. /** * External API. * * @package core_competency * @copyright 2016 Frédéric Massart - FMCorz.net * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_competency; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once("$CFG->libdir/externallib.php"); require_once("$CFG->libdir/grade/grade_scale.php"); use context; use context_system; use context_course; use context_module; use context_helper; use context_user; use coding_exception; use external_api; use external_function_parameters; use external_value; use external_format_value; use external_single_structure; use external_multiple_structure; use invalid_parameter_exception; use required_capability_exception; use grade_scale; use core_competency\external\competency_exporter; use core_competency\external\competency_framework_exporter; use core_competency\external\course_competency_exporter; use core_competency\external\course_competency_settings_exporter; use core_competency\external\course_module_competency_exporter; use core_competency\external\evidence_exporter; use core_competency\external\performance_helper; use core_competency\external\plan_exporter; use core_competency\external\template_exporter; use core_competency\external\user_competency_exporter; use core_competency\external\user_competency_plan_exporter; use core_competency\external\user_evidence_competency_exporter; use core_competency\external\user_evidence_exporter; /** * External API class. * * @package core_competency * @copyright 2016 Frédéric Massart - FMCorz.net * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class external extends external_api { /** * Returns a prepared structure to use a context parameters. * @return external_single_structure */ protected static function get_context_parameters() { $id = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Context ID. Either use this value, or level and instanceid.', VALUE_DEFAULT, 0 ); $level = new external_value( PARAM_ALPHA, 'Context level. To be used with instanceid.', VALUE_DEFAULT, '' ); $instanceid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Context instance ID. To be used with level', VALUE_DEFAULT, 0 ); return new external_single_structure(array( 'contextid' => $id, 'contextlevel' => $level, 'instanceid' => $instanceid, )); } /** * Returns description of create_competency_framework() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function create_competency_framework_parameters() { $structure = competency_framework_exporter::get_create_structure(); $params = array('competencyframework' => $structure); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Create a new competency framework * * @param array $competencyframework A single param with all the fields for a competency framework. * @return \stdClass The new record */ public static function create_competency_framework($competencyframework) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::create_competency_framework_parameters(), array( 'competencyframework' => $competencyframework )); $params = $params['competencyframework']; $context = self::get_context_from_params($params); self::validate_context($context); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); unset($params['contextlevel']); unset($params['instanceid']); $params['contextid'] = $context->id; $params = (object) $params; $result = api::create_framework($params); $exporter = new competency_framework_exporter($result); $record = $exporter->export($output); return $record; } /** * Returns description of create_competency_framework() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function create_competency_framework_returns() { return competency_framework_exporter::get_read_structure(); } /** * Returns description of read_competency_framework() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function read_competency_framework_parameters() { $id = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Data base record id for the framework', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $id, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Read a competency framework by id. * * @param int $id The id of the framework. * @return \stdClass */ public static function read_competency_framework($id) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::read_competency_framework_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id, )); $framework = api::read_framework($params['id']); self::validate_context($framework->get_context()); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $exporter = new competency_framework_exporter($framework); $record = $exporter->export($output); return $record; } /** * Returns description of read_competency_framework() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function read_competency_framework_returns() { return competency_framework_exporter::get_read_structure(); } /** * Returns description of competency_viewed() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function competency_viewed_parameters() { $id = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $id ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Log event competency viewed. * * @param int $id The competency ID. * @return boolean */ public static function competency_viewed($id) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::competency_viewed_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id )); return api::competency_viewed($params['id']); } /** * Returns description of competency_viewed() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function competency_viewed_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the event competency viewed was logged'); } /** * Returns description of duplicate_competency_framework() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function duplicate_competency_framework_parameters() { $id = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Data base record id for the framework', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $id, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Duplicate a competency framework * * @param int $id The competency framework id * @return boolean */ public static function duplicate_competency_framework($id) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::duplicate_competency_framework_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id, )); $framework = api::read_framework($params['id']); self::validate_context($framework->get_context()); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $framework = api::duplicate_framework($params['id']); $exporter = new competency_framework_exporter($framework); $record = $exporter->export($output); return $record; } /** * Returns description of duplicate_competency_framework() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function duplicate_competency_framework_returns() { return competency_framework_exporter::get_read_structure(); } /** * Returns description of delete_competency_framework() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function delete_competency_framework_parameters() { $id = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Data base record id for the framework', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $id, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Delete a competency framework * * @param int $id The competency framework id * @return boolean */ public static function delete_competency_framework($id) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::delete_competency_framework_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id, )); $framework = api::read_framework($params['id']); self::validate_context($framework->get_context()); return api::delete_framework($params['id']); } /** * Returns description of delete_competency_framework() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function delete_competency_framework_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the delete was successful'); } /** * Returns description of update_competency_framework() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function update_competency_framework_parameters() { $structure = competency_framework_exporter::get_update_structure(); $params = array('competencyframework' => $structure); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Update an existing competency framework * * @param array $competencyframework An array with all the fields for a competency framework. * @return boolean */ public static function update_competency_framework($competencyframework) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::update_competency_framework_parameters(), array( 'competencyframework' => $competencyframework )); $params = $params['competencyframework']; $framework = api::read_framework($params['id']); self::validate_context($framework->get_context()); $params = (object) $params; return api::update_framework($params); } /** * Returns description of update_competency_framework() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function update_competency_framework_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the update was successful'); } /** * Returns description of list_competency_frameworks() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function list_competency_frameworks_parameters() { $sort = new external_value( PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, 'Column to sort by.', VALUE_DEFAULT, 'shortname' ); $order = new external_value( PARAM_ALPHA, 'Sort direction. Should be either ASC or DESC', VALUE_DEFAULT, '' ); $skip = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Skip this number of records before returning results', VALUE_DEFAULT, 0 ); $limit = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Return this number of records at most.', VALUE_DEFAULT, 0 ); $includes = new external_value( PARAM_ALPHA, 'What other contextes to fetch the frameworks from. (children, parents, self)', VALUE_DEFAULT, 'children' ); $onlyvisible = new external_value( PARAM_BOOL, 'Only visible frameworks will be returned if visible true', VALUE_DEFAULT, false ); $query = new external_value( PARAM_RAW, 'A query string to filter the results', VALUE_DEFAULT, '' ); $params = array( 'sort' => $sort, 'order' => $order, 'skip' => $skip, 'limit' => $limit, 'context' => self::get_context_parameters(), 'includes' => $includes, 'onlyvisible' => $onlyvisible, 'query' => $query, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * List the existing competency frameworks * * @param int $sort * @param string $order * @param string $skip * @param int $limit * @param array $context * @param bool $includes * @param bool $onlyvisible * @param string $query * * @return array * @throws \required_capability_exception * @throws invalid_parameter_exception */ public static function list_competency_frameworks($sort, $order, $skip, $limit, $context, $includes, $onlyvisible, $query = '') { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::list_competency_frameworks_parameters(), array( 'sort' => $sort, 'order' => $order, 'skip' => $skip, 'limit' => $limit, 'context' => $context, 'includes' => $includes, 'onlyvisible' => $onlyvisible, 'query' => $query, )); $context = self::get_context_from_params($params['context']); self::validate_context($context); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); if ($params['order'] !== '' && $params['order'] !== 'ASC' && $params['order'] !== 'DESC') { throw new invalid_parameter_exception('Invalid order param. Must be ASC, DESC or empty.'); } $results = api::list_frameworks($params['sort'], $params['order'], $params['skip'], $params['limit'], $context, $params['includes'], $params['onlyvisible'], $params['query']); $records = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $exporter = new competency_framework_exporter($result); $record = $exporter->export($output); array_push($records, $record); } return $records; } /** * Returns description of list_competency_frameworks() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function list_competency_frameworks_returns() { return new external_multiple_structure(competency_framework_exporter::get_read_structure()); } /** * Returns description of count_competency_frameworks() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function count_competency_frameworks_parameters() { $includes = new external_value( PARAM_ALPHA, 'What other contextes to fetch the frameworks from. (children, parents, self)', VALUE_DEFAULT, 'children' ); $params = array( 'context' => self::get_context_parameters(), 'includes' => $includes ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Count the existing competency frameworks * * @param array $context * @param string $includes * @return int */ public static function count_competency_frameworks($context, $includes) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::count_competency_frameworks_parameters(), array( 'context' => $context, 'includes' => $includes )); $context = self::get_context_from_params($params['context']); self::validate_context($context); return api::count_frameworks($context, $params['includes']); } /** * Returns description of count_competency_frameworks() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function count_competency_frameworks_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The number of competency frameworks found.'); } /** * Returns description of competency_framework_viewed() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function competency_framework_viewed_parameters() { $id = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency framework id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $id ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Log event competency framework viewed. * * @param int $id The competency framework ID. * @return boolean */ public static function competency_framework_viewed($id) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::competency_framework_viewed_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id )); return api::competency_framework_viewed($params['id']); } /** * Returns description of competency_framework_viewed() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function competency_framework_viewed_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the event competency framework was logged'); } /** * Returns description of create_competency() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function create_competency_parameters() { $structure = competency_exporter::get_create_structure(); $params = array('competency' => $structure); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Create a new competency * * @param array $competency All the fields for a competency record (including id) * @return array the competency */ public static function create_competency($competency) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::create_competency_parameters(), array( 'competency' => $competency )); $params = $params['competency']; $framework = api::read_framework($params['competencyframeworkid']); $context = $framework->get_context(); self::validate_context($context); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $params = (object) $params; $result = api::create_competency($params); $exporter = new competency_exporter($result, array('context' => $context)); $record = $exporter->export($output); return $record; } /** * Returns description of create_competency() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function create_competency_returns() { return competency_exporter::get_read_structure(); } /** * Returns description of read_competency() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function read_competency_parameters() { $id = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Data base record id for the competency', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $id, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Read a competency by id. * * @param int $id The id of the competency * @return \stdClass */ public static function read_competency($id) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::read_competency_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id, )); $competency = api::read_competency($params['id']); $context = $competency->get_context(); self::validate_context($context); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $exporter = new competency_exporter($competency, array('context' => $context)); $record = $exporter->export($output); return $record; } /** * Returns description of read_competency() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function read_competency_returns() { return competency_exporter::get_read_structure(); } /** * Returns description of delete_competency() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function delete_competency_parameters() { $id = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Data base record id for the competency', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $id, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Delete a competency * * @param int $id The competency id * @return boolean */ public static function delete_competency($id) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::delete_competency_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id, )); $competency = api::read_competency($params['id']); $context = $competency->get_context(); self::validate_context($context); return api::delete_competency($params['id']); } /** * Returns description of delete_competency() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function delete_competency_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the delete was successful'); } /** * Returns description of update_competency() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function update_competency_parameters() { $structure = competency_exporter::get_update_structure(); $params = array('competency' => $structure); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Update an existing competency * * @param array $competency The array of competency fields (id is required). * @return boolean */ public static function update_competency($competency) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::update_competency_parameters(), array( 'competency' => $competency )); $params = $params['competency']; $competency = api::read_competency($params['id']); self::validate_context($competency->get_context()); $params = (object) $params; return api::update_competency($params); } /** * Returns description of update_competency_framework() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function update_competency_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the update was successful'); } /** * Returns description of list_competencies() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function list_competencies_parameters() { $filters = new external_multiple_structure(new external_single_structure( array( 'column' => new external_value(PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, 'Column name to filter by'), 'value' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'Value to filter by. Must be exact match') ) )); $sort = new external_value( PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, 'Column to sort by.', VALUE_DEFAULT, '' ); $order = new external_value( PARAM_ALPHA, 'Sort direction. Should be either ASC or DESC', VALUE_DEFAULT, '' ); $skip = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Skip this number of records before returning results', VALUE_DEFAULT, 0 ); $limit = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Return this number of records at most.', VALUE_DEFAULT, 0 ); $params = array( 'filters' => $filters, 'sort' => $sort, 'order' => $order, 'skip' => $skip, 'limit' => $limit ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * List the existing competency. * * @param string $filters * @param int $sort * @param string $order * @param string $skip * @param int $limit * * @return array * @throws \required_capability_exception * @throws invalid_parameter_exception */ public static function list_competencies($filters, $sort, $order, $skip, $limit) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::list_competencies_parameters(), array( 'filters' => $filters, 'sort' => $sort, 'order' => $order, 'skip' => $skip, 'limit' => $limit )); if ($params['order'] !== '' && $params['order'] !== 'ASC' && $params['order'] !== 'DESC') { throw new invalid_parameter_exception('Invalid order param. Must be ASC, DESC or empty.'); } $safefilters = array(); $validcolumns = array('id', 'shortname', 'description', 'sortorder', 'idnumber', 'parentid', 'competencyframeworkid'); foreach ($params['filters'] as $filter) { if (!in_array($filter['column'], $validcolumns)) { throw new invalid_parameter_exception('Filter column was invalid'); } $safefilters[$filter['column']] = $filter['value']; } $context = null; if (isset($safefilters['competencyframeworkid'])) { $framework = api::read_framework($safefilters['competencyframeworkid']); $context = $framework->get_context(); } else { $context = context_system::instance(); } self::validate_context($context); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $results = api::list_competencies( $safefilters, $params['sort'], $params['order'], $params['skip'], $params['limit'] ); $records = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $exporter = new competency_exporter($result, array('context' => $context)); $record = $exporter->export($output); array_push($records, $record); } return $records; } /** * Returns description of list_competencies() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function list_competencies_returns() { return new external_multiple_structure(competency_exporter::get_read_structure()); } /** * Returns description of search_competencies() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function search_competencies_parameters() { $searchtext = new external_value( PARAM_RAW, 'Text to search for', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $frameworkid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Competency framework id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'searchtext' => $searchtext, 'competencyframeworkid' => $frameworkid ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * List the existing competency frameworks * * @param string $searchtext Text to search. * @param int $competencyframeworkid Framework id. * * @return array */ public static function search_competencies($searchtext, $competencyframeworkid) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::search_competencies_parameters(), array( 'searchtext' => $searchtext, 'competencyframeworkid' => $competencyframeworkid )); $framework = api::read_framework($params['competencyframeworkid']); $context = $framework->get_context(); self::validate_context($context); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $results = api::search_competencies($params['searchtext'], $params['competencyframeworkid']); $records = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $exporter = new competency_exporter($result, array('context' => $context)); $record = $exporter->export($output); array_push($records, $record); } return $records; } /** * Returns description of search_competencies() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function search_competencies_returns() { return new external_multiple_structure(competency_exporter::get_read_structure()); } /** * Returns description of count_competencies() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function count_competencies_parameters() { $filters = new external_multiple_structure(new external_single_structure( array( 'column' => new external_value(PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, 'Column name to filter by'), 'value' => new external_value(PARAM_TEXT, 'Value to filter by. Must be exact match') ) )); $params = array( 'filters' => $filters, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Count the existing competency frameworks. * * @param string $filters Filters to use. * @return boolean */ public static function count_competencies($filters) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::count_competencies_parameters(), array( 'filters' => $filters )); $safefilters = array(); $validcolumns = array('id', 'shortname', 'description', 'sortorder', 'idnumber', 'parentid', 'competencyframeworkid'); foreach ($params['filters'] as $filter) { if (!in_array($filter['column'], $validcolumns)) { throw new invalid_parameter_exception('Filter column was invalid'); } $safefilters[$filter['column']] = $filter['value']; } $context = null; if (isset($safefilters['competencyframeworkid'])) { $framework = api::read_framework($safefilters['competencyframeworkid']); $context = $framework->get_context(); } else { $context = context_system::instance(); } self::validate_context($context); return api::count_competencies($safefilters); } /** * Returns description of count_competencies() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function count_competencies_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The number of competencies found.'); } /** * Returns description of set_parent_competency() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function set_parent_competency_parameters() { $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $parentid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The new competency parent id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'competencyid' => $competencyid, 'parentid' => $parentid ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Move the competency to a new parent. * * @param int $competencyid Competency id. * @param int $parentid Parent id. * * @return bool */ public static function set_parent_competency($competencyid, $parentid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::set_parent_competency_parameters(), array( 'competencyid' => $competencyid, 'parentid' => $parentid )); $competency = api::read_competency($params['competencyid']); self::validate_context($competency->get_context()); return api::set_parent_competency($params['competencyid'], $params['parentid']); } /** * Returns description of set_parent_competency() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function set_parent_competency_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the update was successful'); } /** * Returns description of move_up_competency() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function move_up_competency_parameters() { $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $competencyid, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Change the sort order of a competency. * * @param int $competencyid Competency id. * @return boolean */ public static function move_up_competency($competencyid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::move_up_competency_parameters(), array( 'id' => $competencyid, )); $competency = api::read_competency($params['id']); self::validate_context($competency->get_context()); return api::move_up_competency($params['id']); } /** * Returns description of move_up_competency() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function move_up_competency_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the update was successful'); } /** * Returns description of move_down_competency() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function move_down_competency_parameters() { $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $competencyid, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Change the sort order of a competency. * * @param int $competencyid Competency id. * @return boolean */ public static function move_down_competency($competencyid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::move_down_competency_parameters(), array( 'id' => $competencyid, )); $competency = api::read_competency($params['id']); self::validate_context($competency->get_context()); return api::move_down_competency($params['id']); } /** * Returns description of move_down_competency() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function move_down_competency_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the update was successful'); } /** * Returns description of count_courses_using_competency() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function count_courses_using_competency_parameters() { $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $competencyid, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Count the courses (visible to this user) that use this competency. * * @param int $competencyid Competency id. * @return int */ public static function count_courses_using_competency($competencyid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::count_courses_using_competency_parameters(), array( 'id' => $competencyid, )); $competency = api::read_competency($params['id']); self::validate_context($competency->get_context()); return api::count_courses_using_competency($params['id']); } /** * Returns description of count_courses_using_competency() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function count_courses_using_competency_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The number of courses using this competency'); } /** * Returns description of count_competencies_in_course() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function count_competencies_in_course_parameters() { $courseid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The course id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $courseid, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Count the competencies (visible to this user) in this course. * * @param int $courseid The course id to check. * @return int */ public static function count_competencies_in_course($courseid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::count_competencies_in_course_parameters(), array( 'id' => $courseid, )); self::validate_context(context_course::instance($params['id'])); return api::count_competencies_in_course($params['id']); } /** * Returns description of count_competencies_in_course() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function count_competencies_in_course_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The number of competencies in this course.'); } /** * Returns description of list_course_module_competencies() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function list_course_module_competencies_parameters() { $cmid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The course module id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'cmid' => $cmid ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * List the course modules using this competency (visible to this user) in this course. * * @param int $cmid The course module id to check. * @return array */ public static function list_course_module_competencies($cmid) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::list_course_module_competencies_parameters(), array( 'cmid' => $cmid )); $context = context_module::instance($params['cmid']); self::validate_context($context); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $apiresult = api::list_course_module_competencies($params['cmid']); $result = array(); foreach ($apiresult as $cmrecord) { $one = new \stdClass(); $exporter = new competency_exporter($cmrecord['competency'], ['context' => $context]); $one->competency = $exporter->export($output); $exporter = new course_module_competency_exporter($cmrecord['coursemodulecompetency'], ['context' => $context]); $one->coursemodulecompetency = $exporter->export($output); $result[] = (array) $one; } return $result; } /** * Returns description of list_course_module_competencies() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function list_course_module_competencies_returns() { return new external_multiple_structure( new external_single_structure(array( 'competency' => competency_exporter::get_read_structure(), 'coursemodulecompetency' => course_module_competency_exporter::get_read_structure() )) ); } /** * Returns description of list_course_competencies() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function list_course_competencies_parameters() { $courseid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The course id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $courseid, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Returns description of count_course_module_competencies() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function count_course_module_competencies_parameters() { $cmid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The course module id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'cmid' => $cmid ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * List the course modules using this competency (visible to this user) in this course. * * @param int $cmid The course module id to check. * @return array */ public static function count_course_module_competencies($cmid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::count_course_module_competencies_parameters(), array( 'cmid' => $cmid )); $context = context_module::instance($params['cmid']); self::validate_context($context); return api::count_course_module_competencies($params['cmid']); } /** * Returns description of count_course_module_competencies() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function count_course_module_competencies_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The number of competencies found.'); } /** * List the competencies (visible to this user) in this course. * * @param int $courseid The course id to check. * @return array */ public static function list_course_competencies($courseid) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::list_course_competencies_parameters(), array( 'id' => $courseid, )); $coursecontext = context_course::instance($params['id']); self::validate_context($coursecontext); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $competencies = api::list_course_competencies($params['id']); $result = array(); $contextcache = array(); $helper = new performance_helper(); foreach ($competencies as $competency) { $context = $helper->get_context_from_competency($competency['competency']); $exporter = new competency_exporter($competency['competency'], array('context' => $context)); $competencyrecord = $exporter->export($output); $exporter = new course_competency_exporter($competency['coursecompetency']); $coursecompetencyrecord = $exporter->export($output); $result[] = array( 'competency' => $competencyrecord, 'coursecompetency' => $coursecompetencyrecord ); } return $result; } /** * Returns description of list_course_competencies() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function list_course_competencies_returns() { return new external_multiple_structure( new external_single_structure(array( 'competency' => competency_exporter::get_read_structure(), 'coursecompetency' => course_competency_exporter::get_read_structure() )) ); } /** * Returns description of add_competency_to_course() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function add_competency_to_course_parameters() { $courseid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The course id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'courseid' => $courseid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Count the competencies (visible to this user) in this course. * * @param int $courseid The course id to check. * @param int $competencyid Competency id. * @return int */ public static function add_competency_to_course($courseid, $competencyid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::add_competency_to_course_parameters(), array( 'courseid' => $courseid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, )); self::validate_context(context_course::instance($params['courseid'])); return api::add_competency_to_course($params['courseid'], $params['competencyid']); } /** * Returns description of add_competency_to_course() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function add_competency_to_course_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if successful.'); } /** * Returns description of remove_competency_from_course() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function remove_competency_from_course_parameters() { $courseid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The course id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'courseid' => $courseid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Count the competencies (visible to this user) in this course. * * @param int $courseid The course id to check. * @param int $competencyid Competency id. * @return int */ public static function remove_competency_from_course($courseid, $competencyid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::remove_competency_from_course_parameters(), array( 'courseid' => $courseid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, )); self::validate_context(context_course::instance($params['courseid'])); return api::remove_competency_from_course($params['courseid'], $params['competencyid']); } /** * Returns description of remove_competency_from_course() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function remove_competency_from_course_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if successful.'); } /** * Returns description of reorder_course_competency() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function reorder_course_competency_parameters() { $courseid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The course id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $competencyidfrom = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id we are moving', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $competencyidto = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id we are moving to', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'courseid' => $courseid, 'competencyidfrom' => $competencyidfrom, 'competencyidto' => $competencyidto, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Change the order of course competencies. * * @param int $courseid The course id * @param int $competencyidfrom The competency to move. * @param int $competencyidto The competency to move to. * @return bool */ public static function reorder_course_competency($courseid, $competencyidfrom, $competencyidto) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::reorder_course_competency_parameters(), array( 'courseid' => $courseid, 'competencyidfrom' => $competencyidfrom, 'competencyidto' => $competencyidto, )); self::validate_context(context_course::instance($params['courseid'])); return api::reorder_course_competency($params['courseid'], $params['competencyidfrom'], $params['competencyidto']); } /** * Returns description of reorder_course_competency() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function reorder_course_competency_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if successful.'); } /** * Returns description of reorder_template_competency() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function reorder_template_competency_parameters() { $templateid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The template id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $competencyidfrom = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id we are moving', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $competencyidto = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id we are moving to', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'templateid' => $templateid, 'competencyidfrom' => $competencyidfrom, 'competencyidto' => $competencyidto, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Change the order of template competencies. * * @param int $templateid The template id * @param int $competencyidfrom The competency to move. * @param int $competencyidto The competency to move to. * @return bool */ public static function reorder_template_competency($templateid, $competencyidfrom, $competencyidto) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::reorder_template_competency_parameters(), array( 'templateid' => $templateid, 'competencyidfrom' => $competencyidfrom, 'competencyidto' => $competencyidto, )); $template = api::read_template($params['templateid']); self::validate_context($template->get_context()); return api::reorder_template_competency($params['templateid'], $params['competencyidfrom'], $params['competencyidto']); } /** * Returns description of reorder_template_competency() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function reorder_template_competency_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if successful.'); } /** * Returns description of create_template() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function create_template_parameters() { $structure = template_exporter::get_create_structure(); $params = array('template' => $structure); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Create a new learning plan template * * @param array $template The list of fields for the template. * @return \stdClass Record of new template. */ public static function create_template($template) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::create_template_parameters(), array('template' => $template)); $params = $params['template']; $context = self::get_context_from_params($params); self::validate_context($context); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); unset($params['contextlevel']); unset($params['instanceid']); $params = (object) $params; $params->contextid = $context->id; $result = api::create_template($params); $exporter = new template_exporter($result); $record = $exporter->export($output); return $record; } /** * Returns description of create_template() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function create_template_returns() { return template_exporter::get_read_structure(); } /** * Returns description of read_template() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function read_template_parameters() { $id = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Data base record id for the template', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $id, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Read a learning plan template by id. * * @param int $id The id of the template. * @return \stdClass */ public static function read_template($id) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::read_template_parameters(), array('id' => $id)); $template = api::read_template($params['id']); self::validate_context($template->get_context()); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $exporter = new template_exporter($template); $record = $exporter->export($output); return $record; } /** * Returns description of read_template() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function read_template_returns() { return template_exporter::get_read_structure(); } /** * Returns description of delete_template() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function delete_template_parameters() { $id = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Data base record id for the template', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $deleteplans = new external_value( PARAM_BOOL, 'Boolean to indicate if plans must be deleted', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $id, 'deleteplans' => $deleteplans ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Delete a learning plan template * * @param int $id The learning plan template id * @param boolean $deleteplans True to delete the plans associated to template or false to unlink them * @return boolean */ public static function delete_template($id, $deleteplans = true) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::delete_template_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id, 'deleteplans' => $deleteplans, )); $template = api::read_template($params['id']); self::validate_context($template->get_context()); return api::delete_template($params['id'], $params['deleteplans']); } /** * Returns description of delete_template() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function delete_template_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the delete was successful'); } /** * Returns description of update_template() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function update_template_parameters() { $structure = template_exporter::get_update_structure(); $params = array('template' => $structure); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Update an existing learning plan template * * @param array $template The list of fields for the template. * @return boolean */ public static function update_template($template) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::update_template_parameters(), array('template' => $template)); $params = $params['template']; $template = api::read_template($params['id']); self::validate_context($template->get_context()); $params = (object) $params; return api::update_template($params); } /** * Returns description of update_template() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function update_template_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the update was successful'); } /** * Returns description of duplicate_template() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function duplicate_template_parameters() { $templateid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The template id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $templateid ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Duplicate a learning plan template. * * @param int $id the id of the learning plan template to duplicate * @return boolean Record of new template. */ public static function duplicate_template($id) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::duplicate_template_parameters(), array('id' => $id)); $template = api::read_template($params['id']); self::validate_context($template->get_context()); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $result = api::duplicate_template($params['id']); $exporter = new template_exporter($result); return $exporter->export($output); } /** * Returns description of duplicate_template() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function duplicate_template_returns() { return template_exporter::get_read_structure(); } /** * Returns description of list_templates() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function list_templates_parameters() { $sort = new external_value( PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, 'Column to sort by.', VALUE_DEFAULT, '' ); $order = new external_value( PARAM_ALPHA, 'Sort direction. Should be either ASC or DESC', VALUE_DEFAULT, '' ); $skip = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Skip this number of records before returning results', VALUE_DEFAULT, 0 ); $limit = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Return this number of records at most.', VALUE_DEFAULT, 0 ); $includes = new external_value( PARAM_ALPHA, 'What other contexts to fetch the templates from. (children, parents, self)', VALUE_DEFAULT, 'children' ); $onlyvisible = new external_value( PARAM_BOOL, 'If should list only visible templates', VALUE_DEFAULT, false ); $params = array( 'sort' => $sort, 'order' => $order, 'skip' => $skip, 'limit' => $limit, 'context' => self::get_context_parameters(), 'includes' => $includes, 'onlyvisible' => $onlyvisible ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * List the existing learning plan templates * * @param string $sort Field to sort by. * @param string $order Sort order. * @param int $skip Limitstart. * @param int $limit Number of rows to return. * @param array $context * @param bool $includes * @param bool $onlyvisible * * @return array */ public static function list_templates($sort, $order, $skip, $limit, $context, $includes, $onlyvisible) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::list_templates_parameters(), array( 'sort' => $sort, 'order' => $order, 'skip' => $skip, 'limit' => $limit, 'context' => $context, 'includes' => $includes, 'onlyvisible' => $onlyvisible )); $context = self::get_context_from_params($params['context']); self::validate_context($context); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); if ($params['order'] !== '' && $params['order'] !== 'ASC' && $params['order'] !== 'DESC') { throw new invalid_parameter_exception('Invalid order param. Must be ASC, DESC or empty.'); } $results = api::list_templates($params['sort'], $params['order'], $params['skip'], $params['limit'], $context, $params['includes'], $params['onlyvisible']); $records = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $exporter = new template_exporter($result); $record = $exporter->export($output); array_push($records, $record); } return $records; } /** * Returns description of list_templates() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function list_templates_returns() { return new external_multiple_structure(template_exporter::get_read_structure()); } /** * Returns description of count_templates() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function count_templates_parameters() { $includes = new external_value( PARAM_ALPHA, 'What other contextes to fetch the frameworks from. (children, parents, self)', VALUE_DEFAULT, 'children' ); $params = array( 'context' => self::get_context_parameters(), 'includes' => $includes ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Count the existing learning plan templates * * @param array $context * @param string $includes * @return int */ public static function count_templates($context, $includes) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::count_templates_parameters(), array( 'context' => $context, 'includes' => $includes )); $context = self::get_context_from_params($params['context']); self::validate_context($context); return api::count_templates($context, $includes); } /** * Returns description of count_templates() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function count_templates_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The number of learning plan templates found.'); } /** * Returns description of count_templates_using_competency() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function count_templates_using_competency_parameters() { $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $competencyid, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Count the learning plan templates (visible to this user) that use this competency. * * @param int $competencyid Competency id. * @return int */ public static function count_templates_using_competency($competencyid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::count_templates_using_competency_parameters(), array( 'id' => $competencyid, )); $competency = api::read_competency($params['id']); self::validate_context($competency->get_context()); return api::count_templates_using_competency($params['id']); } /** * Returns description of count_templates_using_competency() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function count_templates_using_competency_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The number of learning plan templates using this competency'); } /** * Returns description of list_templates_using_competency() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function list_templates_using_competency_parameters() { $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $competencyid, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * List the learning plan templates (visible to this user) that use this competency. * * @param int $competencyid Competency id. * @return array */ public static function list_templates_using_competency($competencyid) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::list_templates_using_competency_parameters(), array( 'id' => $competencyid, )); $competency = api::read_competency($params['id']); self::validate_context($competency->get_context()); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $templates = api::list_templates_using_competency($params['id']); $records = array(); foreach ($templates as $template) { $exporter = new template_exporter($template); $record = $exporter->export($output); $records[] = $record; } return $records; } /** * Returns description of list_templates_using_competency() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function list_templates_using_competency_returns() { return new external_multiple_structure(template_exporter::get_read_structure()); } /** * Returns description of count_competencies_in_template() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function count_competencies_in_template_parameters() { $templateid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The template id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $templateid, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Count the competencies (visible to this user) in this learning plan template. * * @param int $templateid The template id to check * @return int */ public static function count_competencies_in_template($templateid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::count_competencies_in_template_parameters(), array( 'id' => $templateid, )); $template = api::read_template($params['id']); self::validate_context($template->get_context()); return api::count_competencies_in_template($params['id']); } /** * Returns description of count_competencies_in_template() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function count_competencies_in_template_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The number of competencies in this learning plan template.'); } /** * Returns description of list_competencies_in_template() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function list_competencies_in_template_parameters() { $templateid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The template id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $templateid, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * List the competencies (visible to this user) in this learning plan template. * * @param int $templateid Template id. * @return array */ public static function list_competencies_in_template($templateid) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::list_competencies_in_template_parameters(), array( 'id' => $templateid, )); $template = api::read_template($params['id']); self::validate_context($template->get_context()); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $competencies = api::list_competencies_in_template($params['id']); $results = array(); $helper = new performance_helper(); foreach ($competencies as $competency) { $context = $helper->get_context_from_competency($competency); $exporter = new competency_exporter($competency, array('context' => $context)); $record = $exporter->export($output); array_push($results, $record); } return $results; } /** * Returns description of list_competencies_in_template() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function list_competencies_in_template_returns() { return new external_multiple_structure(competency_exporter::get_read_structure()); } /** * Returns description of add_competency_to_template() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function add_competency_to_template_parameters() { $templateid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The template id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'templateid' => $templateid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Count the competencies (visible to this user) in this template. * * @param int $templateid Template id. * @param int $competencyid Competency id. * @return int */ public static function add_competency_to_template($templateid, $competencyid) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::add_competency_to_template_parameters(), array( 'templateid' => $templateid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, )); $template = api::read_template($params['templateid']); self::validate_context($template->get_context()); return api::add_competency_to_template($params['templateid'], $params['competencyid']); } /** * Returns description of add_competency_to_template() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function add_competency_to_template_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if successful.'); } /** * Returns description of add_competency_to_plan() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function add_competency_to_plan_parameters() { $planid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The plan id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'planid' => $planid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * add competency to a learning plan. * * @param int $planid Plan id. * @param int $competencyid Competency id. * @return int */ public static function add_competency_to_plan($planid, $competencyid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::add_competency_to_plan_parameters(), array( 'planid' => $planid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, )); $plan = api::read_plan($params['planid']); self::validate_context($plan->get_context()); return api::add_competency_to_plan($params['planid'], $params['competencyid']); } /** * Returns description of add_competency_to_plan() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function add_competency_to_plan_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if successful.'); } /** * Returns description of remove_competency_from_plan() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function remove_competency_from_plan_parameters() { $planid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The plan id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'planid' => $planid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Remove a competency from plan. * * @param int $planid Plan id. * @param int $competencyid Competency id. * @return int */ public static function remove_competency_from_plan($planid, $competencyid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::remove_competency_from_plan_parameters(), array( 'planid' => $planid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, )); $plan = api::read_plan($params['planid']); self::validate_context($plan->get_context()); return api::remove_competency_from_plan($params['planid'], $params['competencyid']); } /** * Returns description of remove_competency_from_plan() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function remove_competency_from_plan_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if successful.'); } /** * Returns description of remove_competency_from_template() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function remove_competency_from_template_parameters() { $templateid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The template id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'templateid' => $templateid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Returns description of reorder_plan_competency() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function reorder_plan_competency_parameters() { $planid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The plan id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $competencyidfrom = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id we are moving', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $competencyidto = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id we are moving to', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'planid' => $planid, 'competencyidfrom' => $competencyidfrom, 'competencyidto' => $competencyidto, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Change the order of plan competencies. * * @param int $planid The plan id * @param int $competencyidfrom The competency to move. * @param int $competencyidto The competency to move to. * @return bool */ public static function reorder_plan_competency($planid, $competencyidfrom, $competencyidto) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::reorder_plan_competency_parameters(), array( 'planid' => $planid, 'competencyidfrom' => $competencyidfrom, 'competencyidto' => $competencyidto, )); $plan = api::read_plan($params['planid']); self::validate_context($plan->get_context()); return api::reorder_plan_competency($params['planid'], $params['competencyidfrom'], $params['competencyidto']); } /** * Returns description of reorder_plan_competency() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function reorder_plan_competency_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if successful.'); } /** * Returns description of external function parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function user_competency_cancel_review_request_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters(array( 'userid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The user ID'), 'competencyid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The competency ID'), )); } /** * External function user_competency_cancel_review_request. * * @param int $userid The user ID. * @param int $competencyid The competency ID. * @return boolean */ public static function user_competency_cancel_review_request($userid, $competencyid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::user_competency_cancel_review_request_parameters(), array( 'userid' => $userid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid )); $context = context_user::instance($params['userid']); self::validate_context($context); return api::user_competency_cancel_review_request($userid, $competencyid); } /** * Returns description of external function result value. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function user_competency_cancel_review_request_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'The success'); } /** * Returns description of external function parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function user_competency_request_review_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters(array( 'userid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The user ID'), 'competencyid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The competency ID'), )); } /** * External function user_competency_request_review. * * @param int $userid The user ID. * @param int $competencyid The competency ID. * @return boolean */ public static function user_competency_request_review($userid, $competencyid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::user_competency_request_review_parameters(), array( 'userid' => $userid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, )); $context = context_user::instance($params['userid']); self::validate_context($context); return api::user_competency_request_review($userid, $competencyid); } /** * Returns description of external function result value. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function user_competency_request_review_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'The success'); } /** * Returns description of external function parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function user_competency_start_review_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters(array( 'userid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The user ID'), 'competencyid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The competency ID'), )); } /** * External function user_competency_start_review. * * @param int $userid The user ID. * @param int $competencyid The competency ID. * @return boolean */ public static function user_competency_start_review($userid, $competencyid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::user_competency_start_review_parameters(), array( 'userid' => $userid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid )); $context = context_user::instance($params['userid']); self::validate_context($context); return api::user_competency_start_review($userid, $competencyid); } /** * Returns description of external function result value. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function user_competency_start_review_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'The success'); } /** * Returns description of external function parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function user_competency_stop_review_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters(array( 'userid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The user ID'), 'competencyid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The competency ID'), )); } /** * External function user_competency_stop_review. * * @param int $userid The user ID. * @param int $competencyid The competency ID. * @return boolean */ public static function user_competency_stop_review($userid, $competencyid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::user_competency_stop_review_parameters(), array( 'userid' => $userid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid )); $context = context_user::instance($params['userid']); self::validate_context($context); return api::user_competency_stop_review($userid, $competencyid); } /** * Returns description of external function result value. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function user_competency_stop_review_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'The success'); } /** * Returns description of template_has_related_data() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function template_has_related_data_parameters() { $templateid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The template id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $templateid, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Check if template has related data. * * @param int $templateid Template id. * @return boolean */ public static function template_has_related_data($templateid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::template_has_related_data_parameters(), array( 'id' => $templateid, )); $template = api::read_template($params['id']); self::validate_context($template->get_context()); return api::template_has_related_data($params['id']); } /** * Returns description of template_has_related_data() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function template_has_related_data_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the template has related data'); } /** * Count the competencies (visible to this user) in this learning plan template. * * @param int $templateid Template id. * @param int $competencyid Competency id. * @return int */ public static function remove_competency_from_template($templateid, $competencyid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::remove_competency_from_template_parameters(), array( 'templateid' => $templateid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, )); $template = api::read_template($params['templateid']); self::validate_context($template->get_context()); return api::remove_competency_from_template($params['templateid'], $params['competencyid']); } /** * Returns description of remove_competency_from_template() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function remove_competency_from_template_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if successful.'); } /** * Returns description of create_plan() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function create_plan_parameters() { $structure = plan_exporter::get_create_structure(); $params = array('plan' => $structure); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Create a new learning plan. * * @param array $plan List of fields for the plan. * @return array New plan record. */ public static function create_plan($plan) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::create_plan_parameters(), array('plan' => $plan)); $params = $params['plan']; $context = context_user::instance($params['userid']); self::validate_context($context); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $params = (object) $params; $result = api::create_plan($params); $exporter = new plan_exporter($result, array('template' => null)); return $exporter->export($output); } /** * Returns description of create_plan() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function create_plan_returns() { return plan_exporter::get_read_structure(); } /** * Returns description of update_plan() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function update_plan_parameters() { $structure = plan_exporter::get_update_structure(); $params = array('plan' => $structure); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Updates a new learning plan. * * @param array $plan Fields for the plan (id is required) * @return mixed */ public static function update_plan($plan) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::update_plan_parameters(), array('plan' => $plan)); $params = $params['plan']; $plan = api::read_plan($params['id']); self::validate_context($plan->get_context()); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $params = (object) $params; $result = api::update_plan($params); $exporter = new plan_exporter($result, ['template' => $plan->get_template()]); return $exporter->export($output); } /** * Returns description of update_plan() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function update_plan_returns() { return plan_exporter::get_read_structure(); } /** * Returns description of complete_plan() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function complete_plan_parameters() { $planid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The plan id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array('planid' => $planid); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Complete Learning plan. * * @param int $planid plan id (id is required) * @return boolean */ public static function complete_plan($planid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::complete_plan_parameters(), array( 'planid' => $planid )); return api::complete_plan($params['planid']); } /** * Returns description of complete_plan() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function complete_plan_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if completing learning plan was successful'); } /** * Returns description of reopen_plan() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function reopen_plan_parameters() { $planid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The plan id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array('planid' => $planid); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Reopen Learning plan. * * @param int $planid plan id (id is required) * @return boolean */ public static function reopen_plan($planid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::reopen_plan_parameters(), array( 'planid' => $planid )); return api::reopen_plan($params['planid']); } /** * Returns description of reopen_plan() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function reopen_plan_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if reopening learning plan was successful'); } /** * Returns description of read_plan() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function read_plan_parameters() { $id = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Data base record id for the plan', VALUE_REQUIRED ); return new external_function_parameters(array('id' => $id)); } /** * Read a plan by id. * * @param int $id The id of the plan. * @return \stdClass */ public static function read_plan($id) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::read_plan_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id, )); $plan = api::read_plan($params['id']); self::validate_context($plan->get_context()); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $exporter = new plan_exporter($plan, array('template' => $plan->get_template())); $record = $exporter->export($output); return external_api::clean_returnvalue(self::read_plan_returns(), $record); } /** * Returns description of read_plan() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function read_plan_returns() { return plan_exporter::get_read_structure(); } /** * Returns description of delete_plan() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function delete_plan_parameters() { $id = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Data base record id for the learning plan', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $id, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Delete a plan. * * @param int $id The plan id * @return boolean */ public static function delete_plan($id) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::delete_plan_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id, )); $plan = api::read_plan($params['id']); self::validate_context($plan->get_context()); return external_api::clean_returnvalue(self::delete_plan_returns(), api::delete_plan($params['id'])); } /** * Returns description of delete_plan() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function delete_plan_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the delete was successful'); } /** * Returns description of external function parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function plan_cancel_review_request_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters(array( 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The plan ID'), )); } /** * External function plan_cancel_review_request. * * @param int $id The plan ID. * @return boolean */ public static function plan_cancel_review_request($id) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::plan_cancel_review_request_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id )); $plan = api::read_plan($id); self::validate_context($plan->get_context()); return api::plan_cancel_review_request($plan); } /** * Returns description of external function result value. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function plan_cancel_review_request_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'The success'); } /** * Returns description of external function parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function plan_request_review_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters(array( 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The plan ID'), )); } /** * External function plan_request_review. * * @param int $id The plan ID. * @return boolean */ public static function plan_request_review($id) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::plan_request_review_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id )); $plan = api::read_plan($id); self::validate_context($plan->get_context()); return api::plan_request_review($plan); } /** * Returns description of external function result value. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function plan_request_review_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'The success'); } /** * Returns description of external function parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function plan_start_review_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters(array( 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The plan ID'), )); } /** * External function plan_start_review. * * @param int $id The plan ID. * @return boolean */ public static function plan_start_review($id) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::plan_start_review_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id )); $plan = api::read_plan($id); self::validate_context($plan->get_context()); return api::plan_start_review($plan); } /** * Returns description of external function result value. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function plan_start_review_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'The success'); } /** * Returns description of external function parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function plan_stop_review_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters(array( 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The plan ID'), )); } /** * External function plan_stop_review. * * @param int $id The plan ID. * @return boolean */ public static function plan_stop_review($id) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::plan_stop_review_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id )); $plan = api::read_plan($id); self::validate_context($plan->get_context()); return api::plan_stop_review($plan); } /** * Returns description of external function result value. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function plan_stop_review_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'The success'); } /** * Returns description of external function parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function approve_plan_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters(array( 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The plan ID'), )); } /** * External function approve_plan. * * @param int $id The plan ID. * @return boolean */ public static function approve_plan($id) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::approve_plan_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id, )); $plan = api::read_plan($id); self::validate_context($plan->get_context()); return api::approve_plan($plan); } /** * Returns description of external function result value. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function approve_plan_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'The success'); } /** * Returns description of external function parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function unapprove_plan_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters(array( 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The plan ID'), )); } /** * External function unapprove_plan. * * @param int $id The plan ID. * @return boolean */ public static function unapprove_plan($id) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::unapprove_plan_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id, )); $plan = api::read_plan($id); self::validate_context($plan->get_context()); return api::unapprove_plan($plan); } /** * Returns description of external function result value. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function unapprove_plan_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'The success'); } /** * External function parameters structure. * * @return \external_description */ public static function list_plan_competencies_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters(array( 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The plan ID.') )); } /** * List plan competencies. * @param int $id The plan ID. * @return array */ public static function list_plan_competencies($id) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::list_plan_competencies_parameters(), array('id' => $id)); $id = $params['id']; $plan = api::read_plan($id); $usercontext = $plan->get_context(); self::validate_context($usercontext); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $result = api::list_plan_competencies($plan); if ($plan->get('status') == plan::STATUS_COMPLETE) { $ucproperty = 'usercompetencyplan'; } else { $ucproperty = 'usercompetency'; } $helper = new performance_helper(); foreach ($result as $key => $r) { $context = $helper->get_context_from_competency($r->competency); $scale = $helper->get_scale_from_competency($r->competency); $exporter = new competency_exporter($r->competency, array('context' => $context)); $r->competency = $exporter->export($output); if ($r->usercompetency) { $exporter = new user_competency_exporter($r->usercompetency, array('scale' => $scale)); $r->usercompetency = $exporter->export($output); unset($r->usercompetencyplan); } else { $exporter = new user_competency_plan_exporter($r->usercompetencyplan, array('scale' => $scale)); $r->usercompetencyplan = $exporter->export($output); unset($r->usercompetency); } } return $result; } /** * External function return structure. * * @return \external_description */ public static function list_plan_competencies_returns() { $uc = user_competency_exporter::get_read_structure(); $ucp = user_competency_plan_exporter::get_read_structure(); $uc->required = VALUE_OPTIONAL; $ucp->required = VALUE_OPTIONAL; return new external_multiple_structure( new external_single_structure(array( 'competency' => competency_exporter::get_read_structure(), 'usercompetency' => $uc, 'usercompetencyplan' => $ucp )) ); } /** * Returns description of external function parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function list_user_plans_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters(array( 'userid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The user ID'), )); } /** * External function list_user_plans. * * @param int $userid The user ID. * @return boolean */ public static function list_user_plans($userid) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::list_user_plans_parameters(), array( 'userid' => $userid )); $context = context_user::instance($params['userid']); self::validate_context($context); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $response = array(); $plans = api::list_user_plans($params['userid']); foreach ($plans as $plan) { $exporter = new plan_exporter($plan, array('template' => $plan->get_template())); $response[] = $exporter->export($output); } return $response; } /** * Returns description of external function result value. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function list_user_plans_returns() { return new external_multiple_structure( plan_exporter::get_read_structure() ); } /** * Returns description of external function parameters. * * @return \external_description */ public static function read_user_evidence_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters(array( 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The user evidence ID.'), )); } /** * Delete a user evidence. * * @param int $id The evidence id * @return boolean */ public static function read_user_evidence($id) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::read_user_evidence_parameters(), array('id' => $id)); $userevidence = api::read_user_evidence($params['id']); $context = $userevidence->get_context(); self::validate_context($context); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $exporter = new user_evidence_exporter($userevidence, array('context' => $context, 'competencies' => $userevidence->get_competencies())); return $exporter->export($output); } /** * Returns description of external function result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function read_user_evidence_returns() { return user_evidence_exporter::get_read_structure(); } /** * Returns description of external function parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function delete_user_evidence_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters(array( 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The user evidence ID.'), )); } /** * Delete a user evidence. * * @param int $id The evidence id * @return boolean */ public static function delete_user_evidence($id) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::delete_user_evidence_parameters(), array('id' => $id)); $userevidence = api::read_user_evidence($params['id']); self::validate_context($userevidence->get_context()); return api::delete_user_evidence($userevidence->get('id')); } /** * Returns description of external function result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function delete_user_evidence_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the delete was successful'); } /** * Returns description of external function parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function create_user_evidence_competency_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters(array( 'userevidenceid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The user evidence ID.'), 'competencyid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The competency ID.'), )); } /** * Delete a user evidence competency relationship. * * @param int $userevidenceid The user evidence id. * @param int $competencyid The competency id. * @return boolean */ public static function create_user_evidence_competency($userevidenceid, $competencyid) { global $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::create_user_evidence_competency_parameters(), array( 'userevidenceid' => $userevidenceid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, )); $userevidence = api::read_user_evidence($params['userevidenceid']); self::validate_context($userevidence->get_context()); $relation = api::create_user_evidence_competency($userevidence, $competencyid); $exporter = new user_evidence_competency_exporter($relation); return $exporter->export($PAGE->get_renderer('core')); } /** * Returns description of external function result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function create_user_evidence_competency_returns() { return user_evidence_competency_exporter::get_read_structure(); } /** * Returns description of external function parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function delete_user_evidence_competency_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters(array( 'userevidenceid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The user evidence ID.'), 'competencyid' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The competency ID.'), )); } /** * Delete a user evidence competency relationship. * * @param int $userevidenceid The user evidence id. * @param int $competencyid The competency id. * @return boolean */ public static function delete_user_evidence_competency($userevidenceid, $competencyid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::delete_user_evidence_competency_parameters(), array( 'userevidenceid' => $userevidenceid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, )); $userevidence = api::read_user_evidence($params['userevidenceid']); self::validate_context($userevidence->get_context()); return api::delete_user_evidence_competency($userevidence, $params['competencyid']); } /** * Returns description of external function result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function delete_user_evidence_competency_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the delete was successful'); } /** * Returns description of external function parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function request_review_of_user_evidence_linked_competencies_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters(array( 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The user evidence ID.') )); } /** * Send user evidence competencies to review. * * @param int $id The user evidence id. * @return boolean */ public static function request_review_of_user_evidence_linked_competencies($id) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::request_review_of_user_evidence_linked_competencies_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id )); $userevidence = api::read_user_evidence($id); self::validate_context($userevidence->get_context()); return api::request_review_of_user_evidence_linked_competencies($id); } /** * Returns description of external function result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function request_review_of_user_evidence_linked_competencies_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if all competencies were send to review'); } /** * Returns the description of the get_scale_values() parameters. * * @return external_function_parameters. */ public static function get_scale_values_parameters() { $scaleid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The scale id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array('scaleid' => $scaleid); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Get the values associated with a scale. * * @param int $scaleid Scale ID * @return array Values for a scale. */ public static function get_scale_values($scaleid) { global $DB; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::get_scale_values_parameters(), array( 'scaleid' => $scaleid, ) ); $context = context_system::instance(); self::validate_context($context); // The following section is not learning plan specific and so has not been moved to the api. // Retrieve the scale value from the database. $scale = grade_scale::fetch(array('id' => $scaleid)); $scalevalues = $scale->load_items(); foreach ($scalevalues as $key => $value) { // Add a key (make the first value 1). $scalevalues[$key] = array( 'id' => $key + 1, 'name' => external_format_string($value, $context->id) ); } return $scalevalues; } /** * Returns description of get_scale_values() result value. * * @return external_multiple_structure */ public static function get_scale_values_returns() { return new external_multiple_structure( new external_single_structure(array( 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'Scale value ID'), 'name' => new external_value(PARAM_RAW, 'Scale value name') )) ); } /** * Returns the description of the add_related_competency_parameters() parameters. * * @return external_function_parameters. */ public static function add_related_competency_parameters() { $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $relatedcompetencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The related competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'competencyid' => $competencyid, 'relatedcompetencyid' => $relatedcompetencyid ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Adds a related competency. * * @param int $competencyid * @param int $relatedcompetencyid * @return bool */ public static function add_related_competency($competencyid, $relatedcompetencyid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::add_related_competency_parameters(), array( 'competencyid' => $competencyid, 'relatedcompetencyid' => $relatedcompetencyid )); $competency = api::read_competency($params['competencyid']); self::validate_context($competency->get_context()); return api::add_related_competency($params['competencyid'], $params['relatedcompetencyid']); } /** * Returns description of add_related_competency_returns() result value. * * @return external_description */ public static function add_related_competency_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if successful.'); } /** * Returns the description of the remove_related_competency_parameters() parameters. * * @return external_function_parameters. */ public static function remove_related_competency_parameters() { $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $relatedcompetencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The related competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'competencyid' => $competencyid, 'relatedcompetencyid' => $relatedcompetencyid ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Removes a related competency. * * @param int $competencyid * @param int $relatedcompetencyid * @return bool */ public static function remove_related_competency($competencyid, $relatedcompetencyid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::remove_related_competency_parameters(), array( 'competencyid' => $competencyid, 'relatedcompetencyid' => $relatedcompetencyid )); $competency = api::read_competency($params['competencyid']); self::validate_context($competency->get_context()); return api::remove_related_competency($params['competencyid'], $params['relatedcompetencyid']); } /** * Returns description of remove_related_competency_returns() result value. * * @return external_description */ public static function remove_related_competency_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if successful.'); } /** * Returns description of update_ruleoutcome_course_competency() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function set_course_competency_ruleoutcome_parameters() { $coursecompetencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Data base record id for the course competency', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $ruleoutcome = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Ruleoutcome value', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'coursecompetencyid' => $coursecompetencyid, 'ruleoutcome' => $ruleoutcome, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Change the ruleoutcome of a course competency. * * @param int $coursecompetencyid The course competency id * @param int $ruleoutcome The ruleoutcome value * @return bool */ public static function set_course_competency_ruleoutcome($coursecompetencyid, $ruleoutcome) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::set_course_competency_ruleoutcome_parameters(), array( 'coursecompetencyid' => $coursecompetencyid, 'ruleoutcome' => $ruleoutcome, )); $coursecompetency = new course_competency($params['coursecompetencyid']); self::validate_context(context_course::instance($coursecompetency->get('courseid'))); return api::set_course_competency_ruleoutcome($coursecompetency, $params['ruleoutcome']); } /** * Returns description of update_ruleoutcome_course_competency() result value. * * @return \external_value */ public static function set_course_competency_ruleoutcome_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the update was successful'); } /** * Returns description of external function parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function grade_competency_parameters() { $userid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'User ID', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Competency ID', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $grade = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'New grade', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $note = new external_value( PARAM_NOTAGS, 'A note to attach to the evidence', VALUE_DEFAULT ); $params = array( 'userid' => $userid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, 'grade' => $grade, 'note' => $note, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Grade a competency. * * @param int $userid The user ID. * @param int $competencyid The competency id * @param int $grade The new grade value * @param string $note A note to attach to the evidence * @return bool */ public static function grade_competency($userid, $competencyid, $grade, $note = null) { global $USER, $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::grade_competency_parameters(), array( 'userid' => $userid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, 'grade' => $grade, 'note' => $note )); $uc = api::get_user_competency($params['userid'], $params['competencyid']); self::validate_context($uc->get_context()); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $evidence = api::grade_competency( $uc->get('userid'), $uc->get('competencyid'), $params['grade'], $params['note'] ); $scale = $uc->get_competency()->get_scale(); $exporter = new evidence_exporter($evidence, [ 'actionuser' => $USER, 'scale' => $scale, 'usercompetency' => $uc, 'usercompetencyplan' => null, 'context' => $evidence->get_context() ]); return $exporter->export($output); } /** * Returns description of external function result value. * * @return \external_value */ public static function grade_competency_returns() { return evidence_exporter::get_read_structure(); } /** * Returns description of grade_competency_in_plan() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function grade_competency_in_plan_parameters() { $planid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Plan id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $grade = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'New grade', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $note = new external_value( PARAM_NOTAGS, 'A note to attach to the evidence', VALUE_DEFAULT ); $params = array( 'planid' => $planid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, 'grade' => $grade, 'note' => $note ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Grade a competency in a plan. * * @param int $planid The plan id * @param int $competencyid The competency id * @param int $grade The new grade value * @param string $note A note to add to the evidence * @return bool */ public static function grade_competency_in_plan($planid, $competencyid, $grade, $note = null) { global $USER, $PAGE; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::grade_competency_in_plan_parameters(), array( 'planid' => $planid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, 'grade' => $grade, 'note' => $note )); $plan = new plan($params['planid']); $context = $plan->get_context(); self::validate_context($context); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $evidence = api::grade_competency_in_plan( $plan->get('id'), $params['competencyid'], $params['grade'], $params['note'] ); $competency = api::read_competency($params['competencyid']); $scale = $competency->get_scale(); $exporter = new evidence_exporter($evidence, [ 'actionuser' => $USER, 'scale' => $scale, 'usercompetency' => null, 'usercompetencyplan' => null, 'context' => $evidence->get_context() ]); return $exporter->export($output); } /** * Returns description of grade_competency_in_plan() result value. * * @return \external_value */ public static function grade_competency_in_plan_returns() { return evidence_exporter::get_read_structure(); } /** * Returns description of user_competency_viewed() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function user_competency_viewed_parameters() { $usercompetencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The user competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'usercompetencyid' => $usercompetencyid ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Log user competency viewed event. * * @param int $usercompetencyid The user competency ID. * @return boolean */ public static function user_competency_viewed($usercompetencyid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::user_competency_viewed_parameters(), array( 'usercompetencyid' => $usercompetencyid )); $uc = api::get_user_competency_by_id($params['usercompetencyid']); $result = api::user_competency_viewed($uc); return $result; } /** * Returns description of user_competency_viewed() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function user_competency_viewed_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the event user competency viewed was logged'); } /** * Returns description of user_competency_viewed_in_plan() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function user_competency_viewed_in_plan_parameters() { $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $userid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The user id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $planid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The plan id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'competencyid' => $competencyid, 'userid' => $userid, 'planid' => $planid ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Log user competency viewed in plan event. * * @param int $competencyid The competency ID. * @param int $userid The user ID. * @param int $planid The plan ID. * @return boolean */ public static function user_competency_viewed_in_plan($competencyid, $userid, $planid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::user_competency_viewed_in_plan_parameters(), array( 'competencyid' => $competencyid, 'userid' => $userid, 'planid' => $planid )); $pl = api::get_plan_competency($params['planid'], $params['competencyid']); $result = api::user_competency_viewed_in_plan($pl->usercompetency, $params['planid']); return $result; } /** * Returns description of user_competency_viewed_in_plan() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function user_competency_viewed_in_plan_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the event user competency viewed in plan was logged'); } /** * Returns description of user_competency_viewed_in_course() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function user_competency_viewed_in_course_parameters() { $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $userid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The user id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $courseid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The course id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'competencyid' => $competencyid, 'userid' => $userid, 'courseid' => $courseid ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Log user competency viewed in course event. * * @param int $competencyid The competency ID. * @param int $userid The user ID. * @param int $courseid The course ID. * @return boolean */ public static function user_competency_viewed_in_course($competencyid, $userid, $courseid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::user_competency_viewed_in_course_parameters(), array( 'competencyid' => $competencyid, 'userid' => $userid, 'courseid' => $courseid )); $ucc = api::get_user_competency_in_course($params['courseid'], $params['userid'], $params['competencyid']); $result = api::user_competency_viewed_in_course($ucc); return $result; } /** * Returns description of user_competency_viewed_in_course() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function user_competency_viewed_in_course_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the event user competency viewed in course was logged'); } /** * Returns description of user_competency_plan_viewed() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function user_competency_plan_viewed_parameters() { $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $userid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The user id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $planid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'The plan id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'competencyid' => $competencyid, 'userid' => $userid, 'planid' => $planid ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Log user competency plan viewed event. * * @param int $competencyid The competency ID. * @param int $userid The user ID. * @param int $planid The plan ID. * @return boolean */ public static function user_competency_plan_viewed($competencyid, $userid, $planid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::user_competency_viewed_in_plan_parameters(), array( 'competencyid' => $competencyid, 'userid' => $userid, 'planid' => $planid )); $pl = api::get_plan_competency($params['planid'], $params['competencyid']); $result = api::user_competency_plan_viewed($pl->usercompetencyplan); return $result; } /** * Returns description of user_competency_plan_viewed() result value. * * @return \external_description */ public static function user_competency_plan_viewed_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the event user competency plan viewed was logged'); } /** * Returns description of grade_competency_in_course() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function grade_competency_in_course_parameters() { $courseid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Course id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $userid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'User id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $competencyid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Competency id', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $grade = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'New grade', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $note = new external_value( PARAM_NOTAGS, 'A note to attach to the evidence', VALUE_DEFAULT ); $params = array( 'courseid' => $courseid, 'userid' => $userid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, 'grade' => $grade, 'note' => $note, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Grade a competency in a course. * * @param int $courseid The course id * @param int $userid The user id * @param int $competencyid The competency id * @param int $grade The new grade value * @param string $note A note to add to the evidence * @return bool */ public static function grade_competency_in_course($courseid, $userid, $competencyid, $grade, $note = null) { global $USER, $PAGE, $DB; $params = self::validate_parameters(self::grade_competency_in_course_parameters(), array( 'courseid' => $courseid, 'userid' => $userid, 'competencyid' => $competencyid, 'grade' => $grade, 'note' => $note )); $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $params['courseid'])); $context = context_course::instance($course->id); self::validate_context($context); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core'); $evidence = api::grade_competency_in_course( $params['courseid'], $params['userid'], $params['competencyid'], $params['grade'], $params['note'] ); $competency = api::read_competency($params['competencyid']); $scale = $competency->get_scale(); $exporter = new evidence_exporter($evidence, array( 'actionuser' => $USER, 'scale' => $scale, 'usercompetency' => null, 'usercompetencyplan' => null, 'context' => $evidence->get_context(), )); return $exporter->export($output); } /** * Returns description of grade_competency_in_course() result value. * * @return \external_value */ public static function grade_competency_in_course_returns() { return evidence_exporter::get_read_structure(); } /** * Returns description of unlink_plan_from_template_() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function unlink_plan_from_template_parameters() { $planid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Data base record id for the plan', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'planid' => $planid, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Unlink the plan from the template. * * @param int $planid The plan id * @return bool */ public static function unlink_plan_from_template($planid) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::unlink_plan_from_template_parameters(), array( 'planid' => $planid, )); $plan = new plan($params['planid']); self::validate_context($plan->get_context()); return api::unlink_plan_from_template($plan); } /** * Returns description of unlink_plan_from_template_() result value. * * @return \external_value */ public static function unlink_plan_from_template_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the unlink was successful'); } /** * Returns description of template_viewed() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function template_viewed_parameters() { $id = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Data base record id for the template', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $params = array( 'id' => $id, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Log the template viewed event. * * @param int $id the template id * @return array of warnings and status result * @throws moodle_exception */ public static function template_viewed($id) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::view_book_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id )); $template = api::read_template($params['id']); self::validate_context($template->get_context()); return api::template_viewed($params['id']); } /** * Returns description of template_viewed() result value. * * @return \external_value */ public static function template_viewed_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the log of the view was successful'); } /** * Returns description of update_course_competency_settings() parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function update_course_competency_settings_parameters() { $courseid = new external_value( PARAM_INT, 'Course id for the course to update', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $pushratingstouserplans = new external_value( PARAM_BOOL, 'New value of the setting', VALUE_REQUIRED ); $settings = new external_single_structure(array( 'pushratingstouserplans' => $pushratingstouserplans )); $params = array( 'courseid' => $courseid, 'settings' => $settings, ); return new external_function_parameters($params); } /** * Update the course competency settings * * @param int $courseid the course id * @param stdClass $settings The list of settings (currently only pushratingstouserplans). * @throws moodle_exception */ public static function update_course_competency_settings($courseid, $settings) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::update_course_competency_settings_parameters(), array( 'courseid' => $courseid, 'settings' => $settings )); $context = context_course::instance($params['courseid']); self::validate_context($context); $result = api::update_course_competency_settings($params['courseid'], $params['settings']); return $result; } /** * Returns description of update_course_competency_settings() result value. * * @return \external_value */ public static function update_course_competency_settings_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'True if the update was successful.'); } /** * Returns description of external function parameters. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function delete_evidence_parameters() { return new external_function_parameters(array( 'id' => new external_value(PARAM_INT, 'The evidence ID'), )); } /** * External function delete_evidence. * * @param int $id The evidence ID. * @return boolean */ public static function delete_evidence($id) { $params = self::validate_parameters(self::delete_evidence_parameters(), array( 'id' => $id )); $evidence = api::read_evidence($params['id']); $uc = api::get_user_competency_by_id($evidence->get('usercompetencyid')); self::validate_context($uc->get_context()); return api::delete_evidence($evidence); } /** * Returns description of external function result value. * * @return \external_function_parameters */ public static function delete_evidence_returns() { return new external_value(PARAM_BOOL, 'The success'); } }