Metadata-Version: 1.1 Name: django-cms Version: 3.7.1 Summary: An Advanced Django CMS Home-page: Author: Divio AG and contributors Author-email: License: BSD License Description: ########## django CMS ########## .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: .. image:: :target: :alt: Code Climate Open source enterprise content management system based on the Django framework. .. image:: :target: :alt: Try demo with Divio Cloud .. ATTENTION:: Please use the ``develop`` branch as the target for pull requests for on-going development. Security fixes will be backported to older branches by the core team as appropriate. ******** Features ******** * hierarchical pages * extensive built-in support for multilingual websites * multi-site support * draft/publish workflows * version control * a sophisticated publishing architecture, that's also usable in your own applications * frontend content editing * a hierarchical content structure for nested plugins * an extensible navigation system that your own applications can hook into * SEO-friendly URLs * designed to integrate thoroughly into other applications Developing applications that integrate with and take advantage of django CMS features is easy and well-documented. More information on `our website `_. ************ Requirements ************ See the `Python/Django requirements for the current release version `_ in our documentation. See the `installation how-to guide for an overview of some other requirements and dependencies of the current release `_ ************* Documentation ************* We maintain documentation for several versions of the project. Key versions are: * `stable `_ (default), for the **current release** version * `latest `_, representing the latest build of the **release-3.4.x branch** * `develop `_, representing the latest build of the **develop branch** For more information about our branch policy, see `Branches `_. Our documentation is hosted courtesy of `Read the Docs `_. ******** Tutorial ******** *********** Quick Start *********** You can use the `django CMS installer `_:: $ pip install --upgrade virtualenv $ virtualenv env $ source env/bin/activate (env) $ pip install djangocms-installer (env) $ mkdir myproject && cd myproject (env) $ djangocms -f -p . my_demo (env) $ python ************ Getting Help ************ Please head over to our IRC channel, #django-cms, on or write to our `mailing list `_. If you don't have an IRC client, you can `join our IRC channel using the KiwiIRC web client `_, which works pretty well. ****************** Commercial support ****************** This project is backed by `Divio `_. If you need help implementing or hosting django CMS, please contact us: ******* Credits ******* * Includes icons from `FamFamFam `_. * Python tree engine powered by `django-treebeard `_. * JavaScript tree in admin uses `jsTree `_. * Many thanks to `all the contributors `_ to django CMS! Platform: OS Independent Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable Classifier: Environment :: Web Environment Classifier: Framework :: Django Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent Classifier: Programming Language :: Python Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content Classifier: Topic :: Software Development Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 Classifier: Framework :: Django Classifier: Framework :: Django :: 1.11 Classifier: Framework :: Django :: 2.0 Classifier: Framework :: Django :: 2.1 Classifier: Framework :: Django :: 2.2