check_permission('tiki_p_admin'); $logslib = TikiLib::lib('logs'); /** * Display feedback on prefs changed * * @param string $name Name of feature * @param string $message Other message * @param int $st Type of change (0=disabled, 1=enabled, 2=changed, 3=info, 4=reset) * @param int $num unknown * @return void * @throws Exception */ function add_feedback($name, $message, $st, $num = null) { TikiLib::lib('prefs')->addRecent($name); Feedback::add(['num' => $num, 'mes' => $message, 'st' => $st, 'name' => $name, 'tpl' => 'pref',]); } /** * simple_set_toggle * * @param mixed $feature * @access public * @return void * @throws Exception */ function simple_set_toggle($feature) { global $prefs; $logslib = TikiLib::lib('logs'); $tikilib = TikiLib::lib('tiki'); if (isset($_REQUEST[$feature]) && $_REQUEST[$feature] == 'on') { if ((! isset($prefs[$feature]) || $prefs[$feature] != 'y')) { // not yet set at all or not set to y if ($tikilib->set_preference($feature, 'y')) { add_feedback($feature, tr('%0 enabled', $feature), 1, 1); $logslib->add_action('feature', $feature, 'system', 'enabled'); } } } else { if ((! isset($prefs[$feature]) || $prefs[$feature] != 'n')) { // not yet set at all or not set to n if ($tikilib->set_preference($feature, 'n')) { add_feedback($feature, tr('%0 disabled', $feature), 0, 1); $logslib->add_action('feature', $feature, 'system', 'disabled'); } } } TikiLib::lib('cache')->invalidate('allperms'); } /** * simple_set_value * * @param mixed $feature * @param string $pref * @param mixed $isMultiple * @access public * @return void * @throws Exception */ function simple_set_value($feature, $pref = '', $isMultiple = false) { global $prefs; $logslib = TikiLib::lib('logs'); $tikilib = TikiLib::lib('tiki'); $old = $prefs[$feature]; if (isset($_POST[$feature])) { if ($pref != '') { if ($tikilib->set_preference($pref, $_POST[$feature])) { $prefs[$feature] = $_POST[$feature]; } } else { $tikilib->set_preference($feature, $_POST[$feature]); } } elseif ($isMultiple) { // Multiple selection controls do not exist if no item is selected. // We still want the value to be updated. if ($pref != '') { if ($tikilib->set_preference($pref, [])) { $prefs[$feature] = $_POST[$feature]; } } else { $tikilib->set_preference($feature, []); } } if (isset($_POST[$feature]) && $old != $_POST[$feature]) { add_feedback($feature, ($_POST[$feature]) ? tr('%0 set', $feature) : tr('%0 unset', $feature), 2); $msg = ''; if (is_array($_POST[$feature]) && is_array($old)) { $newCount = count($_POST[$feature]); $oldCount = count($old); if ($newCount > $oldCount) { $added = $newCount - $oldCount; $item = $added == 1 ? tr('item added') : tr('items added'); $msg = $added . ' ' . $item; } elseif ($oldCount > $newCount) { $deleted = $oldCount - $newCount; $item = $deleted == 1 ? tr('item deleted') : tr('items deleted'); $msg = $deleted . ' ' . $item; } } else { $msg = $old . ' => ' . $_POST[$feature]; } $logslib->add_action('feature', $feature, 'system', $msg); } TikiLib::lib('cache')->invalidate('allperms'); } $crumbs[] = new Breadcrumb(tra('Control Panels'), tra('Sections'), 'tiki-admin.php', 'Admin+Home', tra('Help on Configuration Sections', '', true)); // Default values for AdminHome $admintitle = tra('Control Panels'); $helpUrl = 'Admin+Home'; $helpDescription = $description = ''; $url = 'tiki-admin.php'; $adminPage = ''; $prefslib = TikiLib::lib('prefs'); if (isset($_REQUEST['pref_filters']) && $access->checkCsrf()) { $prefslib->setFilters($_REQUEST['pref_filters']); Feedback::success(tra('Default preference filters set')); } /* * If blacklist preferences have been updated and its also not being disabled * Then update the database with the selection. */ $blackL = TikiLib::lib('blacklist'); if (isset($_POST['pass_blacklist'])) { // if preferences were updated and blacklist feature is enabled (or is being enabled) $pass_blacklist_file = $jitPost->pass_blacklist_file->striptags(); $userfile = explode('-', $pass_blacklist_file); $userfile = $userfile[3]; if ($userfile) { // if the blacklist is a user generated file $passDir = 'storage/pass_blacklists/'; } else { $passDir = 'lib/pass_blacklists/'; } if ($pass_blacklist_file === 'auto') { if ($_POST['min_pass_length'] != $GLOBALS['prefs']['min_pass_length'] || $_POST['pass_chr_num'] != $GLOBALS['prefs']['pass_chr_num'] || $_POST['pass_chr_special'] != $GLOBALS['prefs']['pass_chr_special']) { // if blacklist is auto and an option is changed that could effect the selection $prefname = implode('-', $blackL->selectBestBlacklist($_POST['pass_chr_num'], $_POST['pass_chr_special'], $_POST['min_pass_length'])); $filename = $passDir . $prefname . '.txt'; $tikilib->set_preference('pass_auto_blacklist', $prefname); $blackL->loadBlacklist(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/' . $filename); } } elseif ($pass_blacklist_file != $GLOBALS['prefs']['pass_blacklist_file']) { // if manual selection mode has been changed $filename = $passDir . $pass_blacklist_file . '.txt'; $blackL->loadBlacklist(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) . '/' . $filename); } } $temp_filters = isset($_REQUEST['filters']) ? explode(' ', $_REQUEST['filters']) : null; $smarty->assign('pref_filters', $prefslib->getFilters($temp_filters)); if (isset($_POST['lm_preference'] ) && $access->checkCsrf()) { $changes = $prefslib->applyChanges((array) $_POST['lm_preference'], $_POST); foreach ($changes as $pref => $val) { if ($val['type'] == 'reset') { add_feedback($pref, tr('%0 reset', $pref), 4); $logslib->add_action('feature', $pref, 'system', 'reset'); } else { $value = $val['new']; if ($value == 'y') { add_feedback($pref, tr('%0 enabled', $pref), 1, 1); $logslib->add_action('feature', $pref, 'system', 'enabled'); } elseif ($value == 'n') { add_feedback($pref, tr('%0 disabled', $pref), 0, 1); $logslib->add_action('feature', $pref, 'system', 'disabled'); } else { add_feedback($pref, tr('%0 set', $pref), 1, 1); $logslib->add_action('feature', $pref, 'system', (is_array($val['old']) ? implode($val['old'], ',') : $val['old']) . '=>' . (is_array($value) ? implode($value, ',') : $value)); } /* Enable/disable addreference/showreference plugins alognwith references feature. */ if ($pref == 'feature_references') { $tikilib->set_preference('wikiplugin_addreference', $value); $tikilib->set_preference('wikiplugin_showreference', $value); /* Add/Remove the plugin toolbars from the editor */ $toolbars = ['wikiplugin_addreference', 'wikiplugin_showreference']; $t_action = ($value == 'y') ? 'add' : 'remove'; $tikilib->saveEditorToolbars($toolbars, 'global', $t_action); } } } } if (isset($_REQUEST['lm_criteria'])) { set_time_limit(0); try { $smarty->assign('lm_criteria', $_REQUEST['lm_criteria']); $results = $prefslib->getMatchingPreferences($_REQUEST['lm_criteria']); $results = array_slice($results, 0, 50); $results = $prefslib->unsetHiddenPreferences($results); $smarty->assign('lm_searchresults', $results); } catch (ZendSearch\Lucene\Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) { Feedback::warning(['mes' => $e->getMessage(), 'title' => tr('Search error')]); $smarty->assign('lm_criteria', ''); $smarty->assign('lm_searchresults', ''); } } else { $smarty->assign('lm_criteria', ''); $smarty->assign('lm_searchresults', ''); } $smarty->assign('indexNeedsRebuilding', $prefslib->indexNeedsRebuilding()); if (isset($_REQUEST['prefrebuild'])) { $prefslib->rebuildIndex(); header('Location: ' . $base_url . 'tiki-admin.php'); } $admin_icons = [ "general" => [ 'title' => tr('General'), 'description' => tr('Global site configuration, date formats, etc.'), 'help' => 'General Admin', ], "features" => [ 'title' => tr('Features'), 'description' => tr('Switches for major features'), 'help' => 'Features Admin', ], "login" => [ 'title' => tr('Log in'), 'description' => tr('User registration, remember me cookie settings and authentication methods'), 'help' => 'Login Config', ], "user" => [ 'title' => tr('User Settings'), 'description' => tr('User related preferences like info and picture, features, messages and notification, files, etc'), 'help' => 'User Settings', ], "profiles" => [ 'title' => tr('Profiles'), 'description' => tr('Repository configuration, browse and apply profiles'), 'help' => 'Profiles', ], "look" => [ 'title' => tr('Look & Feel'), 'description' => tr('Theme selection, layout settings and UI effect controls'), 'help' => 'Look and Feel', ], "textarea" => [ 'title' => tr('Editing and Plugins'), 'description' => tr('Text editing settings applicable to many areas. Plugin activation and plugin alias management'), 'help' => 'Text area', ], "module" => [ 'title' => tr('Modules'), 'description' => tr('Module appearance settings'), 'help' => 'Module', ], "i18n" => [ 'title' => tr('i18n'), 'description' => tr('Internationalization and localization - multilingual features'), 'help' => 'i18n', ], "metatags" => [ 'title' => tr('Meta Tags'), 'description' => tr('Information to include in the header of each page'), 'help' => 'Meta Tags', ], "maps" => [ 'title' => tr('Maps'), 'description' => tr('Settings and features for maps'), 'help' => 'Maps', 'disabled' => false, ], "performance" => [ 'title' => tr('Performance'), 'description' => tr('Server performance settings'), 'help' => 'Performance', ], "security" => [ 'title' => tr('Security'), 'description' => tr('Site security settings'), 'help' => 'Security', ], "comments" => [ 'title' => tr('Comments'), 'description' => tr('Comments settings'), 'help' => 'Comments', ], "rss" => [ 'title' => tr('Feeds'), 'help' => 'Feeds User', 'description' => tr('Outgoing RSS feed setup'), ], "connect" => [ 'title' => tr('Connect'), 'help' => 'Connect', 'description' => tr('Tiki Connect - join in!'), ], "rating" => [ 'title' => tr('Rating'), 'help' => 'Rating', 'description' => tr('Rating settings'), 'disabled' => $prefs['wiki_simple_ratings'] !== 'y' && $prefs['wiki_comments_simple_ratings'] !== 'y' && $prefs['comments_vote'] !== 'y' && $prefs['rating_advanced'] !== 'y' && $prefs['trackerfield_rating'] !== 'y' && $prefs['article_user_rating'] !== 'y' && $prefs['rating_results_detailed'] !== 'y' && $prefs['rating_smileys'] !== 'y', ], "search" => [ 'title' => tr('Search'), 'description' => tr('Search configuration'), 'help' => 'Search', 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_search'] !== 'y' && $prefs['feature_search_fulltext'] !== 'y', ], "wiki" => [ 'title' => tr('Wiki'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_wiki'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Wiki page settings and features'), 'help' => 'Wiki Config', ], "fgal" => [ 'title' => tr('File Galleries'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_file_galleries'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Defaults and configuration for file galleries'), 'help' => 'File Gallery', ], "blogs" => [ 'title' => tr('Blogs'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_blogs'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Settings for blogs'), 'help' => 'Blog', ], "gal" => [ 'title' => tr('Image Galleries'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_galleries'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Defaults and configuration for image galleries (will be phased out in favour of file galleries)'), 'help' => 'Image Gallery', ], "articles" => [ 'title' => tr('Articles'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_articles'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Settings and features for articles'), 'help' => 'Articles', ], "forums" => [ 'title' => tr('Forums'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_forums'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Settings and features for forums'), 'help' => 'Forums-Admin', ], "trackers" => [ 'title' => tr('Trackers'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_trackers'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Settings and features for trackers'), 'help' => 'Trackers-Admin', ], "polls" => [ 'title' => tr('Polls'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_polls'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Settings and features for polls'), 'help' => 'Polls', ], "calendar" => [ 'title' => tr('Calendar'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_calendar'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Settings and features for calendars'), 'help' => 'Calendar', ], "category" => [ 'title' => tr('Categories'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_categories'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Settings and features for categories'), 'help' => 'Categories-Admin', ], "workspace" => [ 'title' => tr('Workspaces'), 'disabled' => $prefs['workspace_ui'] != 'y' && $prefs['feature_areas'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Configure workspace feature'), 'help' => 'Workspace', ], "score" => [ 'title' => tr('Score'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_score'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Values of actions for users rank score'), 'help' => 'Score', ], "freetags" => [ 'title' => tr('Tags'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_freetags'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Settings and features for tags'), 'help' => 'Tags', ], "faqs" => [ 'title' => tr('FAQs'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_faqs'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Settings and features for FAQs'), 'help' => 'FAQ', ], "directory" => [ 'title' => tr('Directory'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_directory'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Settings and features for directory of links'), 'help' => 'Directory', ], "copyright" => [ 'title' => tr('Copyright'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_copyright'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Site-wide copyright information'), 'help' => 'Copyright', ], "messages" => [ 'title' => tr('Messages'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_messages'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Message settings'), 'help' => 'Inter-User Messages', ], "webmail" => [ 'title' => tr('Webmail'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_webmail'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Webmail settings'), 'help' => 'Webmail', 'url' => 'tiki-webmail.php?page=settings' ], "wysiwyg" => [ 'title' => tr('Wysiwyg'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_wysiwyg'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Options for WYSIWYG editor'), 'help' => 'Wysiwyg', ], "ads" => [ 'title' => tr('Banners'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_banners'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Site advertisements and notices'), 'help' => 'Banner-Admin', ], "intertiki" => [ 'title' => tr('InterTiki'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_intertiki'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Set up links between Tiki servers'), 'help' => 'InterTiki', ], "semantic" => [ 'title' => tr('Semantic Links'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_semantic'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Manage semantic wiki links'), 'help' => 'Semantic Admin', ], "webservices" => [ 'title' => tr('Webservices'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_webservices'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Register and manage web services'), 'help' => 'WebServices', ], "sefurl" => [ 'title' => tr('SEF URL'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_sefurl'] != 'y' && $prefs['feature_canonical_url'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Search Engine Friendly URLs'), 'help' => 'Search-Engine-Friendly-URL', ], "video" => [ 'title' => tr('Video'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_kaltura'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Video integration configuration'), 'help' => 'Video-Admin', ], "payment" => [ 'title' => tr('Payment'), 'disabled' => $prefs['payment_feature'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Payment settings'), 'help' => 'Payment', ], "socialnetworks" => [ 'title' => tr('Social networks'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_socialnetworks'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Configure social networks integration'), 'help' => 'Social Networks', ], "community" => [ 'title' => tr('Community'), 'description' => tr('User specific features and settings'), 'help' => 'Community', ], "share" => [ 'title' => tr('Share'), 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_share'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Configure share feature'), 'help' => 'Share', ], "stats" => [ 'title' => tr('Statistics'), // 'disabled' => $prefs['feature_stats'] != 'y', 'description' => tr('Configure statistics reporting for your site usage'), 'help' => 'Statistics-Admin', ], "print" => [ 'title' => tr('Print Settings'), 'description' => tr('Settings and features for print versions and pdf generation'), 'help' => 'Print Setting-Admin', ], "packages" => [ 'title' => tr('Packages'), 'description' => tr('External packages installation and management'), 'help' => 'Packages', ], "rtc" => [ 'title' => tr('RTC'), 'description' => tr('Real-time collaboration tools'), 'help' => 'RTC', ], ]; if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) { $adminPage = $_REQUEST['page']; // Check if the associated incude_*.php file exists. If not, check to see if it might exist in the Addons. // If it exists, include the associated file $utilities = new \Tiki\Package\Extension\Utilities(); if (file_exists("admin/include_$adminPage.php")) { include_once("admin/include_$adminPage.php"); } elseif ($filepath = $utilities->getExtensionFilePath("admin/include_$adminPage.php")) { include_once($filepath); } $url = 'tiki-admin.php' . '?page=' . $adminPage; if (isset($admin_icons[$adminPage])) { $admin_icon = $admin_icons[$adminPage]; $admintitle = $admin_icon['title']; $description = isset($admin_icon['description']) ? $admin_icon['description'] : ''; $helpUrl = isset($admin_icon['help']) ? $admin_icon['help'] : ''; } $helpDescription = tr("Help on %0 Config", $admintitle); $smarty->assign('include', $adminPage); $smarty->assign('template_not_found', 'n'); if (substr($adminPage, 0, 3) == 'tp_' && ! file_exists("admin/include_$adminPage.tpl")) { $packageAdminTplFile = $utilities->getExtensionFilePath("templates/admin/include_$adminPage.tpl"); if (! file_exists($packageAdminTplFile)) { $smarty->assign('include', 'extension_package_missing_page'); } if (! ExtensionManager::isExtensionEnabled(str_replace("_", "/", substr($adminPage, 3)))) { $smarty->assign('include', 'extension_package_inactive'); } } elseif (! file_exists("templates/admin/include_$adminPage.tpl")) { // Graceful error management when URL is wrong for admin panel $smarty->assign('template_not_found', 'y'); } else { $smarty->assign('template_not_found', 'n'); } //for most admin include page forms, need to redirect as changes to one pref can affect display of others //however other forms that perform actions other than changing preferences should not redirect to avoid infinite loops //for these add a hidden input named redirect with a value of 0 if ($access->csrfResult() && (! isset($_POST['redirect']) || $_POST['redirect'] === 1) && ! isset($_POST['saveblacklist']) && ! isset($_POST['viewblacklist'])) { $access->redirect($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '', 200); } } else { $smarty->assign('include', 'list_sections'); $smarty->assign('admintitle', 'Control Panels'); $smarty->assign('description', 'Home Page for Administrators'); $smarty->assign('headtitle', breadcrumb_buildHeadTitle($crumbs)); $smarty->assign('description', $crumbs[0]->description); } $headerlib->add_cssfile('themes/base_files/feature_css/admin.css'); if (isset($admintitle) && isset($description)) { $crumbs[] = new Breadcrumb($admintitle, $description, $url, $helpUrl, $helpDescription); $smarty->assign_by_ref('admintitle', $admintitle); $headtitle = breadcrumb_buildHeadTitle($crumbs); $smarty->assign_by_ref('headtitle', $headtitle); $smarty->assign_by_ref('helpUrl', $helpUrl); $smarty->assign_by_ref('description', $description); } // VERSION TRACKING $forcecheck = ! empty($_GET['forcecheck']); // Versioning feature has been enabled, so if the time is right, do a live // check, otherwise display the stored data. if ($prefs['feature_version_checks'] == 'y' || $forcecheck) { $versionUtils = new Tiki_Version_Utils(); $upgrades = $versionUtils->checkUpdatesForVersion($TWV->version); $smarty->assign('upgrade_messages', $upgrades); } foreach ($admin_icons as &$admin_icon) { $admin_icon = array_merge([ 'disabled' => false, 'description' => ''], $admin_icon); } // SSL setup $haveMySQLSSL = $tikilib->haveMySQLSSL(); $smarty->assign('haveMySQLSSL', $haveMySQLSSL); if ($haveMySQLSSL) { $isSSL = $tikilib->isMySQLConnSSL(); } else { $isSSL = false; } $smarty->assign('mysqlSSL', $isSSL); $smarty->assign('admin_icons', $admin_icons); $show_warning = $adminlib->checkSystemConfigurationFile(); $smarty->assign('show_system_configuration_warning', $show_warning); // disallow robots to index page: $smarty->assign('metatag_robots', 'NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW'); // Display the template $smarty->assign('adminpage', $adminPage); $smarty->assign('mid', 'tiki-admin.tpl'); $smarty->assign('trail', $crumbs); $smarty->assign('crumb', count($crumbs) - 1); if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php')) { if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/do_not_clean.txt') || ! ( // check the existence of critical files denoting a legacy vendor folder (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/zendframework/zend-config/src/Config.php') //ZF2 || file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/bombayworks/zendframework1/library/Zend/Config.php')) //ZF1 && (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php') //Smarty || file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/smarty/smarty/distribution/libs/Smarty.class.php')) //Smarty && file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/adodb/adodb/') //Adodb )) { $vendorAutoloadIgnored = false; } else { $vendorAutoloadIgnored = true; } } else { $vendorAutoloadIgnored = false; } if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload-disabled.php')) { $vendorAutoloadDisabled = true; } else { $vendorAutoloadDisabled = false; } $smarty->assign('fgal_web_accessible', false); if ($prefs['fgal_use_dir'] && $prefs['fgal_use_db'] === 'n') { $smarty->assign('fgal_web_accessible', $access->isFileWebAccessible($prefs['fgal_use_dir']. 'index.php')); } $smarty->assign('vendor_autoload_ignored', $vendorAutoloadIgnored); $smarty->assign('vendor_autoload_disabled', $vendorAutoloadDisabled); include_once('installer/installlib.php'); $installer = Installer::getInstance(); $smarty->assign('db_requires_update', $installer->requiresUpdate()); $smarty->assign('installer_not_locked', $installer->checkInstallerLocked()); $smarty->assign('search_index_outdated', \TikiLib::lib('unifiedsearch')->isOutdated()); $smarty->display('tiki.tpl');