#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import io import os import sys from fnmatch import fnmatchcase from setuptools import convert_path, find_packages, setup # Provided as an attribute, so you can append to these instead # of replicating them: standard_exclude = ["*.py", "*.pyc", "*~", ".*", "*.bak", "Makefile"] standard_exclude_directories = [ ".*", "CVS", "_darcs", "./build", "./dist", "EGG-INFO", "*.egg-info", "./example" ] # Copied from paste/util/finddata.py def find_package_data(where=".", package="", exclude=standard_exclude, exclude_directories=standard_exclude_directories, only_in_packages=True, show_ignored=False): """ Return a dictionary suitable for use in ``package_data`` in a distutils ``setup.py`` file. The dictionary looks like:: {"package": [files]} Where ``files`` is a list of all the files in that package that don't match anything in ``exclude``. If ``only_in_packages`` is true, then top-level directories that are not packages won't be included (but directories under packages will). Directories matching any pattern in ``exclude_directories`` will be ignored; by default directories with leading ``.``, ``CVS``, and ``_darcs`` will be ignored. If ``show_ignored`` is true, then all the files that aren't included in package data are shown on stderr (for debugging purposes). Note patterns use wildcards, or can be exact paths (including leading ``./``), and all searching is case-insensitive. """ out = {} stack = [(convert_path(where), "", package, only_in_packages)] while stack: where, prefix, package, only_in_packages = stack.pop(0) for name in os.listdir(where): fn = os.path.join(where, name) if os.path.isdir(fn): bad_name = False for pattern in exclude_directories: if (fnmatchcase(name, pattern) or fn.lower() == pattern.lower()): bad_name = True if show_ignored: print( "Directory %s ignored by pattern %s" % (fn, pattern), file=sys.stderr) break if bad_name: continue if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(fn, "__init__.py")) and not prefix): if not package: new_package = name else: new_package = package + "." + name stack.append((fn, "", new_package, False)) else: stack.append((fn, prefix + name + "/", package, only_in_packages)) elif package or not only_in_packages: # is a file bad_name = False for pattern in exclude: if (fnmatchcase(name, pattern) or fn.lower() == pattern.lower()): bad_name = True if show_ignored: print( "File %s ignored by pattern %s" % (fn, pattern), file=sys.stderr) break if bad_name: continue out.setdefault(package, []).append(prefix+name) return out excluded_directories = standard_exclude_directories package_data = find_package_data(exclude_directories=excluded_directories) long_description = io.open('README.rst', encoding='utf-8').read() # Dynamically calculate the version based on allauth.VERSION. version = __import__('allauth').__version__ METADATA = dict( name='django-allauth', version=version, author='Raymond Penners', author_email='raymond.penners@intenct.nl', description='Integrated set of Django applications addressing' ' authentication, registration, account management as well as' ' 3rd party (social) account authentication.', long_description=long_description, url='http://github.com/pennersr/django-allauth', keywords='django auth account social openid twitter facebook oauth' ' registration', tests_require=[], install_requires=['Django >= 2.0', 'python3-openid >= 3.0.8', 'requests-oauthlib >= 0.3.0', "requests"], include_package_data=True, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules', 'Environment :: Web Environment', 'Topic :: Internet', 'License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8', 'Framework :: Django', 'Framework :: Django :: 2.0', 'Framework :: Django :: 2.1', 'Framework :: Django :: 2.2', 'Framework :: Django :: 3.0', ], packages=find_packages(exclude=['example']), package_data=package_data, ) if __name__ == '__main__': setup(**METADATA)