/** @file Plugin init @section license License Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include #include "tscore/ink_platform.h" #include "tscore/ink_file.h" #include "tscore/ParseRules.h" #include "records/I_RecCore.h" #include "tscore/I_Layout.h" #include "InkAPIInternal.h" #include "Plugin.h" #include "tscore/ink_cap.h" #include "tscore/Filenames.h" #define MAX_PLUGIN_ARGS 64 static PluginDynamicReloadMode plugin_dynamic_reload_mode = PluginDynamicReloadMode::RELOAD_ON; bool isPluginDynamicReloadEnabled() { return PluginDynamicReloadMode::RELOAD_ON == plugin_dynamic_reload_mode; } void parsePluginDynamicReloadConfig() { int int_plugin_dynamic_reload_mode; REC_ReadConfigInteger(int_plugin_dynamic_reload_mode, "proxy.config.plugin.dynamic_reload_mode"); plugin_dynamic_reload_mode = static_cast(int_plugin_dynamic_reload_mode); if (plugin_dynamic_reload_mode < 0 || plugin_dynamic_reload_mode >= PluginDynamicReloadMode::RELOAD_COUNT) { Warning("proxy.config.plugin.dynamic_reload_mode out of range. using default value."); plugin_dynamic_reload_mode = PluginDynamicReloadMode::RELOAD_ON; } Note("Initialized plugin_dynamic_reload_mode: %d", plugin_dynamic_reload_mode); } void parsePluginConfig() { parsePluginDynamicReloadConfig(); } static const char *plugin_dir = "."; using init_func_t = void (*)(int, char **); // Plugin registration vars // // plugin_reg_list has an entry for each plugin // we've successfully been able to load // plugin_reg_current is used to associate the // plugin we're in the process of loading with // it struct. We need this global pointer since // the API doesn't have any plugin context. Init // is single threaded so we can get away with the // global pointer // DLL plugin_reg_list; PluginRegInfo *plugin_reg_current = nullptr; PluginRegInfo::PluginRegInfo() = default; PluginRegInfo::~PluginRegInfo() { // We don't support unloading plugins once they are successfully loaded, so assert // that we don't accidentally attempt this. ink_release_assert(this->plugin_registered == false); ink_release_assert(this->link.prev == nullptr); ats_free(this->plugin_path); ats_free(this->plugin_name); ats_free(this->vendor_name); ats_free(this->support_email); if (dlh) { dlclose(dlh); } } bool plugin_dso_load(const char *path, void *&handle, void *&init, std::string &error) { handle = dlopen(path, RTLD_NOW); init = nullptr; if (!handle) { error.assign("unable to load '").append(path).append("': ").append(dlerror()); Error("%s", error.c_str()); return false; } init = dlsym(handle, "TSPluginInit"); if (!init) { error.assign("unable to find TSPluginInit function in '").append(path).append("': ").append(dlerror()); Error("%s", error.c_str()); return false; } return true; } static bool single_plugin_init(int argc, char *argv[], bool validateOnly) { char path[PATH_NAME_MAX]; init_func_t init; if (argc < 1) { return true; } ink_filepath_make(path, sizeof(path), plugin_dir, argv[0]); Note("loading plugin '%s'", path); for (PluginRegInfo *plugin_reg_temp = plugin_reg_list.head; plugin_reg_temp != nullptr; plugin_reg_temp = (plugin_reg_temp->link).next) { if (strcmp(plugin_reg_temp->plugin_path, path) == 0) { Warning("multiple loading of plugin %s", path); break; } } // elevate the access to read files as root if compiled with capabilities, if not // change the effective user to root { uint32_t elevate_access = 0; REC_ReadConfigInteger(elevate_access, "proxy.config.plugin.load_elevated"); ElevateAccess access(elevate_access ? ElevateAccess::FILE_PRIVILEGE : 0); void *handle, *initptr = nullptr; std::string error; bool loaded = plugin_dso_load(path, handle, initptr, error); init = reinterpret_cast(initptr); if (!loaded) { if (validateOnly) { return false; } Fatal("%s", error.c_str()); return false; // this line won't get called since Fatal brings down ATS } // Allocate a new registration structure for the // plugin we're starting up ink_assert(plugin_reg_current == nullptr); plugin_reg_current = new PluginRegInfo; plugin_reg_current->plugin_path = ats_strdup(path); plugin_reg_current->dlh = handle; #if (!defined(kfreebsd) && defined(freebsd)) || defined(darwin) optreset = 1; #endif #if defined(__GLIBC__) optind = 0; #else optind = 1; #endif opterr = 0; optarg = nullptr; init(argc, argv); } // done elevating access if (plugin_reg_current->plugin_registered) { plugin_reg_list.push(plugin_reg_current); } else { Fatal("plugin not registered by calling TSPluginRegister"); return false; // this line won't get called since Fatal brings down ATS } plugin_reg_current = nullptr; return true; } static char * plugin_expand(char *arg) { RecDataT data_type; char *str = nullptr; if (*arg != '$') { return (char *)nullptr; } // skip the $ character arg += 1; if (RecGetRecordDataType(arg, &data_type) != REC_ERR_OKAY) { goto not_found; } switch (data_type) { case RECD_STRING: { RecString str_val; if (RecGetRecordString_Xmalloc(arg, &str_val) != REC_ERR_OKAY) { goto not_found; } return static_cast(str_val); break; } case RECD_FLOAT: { RecFloat float_val; if (RecGetRecordFloat(arg, &float_val) != REC_ERR_OKAY) { goto not_found; } str = static_cast(ats_malloc(128)); snprintf(str, 128, "%f", static_cast(float_val)); return str; break; } case RECD_INT: { RecInt int_val; if (RecGetRecordInt(arg, &int_val) != REC_ERR_OKAY) { goto not_found; } str = static_cast(ats_malloc(128)); snprintf(str, 128, "%ld", static_cast(int_val)); return str; break; } case RECD_COUNTER: { RecCounter count_val; if (RecGetRecordCounter(arg, &count_val) != REC_ERR_OKAY) { goto not_found; } str = static_cast(ats_malloc(128)); snprintf(str, 128, "%ld", static_cast(count_val)); return str; break; } default: goto not_found; break; } not_found: Warning("%s: unable to find parameter %s", ts::filename::PLUGIN, arg); return nullptr; } bool plugin_init(bool validateOnly) { ats_scoped_str path; char line[1024], *p; char *argv[MAX_PLUGIN_ARGS]; char *vars[MAX_PLUGIN_ARGS]; int argc; int fd; int i; bool retVal = true; static bool INIT_ONCE = true; if (INIT_ONCE) { api_init(); plugin_dir = ats_stringdup(RecConfigReadPluginDir()); INIT_ONCE = false; } Note("%s loading ...", ts::filename::PLUGIN); path = RecConfigReadConfigPath(nullptr, ts::filename::PLUGIN); fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { Warning("%s failed to load: %d, %s", ts::filename::PLUGIN, errno, strerror(errno)); return false; } while (ink_file_fd_readline(fd, sizeof(line) - 1, line) > 0) { argc = 0; p = line; // strip leading white space and test for comment or blank line while (*p && ParseRules::is_wslfcr(*p)) { ++p; } if ((*p == '\0') || (*p == '#')) { continue; } // not comment or blank, so rip line into tokens while (true) { if (argc >= MAX_PLUGIN_ARGS) { Warning("Exceeded max number of args (%d) for plugin: [%s]", MAX_PLUGIN_ARGS, argc > 0 ? argv[0] : "???"); break; } while (*p && ParseRules::is_wslfcr(*p)) { ++p; } if ((*p == '\0') || (*p == '#')) { break; // EOL } if (*p == '\"') { p += 1; argv[argc++] = p; while (*p && (*p != '\"')) { p += 1; } if (*p == '\0') { break; } *p++ = '\0'; } else { argv[argc++] = p; while (*p && !ParseRules::is_wslfcr(*p) && (*p != '#')) { p += 1; } if ((*p == '\0') || (*p == '#')) { break; } *p++ = '\0'; } } for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { vars[i] = plugin_expand(argv[i]); if (vars[i]) { argv[i] = vars[i]; } } if (argc < MAX_PLUGIN_ARGS) { argv[argc] = nullptr; } else { argv[MAX_PLUGIN_ARGS - 1] = nullptr; } retVal = single_plugin_init(argc, argv, validateOnly); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { ats_free(vars[i]); } } close(fd); if (retVal) { Note("%s finished loading", ts::filename::PLUGIN); } else { Error("%s failed to load", ts::filename::PLUGIN); } return retVal; }