/** @file @section license License Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "tscore/ink_config.h" #include "tscore/ink_defs.h" #include "ts/ts.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SYSINFO_H #include #endif #include #define PLUGIN_NAME "system_stats" #define DEBUG_TAG PLUGIN_NAME // Time in MS to grab the system stats #define SYSTEM_STATS_TIMEOUT 5000 // Load Average Strings #define LOAD_AVG_ONE_MIN "plugin." PLUGIN_NAME ".loadavg.one" #define LOAD_AVG_FIVE_MIN "plugin." PLUGIN_NAME ".loadavg.five" #define LOAD_AVG_FIFTEEN_MIN "plugin." PLUGIN_NAME ".loadavg.fifteen" // Process Strings #define CURRENT_PROCESSES "plugin." PLUGIN_NAME ".current_processes" // Base net stats name, full name needs to populated // with NET_STATS.infname.RX/TX.standard_net_stats field #define NET_STATS "plugin." PLUGIN_NAME ".net." #define NET_STATS_DIR "/sys/class/net" #define STATISTICS_DIR "statistics" // Used for matching to slave symlinks in a bonded interface // This way we can report things like plugin.net.bond0.slave_dev1.speed #define SLAVE "slave_" static int statAdd(const char *name, TSRecordDataType record_type, TSMutex create_mutex) { int stat_id = -1; TSMutexLock(create_mutex); if (TS_ERROR == TSStatFindName(name, &stat_id)) { stat_id = TSStatCreate(name, record_type, TS_STAT_NON_PERSISTENT, TS_STAT_SYNC_SUM); if (stat_id == TS_ERROR) { TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "Error creating stat_name: %s", name); } else { TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "Created stat_name: %s stat_id: %d", name, stat_id); } } TSMutexUnlock(create_mutex); return stat_id; } static int getFile(const char *filename, char *buffer, int bufferSize) { TSFile f = 0; size_t s = 0; f = TSfopen(filename, "r"); if (!f) { buffer[0] = 0; // Return -1 to indicate read err return -1; } s = TSfread(f, buffer, bufferSize); if (s > 0) { buffer[s] = 0; } else { buffer[0] = 0; } TSfclose(f); return s; } static void statSet(const char *name, long value, TSMutex stat_creation_mutex) { int stat_id = statAdd(name, TS_RECORDDATATYPE_INT, stat_creation_mutex); if (stat_id != TS_ERROR) { TSStatIntSet(stat_id, value); } } static void setNetStat(TSMutex stat_creation_mutex, const char *interface, const char *entry, const char *subdir, bool subdirstatname) { char sysfs_name[PATH_MAX]; char stat_name[255]; char data[255]; memset(&stat_name[0], 0, sizeof(stat_name)); memset(&sysfs_name[0], 0, sizeof(sysfs_name)); memset(&data[0], 0, sizeof(data)); if ((interface == NULL) || (entry == NULL)) { TSError("%s: NULL subdir or entry", DEBUG_TAG); return; } // Generate the ATS stats name if (subdirstatname) { snprintf(&stat_name[0], sizeof(stat_name), "%s%s.%s.%s", NET_STATS, interface, subdir, entry); } else { snprintf(&stat_name[0], sizeof(stat_name), "%s%s.%s", NET_STATS, interface, entry); } // Determine if this is a toplevel netdev stat, or one from statistics. if (subdir == NULL) { snprintf(&sysfs_name[0], sizeof(sysfs_name), "%s/%s/%s", NET_STATS_DIR, interface, entry); } else { snprintf(&sysfs_name[0], sizeof(sysfs_name), "%s/%s/%s/%s", NET_STATS_DIR, interface, subdir, entry); } if (getFile(&sysfs_name[0], &data[0], sizeof(data)) < 0) { TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "Error reading file %s", sysfs_name); } else { statSet(stat_name, atol(data), stat_creation_mutex); } } static void setBondingStat(TSMutex stat_creation_mutex, const char *interface) { char infdir[PATH_MAX]; struct dirent *dent; memset(&infdir[0], 0, sizeof(infdir)); if (interface == NULL) { TSError("%s: NULL interface", DEBUG_TAG); return; } snprintf(&infdir[0], sizeof(infdir), "%s/%s", NET_STATS_DIR, interface); DIR *localdir = opendir(infdir); while ((dent = readdir(localdir)) != NULL) { if (strncmp(SLAVE, dent->d_name, strlen(SLAVE)) == 0 && (dent->d_type == DT_LNK)) { // We have a symlink starting with slave, get its speed setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, interface, "speed", dent->d_name, true); } } closedir(localdir); } static int netStatsInfo(TSMutex stat_creation_mutex) { struct dirent *dent; DIR *srcdir = opendir(NET_STATS_DIR); if (srcdir == NULL) { return 0; } while ((dent = readdir(srcdir)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(dent->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(dent->d_name, "..") == 0 || (dent->d_type != DT_LNK)) { continue; } setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "speed", NULL, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "collisions", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "multicast", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "rx_bytes", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "rx_compressed", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "rx_crc_errors", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "rx_dropped", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "rx_errors", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "rx_fifo_errors", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "rx_frame_errors", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "rx_length_errors", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "rx_missed_errors", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "rx_nohandler", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "rx_over_errors", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "rx_packets", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "tx_aborted_errors", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "tx_bytes", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "tx_carrier_errors", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "tx_compressed", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "tx_dropped", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "tx_errors", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "tx_fifo_errors", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "tx_heartbeat_errors", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "tx_packets", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setNetStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name, "tx_window_errors", STATISTICS_DIR, false); setBondingStat(stat_creation_mutex, dent->d_name); } closedir(srcdir); return 0; } static void getStats(TSMutex stat_creation_mutex) { #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SYSINFO_H struct sysinfo info; sysinfo(&info); statSet(LOAD_AVG_ONE_MIN, info.loads[0], stat_creation_mutex); statSet(LOAD_AVG_FIVE_MIN, info.loads[1], stat_creation_mutex); statSet(LOAD_AVG_FIFTEEN_MIN, info.loads[2], stat_creation_mutex); statSet(CURRENT_PROCESSES, info.procs, stat_creation_mutex); #endif // #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SYSINFO_H netStatsInfo(stat_creation_mutex); return; } static int systemStatsContCB(TSCont cont, TSEvent event ATS_UNUSED, void *edata) { TSMutex stat_creation_mutex; TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "entered %s", __FUNCTION__); stat_creation_mutex = TSContMutexGet(cont); getStats(stat_creation_mutex); TSContScheduleOnPool(cont, SYSTEM_STATS_TIMEOUT, TS_THREAD_POOL_TASK); TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "finished %s", __FUNCTION__); return 0; } void TSPluginInit(int argc, const char *argv[]) { TSPluginRegistrationInfo info; TSCont stats_cont; info.plugin_name = PLUGIN_NAME; info.vendor_name = "Apache Software Foundation"; info.support_email = "dev@trafficserver.apache.org"; if (TSPluginRegister(&info) != TS_SUCCESS) { TSError("[%s] Plugin registration failed", DEBUG_TAG); return; } else { TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "Plugin registration succeeded"); } stats_cont = TSContCreate(systemStatsContCB, TSMutexCreate()); TSContDataSet(stats_cont, NULL); // We want our first hit immediate to populate the stats, // Subsequent schedules done within the function will be for // 5 seconds. TSContScheduleOnPool(stats_cont, 0, TS_THREAD_POOL_TASK); TSDebug(DEBUG_TAG, "Init complete"); }