The file "COPYING" contains the Copyright statement for the ufdbGuard software suite. The official ufdbGuard homepage is ufdbGuard can be downloaded at and In case that anyone has a build problem or needs help installing or configuring ufdbGuard, you can send an email to We reply in less than 24 hours. Please download the Reference Manual for detailed installation and configuration instructions. ufdbGuard is a free (GPL2), flexible and extremely fast filter, redirector and access controller plugin for squid. It lets you define multiple access rules with different restrictions for different user groups on a squid cache. ufdbGuard uses squid's standard redirector interface. The file "GPL" contains the license of the software, the GPL is also known as the GNU Public License, Version 2. The ufdbGuard daemon is inspired by squidGuard 1.2 and has almost all of its features and more. Parts of the ufdbGuard daemon are based on squidGuard. For 3rd parties there is also an ufdbGuard API for inclusion in your application. Features of ufdbGuard: + 3-4 times faster than squidGuard + a multithreaded daemon with one copy of the database in memory + detects HTTPS proxy tunnels. + detects SSH-based tunnels. + blocks HTTPS for URLs without FQDN + blocks HTTPS for sites without a properly signed SSL certificate + uses in-memory databases + enforce the SafeSearch feature on Google and other search engines + an API to use ufdbGuard in any 3rd party application + a test mode (-T option) allows you to test a URL filter database without actually blocking sites. The Reference Manual contains a complete installation procedure. ufdbGuard is free software. ufdbGuard can be used with your own, free and commercial databases. ufdbGuard collects anonymous statistics which show that the URL database from URLfilterDB has on average 99.0% coverage while other database only have a 91.7% coverage average.