use 5.005; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; use Config; use File::Spec; #use strict; use warnings; $Verbose = 1; my ($INC, $DEFINE, $LIBS, $O_FILES, $STATIC_BUILD); our $VERSION=''; eval `grep 'VERSION *=' lib/HTML/Template/`; if (grep {/^DYNAMIC=1/} @ARGV) { $STATIC_BUILD=0; $INC='-I/usr/include/htmltmplpro'; $DEFINE='-DUSE_SYSTEM_HTP_HEADER'; $LIBS='-lhtmltmplpro'; $O_FILES=''; } else { $STATIC_BUILD=1; $INC='-I.'; $DEFINE='-DHTMLTMPLPRO_STATIC'; $LIBS='-lm'; $O_FILES='$(O_FILES)'; } my %DEF=( MAINTAINER => $^O eq 'linux' && -d '.git' ? 1 : 0, PCRE => 1, DEBUG => 0, MMAP => 1, IMITATE=>0, ); $DEF{PACKAGE_VERSION}=$VERSION if $VERSION; &configure() if $STATIC_BUILD; ### -------------------------------------- ### testing whether sources are consistent ### -------------------------------------- unless ((stat('test_crlf.out'))[7] == 47) { my @tests_to_skip=('HTML-Template-Pro.t', 'HTML-Template.t', 'realloc.t'); print < 'HTML::Template::Pro', VERSION_FROM => 'lib/HTML/Template/', # finds $VERSION PREREQ_PM => {'JSON', => 2.0, # safe to skip 'File::Path' => 2.0, 'File::Spec' => 0, 'Test::More' => 0, }, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1 ($] >= 5.005 ? ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005 (ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/HTML/Template/', # retrieve abstract from module AUTHOR => 'I. Yu. Vlasenko ') : ()), LIBS => [$LIBS], DEFINE => $DEFINE, # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING' INC => $INC, OBJECT => $O_FILES, # link all the C files too # license is: as perl itself or Artistic or GPL2+ or LGPL2+. # 'perl' is a valid string for META1.4 spec # LICENSE => 'perl', # PERL_MALLOC_OK => 1 # read first, static only depend => { 'expr.o' => '', 'procore.o' => '', }, ); sub MY::postamble { return '' unless $DEF{MAINTAINER}; return <<'MAKE_FRAG'; expr.c: procore\$(OBJ_EXT): optint.c: optint.re2c.m4 #proparam.c proparam.h: pparam.h # ./pparam2proparam rpm: dist rpmbuild -ta --clean HTML-Template-Pro-$(VERSION).tar.gz .re2c.c: re2c $< > $@ %.re2c: %.re2c.m4 m4 -P $< > $@ MANIFEST.git:: git-ls-files > MANIFEST.git index.html: README Makefile echo ' Logo
SourceForge Summary page of the project
Home page of the author

' > $@
	cat $< >> $@
	echo '
' >> $@ TARBALL=HTML-Template-Pro-$(VERSION).tar.gz SF_HOME='' sourceforge: tardist index.html ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_dsa.sf ( echo cd uploads; \ echo put $(TARBALL); \ echo quit ) | /usr/bin/sftp scp index.html $(SF_HOME) json:: rm -rf templates-Pro/json export HTP_DUMP=1; $(MAKE) test .SUFFIXES: .re2c MAKE_FRAG } # those tests are based on ones from Time-HiRes-01.20 sub try_compile_and_link { my ($c, $cccmd, $ccflags, $verbose) = @_; $verbose = 1 unless defined $verbose; my ($ok) = 0; my ($tmp) = File::Spec->catfile( File::Spec->tmpdir(), "tmp$$" ); local(*TMPC); my $obj_ext = $Config{obj_ext} || ".o"; unlink("$tmp.c", "$tmp$obj_ext"); if (open(TMPC, ">$tmp.c")) { print TMPC $c; close(TMPC); my $COREincdir = File::Spec->canonpath(File::Spec->catfile($Config{'archlibexp'}, 'CORE')); $ccflags .= ' '. $Config{'ccflags'} . ' ' . "-I$COREincdir"; my $cc=$Config{'cc'}; $cc||='cc'; if ($^O eq 'VMS') { my $perl_core = $Config{'installarchlib'}; $perl_core =~ s/\]$/.CORE]/; $cccmd = "$cc /include=(perl_root:[000000],$perl_core) $tmp.c"; } $cccmd = "$cc -o $tmp $ccflags $tmp.c @$LIBS" unless (defined $cccmd); print "trying $cccmd\n" if $verbose; system($cccmd); if ($^O eq 'VMS') { $ok = -s "$tmp$obj_ext" && -x _; unlink("$tmp.c", "$tmp$obj_ext"); } else { my $exe = $tmp . ($Config{_exe} || ''); $ok = -s $exe && -x _; unlink("$tmp.c", $exe); } } $ok; } sub has_header { my $header=shift; print "looking for $header...\n"; if (try_compile_and_link(' #include <'.$header.'> static int foo() { return 0; } int main (int argc, char** argv) { foo(); } ',undef, '')){ print "$header found.\n"; return 1; } print "$header not found.\n"; return 0; } sub has_pcre { print "looking for pcre...\n"; if (try_compile_and_link(' #include static int foo() { return 0; } int main (int argc, char** argv) { foo(); } ',undef, '-I/usr/include/pcre -lpcre')){ print "pcre found.\n"; return 1; } print "pcre not found.\n"; return 0; } sub has_mmap { print "looking for mmap...\n"; if (try_compile_and_link(' #include #include #include #include static char* mmap_load_file (const char* filepath) { int fd; struct stat st; size_t size_in_bytes; char* memarea=NULL; fd = open(filepath, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) return memarea; /* {NULL,NULL} */ fstat(fd, &st); size_in_bytes = st.st_size; /* mmap size_in_bytes+1 to avoid crash with empty file */ memarea = (char *) mmap(0, size_in_bytes+1, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); close(fd); return memarea; } int main (int argc, char** argv) { mmap_load_file("file"); } ',undef, '')){ print "mmap found.\n"; return 1; } print "mmap not found.\n"; return 0; } sub has_func { my ($func_call)=@_; print "looking for $func_call\n"; if (try_compile_and_link(' #include int main (int argc, char** argv) { '.$func_call.'; } ',undef, '')){ print "$func_call found.\n"; return 1; } print "$func_call not found.\n"; return 0; } sub find_int64 { foreach my $type ('__int64','long long','int64_t','long','int') { return $type if try_as_int64($type); } return; } sub try_as_int64 { my $type=shift; print "looking for int64: trying $type..."; if (try_compile_and_link(' int main (int argc, char** argv) { if (sizeof('.$type.')==8) return 0; return sizeof('.$type.'); } ',undef, '',0)){ print "Ok.\n"; return 1; } print "no.\n"; return 0; } sub configure { $DEF{PCRE}=has_pcre(); if ($^O eq 'os2' or $^O eq 'dos') { $DEF{MMAP}=0; } elsif ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { # win 32 mmap is disabled by default # $DEF{MMAP}=1; $DEF{MMAP}=0; # no, compiler is yet unknown here; # and some creepy M**soft tools may not understand long long :( # $DEF{INT64_NAME} = "long long";? } else { $DEF{HAS_MMAP}=has_mmap(); } $DEF{INT64_NAME} ||= find_int64(); $DEF{INT64_NAME} ||= $Config{i64type}; my $i; for ($i=0; $i<@ARGV; $i++) { if ($ARGV[$i]=~/^(PCRE|PEDANTIC|DEBUG|MMAP|IMITATE)=(.+)/) { $DEF{$1}=$2; } else { next; } splice @ARGV, $i, 1; $i--; } #$DEF{MMAP}=0 if $^O =~ /MSWin32/ and $DEF{'IMITATE'}; $DEFINE.=' -DDEBUG' if $DEF{DEBUG}; $DEFINE.=' -DUSE_MMAP ' if $DEF{MMAP}; $DEFINE.=' -DHAVE_STDINT_H ' if has_header('stdint.h'); $DEFINE.=' -DHAVE_INTTYPES_H ' if has_header('inttypes.h'); $DEFINE.=' -DHAVE_STRDUP' if has_func('strdup("str")'); $DEFINE.=' -DHAVE__STRDUP' if has_func('_strdup("str")'); $DEFINE.=' -DHAVE_SYS_MMAN_H -DHAVE_SYS_STAT_H' if ($DEF{HAS_MMAP}); $DEFINE.=' -DCOMPAT_ON_BROKEN_QUOTE -DCOMPAT_ALLOW_NAME_IN_CLOSING_TAG' if ($DEF{'IMITATE'}); $DEFINE.=' -pedantic -DPEDANTIC' if ($DEF{'PEDANTIC'}); $DEFINE.=' -DINT64_NAME="' . $DEF{'INT64_NAME'}.'"' if ($DEF{'INT64_NAME'}); if ($DEF{'INT64_NAME'}) { if ($DEF{'INT64_NAME'} eq "long long") { $DEFINE.=' -DSIZEOF_LONG_LONG=8'; } elsif ($DEF{'INT64_NAME'} eq "long") { $DEFINE.=' -DSIZEOF_LONG=8'; } } if ($DEF{PCRE}) { $INC.=' -I/usr/include/pcre'; $DEFINE.=' -DHAVE_PCRE'; $LIBS.=' -lpcre'; print " ===================================================================== build with libpcre (Stanislav Yadykin's regexp extension) is enabled. ===================================================================== if you have not installed libpcre, you still can build the module without libpcre (with this extension disabled) using perl Makefile.PL PCRE=0 "; } else { print " ================================================= build with libpcre is disabled. ================================================= Stanislav Yadykin's regexp extension is disabled. "; } if ($DEF{IMITATE}) { print " ===================================================================== Compatibility mode for syntactically incorrect templates is enabled. Note, that this mode could be a bit slower than default but it will be useful if you rely on HTML::Template behaviour in undefined cases. ===================================================================== "; } else { print " ===================================================================== Compatibility mode for syntactically incorrect templates is disabled. It is the fast default. ===================================================================== "; } }