package HTML::Perlinfo::Common; use strict; use warnings; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT = qw(initialize_globals print_table_colspan_header print_table_row print_table_color_start print_table_color_end print_color_box print_table_row_color print_table_start print_table_end print_box_start print_box_end print_hr print_table_header print_section print_license add_link check_path check_args check_module_args perl_version release_date process_args error_msg match_string); require Exporter; use Carp (); our %links; %links = ( 'all' => 1, 'local' => 0, 'docs' => 1, ); ##### The following is lifted from File::Which 0.05 by Per Einar Ellefsen. ##### The check_path sub uses the which sub. ############# use File::Spec; my $Is_VMS = ($^O eq 'VMS'); my $Is_MacOS = ($^O eq 'MacOS'); my $Is_DOSish = (($^O eq 'MSWin32') or ($^O eq 'dos') or ($^O eq 'os2')); # For Win32 systems, stores the extensions used for # executable files # For others, the empty string is used # because 'perl' . '' eq 'perl' => easier my @path_ext = (''); if ($Is_DOSish) { if ($ENV{PATHEXT} and $Is_DOSish) { # WinNT. PATHEXT might be set on Cygwin, but not used. push @path_ext, split ';', $ENV{PATHEXT}; } else { push @path_ext, qw(.com .exe .bat); # Win9X or other: doesn't have PATHEXT, so needs hardcoded. } } elsif ($Is_VMS) { push @path_ext, qw(.exe .com); } sub which { my ($exec) = @_; return undef unless $exec; my $all = wantarray; my @results = (); # check for aliases first if ($Is_VMS) { my $symbol = `SHOW SYMBOL $exec`; chomp($symbol); if (!$?) { return $symbol unless $all; push @results, $symbol; } } if ($Is_MacOS) { my @aliases = split /\,/, $ENV{Aliases}; foreach my $alias (@aliases) { # This has not been tested!! # PPT which says MPW-Perl cannot resolve `Alias $alias`, # let's just hope it's fixed if (lc($alias) eq lc($exec)) { chomp(my $file = `Alias $alias`); last unless $file; # if it failed, just go on the normal way return $file unless $all; push @results, $file; # we can stop this loop as if it finds more aliases matching, # it'll just be the same result anyway last; } } } my @path = File::Spec->path(); unshift @path, File::Spec->curdir if $Is_DOSish or $Is_VMS or $Is_MacOS; for my $base (map { File::Spec->catfile($_, $exec) } @path) { for my $ext (@path_ext) { my $file = $base.$ext; if ((-x $file or # executable, normal case ($Is_MacOS || # MacOS doesn't mark as executable so we check -e ($Is_DOSish and grep { $file =~ /$_$/i } @path_ext[1..$#path_ext]) # DOSish systems don't pass -x on non-exe/bat/com files. # so we check -e. However, we don't want to pass -e on files # that aren't in PATHEXT, like README. and -e _) ) and !-d _) { # and finally, we don't want dirs to pass (as they are -x) return $file unless $all; push @results, $file; # Make list to return later } } } if($all) { return @results; } else { return undef; } } ## End File::Which code sub check_path { return add_link('local', which("$_[0]")) if which("$_[0]"); return "not in path"; } sub match_string { my($module_name, $string) = @_; my $result = 0; my @string = (ref $string eq 'ARRAY') ? @$string : ($string); foreach(@string) { $result = index(lc($module_name), lc($_)); last if ($result != -1); } return ($result == -1) ? 0 : 1; } sub perl_version { my $version; if ($] >= 5.006) { $version = sprintf "%vd", $^V; } else { # else time to update Perl! $version = "$]"; } return $version; } sub release_date { # when things escaped my %released = ( 5.000 => '1994-10-17', 5.001 => '1995-03-14', 5.002 => '1996-02-96', 5.00307 => '1996-10-10', 5.004 => '1997-05-15', 5.005 => '1998-07-22', 5.00503 => '1999-03-28', 5.00405 => '1999-04-29', 5.006 => '2000-03-22', 5.006001 => '2001-04-08', 5.007003 => '2002-03-05', 5.008 => '2002-07-19', 5.008001 => '2003-09-25', 5.009 => '2003-10-27', 5.008002 => '2003-11-05', 5.006002 => '2003-11-15', 5.008003 => '2004-01-14', 5.00504 => '2004-02-23', 5.009001 => '2004-03-16', 5.008004 => '2004-04-21', 5.008005 => '2004-07-19', 5.008006 => '2004-11-27', 5.009002 => '2005-04-01', 5.008007 => '2005-05-30', 5.009003 => '2006-01-28', 5.008008 => '2006-01-31', 5.009004 => '2006-08-15', 5.009005 => '2007-07-07', 5.010000 => '2007-12-18', ); # Do we have Module::Corelist eval{require Module::CoreList}; if ($@) { # no return ($released{$]}) ? $released{$]} : "unknown"; } else { # yes return ($Module::CoreList::released{$]}) ? $Module::CoreList::released{$]} : "unknown"; } } sub check_args { my ($key, $value) = @_; my ($message, %allowed); @allowed{qw(docs local 0 1)} = (); if (not exists $allowed{$key}) { $message = "$key is an invalid links parameter"; } elsif ($key =~ /(?:docs|local)/ && $value !~ /^(?:0|1)$/i) { $message = "$value is an invalid value for the $key parameter in the links attribute"; } error_msg("$message") if $message; } sub check_module_args { my ($key, $value) = @_; my ($message, %allowed); @allowed{qw(from columns sort_by color link show_only section full_page show_inc show_dir files_in)} = (); if (not exists $allowed{$key}) { $message = "$key is an invalid print_modules parameter"; } elsif ($key eq 'sort_by' && $value !~ /^(?:name|version)$/i) { $message = "$value is an invalid sort"; } elsif ($key =~ /^(?:color|link|columns|files_in)$/ && ref($value) ne 'ARRAY') { $message = "The $key parameter value is not an array reference"; } elsif ($key eq 'columns' && grep(!/^(?:name|version|desc|path|core)$/, @{$value})) { $message = "Invalid column name in the $key parameter"; } elsif ($key eq 'color' && @{$value} <= 1) { $message = "You didn't specify a module to color"; } elsif ($key eq 'link' && @{$value} <= 1 && $value->[0] != 0) { $message = "You didn't provide a URL for the $key parameter"; } elsif ($key eq 'show_only' && (ref($value) ne 'ARRAY') && lc $value ne 'core') { $message = "$value is an invalid value for the $key parameter"; } elsif ($key eq 'full_page' && $value != 0 && $value != 1 ) { $message = "$value is an invalid value for the $key parameter"; } elsif ($key eq 'link' && ($value->[0] ne 'all' && $value->[0] != 0 && ref($value->[0]) ne 'ARRAY')) { $message = "Invalid first element in the $key parameter value"; } error_msg("$message") if $message; } sub process_args { # This sub returns a hash ref containing param args my %params; my $sub = pop @_ || die "No coderef provided\n"; # get the sub if (defined $_[0]) { while(my($key, $value) = splice @_, 0, 2) { $sub->($key, $value); if (exists $params{$key}){ my @key_value = ref(${$params{$key}}[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$params{$key}} : $params{$key}; push @key_value,$value; my $new_val = [@key_value]; $params{$key} = $new_val; } else { $params{$key} = $value; } } } return \%params; } sub error_msg { local $Carp::CarpLevel = $Carp::CarpLevel + 1; Carp::croak "User error: $_[0]"; } # HTML subs sub print_table_colspan_header { return sprintf("%s\n", $_[0], $_[1]); } sub print_table_row { my $num_cols = $_[0]; my $HTML = ""; for (my $i=0; $i<$num_cols; $i++) { $HTML .= sprintf("", ($i==0 ? "e" : "v" )); my $row_element = $_[$i+1]; if ((not defined ($row_element)) || ($row_element !~ /\S/)) { $HTML .= "no value"; } else { my $elem_esc = $row_element; $HTML .= "$elem_esc"; } $HTML .= " "; } $HTML .= "\n"; return $HTML; } sub print_table_color_start { return qq~\n~; } sub print_table_color_end { return '
'; } sub print_color_box { return qq ~
~; } sub print_table_row_color { my $num_cols = $_[0]; my $HTML = $_[1] ? "" : ""; for (my $i=0; $i<$num_cols; $i++) { $HTML .= $_[1] ? "" : sprintf("", ($i==0 ? "e" : "v" )); my $row_element = $_[$i+2]; # start at the 2nd element if ((not defined ($row_element)) || ($row_element !~ /\S/)) { $HTML .= "no value"; } else { my $elem_esc = $row_element; $HTML .= "$elem_esc"; } $HTML .= " "; } $HTML .= "\n"; return $HTML; } sub print_table_start { return "\n"; } sub print_table_end { return "

\n"; } sub print_box_start { my $HTML = print_table_start(); $HTML .= ($_[0] == 1) ? "\n" : "\n"; return $HTML; } sub print_box_end { my $HTML = "\n"; $HTML .= print_table_end(); return $HTML; } sub print_hr { return "
\n"; } sub print_table_header { my($num_cols) = $_[0]; my $HTML = ""; my $i; for ($i=0; $i<$num_cols; $i++) { my $row_element = $_[$i+1]; $row_element = " " if (!$row_element); $HTML .= "$row_element"; } return "$HTML\n"; } sub print_section { return "

" . $_[0] . "

\n"; } sub print_perl_license { return <<"END_OF_HTML";

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the Artistic License or the GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on this system using `man perl' or `perldoc perl'. If you have access to the Internet, point your browser at @{[ add_link('same', '')]}, the Perl directory.

END_OF_HTML } sub print_license { return join '', print_section("Perl License"), print_box_start(0), print_perl_license(), print_box_end(); } sub add_link { my ($type, $value, $link) = @_; return $value unless $links{'all'}; if ($type eq "cpan") { return $value if $link && $link->[0] =~ /^[0]$/; if ($link) { if (ref $link->[0] eq 'ARRAY' && ref $link->[1] ne 'ARRAY') { foreach (@{$link->[0]}) { if ($_ eq 'all' or match_string($value,$_)==1) { return '[1] eq 'ARRAY'){ foreach my $lv (@$link) { if (ref $lv->[0] eq 'ARRAY') { foreach(@{$lv->[0]}) { if ($_ eq 'all' or match_string($value,$_)==1) { return '[0])==1) { return '[0])==1) { return '$value !; } elsif ($type eq "local") { return $value unless $links{'local'}; return qq~ $value ~; } elsif ($type eq "same") { return qq~ $value ~; } } 1;