.. include:: ../../Includes.txt ======================================================================== Breaking: #63464 - Remove include_once inclusions inside ModuleFunctions ======================================================================== See :issue:`63464` Description =========== The functionality to include PHP files within module functions (e.g. info module) via an `include_once` array has been removed. The API did not use the include_once array anymore and certain places were marked as deprecated since TYPO3 CMS 6.2. All module functions are using the common autoloading functionality via namespaced classes. The following `include_once` arrays within the following modules have been removed: * Web => Page * Web => Page - New Content Element Wizard * Web => Functions * Web => Info * Web => Template * Web => Recycler * User => Task Center * System => Scheduler Impact ====== Any non-API usage of the `include_once` array in any custom module function will fail. Affected installations ====================== Any installation with an extension using the property `$include_once` to load additional files via direct access instead of using the API via `ExtensionManagementUtility::insertModuleFunction()`. Migration ========= Use the autoloader to load any custom classes inside your code, or any hooks if available in the custom module functions to include any file. .. index:: PHP-API, Backend