// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CC_TREES_LAYER_TREE_SETTINGS_H_ #define CC_TREES_LAYER_TREE_SETTINGS_H_ #include #include #include "base/time/time.h" #include "cc/cc_export.h" #include "cc/debug/layer_tree_debug_state.h" #include "cc/scheduler/scheduler_settings.h" #include "cc/tiles/tile_manager_settings.h" #include "cc/trees/managed_memory_policy.h" #include "components/viz/common/display/renderer_settings.h" #include "components/viz/common/resources/resource_format.h" #include "components/viz/common/resources/resource_settings.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h" namespace cc { class CC_EXPORT LayerTreeSettings { public: LayerTreeSettings(); LayerTreeSettings(const LayerTreeSettings& other); virtual ~LayerTreeSettings(); SchedulerSettings ToSchedulerSettings() const; TileManagerSettings ToTileManagerSettings() const; viz::ResourceSettings resource_settings; bool single_thread_proxy_scheduler = true; bool main_frame_before_activation_enabled = false; bool using_synchronous_renderer_compositor = false; bool enable_early_damage_check = false; // When |enable_early_damage_check| is true, the early damage check is // performed if one of the last |damaged_frame_limit| frames had no damage. int damaged_frame_limit = 3; bool enable_impl_latency_recovery = true; bool enable_main_latency_recovery = true; bool can_use_lcd_text = true; bool gpu_rasterization_disabled = false; int gpu_rasterization_msaa_sample_count = -1; float gpu_rasterization_skewport_target_time_in_seconds = 0.2f; bool create_low_res_tiling = false; bool use_stream_video_draw_quad = false; enum ScrollbarAnimator { NO_ANIMATOR, ANDROID_OVERLAY, AURA_OVERLAY, }; ScrollbarAnimator scrollbar_animator = NO_ANIMATOR; base::TimeDelta scrollbar_fade_delay; base::TimeDelta scrollbar_fade_duration; base::TimeDelta scrollbar_thinning_duration; bool scrollbar_flash_after_any_scroll_update = false; bool scrollbar_flash_when_mouse_enter = false; SkColor solid_color_scrollbar_color = SK_ColorWHITE; base::TimeDelta scroll_animation_duration_for_testing; bool timeout_and_draw_when_animation_checkerboards = true; bool layers_always_allowed_lcd_text = false; float minimum_contents_scale = 0.0625f; float low_res_contents_scale_factor = 0.25f; float top_controls_show_threshold = 0.5f; float top_controls_hide_threshold = 0.5f; gfx::Size default_tile_size; gfx::Size max_untiled_layer_size; // If set, indicates the largest tile size we will use for GPU Raster. If not // set, no limit is enforced. gfx::Size max_gpu_raster_tile_size; // Even for really wide viewports, at some point GPU raster should use // less than 4 tiles to fill the viewport. This is set to 256 as a // sane minimum for now, but we might want to tune this for low-end. int min_height_for_gpu_raster_tile = 256; gfx::Size minimum_occlusion_tracking_size; // 3000 pixels should give sufficient area for prepainting. // Note this value is specified with an ideal contents scale in mind. That // is, the ideal tiling would use this value as the padding. // TODO(vmpstr): Figure out a better number that doesn't depend on scale. int tiling_interest_area_padding = 3000; float skewport_target_time_in_seconds = 1.0f; int skewport_extrapolation_limit_in_screen_pixels = 2000; size_t max_memory_for_prepaint_percentage = 100; bool use_zero_copy = false; bool use_partial_raster = false; bool enable_elastic_overscroll = false; bool ignore_root_layer_flings = false; size_t scheduled_raster_task_limit = 32; bool use_occlusion_for_tile_prioritization = false; bool use_layer_lists = false; int max_staging_buffer_usage_in_bytes = 32 * 1024 * 1024; ManagedMemoryPolicy memory_policy; size_t decoded_image_working_set_budget_bytes = 128 * 1024 * 1024; int max_preraster_distance_in_screen_pixels = 1000; bool use_rgba_4444 = false; bool unpremultiply_and_dither_low_bit_depth_tiles = false; // If set to true, the compositor may selectively defer image decodes to the // Image Decode Service and raster tiles without images until the decode is // ready. bool enable_checker_imaging = false; // When content needs a wide color gamut, raster in wide if available. // But when the content is sRGB, some situations prefer to raster in // wide while others prefer to raster in sRGB. bool prefer_raster_in_srgb = false; // The minimum size of an image we should considering decoding using the // deferred path. size_t min_image_bytes_to_checker = 1 * 1024 * 1024; // 1MB. // Disables checkering of images when not using gpu rasterization. bool only_checker_images_with_gpu_raster = false; LayerTreeDebugState initial_debug_state; // Indicates the case when a sub-frame gets its own LayerTree because it's // rendered in a different process from its ancestor frames. bool is_layer_tree_for_subframe = false; // Determines whether we disallow non-exact matches when finding resources // in ResourcePool. Only used for layout or pixel tests, as non-deterministic // resource sizes can lead to floating point error and noise in these tests. bool disallow_non_exact_resource_reuse = false; // Whether the Scheduler should wait for all pipeline stages before attempting // to draw. If |true|, they will block indefinitely until all stages have // completed the current BeginFrame before triggering their own BeginFrame // deadlines. bool wait_for_all_pipeline_stages_before_draw = false; // Determines whether the zoom needs to be applied to the device scale factor. bool use_zoom_for_dsf = false; // Determines whether mouse interactions on composited scrollbars are handled // on the compositor thread. bool compositor_threaded_scrollbar_scrolling = true; // If enabled, the scroll deltas will be a percentage of the target scroller. bool percent_based_scrolling = false; // Determines whether animated scrolling is supported. If true, and the // incoming gesture scroll is of a type that would normally be animated (e.g. // coarse granularity scrolls like those coming from an external mouse wheel), // the scroll will be performed smoothly using the animation system rather // than instantly. bool enable_smooth_scroll = false; // Whether layer tree commits should be made directly to the active // tree on the impl thread. If |false| LayerTreeHostImpl creates a // pending layer tree and produces that as the 'sync tree' with // which LayerTreeHost synchronizes. If |true| LayerTreeHostImpl // produces the active tree as its 'sync tree'. bool commit_to_active_tree = true; // Whether image animations can be reset to the beginning to avoid skipping // many frames. bool enable_image_animation_resync = true; // Whether to use edge anti-aliasing for all layer types that supports it. bool enable_edge_anti_aliasing = true; // Whether SetViewportRectAndScale should update the painted scale factor or // the device scale factor. bool use_painted_device_scale_factor = false; // When true, LayerTreeHostImplClient will be posting a task to call // DidReceiveCompositorFrameAck, used by the Compositor but not the // LayerTreeView. bool send_compositor_frame_ack = true; // When false, scroll deltas accumulated on the impl thread are rounded to // integer values when sent to Blink on commit. This flag should eventually // go away and CC should send Blink fractional values: // https://crbug.com/414283. bool commit_fractional_scroll_deltas = false; // When false, we do not check for occlusion and all quads are drawn. // Defaults to true. bool enable_occlusion = true; // Whether experimental de-jelly effect is allowed. bool allow_de_jelly_effect = false; #if DCHECK_IS_ON() // Whether to check if any double blur exists. bool log_on_ui_double_background_blur = false; #endif }; class CC_EXPORT LayerListSettings : public LayerTreeSettings { public: LayerListSettings() { use_layer_lists = true; } }; } // namespace cc #endif // CC_TREES_LAYER_TREE_SETTINGS_H_