use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; # See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence # the contents of the Makefile that is written. WriteMakefile( 'NAME' => 'HTML::LinkExtractor', 'VERSION_FROM' => '', # finds $VERSION PREREQ_PM => { # 'HTML::TokeParser::Simple' => '2', # or a minimum workable version 'HTML::TokeParser' => 0, }, ($] >= 5.005 ? ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005 (ABSTRACT_FROM => '', # retrieve abstract from module AUTHOR => 'PodMaster') : ()), ); __END__ perl Makefile.PL && nmake realclean && cls && perl Makefile.PL && nmake disttest nmake dist TAR=ptar TARFLAGS=-zcvf COMPRESS=echo perl -e"my $f=glob q,*.tar,;warn rename $f, qq,$f.gz," chmod 7777 *.gz perl -le" `cpan-upload $_` for( (sort glob q,*.gz,)[-1]) "