$i. ", htmlspecialchars($row->subject), " – ", htmlspecialchars(UnicodeHelper::utf8_prefix($row->emailBody, 100)), "
", "
\n"; ++$i; } echo "
\n\n"; } } echo "
\n", Ht::submit("Prepare mail"), "   You’ll be able to review the mails before they are sent.
Keywords enclosed in percent signs, such as %NAME% or %REVIEWDEADLINE%, are expanded for each mail. Use the following syntax:
Site URL.
URL for recipient to log in to the site.
Number of papers submitted.
Number of papers accepted.
Full name of recipient.
First and last names, if any, of recipient.
Email address of recipient.
Reviewing deadline appropriate for recipient.
Paper number relevant for mail.
Paper title.
First couple words of paper title (useful for mail subject).
Paper authors (if recipient is allowed to see the authors).
Pretty-printed paper reviews.
Pretty-printed paper comments, if any.
Comments tagged #tag, if any.
Include text if a shepherd is assigned.
Shepherd name and email, if any.
Shepherd name, if any.
Shepherd email, if any.
Include text if paper has tag tag.
Value of paper’s tag.
\n"; $Conf->footer();