/** * Class UIWizard * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Combodo SARL * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/AGPL-3.0 */ class UIWizard { protected $m_oPage; protected $m_sClass; protected $m_sTargetState; protected $m_aWizardSteps; public function __construct($oPage, $sClass, $sTargetState = '') { $this->m_oPage = $oPage; $this->m_sClass = $sClass; if (empty($sTargetState)) { $sTargetState = MetaModel::GetDefaultState($sClass); } $this->m_sTargetState = $sTargetState; $this->m_aWizardSteps = $this->ComputeWizardStructure(); } public function GetObjectClass() { return $this->m_sClass; } public function GetTargetState() { return $this->m_sTargetState; } public function GetWizardStructure() { return $this->m_aWizardSteps; } /** * Displays one step of the wizard */ public function DisplayWizardStep($aStep, $iStepIndex, &$iMaxInputId, &$aFieldsMap, $bFinishEnabled = false, $aArgs = array()) { if ($iStepIndex == 1) // one big form that contains everything, to make sure that the uploaded files are posted too { $this->m_oPage->add("
\n"); } /** * Compute the order of the fields & pages in the wizard * @param $oPage iTopWebPage The current page (used to display error messages) * @param $sClass string Name of the class * @param $sStateCode string Code of the target state of the object * @return hash Two dimensional array: each element represents the list of fields for a given page */ protected function ComputeWizardStructure() { $aWizardSteps = array( 'mandatory' => array(), 'optional' => array()); $aFieldsDone = array(); // Store all the fields that are already covered by a previous step of the wizard $aStates = MetaModel::EnumStates($this->m_sClass); $sStateAttCode = MetaModel::GetStateAttributeCode($this->m_sClass); $aMandatoryAttributes = array(); // Some attributes are always mandatory independently of the state machine (if any) foreach(MetaModel::GetAttributesList($this->m_sClass) as $sAttCode) { $oAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($this->m_sClass, $sAttCode); if (!$oAttDef->IsExternalField() && !$oAttDef->IsNullAllowed() && $oAttDef->IsWritable() && ($sAttCode != $sStateAttCode) ) { $aMandatoryAttributes[$sAttCode] = OPT_ATT_MANDATORY; } } // Now check the attributes that are mandatory in the specified state if ( (!empty($this->m_sTargetState)) && (count($aStates[$this->m_sTargetState]['attribute_list']) > 0) ) { // Check all the fields that *must* be included in the wizard for this // particular target state $aFields = array(); foreach($aStates[$this->m_sTargetState]['attribute_list'] as $sAttCode => $iOptions) { if ( (isset($aMandatoryAttributes[$sAttCode])) && ($aMandatoryAttributes[$sAttCode] & (OPT_ATT_MANDATORY | OPT_ATT_MUSTCHANGE | OPT_ATT_MUSTPROMPT)) ) { $aMandatoryAttributes[$sAttCode] |= $iOptions; } else { $aMandatoryAttributes[$sAttCode] = $iOptions; } } } // Check all the fields that *must* be included in the wizard // i.e. all mandatory, must-change or must-prompt fields that are // not also read-only or hidden. // Some fields may be required (null not allowed) from the database // perspective, but hidden or read-only from the user interface perspective $aFields = array(); foreach($aMandatoryAttributes as $sAttCode => $iOptions) { if ( ($iOptions & (OPT_ATT_MANDATORY | OPT_ATT_MUSTCHANGE | OPT_ATT_MUSTPROMPT)) && !($iOptions & (OPT_ATT_READONLY | OPT_ATT_HIDDEN)) ) { $oAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($this->m_sClass, $sAttCode); $aPrerequisites = $oAttDef->GetPrerequisiteAttributes(); $aFields[$sAttCode] = array(); foreach($aPrerequisites as $sCode) { $aFields[$sAttCode][$sCode] = ''; } } } // Now use the dependencies between the fields to order them // Start from the order of the 'details' $aList = MetaModel::FlattenZlist(MetaModel::GetZListItems($this->m_sClass, 'details')); $index = 0; $aOrder = array(); foreach($aFields as $sAttCode => $void) { $aOrder[$sAttCode] = 999; // At the end of the list... } foreach($aList as $sAttCode) { if (array_key_exists($sAttCode, $aFields)) { $aOrder[$sAttCode] = $index; } $index++; } foreach($aFields as $sAttCode => $aDependencies) { // All fields with no remaining dependencies can be entered at this // step of the wizard if (count($aDependencies) > 0) { $iMaxPos = 0; // Remove this field from the dependencies of the other fields foreach($aDependencies as $sDependentAttCode => $void) { // position the current field after the ones it depends on $iMaxPos = max($iMaxPos, 1+$aOrder[$sDependentAttCode]); } } } asort($aOrder); $aCurrentStep = array(); foreach($aOrder as $sAttCode => $rank) { $aCurrentStep[] = $sAttCode; $aFieldsDone[$sAttCode] = ''; } $aWizardSteps['mandatory'][] = $aCurrentStep; // Now computes the steps to fill the optional fields $aFields = array(); // reset foreach(MetaModel::ListAttributeDefs($this->m_sClass) as $sAttCode=>$oAttDef) { $iOptions = (isset($aStates[$this->m_sTargetState]['attribute_list'][$sAttCode])) ? $aStates[$this->m_sTargetState]['attribute_list'][$sAttCode] : 0; if ( ($sStateAttCode != $sAttCode) && (!$oAttDef->IsExternalField()) && (($iOptions & (OPT_ATT_HIDDEN | OPT_ATT_READONLY)) == 0) && (!isset($aFieldsDone[$sAttCode])) ) { // 'State', external fields, read-only and hidden fields // and fields that are already listed in the wizard // are removed from the 'optional' part of the wizard $oAttDef = MetaModel::GetAttributeDef($this->m_sClass, $sAttCode); $aPrerequisites = $oAttDef->GetPrerequisiteAttributes(); $aFields[$sAttCode] = array(); foreach($aPrerequisites as $sCode) { if (!isset($aFieldsDone[$sCode])) { // retain only the dependencies that were not covered // in the 'mandatory' part of the wizard $aFields[$sAttCode][$sCode] = ''; } } } } // Now use the dependencies between the fields to order them while(count($aFields) > 0) { $aCurrentStep = array(); foreach($aFields as $sAttCode => $aDependencies) { // All fields with no remaining dependencies can be entered at this // step of the wizard if (count($aDependencies) == 0) { $aCurrentStep[] = $sAttCode; $aFieldsDone[$sAttCode] = ''; unset($aFields[$sAttCode]); // Remove this field from the dependencies of the other fields foreach($aFields as $sUpdatedCode => $aDummy) { // remove the dependency unset($aFields[$sUpdatedCode][$sAttCode]); } } } if (count($aCurrentStep) == 0) { // This step of the wizard would contain NO field ! $this->m_oPage->add(Dict::S('UI:Error:WizardCircularReferenceInDependencies')); print_r($aFields); break; } $aWizardSteps['optional'][] = $aCurrentStep; } return $aWizardSteps; } } ?>