from twisted.python.util import sibpath from nevow.loaders import xmlfile from nevow.athena import LiveElement, expose class ChatRoom(object): def __init__(self): self.chatters = [] def wall(self, message): for chatter in self.chatters: chatter.wall(message) def tellEverybody(self, who, what): for chatter in self.chatters: chatter.hear(who.username, what) def makeChatter(self): elem = ChatterElement(self) self.chatters.append(elem) return elem # element to be run with twistd chat = ChatRoom().makeChatter class ChatterElement(LiveElement): docFactory = xmlfile(sibpath(__file__, 'template.html')) jsClass = u'ChatThing.ChatterWidget' def __init__(self, room): = room def setUsername(self, username): self.username = username message = ' * user '+username+' has joined the room' setUsername = expose(setUsername) def say(self, message):, message) say = expose(say) def wall(self, message): self.callRemote('displayMessage', message) def hear(self, username, what): self.callRemote('displayUserMessage', username, what)