require_once('tar.php'); interface BackupArchive { /** * @param string $sFile * * @return bool TRUE if the file is present, FALSE otherwise. */ public function hasFile($sFile); /** * @param string $sDirectory * * @return bool TRUE if the directory is present, FALSE otherwise. */ public function hasDir($sDirectory); /** * @param string $sDestinationDir * @param string $sArchiveFile * * @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function extractFileTo($sDestinationDir, $sArchiveFile); /** * Extract a whole directory from the archive. * Usage: $oArchive->extractDirTo('/var/www/html/itop/data', '/production-modules/') * * @param string $sDestinationDir * @param string $sArchiveDir Note: must start and end with a slash !! * * @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function extractDirTo($sDestinationDir, $sArchiveDir); /** * Returns the entry contents using its name * * @param string $name Name of the entry * @param int $length [optional] The length to be read from the entry. If 0, then the entire entry is read. * @param int $flags [optional] The flags to use to open the archive. the following values may be ORed to it. * ZipArchive::FL_UNCHANGED * * @return string the contents of the entry on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function getFromName($name, $length = 0, $flags = null); } if (class_exists('ZipArchive')) // The setup must be able to start even if the "zip" extension is not loaded { /** * Handles adding directories into a Zip archive, and a unified API for archive read * suggested enhancement: refactor the API for writing as well */ class ZipArchiveEx extends ZipArchive implements BackupArchive { public function addDir($sDir, $sZipDir = '') { if (is_dir($sDir)) { if ($dh = opendir($sDir)) { // Add the directory if (!empty($sZipDir)) { $this->addEmptyDir($sZipDir); } // Loop through all the files while (($sFile = readdir($dh)) !== false) { // If it's a folder, run the function again! if (!is_file($sDir.$sFile)) { // Skip parent and root directories if (($sFile !== ".") && ($sFile !== "..")) { $this->addDir($sDir.$sFile."/", $sZipDir.$sFile."/"); } } else { // Add the files $this->addFile($sDir.$sFile, $sZipDir.$sFile); } } } } } /** * @param string $sFile * * @return bool TRUE if the file is present, FALSE otherwise. */ public function hasFile($sFile) { return ($this->locateName($sFile) !== false); } /** * @param string $sDirectory * * @return bool TRUE if the directory is present, FALSE otherwise. */ public function hasDir($sDirectory) { return ($this->locateName($sDirectory) !== false); } /** * @param string $sDestinationDir * @param string $sArchiveFile * * @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function extractFileTo($sDestinationDir, $sArchiveFile) { return $this->extractTo($sDestinationDir, $sArchiveFile); } /** * Extract a whole directory from the archive. * Usage: $oZip->extractDirTo('/var/www/html/itop/data', '/production-modules/') * * @param string $sDestinationDir * @param string $sZipDir Must start and end with a slash !! * * @return boolean */ public function extractDirTo($sDestinationDir, $sZipDir) { $aFiles = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->numFiles; $i++) { $sEntry = $this->getNameIndex($i); //Use strpos() to check if the entry name contains the directory we want to extract if (strpos($sEntry, $sZipDir) === 0) { //Add the entry to our array if it in in our desired directory $aFiles[] = $sEntry; } } // Extract only the selected files if ((count($aFiles) > 0) && ($this->extractTo($sDestinationDir, $aFiles) === true)) { return true; } return false; } } // class ZipArchiveEx class BackupException extends Exception { } class DBBackup { /** * utf8mb4 was added in MySQL 5.5.3 but works with programs like mysqldump only since MySQL 5.5.33 * * @since 2.5 see N°1001 */ const MYSQL_VERSION_WITH_UTF8MB4_IN_PROGRAMS = '5.5.33'; // To be overriden depending on the expected usages protected function LogInfo($sMsg) { } protected function LogError($sMsg) { } /** @var Config */ protected $oConfig; // shortcuts used for log purposes /** @var string */ protected $sDBHost; /** @var int */ protected $iDBPort; /** @var string */ protected $sDBName; /** @var string */ protected $sDBSubName; /** * Connects to the database to backup * * @param Config $oConfig object containing the database configuration.
* If null then uses the default configuration ({@see MetaModel::GetConfig}) * * @since 2.5 uses a Config object instead of passing each attribute (there were far too many with the addition of MySQL TLS parameters !) */ public function __construct($oConfig = null) { if (is_null($oConfig)) { // Defaulting to the current config $oConfig = MetaModel::GetConfig(); } $this->oConfig = $oConfig; // init log variables CMDBSource::InitServerAndPort($oConfig->Get('db_host'), $this->sDBHost, $this->iDBPort); $this->sDBName = $oConfig->get('db_name'); $this->sDBSubName = $oConfig->get('db_subname'); } protected $sMySQLBinDir = ''; /** * Create a normalized backup name, depending on the current date/time and Database * * @param string sMySQLBinDir Name and path, eventually containing itop placeholders + time formatting specs */ public function SetMySQLBinDir($sMySQLBinDir) { $this->sMySQLBinDir = $sMySQLBinDir; } /** * Create a normalized backup name, depending on the current date/time and Database * * @param string sNameSpec Name and path, eventually containing itop placeholders + time formatting specs * * @return string */ public function MakeName($sNameSpec = "__DB__-%Y-%m-%d") { $sFileName = $sNameSpec; $sFileName = str_replace('__HOST__', $this->sDBHost, $sFileName); $sFileName = str_replace('__DB__', $this->sDBName, $sFileName); $sFileName = str_replace('__SUBNAME__', $this->sDBSubName, $sFileName); // Transform %Y, etc. $sFileName = strftime($sFileName); return $sFileName; } /** * @deprecated 2.4.0 Zip files are limited to 4 Gb, use CreateCompressedBackup to create tar.gz files * * @param string $sZipFile * @param string|null $sSourceConfigFile * * @throws \BackupException */ public function CreateZip($sZipFile, $sSourceConfigFile = null) { $aContents = array(); // Note: the file is created by tempnam and might not be writeable by another process (Windows/IIS) // (delete it before spawning a process) $sDataFile = tempnam(SetupUtils::GetTmpDir(), 'itop-'); $this->LogInfo("Data file: '$sDataFile'"); $this->DoBackup($sDataFile); $aContents[] = array( 'source' => $sDataFile, 'dest' => 'itop-dump.sql', ); foreach ($this->GetAdditionalFiles($sSourceConfigFile) as $sArchiveFile => $sSourceFile) { $aContents[] = array( 'source' => $sSourceFile, 'dest' => $sArchiveFile, ); } $this->DoZip($aContents, $sZipFile); // Windows/IIS: the data file has been created by the spawned process... // trying to delete it will issue a warning, itself stopping the setup abruptely @unlink($sDataFile); } /** * @param string $sTargetFile Path and name, without the extension * @param string|null $sSourceConfigFile Configuration file to embed into the backup, if not the current one * * @throws \Exception */ public function CreateCompressedBackup($sTargetFile, $sSourceConfigFile = null) { $this->LogInfo("Creating backup: '$sTargetFile.tar.gz'"); $oArchive = new ArchiveTar($sTargetFile.'.tar.gz'); $sTmpFolder = APPROOT.'data/tmp-backup-'.rand(10000, getrandmax()); $aFiles = $this->PrepareFilesToBackup($sSourceConfigFile, $sTmpFolder); $sFilesList = var_export($aFiles, true); $this->LogInfo("backup: adding to archive files '$sFilesList'"); $oArchive->createModify($aFiles, '', $sTmpFolder); $this->LogInfo("backup: removing tmp folder '$sTmpFolder'"); SetupUtils::rrmdir($sTmpFolder); } /** * Copy files to store into the temporary folder, in addition to the SQL dump * * @param string $sSourceConfigFile * @param string $sTmpFolder * * @return array list of files to archive * @throws \Exception */ protected function PrepareFilesToBackup($sSourceConfigFile, $sTmpFolder) { $aRet = array(); if (is_dir($sTmpFolder)) { SetupUtils::rrmdir($sTmpFolder); } $this->LogInfo("backup: creating tmp dir '$sTmpFolder'"); @mkdir($sTmpFolder, 0777, true); if (is_null($sSourceConfigFile)) { $sSourceConfigFile = MetaModel::GetConfig()->GetLoadedFile(); } if (!empty($sSourceConfigFile)) { $sFile = $sTmpFolder.'/config-itop.php'; $this->LogInfo("backup: adding resource '$sSourceConfigFile'"); copy($sSourceConfigFile, $sFile); $aRet[] = $sFile; } $sDeltaFile = APPROOT.'data/'.utils::GetCurrentEnvironment().'.delta.xml'; if (file_exists($sDeltaFile)) { $sFile = $sTmpFolder.'/delta.xml'; $this->LogInfo("backup: adding resource '$sDeltaFile'"); copy($sDeltaFile, $sFile); $aRet[] = $sFile; } $sExtraDir = APPROOT.'data/'.utils::GetCurrentEnvironment().'-modules/'; if (is_dir($sExtraDir)) { $sModules = utils::GetCurrentEnvironment().'-modules'; $sFile = $sTmpFolder.'/'.$sModules; $this->LogInfo("backup: adding resource '$sExtraDir'"); SetupUtils::copydir($sExtraDir, $sFile); $aRet[] = $sFile; } $sDataFile = $sTmpFolder.'/itop-dump.sql'; $this->DoBackup($sDataFile); $aRet[] = $sDataFile; return $aRet; } protected static function EscapeShellArg($sValue) { // Note: See comment from the 23-Apr-2004 03:30 in the PHP documentation // It suggests to rely on pctnl_* function instead of using escapeshellargs return escapeshellarg($sValue); } /** * Create a backup file * * @param string $sBackupFileName * * @throws \BackupException */ public function DoBackup($sBackupFileName) { $sHost = self::EscapeShellArg($this->sDBHost); $sUser = self::EscapeShellArg($this->oConfig->Get('db_user')); $sPwd = self::EscapeShellArg($this->oConfig->Get('db_pwd')); $sDBName = self::EscapeShellArg($this->sDBName); // Just to check the connection to the DB (better than getting the retcode of mysqldump = 1) $this->DBConnect(); $sTables = ''; if ($this->sDBSubName != '') { // This instance of iTop uses a prefix for the tables, so there may be other tables in the database // Let's explicitely list all the tables and views to dump $aTables = $this->EnumerateTables(); if (count($aTables) == 0) { // No table has been found with the given prefix throw new BackupException("No table has been found with the given prefix"); } $aEscapedTables = array(); foreach ($aTables as $sTable) { $aEscapedTables[] = self::EscapeShellArg($sTable); } $sTables = implode(' ', $aEscapedTables); } $this->LogInfo("Starting backup of $this->sDBHost/$this->sDBName(suffix:'$this->sDBSubName')"); $sMySQLDump = $this->GetMysqldumpCommand(); // Store the results in a temporary file $sTmpFileName = self::EscapeShellArg($sBackupFileName); $sPortOption = self::GetMysqliCliSingleOption('port', $this->iDBPort); $sTlsOptions = self::GetMysqlCliTlsOptions($this->oConfig); $sMysqldumpVersion = self::GetMysqldumpVersion($sMySQLDump); $bIsMysqldumpSupportUtf8mb4 = (version_compare($sMysqldumpVersion, self::MYSQL_VERSION_WITH_UTF8MB4_IN_PROGRAMS) == -1); $sMysqldumpCharset = $bIsMysqldumpSupportUtf8mb4 ? 'utf8' : DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET; // Delete the file created by tempnam() so that the spawned process can write into it (Windows/IIS) @unlink($sBackupFileName); // Note: opt implicitely sets lock-tables... which cancels the benefit of single-transaction! // skip-lock-tables compensates and allows for writes during a backup $sCommand = "$sMySQLDump --opt --skip-lock-tables --default-character-set=".$sMysqldumpCharset." --add-drop-database --single-transaction --host=$sHost $sPortOption --user=$sUser --password=$sPwd $sTlsOptions --result-file=$sTmpFileName $sDBName $sTables 2>&1"; $sCommandDisplay = "$sMySQLDump --opt --skip-lock-tables --default-character-set=".$sMysqldumpCharset." --add-drop-database --single-transaction --host=$sHost $sPortOption --user=xxxxx --password=xxxxx $sTlsOptions --result-file=$sTmpFileName $sDBName $sTables"; // Now run the command for real $this->LogInfo("backup: generate data file with command: $sCommandDisplay"); $aOutput = array(); $iRetCode = 0; exec($sCommand, $aOutput, $iRetCode); foreach ($aOutput as $sLine) { $this->LogInfo("mysqldump said: $sLine"); } if ($iRetCode != 0) { // Cleanup residual output (Happens with Error 2020: Got packet bigger than 'maxallowedpacket' bytes...) if (file_exists($sBackupFileName)) { unlink($sBackupFileName); } $this->LogError("Failed to execute: $sCommandDisplay. The command returned:$iRetCode"); foreach ($aOutput as $sLine) { $this->LogError("mysqldump said: $sLine"); } if (count($aOutput) == 1) { $sMoreInfo = trim($aOutput[0]); } else { $sMoreInfo = "Check the log files '".realpath(APPROOT.'/log/setup.log or error.log')."' for more information."; } throw new BackupException("Failed to execute mysqldump: ".$sMoreInfo); } } /** * Helper to create a ZIP out of several files * * @param array $aFiles * @param string $sZipArchiveFile * * @throws \BackupException */ protected function DoZip($aFiles, $sZipArchiveFile) { foreach ($aFiles as $aFile) { $sFile = $aFile['source']; if (!is_file($sFile) && !is_dir($sFile)) { throw new BackupException("File '$sFile' does not exist or could not be read"); } } // Make sure the target path exists $sZipDir = dirname($sZipArchiveFile); SetupUtils::builddir($sZipDir); $oZip = new ZipArchiveEx(); $res = $oZip->open($sZipArchiveFile, ZipArchive::CREATE | ZipArchive::OVERWRITE); if ($res === true) { foreach ($aFiles as $aFile) { if (is_dir($aFile['source'])) { $oZip->addDir($aFile['source'], $aFile['dest']); } else { $oZip->addFile($aFile['source'], $aFile['dest']); } } if ($oZip->close()) { $this->LogInfo("Archive: $sZipArchiveFile created"); } else { $this->LogError("Failed to save zip archive: $sZipArchiveFile"); throw new BackupException("Failed to save zip archive: $sZipArchiveFile"); } } else { $this->LogError("Failed to create zip archive: $sZipArchiveFile."); throw new BackupException("Failed to create zip archive: $sZipArchiveFile."); } } /** * Helper to download the file directly from the browser * * @param string $sFile */ public function DownloadBackup($sFile) { if (file_exists($sFile)) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: multipart/x-zip'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="'.basename($sFile).'"'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: '.filesize($sFile)); readfile($sFile) ; } else { throw new InvalidParameterException('Invalid file path'); } } /** * Helper to open a Database connection * * @return \mysqli * @throws \BackupException * @uses CMDBSource */ protected function DBConnect() { $oConfig = $this->oConfig; $sServer = $oConfig->Get('db_host'); $sUser = $oConfig->Get('db_user'); $sPwd = $oConfig->Get('db_pwd'); $sSource = $oConfig->Get('db_name'); $sTlsEnabled = $oConfig->Get('db_tls.enabled'); $sTlsCA = $oConfig->Get(''); try { $oMysqli = CMDBSource::GetMysqliInstance($sServer, $sUser, $sPwd, $sSource, $sTlsEnabled, $sTlsCA, false); if ($oMysqli->connect_errno) { $sHost = is_null($this->iDBPort) ? $this->sDBHost : $this->sDBHost.' on port '.$this->iDBPort; throw new BackupException("Cannot connect to the MySQL server '$sHost' (".$oMysqli->connect_errno.") ".$oMysqli->connect_error); } if (!$oMysqli->select_db($this->sDBName)) { throw new BackupException("The database '$this->sDBName' does not seem to exist"); } return $oMysqli; } catch (MySQLException $e) { throw new BackupException($e->getMessage()); } } /** * Helper to enumerate the tables of the database * * @throws \BackupException */ protected function EnumerateTables() { $oMysqli = $this->DBConnect(); if ($this->sDBSubName != '') { $oResult = $oMysqli->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$this->sDBSubName}%'"); } else { $oResult = $oMysqli->query("SHOW TABLES"); } if (!$oResult) { throw new BackupException("Failed to execute the SHOW TABLES query: ".$oMysqli->error); } $aTables = array(); while ($aRow = $oResult->fetch_row()) { $aTables[] = $aRow[0]; } return $aTables; } /** * @param Config $oConfig * * @return string TLS arguments for CLI programs such as mysqldump. Empty string if the config does not use TLS. * * @see * @since 2.5 */ public static function GetMysqlCliTlsOptions($oConfig) { $bDbTlsEnabled = $oConfig->Get('db_tls.enabled'); if (!$bDbTlsEnabled) { return ''; } $sTlsOptions = ''; $sTlsOptions .= ' --ssl'; // ssl-key parameter : not implemented // ssl-cert parameter : not implemented $sTlsOptions .= self::GetMysqliCliSingleOption('ssl-ca', $oConfig->Get('')); // ssl-cipher parameter : not implemented // ssl-capath parameter : not implemented return $sTlsOptions; } /** * @param string $sCliArgName * @param string $sData * * @return string empty if data is empty, else argument in form of ' --cliargname=data' */ private static function GetMysqliCliSingleOption($sCliArgName, $sData) { if (empty($sData)) { return ''; } return ' --'.$sCliArgName.'='.self::EscapeShellArg($sData); } /** * @return string the command to launch mysqldump (without its params) */ private function GetMysqldumpCommand() { $sMySQLBinDir = utils::ReadParam('mysql_bindir', $this->sMySQLBinDir, true); if (empty($sMySQLBinDir)) { $sMysqldumpCommand = 'mysqldump'; } else { $sMysqldumpCommand = '"'.$sMySQLBinDir.'/mysqldump"'; } return $sMysqldumpCommand; } /** * @param string $sMysqldumpCommand * * @return string version of the mysqldump program, as parsed from program return * * @uses mysqldump -V Sample return value : mysqldump Ver 10.13 Distrib 5.7.19, for Win64 (x86_64) * @since 2.5 needed to check compatibility with utf8mb4 (N°1001) * @throws \BackupException */ private static function GetMysqldumpVersion($sMysqldumpCommand) { $sCommand = $sMysqldumpCommand.' -V'; $aOutput = array(); exec($sCommand, $aOutput, $iRetCode); if ($iRetCode != 0) { throw new BackupException("mysqldump could not be executed (retcode=$iRetCode): Please make sure it is installed and located at : $sMysqldumpCommand"); } $sMysqldumpOutput = $aOutput[0]; $aDumpVersionMatchResults = array(); preg_match('/Distrib (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/', $sMysqldumpOutput, $aDumpVersionMatchResults); return $aDumpVersionMatchResults[1]; } } } class TarGzArchive implements BackupArchive { /* * @var ArchiveTar */ protected $oArchive; /* * string[] */ protected $aFiles = null; public function __construct($sFile) { $this->oArchive = new ArchiveTar($sFile); } /** * @param string $sFile * * @return bool TRUE if the file is present, FALSE otherwise. */ public function hasFile($sFile) { // remove leading and tailing / $sFile = trim($sFile, "/ \t\n\r\0\x0B"); if ($this->aFiles === null) { // Initial load $this->buildFileList(); } foreach ($this->aFiles as $aArchFile) { if ($aArchFile['filename'] == $sFile) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param string $sDirectory * * @return bool TRUE if the directory is present, FALSE otherwise. */ public function hasDir($sDirectory) { // remove leading and tailing / $sDirectory = trim($sDirectory, "/ \t\n\r\0\x0B"); if ($this->aFiles === null) { // Initial load $this->buildFileList(); } foreach ($this->aFiles as $aArchFile) { if (($aArchFile['typeflag'] == 5) && ($aArchFile['filename'] == $sDirectory)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @param string $p_path * @param null $aEntries * * @return bool */ public function extractTo($p_path = '', $aEntries = null) { return $this->oArchive->extract($p_path); } /** * @param string $sDestinationDir * @param string $sArchiveFile * * @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function extractFileTo($sDestinationDir, $sArchiveFile) { return $this->oArchive->extractList($sArchiveFile, $sDestinationDir); } /** * Extract a whole directory from the archive. * Usage: $oArchive->extractDirTo('/var/www/html/itop/data', '/production-modules/') * * @param string $sDestinationDir * @param string $sArchiveDir * * @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function extractDirTo($sDestinationDir, $sArchiveDir) { return $this->oArchive->extractList($sArchiveDir, $sDestinationDir); } /** * Returns the entry contents using its name * * @param string $name Name of the entry * @param int $length unused. * @param int $flags unused. * * @return string the contents of the entry on success or FALSE on failure. */ public function getFromName($name, $length = 0, $flags = null) { return $this->oArchive->extractInString($name); } /** */ protected function buildFileList() { $this->aFiles = $this->oArchive->listContent(); } }