createUrl("admin/update", array("update"=>'newKey', 'destinationBuild' => $_REQUEST['destinationBuild'])); // We first build the error message. // View is right place to do this, so it's easy for further integrators to change messages. $buttons = 0; switch ($errorObject->error) { case 'no_server_answer': $title = gT('No server answer!'); $message = gT("We couldn't reach the server or the server didn't provide any answer. Please try again in few minutes."); break; case 'db_error': $title = gT('Database error!'); $message = gT("ComfortUpdate encountered an error while trying to get data from your database."); break; case 'unzip_error': $title = gT('Unzip error!'); $message = gT("ComfortUpdate couldn't unzip the update file (or the updater update file)"); break; case 'zip_update_not_found': $title = gT('Zip file not found!'); $message = gT("ComfortUpdate couldn't find the update file on your local system (or the updater update file)"); break; case 'cant_zip_backup': $title = gT('Zip error!'); $message = gT("ComfortUpdate could not zip the files for your backup"); break; case 'error_while_processing_download': $title = gT('Download error!'); $message = gT("ComfortUpdate could not download the update!"); break; case 'out_of_updates': $title = gT("Your update key has exceeded the maximum number updates!"); $message = gT("Please buy a new one!"); $buttons = 1; break; case 'expired': $title = gT("Your update key has expired!"); $message = gT("Please buy a new one!"); $buttons = 1; break; case 'not_found': $title = gT("Unknown update key!"); $message = gT("Your key is unknown by the update server."); $buttons = 3; break; case 'key_null': $title = gT("Key can't be null!"); $message = ""; $buttons = 3; break; case 'unknown_view': $title = gT("The server tried to call an unknown view!"); $message = gT('Is your ComfortUpdate up to date?').' '.gT('Please contact the LimeSurvey team.'); $buttons = 3; break; case 'unknown_destination_build': $title = gT("Unknown destination build!"); $message = gT("It seems that ComfortUpdate doesn't know the version you're trying to update to. Please restart the process."); $buttons = 0; break; case 'file_locked': $title = gT('Update server busy'); $message = gT('The update server is currently busy. This usually happens when the update files for a new version are being prepared.').'
'.gT('Please be patient and try again in about 5 minutes.'); $buttons = 0; break; case 'server_error_creating_zip_update': $title = gT('Server error!'); $message = gT('An error occured while creating your update package file.').' '.gT('Please contact the LimeSurvey team.'); $buttons = 0; break; case 'server_error_getting_checksums': $title = gT('Server error!'); $message = gT('An error occured while getting checksums.').' '.gT('Please contact the LimeSurvey team.'); $buttons = 0; break; case 'cant_get_changeset': $title = gT('Server error!'); $message = gT('An error occured while getting the changeset.').' '.gT('Please contact the LimeSurvey team.'); $buttons = 0; break; case 'wrong_token': $title = gT('Unknown session'); $message = gT('Your session with the ComfortUpdate server is not valid or expired. Please restart the process.'); $buttons = 0; break; case 'zip_error': $title = gT('Error while creating zip file'); $message = gT("An error occured while creating a backup of your files. Check your local system (permission, available space, etc.)"); break; case 'no_updates_infos': $title = gT("Could not retrieve update info data"); $message = gT("ComfortUpdate could not find the update info data."); break; case 'cant_remove_deleted_files': $title = gT("Could not remove deleted files"); $message = gT("ComfortUpdate couldn't remove one or more files that were deleted with the update."); $message .= $errorObject->message; break; case 'cant_remove_deleted_directory': $title = gT("Could not remove the deleted directories"); $message = gT("ComfortUpdate couldn't remove one or more directories that were deleted with the update."); break; default: $title = $errorObject->error; $message = gT('Unknown error.').' '.gT('Please contact the LimeSurvey team.'); $buttons = 0; break; } ?>

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