pagesToDelete = []; $this->tablesUsed = array_merge( $this->tablesUsed, [ 'page', 'revision', 'redirect', 'archive', 'category', 'ip_changes', 'text', 'slots', 'content', 'slot_roles', 'content_models', 'recentchanges', 'logging', 'page_props', 'pagelinks', 'categorylinks', 'langlinks', 'externallinks', 'imagelinks', 'templatelinks', 'iwlinks' ] ); } protected function tearDown(): void { $user = $this->getTestSysop()->getUser(); foreach ( $this->pagesToDelete as $p ) { try { if ( $p->canExist() && $p->exists() ) { $p->doDeleteArticleReal( "testing done.", $user ); } } catch ( MWException $ex ) { // fail silently } } parent::tearDown(); } /** * @param Title|string $title * @param string|null $model * @return WikiPage */ private function newPage( $title, $model = null ) { if ( is_string( $title ) ) { $ns = $this->getDefaultWikitextNS(); $title = Title::newFromText( $title, $ns ); } $p = new WikiPage( $title ); $this->pagesToDelete[] = $p; return $p; } /** * @param string|Title|WikiPage $page * @param string|Content|Content[] $content * @param int|null $model * @param Authority|null $performer * * @return WikiPage */ protected function createPage( $page, $content, $model = null, Authority $performer = null ) { if ( is_string( $page ) || $page instanceof Title ) { $page = $this->newPage( $page, $model ); } $performer = $performer ?? $this->getTestUser()->getUser(); if ( is_string( $content ) ) { $content = ContentHandler::makeContent( $content, $page->getTitle(), $model ); } if ( !is_array( $content ) ) { $content = [ 'main' => $content ]; } $updater = $page->newPageUpdater( $performer ); foreach ( $content as $role => $cnt ) { $updater->setContent( $role, $cnt ); } $updater->saveRevision( CommentStoreComment::newUnsavedComment( "testing" ) ); if ( !$updater->wasSuccessful() ) { $this->fail( $updater->getStatus()->getWikiText() ); } return $page; } public function testSerialization_fails() { $this->expectException( LogicException::class ); $page = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, __METHOD__ ); serialize( $page ); } public function provideTitlesThatCannotExist() { yield 'Special' => [ NS_SPECIAL, 'Recentchanges' ]; // existing special page yield 'Invalid character' => [ NS_MAIN, '#' ]; // bad character } /** * @dataProvider provideTitlesThatCannotExist */ public function testConstructionWithPageThatCannotExist( $ns, $text ) { $title = Title::makeTitle( $ns, $text ); $this->expectException( InvalidArgumentException::class ); new WikiPage( $title ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::prepareContentForEdit */ public function testPrepareContentForEdit() { $performer = $this->mockUserAuthorityWithPermissions( $this->getTestUser()->getUserIdentity(), [ 'edit' ] ); $sysop = $this->getTestUser( [ 'sysop' ] )->getUserIdentity(); $page = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, __METHOD__, null, $performer ); $title = $page->getTitle(); $content = ContentHandler::makeContent( "[[Lorem ipsum]] dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam " . " nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat.", $title, CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); $content2 = ContentHandler::makeContent( "At vero eos et accusam et justo duo [[dolores]] et ea rebum. " . "Stet clita kasd [[gubergren]], no sea takimata sanctus est. ~~~~", $title, CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); $edit = $page->prepareContentForEdit( $content, null, $performer->getUser(), null, false ); $this->assertInstanceOf( ParserOptions::class, $edit->popts, "pops" ); $this->assertStringContainsString( '', $edit->output->getText(), "output" ); $this->assertStringContainsString( 'consetetur sadipscing elitr', $edit->output->getText(), "output" ); $this->assertTrue( $content->equals( $edit->newContent ), "newContent field" ); $this->assertTrue( $content->equals( $edit->pstContent ), "pstContent field" ); $this->assertSame( $edit->output, $edit->output, "output field" ); $this->assertSame( $edit->popts, $edit->popts, "popts field" ); $this->assertSame( null, $edit->revid, "revid field" ); // Re-using the prepared info if possible $sameEdit = $page->prepareContentForEdit( $content, null, $performer->getUser(), null, false ); $this->assertPreparedEditEquals( $edit, $sameEdit, 'equivalent PreparedEdit' ); $this->assertSame( $edit->pstContent, $sameEdit->pstContent, 're-use output' ); $this->assertSame( $edit->output, $sameEdit->output, 're-use output' ); // Not re-using the same PreparedEdit if not possible $edit2 = $page->prepareContentForEdit( $content2, null, $performer->getUser(), null, false ); $this->assertPreparedEditNotEquals( $edit, $edit2 ); $this->assertStringContainsString( 'At vero eos', $edit2->pstContent->serialize(), "content" ); // Check pre-safe transform $this->assertStringContainsString( '[[gubergren]]', $edit2->pstContent->serialize() ); $this->assertStringNotContainsString( '~~~~', $edit2->pstContent->serialize() ); $edit3 = $page->prepareContentForEdit( $content2, null, $sysop, null, false ); $this->assertPreparedEditNotEquals( $edit2, $edit3 ); // TODO: test with passing revision, then same without revision. } /** * @covers WikiPage::doEditUpdates */ public function testDoEditUpdates() { $user = $this->getTestUser()->getUserIdentity(); // NOTE: if site stats get out of whack and drop below 0, // that causes a DB error during tear-down. So bump the // numbers high enough to not drop below 0. $siteStatsUpdate = SiteStatsUpdate::factory( [ 'edits' => 1000, 'articles' => 1000, 'pages' => 1000 ] ); $siteStatsUpdate->doUpdate(); $page = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, __METHOD__ ); $comment = CommentStoreComment::newUnsavedComment( __METHOD__ ); $contentHandler = ContentHandler::getForModelID( CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); // PST turns [[|foo]] into [[foo]] $content = $contentHandler->unserializeContent( __METHOD__ . ' [[|foo]][[bar]]' ); $revRecord = new MutableRevisionRecord( $page->getTitle() ); $revRecord->setContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, $content ); $revRecord->setUser( $user ); $revRecord->setTimestamp( '20170707040404' ); $revRecord->setPageId( $page->getId() ); $revRecord->setId( 9989 ); $revRecord->setMinorEdit( true ); $revRecord->setComment( $comment ); $page->doEditUpdates( $revRecord, $user ); // TODO: test various options; needs temporary hooks $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $res = $dbr->select( 'pagelinks', '*', [ 'pl_from' => $page->getId() ] ); $n = $res->numRows(); $res->free(); $this->assertSame( 1, $n, 'pagelinks should contain only one link if PST was not applied' ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::doEditContent * @covers WikiPage::doUserEditContent */ public function testDoEditContent() { $this->hideDeprecated( 'WikiPage::doEditContent' ); // We set $wgUser to a User we create to avoid dealing with StubGlobalUser // deprecation, etc. The entire method is deprecated anyway. $user = $this->getTestSysop()->getUser(); // phpcs:ignore MediaWiki.Usage.DeprecatedGlobalVariables.Deprecated$wgUser global $wgUser; $originalUser = $wgUser; $wgUser = $user; // NOTE: Test that Editing also works with a fragment title! $page = $this->newPage( __METHOD__ . '#Fragment' ); $title = $page->getTitle(); $content = ContentHandler::makeContent( "[[Lorem ipsum]] dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam " . " nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat.", $title, CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); $status = $page->doEditContent( $content, "[[testing]] 1", EDIT_NEW ); $this->assertTrue( $status->isOK(), 'OK' ); $this->assertTrue( $status->value['new'], 'new' ); $this->assertNotNull( $status->value['revision-record'], 'revision-record' ); $statusRevRecord = $status->value['revision-record']; $this->assertSame( $statusRevRecord->getId(), $page->getRevisionRecord()->getId() ); $this->assertSame( $statusRevRecord->getSha1(), $page->getRevisionRecord()->getSha1() ); $this->assertTrue( $statusRevRecord->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN )->equals( $content ), 'equals' ); $this->assertSame( $statusRevRecord->getId(), $page->getLatest() ); $this->assertSame( $statusRevRecord->getTimestamp(), $page->getTimestamp() ); $this->assertSame( $statusRevRecord->getTimestamp(), $page->getTouched() ); $content = ContentHandler::makeContent( "At vero eos et accusam et justo duo [[dolores]] et ea rebum. " . "Stet clita kasd [[gubergren]], no sea takimata sanctus est. ~~~~", $title, CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); $status = $page->doEditContent( $content, "testing 2", EDIT_UPDATE ); $this->assertTrue( $status->isOK(), 'OK' ); $this->assertFalse( $status->value['new'], 'new' ); $this->assertNotNull( $status->value['revision-record'], 'revision-record' ); $statusRevRecord = $status->value['revision-record']; $this->assertSame( $statusRevRecord->getId(), $page->getRevisionRecord()->getId() ); $this->assertSame( $statusRevRecord->getSha1(), $page->getRevisionRecord()->getSha1() ); $this->assertFalse( $statusRevRecord->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN )->equals( $content ), 'not equals (PST must substitute signature)' ); $revRecord = $page->getRevisionRecord(); $recentChange = $this->getServiceContainer() ->getRevisionStore() ->getRecentChange( $revRecord ); $this->assertNotNull( $recentChange ); $this->assertSame( $revRecord->getId(), (int)$recentChange->getAttribute( 'rc_this_oldid' ) ); # ------------------------ $page = new WikiPage( $title ); $retrieved = $page->getContent(); $newText = $retrieved->serialize(); $this->assertStringContainsString( '[[gubergren]]', $newText, 'New text must replace old text.' ); $this->assertStringNotContainsString( '[[Lorem ipsum]]', $newText, 'New text must replace old text.' ); $this->assertStringNotContainsString( '~~~~', $newText, 'PST must substitute signature.' ); $this->assertStringContainsString( $user->getName(), $newText, 'Must fall back to $wgUser when no user has been specified.' ); // Reset so that other tests would still fail if interacting with $wgUser $wgUser = $originalUser; } /** * @covers WikiPage::doUserEditContent * @covers WikiPage::prepareContentForEdit */ public function testDoUserEditContent() { $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgPageCreationLog', true ); $page = $this->newPage( __METHOD__ ); $title = $page->getTitle(); $user1 = $this->getTestUser()->getUser(); // Use the confirmed group for user2 to make sure the user is different $user2 = $this->getTestUser( [ 'confirmed' ] )->getUser(); $content = ContentHandler::makeContent( "[[Lorem ipsum]] dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam " . " nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat.", $title, CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); $preparedEditBefore = $page->prepareContentForEdit( $content, null, $user1 ); $status = $page->doUserEditContent( $content, $user1, "[[testing]] 1", EDIT_NEW ); $this->assertTrue( $status->isOK(), 'OK' ); $this->assertTrue( $status->value['new'], 'new' ); $this->assertNotNull( $status->value['revision-record'], 'revision-record' ); $statusRevRecord = $status->value['revision-record']; $this->assertSame( $statusRevRecord->getId(), $page->getRevisionRecord()->getId() ); $this->assertSame( $statusRevRecord->getSha1(), $page->getRevisionRecord()->getSha1() ); $this->assertTrue( $statusRevRecord->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN )->equals( $content ), 'equals' ); $revRecord = $page->getRevisionRecord(); $recentChange = $this->getServiceContainer() ->getRevisionStore() ->getRecentChange( $revRecord ); $preparedEditAfter = $page->prepareContentForEdit( $content, $revRecord, $user1 ); $this->assertNotNull( $recentChange ); $this->assertSame( $revRecord->getId(), (int)$recentChange->getAttribute( 'rc_this_oldid' ) ); // make sure that cached ParserOutput gets re-used throughout $this->assertSame( $preparedEditBefore->output, $preparedEditAfter->output ); $id = $page->getId(); // Test page creation logging $this->assertSelect( 'logging', [ 'log_type', 'log_action' ], [ 'log_page' => $id ], [ [ 'create', 'create' ] ] ); $this->assertTrue( $title->getArticleID() > 0, "Title object should have new page id" ); $this->assertTrue( $id > 0, "WikiPage should have new page id" ); $this->assertTrue( $title->exists(), "Title object should indicate that the page now exists" ); $this->assertTrue( $page->exists(), "WikiPage object should indicate that the page now exists" ); # ------------------------ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $res = $dbr->select( 'pagelinks', '*', [ 'pl_from' => $id ] ); $n = $res->numRows(); $res->free(); $this->assertSame( 1, $n, 'pagelinks should contain one link from the page' ); # ------------------------ $page = new WikiPage( $title ); $retrieved = $page->getContent(); $this->assertTrue( $content->equals( $retrieved ), 'retrieved content doesn\'t equal original' ); # ------------------------ $page = new WikiPage( $title ); // try null edit, with a different user $status = $page->doUserEditContent( $content, $user2, 'This changes nothing', EDIT_UPDATE, false ); $this->assertTrue( $status->isOK(), 'OK' ); $this->assertFalse( $status->value['new'], 'new' ); $this->assertNull( $status->value['revision-record'], 'revision-record' ); $this->assertNotNull( $page->getRevisionRecord() ); $this->assertTrue( $page->getRevisionRecord()->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN )->equals( $content ), 'equals' ); # ------------------------ $content = ContentHandler::makeContent( "At vero eos et accusam et justo duo [[dolores]] et ea rebum. " . "Stet clita kasd [[gubergren]], no sea takimata sanctus est. ~~~~", $title, CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); $status = $page->doUserEditContent( $content, $user1, "testing 2", EDIT_UPDATE ); $this->assertTrue( $status->isOK(), 'OK' ); $this->assertFalse( $status->value['new'], 'new' ); $this->assertNotNull( $status->value['revision-record'], 'revision-record' ); $statusRevRecord = $status->value['revision-record']; $this->assertSame( $statusRevRecord->getId(), $page->getRevisionRecord()->getId() ); $this->assertSame( $statusRevRecord->getSha1(), $page->getRevisionRecord()->getSha1() ); $this->assertFalse( $statusRevRecord->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN )->equals( $content ), 'not equals (PST must substitute signature)' ); $revRecord = $page->getRevisionRecord(); $recentChange = $this->getServiceContainer() ->getRevisionStore() ->getRecentChange( $revRecord ); $this->assertNotNull( $recentChange ); $this->assertSame( $revRecord->getId(), (int)$recentChange->getAttribute( 'rc_this_oldid' ) ); # ------------------------ $page = new WikiPage( $title ); $retrieved = $page->getContent(); $newText = $retrieved->serialize(); $this->assertStringContainsString( '[[gubergren]]', $newText, 'New text must replace old text.' ); $this->assertStringNotContainsString( '~~~~', $newText, 'PST must substitute signature.' ); # ------------------------ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $res = $dbr->select( 'pagelinks', '*', [ 'pl_from' => $id ] ); $n = $res->numRows(); $res->free(); // two in page text and two in signature $this->assertEquals( 4, $n, 'pagelinks should contain four links from the page' ); } public function provideNonPageTitle() { yield 'bad case and char' => [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'lower case and bad # char' ) ]; yield 'empty' => [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, '' ) ]; yield 'special' => [ Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'Dummy' ) ]; yield 'relative' => [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, '', '#section' ) ]; yield 'interwiki' => [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo', '', 'acme' ) ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideNonPageTitle * @covers WikiPage::doUserEditContent */ public function testDoUserEditContent_bad_page( $title ) { $user1 = $this->getTestUser()->getUser(); $content = ContentHandler::makeContent( "Yadda yadda", $title, CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); $this->filterDeprecated( '/WikiPage constructed on a Title that cannot exist as a page/' ); try { $page = $this->newPage( $title ); $page->doUserEditContent( $content, $user1, "[[testing]] 1", EDIT_NEW ); } catch ( Exception $ex ) { // Throwing is an acceptable way to react to an invalid title, // as long as no garbage is written to the database. } $row = $this->db->selectRow( 'page', '*', [ 'page_namespace' => $title->getNamespace(), 'page_title' => $title->getDBkey() ] ); $this->assertFalse( $row ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::doUserEditContent */ public function testDoUserEditContent_twice() { $title = Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ ); $page = WikiPage::factory( $title ); $content = ContentHandler::makeContent( '$1 van $2', $title ); $user = $this->getTestUser()->getUser(); // Make sure we can do the exact same save twice. // This tests checks that internal caches are reset as appropriate. $status1 = $page->doUserEditContent( $content, $user, __METHOD__ ); $status2 = $page->doUserEditContent( $content, $user, __METHOD__ ); $this->assertTrue( $status1->isOK(), 'OK' ); $this->assertTrue( $status2->isOK(), 'OK' ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $status1->value['revision-record'] ), 'OK' ); $this->assertFalse( isset( $status2->value['revision-record'] ), 'OK' ); } /** * Undeletion is covered in PageArchiveTest::testUndeleteRevisions() * TODO: Revision deletion * * @covers WikiPage::doDeleteArticleReal */ public function testDoDeleteArticleReal() { $page = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, "[[original text]] foo", CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); $id = $page->getId(); $user = $this->getTestSysop()->getUser(); $reason = "testing deletion"; $status = $page->doDeleteArticleReal( $reason, $user ); $this->assertFalse( $page->getTitle()->getArticleID() > 0, "Title object should now have page id 0" ); $this->assertFalse( $page->getId() > 0, "WikiPage should now have page id 0" ); $this->assertFalse( $page->exists(), "WikiPage::exists should return false after page was deleted" ); $this->assertNull( $page->getContent(), "WikiPage::getContent should return null after page was deleted" ); $t = Title::newFromText( $page->getTitle()->getPrefixedText() ); $this->assertFalse( $t->exists(), "Title::exists should return false after page was deleted" ); // Run the job queue $this->runJobs(); # ------------------------ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $res = $dbr->select( 'pagelinks', '*', [ 'pl_from' => $id ] ); $n = $res->numRows(); $res->free(); $this->assertSame( 0, $n, 'pagelinks should contain no more links from the page' ); // Test deletion logging $logId = $status->getValue(); $commentQuery = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getCommentStore()->getJoin( 'log_comment' ); $this->assertSelect( [ 'logging' ] + $commentQuery['tables'], /* table */ [ 'log_type', 'log_action', 'log_comment' => $commentQuery['fields']['log_comment_text'], 'log_actor', 'log_namespace', 'log_title', ], [ 'log_id' => $logId ], [ [ 'delete', 'delete', $reason, (string)$user->getActorId(), (string)$page->getTitle()->getNamespace(), $page->getTitle()->getDBkey(), ] ], [], $commentQuery['joins'] ); } /** * TODO: Test more stuff about suppression. * * @covers WikiPage::doDeleteArticleReal */ public function testDoDeleteArticleReal_suppress() { $page = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, "[[original text]] foo", CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); $user = $this->getTestSysop()->getUser(); $status = $page->doDeleteArticleReal( /* reason */ "testing deletion", $user, /* suppress */ true ); // Test suppression logging $logId = $status->getValue(); $commentQuery = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getCommentStore()->getJoin( 'log_comment' ); $this->assertSelect( [ 'logging' ] + $commentQuery['tables'], /* table */ [ 'log_type', 'log_action', 'log_comment' => $commentQuery['fields']['log_comment_text'], 'log_actor', 'log_namespace', 'log_title', ], [ 'log_id' => $logId ], [ [ 'suppress', 'delete', 'testing deletion', (string)$user->getActorId(), (string)$page->getTitle()->getNamespace(), $page->getTitle()->getDBkey(), ] ], [], $commentQuery['joins'] ); $archive = new PageArchive( $page->getTitle(), MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig() ); $archivedRevs = $archive->listRevisions(); if ( !$archivedRevs || $archivedRevs->numRows() !== 1 ) { $this->fail( 'Unexpected number of archived revisions' ); } $archivedRev = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRevisionStore() ->newRevisionFromArchiveRow( $archivedRevs->current() ); $this->assertNull( $archivedRev->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::FOR_PUBLIC ), "Archived content should be null after the page was suppressed for general users" ); $this->assertNull( $archivedRev->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::FOR_THIS_USER, $this->getTestUser()->getUser() ), "Archived content should be null after the page was suppressed for individual users" ); $this->assertNull( $archivedRev->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, RevisionRecord::FOR_THIS_USER, $user ), "Archived content should be null after the page was suppressed even for a sysop" ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::doDeleteUpdates */ public function testDoDeleteUpdates() { $this->hideDeprecated( 'WikiPage::doDeleteUpdates' ); $user = $this->getTestUser()->getUserIdentity(); $page = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, "[[original text]] foo", CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); $id = $page->getId(); $page->loadPageData(); // make sure the current revision is cached. // Similar to MovePage logic wfGetDB( DB_PRIMARY )->delete( 'page', [ 'page_id' => $id ], __METHOD__ ); $page->doDeleteUpdates( $page->getId(), $page->getContent(), $page->getRevisionRecord(), $user ); // Run the job queue $this->runJobs(); # ------------------------ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA ); $res = $dbr->select( 'pagelinks', '*', [ 'pl_from' => $id ] ); $n = $res->numRows(); $res->free(); $this->assertSame( 0, $n, 'pagelinks should contain no more links from the page' ); } /** * @param string $name * * @return ContentHandler */ protected function defineMockContentModelForUpdateTesting( $name ) { /** @var ContentHandler|MockObject $handler */ $handler = $this->getMockBuilder( TextContentHandler::class ) ->setConstructorArgs( [ $name ] ) ->onlyMethods( [ 'getSecondaryDataUpdates', 'getDeletionUpdates', 'unserializeContent' ] ) ->getMock(); $dataUpdate = new MWCallableUpdate( 'time' ); $dataUpdate->_name = "$name data update"; $deletionUpdate = new MWCallableUpdate( 'time' ); $deletionUpdate->_name = "$name deletion update"; $handler->method( 'getSecondaryDataUpdates' )->willReturn( [ $dataUpdate ] ); $handler->method( 'getDeletionUpdates' )->willReturn( [ $deletionUpdate ] ); $handler->method( 'unserializeContent' )->willReturnCallback( function ( $text ) use ( $handler ) { return $this->createMockContent( $handler, $text ); } ); $this->mergeMwGlobalArrayValue( 'wgContentHandlers', [ $name => static function () use ( $handler ){ return $handler; } ] ); return $handler; } /** * @param ContentHandler $handler * @param string $text * * @return Content */ protected function createMockContent( ContentHandler $handler, $text ) { /** @var Content|MockObject $content */ $content = $this->getMockBuilder( TextContent::class ) ->setConstructorArgs( [ $text ] ) ->onlyMethods( [ 'getModel', 'getContentHandler' ] ) ->getMock(); $content->method( 'getModel' )->willReturn( $handler->getModelID() ); $content->method( 'getContentHandler' )->willReturn( $handler ); return $content; } public function testGetDeletionUpdates() { $this->hideDeprecated( 'WikiPage::getDeletionUpdates' ); $m1 = $this->defineMockContentModelForUpdateTesting( 'M1' ); $mainContent1 = $this->createMockContent( $m1, 'main 1' ); $page = new WikiPage( Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ ) ); $page = $this->createPage( $page, [ 'main' => $mainContent1 ] ); $dataUpdates = $page->getDeletionUpdates( $page->getRevisionRecord() ); $this->assertNotEmpty( $dataUpdates ); $updateNames = array_map( static function ( $du ) { return $du->_name ?? get_class( $du ); }, $dataUpdates ); $this->assertContains( LinksDeletionUpdate::class, $updateNames ); $this->assertContains( 'M1 deletion update', $updateNames ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::getContent */ public function testGetContent() { $page = $this->newPage( __METHOD__ ); $content = $page->getContent(); $this->assertNull( $content ); # ----------------- $this->createPage( $page, "some text", CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); $content = $page->getContent(); $this->assertEquals( "some text", $content->getText() ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::exists */ public function testExists() { $page = $this->newPage( __METHOD__ ); $this->assertFalse( $page->exists() ); # ----------------- $this->createPage( $page, "some text", CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); $this->assertTrue( $page->exists() ); $page = new WikiPage( $page->getTitle() ); $this->assertTrue( $page->exists() ); # ----------------- $page->doDeleteArticleReal( "done testing", $this->getTestSysop()->getUser() ); $this->assertFalse( $page->exists() ); $page = new WikiPage( $page->getTitle() ); $this->assertFalse( $page->exists() ); } public function provideHasViewableContent() { return [ [ 'WikiPageTest_testHasViewableContent', false, true ], [ 'MediaWiki:WikiPageTest_testHasViewableContent', false ], [ 'MediaWiki:help', true ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideHasViewableContent * @covers WikiPage::hasViewableContent */ public function testHasViewableContent( $title, $viewable, $create = false ) { $page = $this->newPage( $title ); $this->assertEquals( $viewable, $page->hasViewableContent() ); if ( $create ) { $this->createPage( $page, "some text", CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); $this->assertTrue( $page->hasViewableContent() ); $page = new WikiPage( $page->getTitle() ); $this->assertTrue( $page->hasViewableContent() ); } } public function provideGetRedirectTarget() { return [ [ 'WikiPageTest_testGetRedirectTarget_1', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, "hello world", null ], [ 'WikiPageTest_testGetRedirectTarget_2', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, "#REDIRECT [[hello world]]", "Hello world" ], // The below added to protect against Media namespace // redirects which throw a fatal: (T203942) [ 'WikiPageTest_testGetRedirectTarget_3', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, "#REDIRECT [[Media:hello_world]]", "File:Hello world" ], // Test fragments longer than 255 bytes (T207876) [ 'WikiPageTest_testGetRedirectTarget_4', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, // phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength '#REDIRECT [[Foobar#🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿]]', // phpcs:ignore Generic.Files.LineLength 'Foobar#🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬󠁦󠁲󠁿🏴󠁮󠁬...' ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideGetRedirectTarget * @covers WikiPage::getRedirectTarget */ public function testGetRedirectTarget( $title, $model, $text, $target ) { $this->setMwGlobals( [ 'wgCapitalLinks' => true, ] ); $page = $this->createPage( $title, $text, $model ); # sanity check, because this test seems to fail for no reason for some people. $c = $page->getContent(); $this->assertEquals( WikitextContent::class, get_class( $c ) ); # now, test the actual redirect $t = $page->getRedirectTarget(); $this->assertEquals( $target, $t ? $t->getFullText() : null ); } /** * @dataProvider provideGetRedirectTarget * @covers WikiPage::isRedirect */ public function testIsRedirect( $title, $model, $text, $target ) { $page = $this->createPage( $title, $text, $model ); $this->assertEquals( $target !== null, $page->isRedirect() ); } public function provideIsCountable() { return [ // any [ 'WikiPageTest_testIsCountable', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, '', 'any', true ], [ 'WikiPageTest_testIsCountable', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, 'Foo', 'any', true ], // link [ 'WikiPageTest_testIsCountable', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, 'Foo', 'link', false ], [ 'WikiPageTest_testIsCountable', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, 'Foo [[bar]]', 'link', true ], // redirects [ 'WikiPageTest_testIsCountable', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, '#REDIRECT [[bar]]', 'any', false ], [ 'WikiPageTest_testIsCountable', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, '#REDIRECT [[bar]]', 'link', false ], // not a content namespace [ 'Talk:WikiPageTest_testIsCountable', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, 'Foo', 'any', false ], [ 'Talk:WikiPageTest_testIsCountable', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, 'Foo [[bar]]', 'link', false ], // not a content namespace, different model [ 'MediaWiki:WikiPageTest_testIsCountable.js', null, 'Foo', 'any', false ], [ 'MediaWiki:WikiPageTest_testIsCountable.js', null, 'Foo [[bar]]', 'link', false ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideIsCountable * @covers WikiPage::isCountable */ public function testIsCountable( $title, $model, $text, $mode, $expected ) { $this->hideDeprecated( 'WikiPage::prepareContentForEdit without a UserIdentity' ); $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgArticleCountMethod', $mode ); $title = Title::newFromText( $title ); $page = $this->createPage( $title, $text, $model ); $editInfo = $page->prepareContentForEdit( $page->getContent() ); $v = $page->isCountable(); $w = $page->isCountable( $editInfo ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $v, "isCountable( null ) returned unexpected value " . var_export( $v, true ) . " instead of " . var_export( $expected, true ) . " in mode `$mode` for text \"$text\"" ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $w, "isCountable( \$editInfo ) returned unexpected value " . var_export( $v, true ) . " instead of " . var_export( $expected, true ) . " in mode `$mode` for text \"$text\"" ); } public function provideGetParserOutput() { return [ [ CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, "hello ''world''\n", "

hello world

" ], // @todo more...? ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideGetParserOutput * @covers WikiPage::getParserOutput */ public function testGetParserOutput( $model, $text, $expectedHtml ) { $page = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, $text, $model ); $opt = $page->makeParserOptions( 'canonical' ); $po = $page->getParserOutput( $opt ); $text = $po->getText(); $text = trim( preg_replace( '//sm', '', $text ) ); # strip injected comments $text = preg_replace( '!\s*(

|)!sm', '\1', $text ); # don't let tidy confuse us $this->assertEquals( $expectedHtml, $text ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::getParserOutput */ public function testGetParserOutput_nonexisting() { $page = new WikiPage( Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ ) ); $opt = ParserOptions::newFromAnon(); $po = $page->getParserOutput( $opt ); $this->assertFalse( $po, "getParserOutput() shall return false for non-existing pages." ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::getParserOutput */ public function testGetParserOutput_badrev() { $page = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, 'dummy', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ); $opt = ParserOptions::newFromAnon(); $po = $page->getParserOutput( $opt, $page->getLatest() + 1234 ); // @todo would be neat to also test deleted revision $this->assertFalse( $po, "getParserOutput() shall return false for non-existing revisions." ); } public static $sections = "Intro == stuff == hello world == test == just a test == foo == more stuff "; public function dataReplaceSection() { // NOTE: assume the Help namespace to contain wikitext return [ [ 'Help:WikiPageTest_testReplaceSection', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, self::$sections, "0", "No more", null, trim( preg_replace( '/^Intro/sm', 'No more', self::$sections ) ) ], [ 'Help:WikiPageTest_testReplaceSection', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, self::$sections, "", "No more", null, "No more" ], [ 'Help:WikiPageTest_testReplaceSection', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, self::$sections, "2", "== TEST ==\nmore fun", null, trim( preg_replace( '/^== test ==.*== foo ==/sm', "== TEST ==\nmore fun\n\n== foo ==", self::$sections ) ) ], [ 'Help:WikiPageTest_testReplaceSection', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, self::$sections, "8", "No more", null, trim( self::$sections ) ], [ 'Help:WikiPageTest_testReplaceSection', CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, self::$sections, "new", "No more", "New", trim( self::$sections ) . "\n\n== New ==\n\nNo more" ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider dataReplaceSection * @covers WikiPage::replaceSectionContent */ public function testReplaceSectionContent( $title, $model, $text, $section, $with, $sectionTitle, $expected ) { $page = $this->createPage( $title, $text, $model ); $content = ContentHandler::makeContent( $with, $page->getTitle(), $page->getContentModel() ); /** @var TextContent $c */ $c = $page->replaceSectionContent( $section, $content, $sectionTitle ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $c ? trim( $c->getText() ) : null ); } /** * @dataProvider dataReplaceSection * @covers WikiPage::replaceSectionAtRev */ public function testReplaceSectionAtRev( $title, $model, $text, $section, $with, $sectionTitle, $expected ) { $page = $this->createPage( $title, $text, $model ); $baseRevId = $page->getLatest(); $content = ContentHandler::makeContent( $with, $page->getTitle(), $page->getContentModel() ); /** @var TextContent $c */ $c = $page->replaceSectionAtRev( $section, $content, $sectionTitle, $baseRevId ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $c ? trim( $c->getText() ) : null ); } public function provideGetAutoDeleteReason() { return [ [ [], false, false ], [ [ [ "first edit", null ], ], "/first edit.*only contributor/", false ], [ [ [ "first edit", null ], [ "second edit", null ], ], "/second edit.*only contributor/", true ], [ [ [ "first edit", "" ], [ "second edit", "" ], ], "/second edit/", true ], [ [ [ "first edit: " . "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam " . " nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna " . "aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam " . "et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, " . "no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. " . " this here is some more filler content added to try and " . "reach the maximum automatic summary length so that this is" . " truncated ipot sodit colrad ut ad olve amit basul dat" . "Dorbet romt crobit trop bri. DannyS712 put me here lor pe" . " ode quob zot bozro see also T22281 for background pol sup" . "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'", null ], ], '/first edit:.*\.\.\."/', false ], [ [ [ "first edit", "" ], [ "", "" ], ], "/before blanking.*first edit/", true ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideGetAutoDeleteReason * @covers WikiPage::getAutoDeleteReason */ public function testGetAutoDeleteReason( $edits, $expectedResult, $expectedHistory ) { // NOTE: assume Help namespace to contain wikitext $page = $this->newPage( "Help:WikiPageTest_testGetAutoDeleteReason" ); $c = 1; foreach ( $edits as $edit ) { $user = new User(); if ( !empty( $edit[1] ) ) { $user->setName( $edit[1] ); } else { $user = new User; } $content = ContentHandler::makeContent( $edit[0], $page->getTitle(), $page->getContentModel() ); $page->doUserEditContent( $content, $user, "test edit $c", $c < 2 ? EDIT_NEW : 0 ); $c += 1; } $reason = $page->getAutoDeleteReason( $hasHistory ); if ( is_bool( $expectedResult ) || $expectedResult === null ) { $this->assertEquals( $expectedResult, $reason ); } else { $this->assertTrue( (bool)preg_match( $expectedResult, $reason ), "Autosummary didn't match expected pattern $expectedResult: $reason" ); } $this->assertEquals( $expectedHistory, $hasHistory, "expected \$hasHistory to be " . var_export( $expectedHistory, true ) ); } public function providePreSaveTransform() { return [ [ 'hello this is ~~~', "hello this is [[Special:Contributions/|]]", ], [ 'hello \'\'this\'\' is ~~~', 'hello \'\'this\'\' is ~~~', ], ]; } /** * @covers WikiPage::factory */ public function testWikiPageFactory() { $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_FILE, 'Someimage.png' ); $page = WikiPage::factory( $title ); $this->assertEquals( WikiFilePage::class, get_class( $page ) ); $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_CATEGORY, 'SomeCategory' ); $page = WikiPage::factory( $title ); $this->assertEquals( WikiCategoryPage::class, get_class( $page ) ); $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'SomePage' ); $page = WikiPage::factory( $title ); $this->assertEquals( WikiPage::class, get_class( $page ) ); $this->assertSame( $page, WikiPage::factory( $page ) ); $title = new PageIdentityValue( 0, NS_MAIN, 'SomePage', PageIdentity::LOCAL ); $page = WikiPage::factory( $title ); $this->assertEquals( WikiPage::class, get_class( $page ) ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::loadPageData * @covers WikiPage::wasLoadedFrom */ public function testLoadPageData() { $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'SomePage' ); $page = WikiPage::factory( $title ); $this->assertFalse( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL ) ); $this->assertFalse( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST ) ); $this->assertFalse( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_LOCKING ) ); $this->assertFalse( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_EXCLUSIVE ) ); $page->loadPageData( IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL ); $this->assertTrue( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL ) ); $this->assertFalse( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST ) ); $this->assertFalse( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_LOCKING ) ); $this->assertFalse( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_EXCLUSIVE ) ); $page->loadPageData( IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST ); $this->assertTrue( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL ) ); $this->assertTrue( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST ) ); $this->assertFalse( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_LOCKING ) ); $this->assertFalse( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_EXCLUSIVE ) ); $page->loadPageData( IDBAccessObject::READ_LOCKING ); $this->assertTrue( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL ) ); $this->assertTrue( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST ) ); $this->assertTrue( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_LOCKING ) ); $this->assertFalse( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_EXCLUSIVE ) ); $page->loadPageData( IDBAccessObject::READ_EXCLUSIVE ); $this->assertTrue( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_NORMAL ) ); $this->assertTrue( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST ) ); $this->assertTrue( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_LOCKING ) ); $this->assertTrue( $page->wasLoadedFrom( IDBAccessObject::READ_EXCLUSIVE ) ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::updateCategoryCounts */ public function testUpdateCategoryCounts() { $page = new WikiPage( Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ ) ); // Add an initial category $page->updateCategoryCounts( [ 'A' ], [], 0 ); $this->assertSame( '1', Category::newFromName( 'A' )->getPageCount() ); $this->assertSame( 0, Category::newFromName( 'B' )->getPageCount() ); $this->assertSame( 0, Category::newFromName( 'C' )->getPageCount() ); // Add a new category $page->updateCategoryCounts( [ 'B' ], [], 0 ); $this->assertSame( '1', Category::newFromName( 'A' )->getPageCount() ); $this->assertSame( '1', Category::newFromName( 'B' )->getPageCount() ); $this->assertSame( 0, Category::newFromName( 'C' )->getPageCount() ); // Add and remove a category $page->updateCategoryCounts( [ 'C' ], [ 'A' ], 0 ); $this->assertSame( 0, Category::newFromName( 'A' )->getPageCount() ); $this->assertSame( '1', Category::newFromName( 'B' )->getPageCount() ); $this->assertSame( '1', Category::newFromName( 'C' )->getPageCount() ); } public function provideUpdateRedirectOn() { yield [ '#REDIRECT [[Foo]]', true, null, true, true, 0 ]; yield [ '#REDIRECT [[Foo]]', true, 'Foo', true, true, 1 ]; yield [ 'SomeText', false, null, false, true, 0 ]; yield [ 'SomeText', false, 'Foo', false, true, 1 ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideUpdateRedirectOn * @covers WikiPage::updateRedirectOn * * @param string $initialText * @param bool $initialRedirectState * @param string|null $redirectTitle * @param bool|null $lastRevIsRedirect * @param bool $expectedSuccess * @param int $expectedRowCount */ public function testUpdateRedirectOn( $initialText, $initialRedirectState, $redirectTitle, $lastRevIsRedirect, $expectedSuccess, $expectedRowCount ) { // FIXME: fails under sqlite and postgres $this->markTestSkippedIfDbType( 'sqlite' ); $this->markTestSkippedIfDbType( 'postgres' ); static $pageCounter = 0; $pageCounter++; $page = $this->createPage( Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ . $pageCounter ), $initialText ); $this->assertSame( $initialRedirectState, $page->isRedirect() ); $redirectTitle = is_string( $redirectTitle ) ? Title::newFromText( $redirectTitle ) : $redirectTitle; $success = $page->updateRedirectOn( $this->db, $redirectTitle, $lastRevIsRedirect ); $this->assertSame( $expectedSuccess, $success, 'Success assertion' ); /** * updateRedirectOn explicitly updates the redirect table (and not the page table). * Most of core checks the page table for redirect status, so we have to be ugly and * assert a select from the table here. */ $this->assertRedirectTableCountForPageId( $page->getId(), $expectedRowCount ); } private function assertRedirectTableCountForPageId( $pageId, $expected ) { $this->assertSelect( 'redirect', 'COUNT(*)', [ 'rd_from' => $pageId ], [ [ strval( $expected ) ] ] ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::insertRedirectEntry */ public function testInsertRedirectEntry_insertsRedirectEntry() { $page = $this->createPage( Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ ), 'A' ); $this->assertRedirectTableCountForPageId( $page->getId(), 0 ); $targetTitle = Title::newFromText( 'SomeTarget#Frag' ); $targetTitle->mInterwiki = 'eninter'; $page->insertRedirectEntry( $targetTitle, null ); $this->assertSelect( 'redirect', [ 'rd_from', 'rd_namespace', 'rd_title', 'rd_fragment', 'rd_interwiki' ], [ 'rd_from' => $page->getId() ], [ [ strval( $page->getId() ), strval( $targetTitle->getNamespace() ), strval( $targetTitle->getDBkey() ), strval( $targetTitle->getFragment() ), strval( $targetTitle->getInterwiki() ), ] ] ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::insertRedirectEntry */ public function testInsertRedirectEntry_insertsRedirectEntryWithPageLatest() { $page = $this->createPage( Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ ), 'A' ); $this->assertRedirectTableCountForPageId( $page->getId(), 0 ); $targetTitle = Title::newFromText( 'SomeTarget#Frag' ); $targetTitle->mInterwiki = 'eninter'; $page->insertRedirectEntry( $targetTitle, $page->getLatest() ); $this->assertSelect( 'redirect', [ 'rd_from', 'rd_namespace', 'rd_title', 'rd_fragment', 'rd_interwiki' ], [ 'rd_from' => $page->getId() ], [ [ strval( $page->getId() ), strval( $targetTitle->getNamespace() ), strval( $targetTitle->getDBkey() ), strval( $targetTitle->getFragment() ), strval( $targetTitle->getInterwiki() ), ] ] ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::insertRedirectEntry */ public function testInsertRedirectEntry_doesNotInsertIfPageLatestIncorrect() { $page = $this->createPage( Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ ), 'A' ); $this->assertRedirectTableCountForPageId( $page->getId(), 0 ); $targetTitle = Title::newFromText( 'SomeTarget#Frag' ); $targetTitle->mInterwiki = 'eninter'; $page->insertRedirectEntry( $targetTitle, 215251 ); $this->assertRedirectTableCountForPageId( $page->getId(), 0 ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::insertRedirectEntry */ public function testInsertRedirectEntry_T278367() { $page = $this->createPage( Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ ), 'A' ); $this->assertRedirectTableCountForPageId( $page->getId(), 0 ); $targetTitle = Title::newFromText( '#Frag' ); $ok = $page->insertRedirectEntry( $targetTitle ); $this->assertFalse( $ok ); $this->assertRedirectTableCountForPageId( $page->getId(), 0 ); } private function getRow( array $overrides = [] ) { $row = [ 'page_id' => '44', 'page_len' => '76', 'page_is_redirect' => '1', 'page_is_new' => '1', 'page_latest' => '99', 'page_namespace' => '3', 'page_title' => 'JaJaTitle', 'page_restrictions' => 'edit=autoconfirmed,sysop:move=sysop', 'page_touched' => '20120101020202', 'page_links_updated' => '20140101020202', 'page_lang' => 'it', 'page_content_model' => CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, ]; foreach ( $overrides as $key => $value ) { $row[$key] = $value; } return (object)$row; } public function provideNewFromRowSuccess() { yield 'basic row' => [ $this->getRow(), static function ( WikiPage $wikiPage, self $test ) { $test->assertSame( 44, $wikiPage->getId() ); $test->assertSame( 76, $wikiPage->getTitle()->getLength() ); $test->assertTrue( $wikiPage->getPageIsRedirectField() ); $test->assertSame( 99, $wikiPage->getLatest() ); $test->assertSame( true, $wikiPage->isNew() ); $test->assertSame( 'it', $wikiPage->getLanguage() ); $test->assertSame( 3, $wikiPage->getTitle()->getNamespace() ); $test->assertSame( 'JaJaTitle', $wikiPage->getTitle()->getDBkey() ); $test->assertSame( [ 'edit' => [ 'autoconfirmed', 'sysop' ], 'move' => [ 'sysop' ], ], $wikiPage->getTitle()->getAllRestrictions() ); $test->assertSame( '20120101020202', $wikiPage->getTouched() ); $test->assertSame( '20140101020202', $wikiPage->getLinksTimestamp() ); } ]; yield 'different timestamp formats' => [ $this->getRow( [ 'page_touched' => '2012-01-01 02:02:02', 'page_links_updated' => '2014-01-01 02:02:02', ] ), static function ( WikiPage $wikiPage, self $test ) { $test->assertSame( '20120101020202', $wikiPage->getTouched() ); $test->assertSame( '20140101020202', $wikiPage->getLinksTimestamp() ); } ]; yield 'no restrictions' => [ $this->getRow( [ 'page_restrictions' => '', ] ), static function ( WikiPage $wikiPage, self $test ) { $test->assertSame( [ 'edit' => [], 'move' => [], ], $wikiPage->getTitle()->getAllRestrictions() ); } ]; yield 'no language' => [ $this->getRow( [ 'page_lang' => null, ] ), static function ( WikiPage $wikiPage, self $test ) { $test->assertNull( $wikiPage->getLanguage() ); } ]; yield 'not redirect' => [ $this->getRow( [ 'page_is_redirect' => '0', ] ), static function ( WikiPage $wikiPage, self $test ) { $test->assertFalse( $wikiPage->isRedirect() ); } ]; yield 'not new' => [ $this->getRow( [ 'page_is_new' => '0', ] ), static function ( WikiPage $wikiPage, self $test ) { $test->assertFalse( $wikiPage->isNew() ); } ]; } /** * @covers WikiPage::newFromRow * @covers WikiPage::loadFromRow * @dataProvider provideNewFromRowSuccess * * @param stdClass $row * @param callable $assertions */ public function testNewFromRow( $row, $assertions ) { $page = WikiPage::newFromRow( $row, 'fromdb' ); $assertions( $page, $this ); } public function provideTestNewFromId_returnsNullOnBadPageId() { yield [ 0 ]; yield [ -11 ]; } /** * @covers WikiPage::newFromID * @dataProvider provideTestNewFromId_returnsNullOnBadPageId */ public function testNewFromId_returnsNullOnBadPageId( $pageId ) { $this->assertNull( WikiPage::newFromID( $pageId ) ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::newFromID */ public function testNewFromId_appearsToFetchCorrectRow() { $createdPage = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, 'Xsfaij09' ); $fetchedPage = WikiPage::newFromID( $createdPage->getId() ); $this->assertSame( $createdPage->getId(), $fetchedPage->getId() ); $this->assertEquals( $createdPage->getContent()->getText(), $fetchedPage->getContent()->getText() ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::newFromID */ public function testNewFromId_returnsNullOnNonExistingId() { $this->assertNull( WikiPage::newFromID( 2147483647 ) ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::updateRevisionOn */ public function testUpdateRevisionOn_existingPage() { $user = $this->getTestSysop()->getUser(); $page = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, 'StartText' ); $revisionRecord = new MutableRevisionRecord( $page ); $revisionRecord->setContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, new WikitextContent( __METHOD__ . '-text' ) ); $revisionRecord->setUser( $user ); $revisionRecord->setTimestamp( '20170707040404' ); $revisionRecord->setPageId( $page->getId() ); $revisionRecord->setId( 9989 ); $revisionRecord->setSize( strlen( __METHOD__ . '-text' ) ); $revisionRecord->setMinorEdit( true ); $revisionRecord->setComment( CommentStoreComment::newUnsavedComment( __METHOD__ ) ); $result = $page->updateRevisionOn( $this->db, $revisionRecord ); $this->assertTrue( $result ); $this->assertSame( 9989, $page->getLatest() ); $this->assertEquals( $revisionRecord, $page->getRevisionRecord() ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::updateRevisionOn */ public function testUpdateRevisionOn_NonExistingPage() { $user = $this->getTestSysop()->getUser(); $page = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, 'StartText' ); $page->doDeleteArticleReal( 'reason', $user ); $revisionRecord = new MutableRevisionRecord( $page ); $revisionRecord->setContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, new WikitextContent( __METHOD__ . '-text' ) ); $revisionRecord->setUser( $user ); $revisionRecord->setTimestamp( '20170707040404' ); $revisionRecord->setPageId( $page->getId() ); $revisionRecord->setId( 9989 ); $revisionRecord->setSize( strlen( __METHOD__ . '-text' ) ); $revisionRecord->setMinorEdit( true ); $revisionRecord->setComment( CommentStoreComment::newUnsavedComment( __METHOD__ ) ); $result = $page->updateRevisionOn( $this->db, $revisionRecord ); $this->assertFalse( $result ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::insertOn */ public function testInsertOn() { $title = Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ ); $page = new WikiPage( $title ); $startTimeStamp = wfTimestampNow(); $result = $page->insertOn( $this->db ); $endTimeStamp = wfTimestampNow(); $this->assertIsInt( $result ); $this->assertTrue( $result > 0 ); $condition = [ 'page_id' => $result ]; // Check the default fields have been filled $this->assertSelect( 'page', [ 'page_namespace', 'page_title', 'page_restrictions', 'page_is_redirect', 'page_is_new', 'page_latest', 'page_len', ], $condition, [ [ '0', __METHOD__, '', '0', '1', '0', '0', ] ] ); // Check the page_random field has been filled $pageRandom = $this->db->selectField( 'page', 'page_random', $condition ); $this->assertTrue( (float)$pageRandom < 1 && (float)$pageRandom > 0 ); // Assert the touched timestamp in the DB is roughly when we inserted the page $pageTouched = $this->db->selectField( 'page', 'page_touched', $condition ); $this->assertTrue( wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $startTimeStamp ) <= wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $pageTouched ) ); $this->assertTrue( wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $endTimeStamp ) >= wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $pageTouched ) ); // Try inserting the same page again and checking the result is false (no change) $result = $page->insertOn( $this->db ); $this->assertFalse( $result ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::insertOn */ public function testInsertOn_idSpecified() { $title = Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ ); $page = new WikiPage( $title ); $id = 1478952189; $result = $page->insertOn( $this->db, $id ); $this->assertSame( $id, $result ); $condition = [ 'page_id' => $result ]; // Check there is actually a row in the db $this->assertSelect( 'page', [ 'page_title' ], $condition, [ [ __METHOD__ ] ] ); } public function provideTestDoUpdateRestrictions_setBasicRestrictions() { // Note: Once the current dates passes the date in these tests they will fail. yield 'move something' => [ true, [ 'move' => 'something' ], [], [ 'edit' => [], 'move' => [ 'something' ] ], [], ]; yield 'move something, edit blank' => [ true, [ 'move' => 'something', 'edit' => '' ], [], [ 'edit' => [], 'move' => [ 'something' ] ], [], ]; yield 'edit sysop, with expiry' => [ true, [ 'edit' => 'sysop' ], [ 'edit' => '21330101020202' ], [ 'edit' => [ 'sysop' ], 'move' => [] ], [ 'edit' => '21330101020202' ], ]; yield 'move and edit, move with expiry' => [ true, [ 'move' => 'something', 'edit' => 'another' ], [ 'move' => '22220202010101' ], [ 'edit' => [ 'another' ], 'move' => [ 'something' ] ], [ 'move' => '22220202010101' ], ]; yield 'move and edit, edit with infinity expiry' => [ true, [ 'move' => 'something', 'edit' => 'another' ], [ 'edit' => 'infinity' ], [ 'edit' => [ 'another' ], 'move' => [ 'something' ] ], [ 'edit' => 'infinity' ], ]; yield 'non existing, create something' => [ false, [ 'create' => 'something' ], [], [ 'create' => [ 'something' ] ], [], ]; yield 'non existing, create something with expiry' => [ false, [ 'create' => 'something' ], [ 'create' => '23451212112233' ], [ 'create' => [ 'something' ] ], [ 'create' => '23451212112233' ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideTestDoUpdateRestrictions_setBasicRestrictions * @covers WikiPage::doUpdateRestrictions */ public function testDoUpdateRestrictions_setBasicRestrictions( $pageExists, array $limit, array $expiry, array $expectedRestrictions, array $expectedRestrictionExpiries ) { if ( $pageExists ) { $page = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, 'ABC' ); } else { $page = new WikiPage( Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ . '-nonexist' ) ); } $user = $this->getTestSysop()->getUser(); $userIdentity = $this->getTestSysop()->getUserIdentity(); $cascade = false; $status = $page->doUpdateRestrictions( $limit, $expiry, $cascade, 'aReason', $userIdentity, [] ); $logId = $status->getValue(); $allRestrictions = $page->getTitle()->getAllRestrictions(); $this->assertTrue( $status->isGood() ); $this->assertIsInt( $logId ); $this->assertSame( $expectedRestrictions, $allRestrictions ); foreach ( $expectedRestrictionExpiries as $key => $value ) { $this->assertSame( $value, $page->getTitle()->getRestrictionExpiry( $key ) ); } // Make sure the log entry looks good // log_params is not checked here $commentQuery = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getCommentStore()->getJoin( 'log_comment' ); $this->assertSelect( [ 'logging' ] + $commentQuery['tables'], [ 'log_comment' => $commentQuery['fields']['log_comment_text'], 'log_actor', 'log_namespace', 'log_title', ], [ 'log_id' => $logId ], [ [ 'aReason', (string)$user->getActorId(), (string)$page->getTitle()->getNamespace(), $page->getTitle()->getDBkey(), ] ], [], $commentQuery['joins'] ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::doUpdateRestrictions */ public function testDoUpdateRestrictions_failsOnReadOnly() { $page = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, 'ABC' ); $user = $this->getTestSysop()->getUser(); $cascade = false; // Set read only $readOnly = $this->getDummyReadOnlyMode( true ); $this->setService( 'ReadOnlyMode', $readOnly ); $status = $page->doUpdateRestrictions( [], [], $cascade, 'aReason', $user, [] ); $this->assertFalse( $status->isOK() ); $this->assertSame( 'readonlytext', $status->getMessage()->getKey() ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::doUpdateRestrictions */ public function testDoUpdateRestrictions_returnsGoodIfNothingChanged() { $page = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, 'ABC' ); $user = $this->getTestSysop()->getUser(); $cascade = false; $limit = [ 'edit' => 'sysop' ]; $status = $page->doUpdateRestrictions( $limit, [], $cascade, 'aReason', $user, [] ); // The first entry should have a logId as it did something $this->assertTrue( $status->isGood() ); $this->assertIsInt( $status->getValue() ); $status = $page->doUpdateRestrictions( $limit, [], $cascade, 'aReason', $user, [] ); // The second entry should not have a logId as nothing changed $this->assertTrue( $status->isGood() ); $this->assertNull( $status->getValue() ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::doUpdateRestrictions */ public function testDoUpdateRestrictions_logEntryTypeAndAction() { $page = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, 'ABC' ); $user = $this->getTestSysop()->getUser(); $cascade = false; // Protect the page $status = $page->doUpdateRestrictions( [ 'edit' => 'sysop' ], [], $cascade, 'aReason', $user, [] ); $this->assertTrue( $status->isGood() ); $this->assertIsInt( $status->getValue() ); $this->assertSelect( 'logging', [ 'log_type', 'log_action' ], [ 'log_id' => $status->getValue() ], [ [ 'protect', 'protect' ] ] ); // Modify the protection $status = $page->doUpdateRestrictions( [ 'edit' => 'somethingElse' ], [], $cascade, 'aReason', $user, [] ); $this->assertTrue( $status->isGood() ); $this->assertIsInt( $status->getValue() ); $this->assertSelect( 'logging', [ 'log_type', 'log_action' ], [ 'log_id' => $status->getValue() ], [ [ 'protect', 'modify' ] ] ); // Remove the protection $status = $page->doUpdateRestrictions( [], [], $cascade, 'aReason', $user, [] ); $this->assertTrue( $status->isGood() ); $this->assertIsInt( $status->getValue() ); $this->assertSelect( 'logging', [ 'log_type', 'log_action' ], [ 'log_id' => $status->getValue() ], [ [ 'protect', 'unprotect' ] ] ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::newPageUpdater * @covers WikiPage::getDerivedDataUpdater */ public function testNewPageUpdater() { $user = $this->getTestUser()->getUser(); $page = $this->newPage( __METHOD__, __METHOD__ ); /** @var Content $content */ $content = $this->getMockBuilder( WikitextContent::class ) ->setConstructorArgs( [ 'Hello World' ] ) ->onlyMethods( [ 'getParserOutput' ] ) ->getMock(); $content->expects( $this->once() ) ->method( 'getParserOutput' ) ->willReturn( new ParserOutput( 'HTML' ) ); $preparedEditBefore = $page->prepareContentForEdit( $content, null, $user ); // provide context, so the cache can be kept in place $slotsUpdate = new revisionSlotsUpdate(); $slotsUpdate->modifyContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, $content ); $updater = $page->newPageUpdater( $user, $slotsUpdate ); $updater->setContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, $content ); $revision = $updater->saveRevision( CommentStoreComment::newUnsavedComment( 'test' ), EDIT_NEW ); $preparedEditAfter = $page->prepareContentForEdit( $content, $revision, $user ); $this->assertSame( $revision->getId(), $page->getLatest() ); // Parsed output must remain cached throughout. $this->assertSame( $preparedEditBefore->output, $preparedEditAfter->output ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::newPageUpdater * @covers WikiPage::getDerivedDataUpdater */ public function testGetDerivedDataUpdater() { $admin = $this->getTestSysop()->getUser(); /** @var object $page */ $page = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, __METHOD__ ); $page = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $page ); $revision = $page->getRevisionRecord(); $user = $revision->getUser(); $slotsUpdate = new RevisionSlotsUpdate(); $slotsUpdate->modifyContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, new WikitextContent( 'Hello World' ) ); // get a virgin updater $updater1 = $page->getDerivedDataUpdater( $user ); $this->assertFalse( $updater1->isUpdatePrepared() ); $updater1->prepareUpdate( $revision ); // Re-use updater with same revision or content, even if base changed $this->assertSame( $updater1, $page->getDerivedDataUpdater( $user, $revision ) ); $slotsUpdate = RevisionSlotsUpdate::newFromContent( [ SlotRecord::MAIN => $revision->getContent( SlotRecord::MAIN ) ] ); $this->assertSame( $updater1, $page->getDerivedDataUpdater( $user, null, $slotsUpdate ) ); // Don't re-use for edit if base revision ID changed $this->assertNotSame( $updater1, $page->getDerivedDataUpdater( $user, null, $slotsUpdate, true ) ); // Don't re-use with different user $updater2a = $page->getDerivedDataUpdater( $admin, null, $slotsUpdate ); $updater2a->prepareContent( $admin, $slotsUpdate, false ); $updater2b = $page->getDerivedDataUpdater( $user, null, $slotsUpdate ); $updater2b->prepareContent( $user, $slotsUpdate, false ); $this->assertNotSame( $updater2a, $updater2b ); // Don't re-use with different content $updater3 = $page->getDerivedDataUpdater( $admin, null, $slotsUpdate ); $updater3->prepareUpdate( $revision ); $this->assertNotSame( $updater2b, $updater3 ); // Don't re-use if no context given $updater4 = $page->getDerivedDataUpdater( $admin ); $updater4->prepareUpdate( $revision ); $this->assertNotSame( $updater3, $updater4 ); // Don't re-use if AGAIN no context given $updater5 = $page->getDerivedDataUpdater( $admin ); $this->assertNotSame( $updater4, $updater5 ); // Don't re-use cached "virgin" unprepared updater $updater6 = $page->getDerivedDataUpdater( $admin, $revision ); $this->assertNotSame( $updater5, $updater6 ); } protected function assertPreparedEditEquals( PreparedEdit $edit, PreparedEdit $edit2, $message = '' ) { // suppress differences caused by a clock tick between generating the two PreparedEdits if ( abs( $edit->timestamp - $edit2->timestamp ) < 3 ) { $edit2 = clone $edit2; $edit2->timestamp = $edit->timestamp; } $this->assertEquals( $edit, $edit2, $message ); } protected function assertPreparedEditNotEquals( PreparedEdit $edit, PreparedEdit $edit2, $message = '' ) { if ( abs( $edit->timestamp - $edit2->timestamp ) < 3 ) { $edit2 = clone $edit2; $edit2->timestamp = $edit->timestamp; } $this->assertNotEquals( $edit, $edit2, $message ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::factory * * @throws MWException */ public function testWikiPageFactoryHookValid() { $isCalled = false; $expectedWikiPage = $this->createMock( WikiPage::class ); $this->setTemporaryHook( 'WikiPageFactory', static function ( $title, &$page ) use ( &$isCalled, $expectedWikiPage ) { $page = $expectedWikiPage; $isCalled = true; return false; } ); $title = Title::makeTitle( NS_CATEGORY, 'SomeCategory' ); $wikiPage = WikiPage::factory( $title ); $this->assertTrue( $isCalled ); $this->assertSame( $expectedWikiPage, $wikiPage ); } /** * This is just to confirm that WikiPage::updateRevisionOn() updates the * Title and LinkCache with the correct redirect value. Failing to do so * causes subtle test failures in extensions, such as Cognate (T283654) * and Echo (no task, but see code review of I12542fc899). * * @covers WikiPage */ public function testUpdateSetsTitleRedirectCache() { // Get a title object without using the title cache $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_MAIN, 'A new redirect' ); $this->assertFalse( $title->isRedirect() ); $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_PRIMARY ); $store = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getRevisionStore(); $page = $this->newPage( $title ); $page->insertOn( $dbw ); $revision = new MutableRevisionRecord( $page ); $revision->setContent( SlotRecord::MAIN, new WikitextContent( '#REDIRECT [[Target]]' ) ); $revision->setTimestamp( wfTimestampNow() ); $revision->setComment( CommentStoreComment::newUnsavedComment( '' ) ); $revision->setUser( $this->getTestUser()->getUser() ); $revision = $store->insertRevisionOn( $revision, $dbw ); $page->updateRevisionOn( $dbw, $revision ); // check the title cache $this->assertTrue( $title->isRedirect() ); // check the link cache with a fresh title $title = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_MAIN, 'A new redirect' ); $this->assertTrue( $title->isRedirect() ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::getTitle * @covers WikiPage::getId * @covers WikiPage::getNamespace * @covers WikiPage::getDBkey * @covers WikiPage::getWikiId * @covers WikiPage::canExist */ public function testGetTitle() { $page = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, 'whatever' ); $title = $page->getTitle(); $this->assertSame( __METHOD__, $title->getText() ); $this->assertSame( $page->getId(), $title->getId() ); $this->assertSame( $page->getNamespace(), $title->getNamespace() ); $this->assertSame( $page->getDBkey(), $title->getDBkey() ); $this->assertSame( $page->getWikiId(), $title->getWikiId() ); $this->assertSame( $page->canExist(), $title->canExist() ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::toPageRecord * @covers WikiPage::getLatest * @covers WikiPage::getTouched * @covers WikiPage::isNew * @covers WikiPage::isRedirect */ public function testToPageRecord() { $page = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, 'whatever' ); $record = $page->toPageRecord(); $this->assertSame( $page->getId(), $record->getId() ); $this->assertSame( $page->getNamespace(), $record->getNamespace() ); $this->assertSame( $page->getDBkey(), $record->getDBkey() ); $this->assertSame( $page->getWikiId(), $record->getWikiId() ); $this->assertSame( $page->canExist(), $record->canExist() ); $this->assertSame( $page->getLatest(), $record->getLatest() ); $this->assertSame( $page->getTouched(), $record->getTouched() ); $this->assertSame( $page->isNew(), $record->isNew() ); $this->assertSame( $page->isRedirect(), $record->isRedirect() ); } /** * @covers WikiPage::setLastEdit * @covers WikiPage::getTouched */ public function testGetTouched() { $page = $this->createPage( __METHOD__, 'whatever' ); $touched = $this->db->selectField( 'page', 'page_touched', [ 'page_id' => $page->getId() ] ); $touched = MWTimestamp::convert( TS_MW, $touched ); // Internal cache of the touched time was set after the page was created $this->assertSame( $touched, $page->getTouched() ); $touched = MWTimestamp::convert( TS_MW, MWTimestamp::convert( TS_UNIX, $touched ) + 100 ); $page->getTitle()->invalidateCache( $touched ); // Re-load touched time $page = $this->newPage( $page->getTitle() ); $this->assertSame( $touched, $page->getTouched() ); // Cause the latest revision to be loaded $page->getRevisionRecord(); // Make sure the internal cache of the touched time was not overwritten $this->assertSame( $touched, $page->getTouched() ); } }