# -*- coding: ascii -*- """ web2ldap.app.entry - schema-aware Entry classes web2ldap - a web-based LDAP Client, see https://www.web2ldap.de for details (c) 1998-2021 by Michael Stroeder This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0 (Apache-2.0) https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 """ from collections import UserDict from io import BytesIO import ldap0.schema.models from ldap0.cidict import CIDict from ldap0.schema.models import ( AttributeType, ObjectClass, SchemaElementOIDSet, ) from ldap0.schema.subentry import SubSchema from ldap0.dn import DNObj from ldap0.ldif import LDIFWriter import web2ldapcnf from ..log import logger from ..msbase import GrabKeys from .tmpl import get_variant_filename from .gui import HIDDEN_FIELD from .schema import ( NEEDS_BINARY_TAG, no_userapp_attr, object_class_categories, ) from .schema.viewer import schema_anchor from .schema.syntaxes import ( LDAPSyntaxValueError, OctetString, syntax_registry, ) INPUT_FORM_LDIF_TMPL = """
Raw LDIF data


""" class DisplayEntry(UserDict): def __init__(self, app, dn, schema, entry, sep_attr, links): assert isinstance(dn, str), TypeError("Argument 'dn' must be str, was %r" % (dn)) assert isinstance(schema, SubSchema), \ TypeError('Expected schema to be instance of SubSchema, was %r' % (schema)) self._app = app self.schema = schema self.dn = dn if isinstance(entry, dict): self.entry = ldap0.schema.models.Entry(schema, dn, entry) elif isinstance(entry, ldap0.schema.models.Entry): self.entry = entry else: raise TypeError( 'Invalid type of argument entry, was %s.%s %r' % ( entry.__class__.__module__, entry.__class__.__name__, entry, ) ) self.soc = self.entry.get_structural_oc() self.invalid_attrs = set() self.sep_attr = sep_attr self.links = links def __getitem__(self, nameoroid): try: values = self.entry.__getitem__(nameoroid) except KeyError: return '' result = [] syntax_se = syntax_registry.get_syntax(self.entry._s, nameoroid, self.soc) for i, value in enumerate(values): attr_instance = syntax_se( self._app, self.dn, self.entry._s, nameoroid, value, self.entry, ) try: attr_value_html = attr_instance.display(i, self.links) except UnicodeError: # Fall back to hex-dump output attr_instance = OctetString( self._app, self.dn, self.schema, nameoroid, value, self.entry, ) attr_value_html = attr_instance.display(i, self.links) try: attr_instance.validate(value) except LDAPSyntaxValueError: attr_value_html = '%s' % (attr_value_html) self.invalid_attrs.add(nameoroid) result.append(attr_value_html) if self.sep_attr is not None: value_sep = getattr(attr_instance, self.sep_attr) return value_sep.join(result) return result @property def rdn_dict(self): return DNObj.from_str(self.dn).rdn_attrs() def get_html_templates(self, cnf_key): read_template_dict = CIDict(self._app.cfg_param(cnf_key, {})) # This gets all object classes no matter what all_object_class_oid_set = self.entry.object_class_oid_set() # Initialize the set with only the STRUCTURAL object class of the entry object_class_oid_set = SchemaElementOIDSet( self.entry._s, ldap0.schema.models.ObjectClass, [] ) structural_oc = self.entry.get_structural_oc() if structural_oc: object_class_oid_set.add(structural_oc) # Now add the other AUXILIARY and ABSTRACT object classes for ocl in all_object_class_oid_set: ocl_obj = self.entry._s.get_obj(ldap0.schema.models.ObjectClass, ocl) if ocl_obj is None or ocl_obj.kind != 0: object_class_oid_set.add(ocl) template_oc = object_class_oid_set.intersection(read_template_dict.data.keys()) return template_oc.names, read_template_dict # end of get_html_templates() def template_output(self, cnf_key, display_duplicate_attrs=True): # Determine relevant HTML templates template_oc, read_template_dict = self.get_html_templates(cnf_key) # Sort the object classes by object class category structural_oc, abstract_oc, auxiliary_oc = object_class_categories( self.entry._s, template_oc, ) # Templates defined => display the entry with the help of the template used_templates = set() displayed_attrs = set() for oc_set in (structural_oc, abstract_oc, auxiliary_oc): for ocl in oc_set: read_template_filename = read_template_dict[ocl] logger.debug('Template file name %r defined for %r', read_template_dict[ocl], ocl) if not read_template_filename: logger.warning('Ignoring empty template file name for %r', ocl) continue read_template_filename = get_variant_filename( read_template_filename, self._app.form.accept_language, ) if read_template_filename in used_templates: # template already processed logger.debug( 'Skipping already processed template file name %r for %r', read_template_dict[ocl], ocl, ) continue used_templates.add(read_template_filename) try: with open(read_template_filename, 'rb') as template_file: template_str = template_file.read().decode('utf-8') except IOError as err: logger.error( 'Error reading template file %r for %r: %s', read_template_dict[ocl], ocl, err, ) continue template_attr_oid_set = { self.entry._s.get_oid(ldap0.schema.models.AttributeType, attr_type_name) for attr_type_name in GrabKeys(template_str)() } if ( display_duplicate_attrs or not displayed_attrs.intersection(template_attr_oid_set) ): self._app.outf.write(template_str % self) displayed_attrs.update(template_attr_oid_set) return displayed_attrs class InputFormEntry(DisplayEntry): def __init__( self, app, dn, schema, entry, readonly_attr_oids, existing_object_classes=None, invalid_attrs=None ): assert isinstance(dn, str), TypeError("Argument 'dn' must be str, was {!r}".format(dn)) DisplayEntry.__init__(self, app, dn, schema, entry, 'field_sep', False) self.existing_object_classes = existing_object_classes self.readonly_attr_oids = readonly_attr_oids self.invalid_attrs = invalid_attrs or {} new_object_classes = set(self.entry.object_class_oid_set()) - { self.entry._s.get_oid(ObjectClass, oc_name) for oc_name in existing_object_classes or [] } new_attribute_types = self.entry._s.attribute_types( new_object_classes, raise_keyerror=0, ignore_dit_content_rule=self._app.ls.relax_rules ) old_attribute_types = self.entry._s.attribute_types( existing_object_classes or [], raise_keyerror=0, ignore_dit_content_rule=self._app.ls.relax_rules ) self.new_attribute_types_oids = set() self.new_attribute_types_oids.update(new_attribute_types[0].keys()) self.new_attribute_types_oids.update(new_attribute_types[1].keys()) for at_oid in list(old_attribute_types[0].keys())+list(old_attribute_types[1].keys()): try: self.new_attribute_types_oids.remove(at_oid) except KeyError: pass def _reset_input_counters(self): self.attr_counter = 0 self.row_counter = 0 # end of _reset_input_counters() def __getitem__(self, nameoroid): """ Return HTML input field(s) for the attribute specified by nameoroid. """ oid = self.entry.name2key(nameoroid)[0] nameoroid_se = self.entry._s.get_obj(AttributeType, nameoroid) syntax_class = syntax_registry.get_syntax(self.entry._s, nameoroid, self.soc) try: attr_values = self.entry.__getitem__(nameoroid) except KeyError: attr_values = [] # Attribute value list must contain at least one element to display an input field attr_values = attr_values or [None] result = [] # Eliminate binary attribute values from input form if not syntax_class.editable: attr_values = [b''] invalid_attr_indexes = set(self.invalid_attrs.get(nameoroid, [])) for attr_index, attr_value in enumerate(attr_values): attr_inst = syntax_class( self._app, self.dn, self.entry._s, nameoroid, attr_value, self.entry, ) highlight_invalid = attr_index in invalid_attr_indexes if ( # Attribute type 'objectClass' always read-only here oid == '' ) or ( # Attribute type 'structuralObjectClass' always read-only no matter what oid == '' ) or ( # Check whether the server indicated this attribute # not to be writeable by bound identity not self.readonly_attr_oids is None and oid in self.readonly_attr_oids and not oid in self.new_attribute_types_oids ) or ( # Check whether attribute type/value is used in the RDN => not writeable self.existing_object_classes and attr_value and nameoroid in self.rdn_dict and self.rdn_dict[nameoroid].encode('utf-8') == attr_value ) or ( # Set to writeable if relax rules control is in effect # and attribute is NO-USER-APP in subschema not self._app.ls.relax_rules and no_userapp_attr(self.entry._s, oid) ): result.append('\n'.join(( ''*highlight_invalid, self._app.form.hidden_field_html('in_at', nameoroid, ''), HIDDEN_FIELD % ('in_avi', str(self.attr_counter), ''), HIDDEN_FIELD % ( 'in_av', self._app.form.s2d(attr_inst.form_value(), sp_entity=' '), self._app.form.s2d(attr_inst.form_value(), sp_entity='  ') ), ''*highlight_invalid, ))) self.row_counter += 1 else: attr_title = '' attr_type_tags = [] attr_type_name = str(nameoroid).split(';')[0] if nameoroid_se: attr_type_name = (nameoroid_se.names or [nameoroid_se.oid])[0] try: attr_title = (nameoroid_se.desc or '') except UnicodeError: # This happens sometimes because of wrongly encoded schema files attr_title = '' # Determine whether transfer syntax has to be specified with ;binary if ( nameoroid.endswith(';binary') or oid in NEEDS_BINARY_TAG or nameoroid_se.syntax in NEEDS_BINARY_TAG ): attr_type_tags.append('binary') input_fields = attr_inst.input_fields() for input_field in input_fields: input_field.name = 'in_av' input_field.charset = self._app.form.accept_charset result.append('\n'.join([ ''*highlight_invalid, HIDDEN_FIELD % ( 'in_at', ';'.join([attr_type_name]+attr_type_tags), '' ), HIDDEN_FIELD % ('in_avi', str(self.attr_counter), ''), input_field.input_html( id_value='_'.join(( 'inputattr', attr_type_name, str(attr_index) )), title=attr_title ), attr_inst.value_button(self._app.command, self.row_counter, '+'), attr_inst.value_button(self._app.command, self.row_counter, '-'), ''*highlight_invalid, ])) self.row_counter += 1 self.attr_counter += 1 return '%s' % ( self._app.form.s2d(nameoroid), '\n
\n'.join(result), ) def attribute_types(self): # Initialize a list of assertions for filtering attribute types # displayed in the input form attr_type_filter = [ ('no_user_mod', [0]), #('usage', range(2)), ('collective', [0]), ] # Check whether Manage DIT control is in effect, # filter out OBSOLETE attribute types otherwise if not self._app.ls.relax_rules: attr_type_filter.append(('obsolete', [0])) # Filter out extensibleObject object_class_oids = self.entry.object_class_oid_set() try: object_class_oids.remove('') except KeyError: pass try: object_class_oids.remove('extensibleObject') except KeyError: pass required_attrs_dict, allowed_attrs_dict = self.entry._s.attribute_types( list(object_class_oids), attr_type_filter=attr_type_filter, raise_keyerror=0, ignore_dit_content_rule=self._app.ls.relax_rules, ) # Additional check whether to explicitly add object class attribute. # This is a work-around for LDAP servers which mark the # objectClass attribute as not modifiable (e.g. MS Active Directory) if '' not in required_attrs_dict and '' not in allowed_attrs_dict: required_attrs_dict[''] = self.entry._s.get_obj(ObjectClass, '') return required_attrs_dict, allowed_attrs_dict def fieldset_table(self, attr_types_dict, fieldset_title): self._app.outf.write( """
%s """ % (fieldset_title, fieldset_title, fieldset_title) ) seen_attr_type_oids = ldap0.cidict.CIDict() attr_type_names = ldap0.cidict.CIDict() for atype in self.entry.keys(): at_oid = self.entry.name2key(atype)[0] if at_oid in attr_types_dict: seen_attr_type_oids[at_oid] = None attr_type_names[atype] = None for at_oid, at_se in attr_types_dict.items(): if ( at_se and at_oid not in seen_attr_type_oids and not no_userapp_attr(self.entry._s, at_oid) ): attr_type_names[(at_se.names or (at_se.oid,))[0]] = None attr_types = list(attr_type_names.keys()) attr_types.sort(key=str.lower) for attr_type in attr_types: attr_type_name = schema_anchor(self._app, attr_type, AttributeType, link_text='»') attr_value_field_html = self[attr_type] self._app.outf.write( '\n\n\n\n' % ( attr_type_name, attr_value_field_html, ) ) self._app.outf.write('
\n') # end of fieldset_table() def table_input(self, attrs_dict_list): self._reset_input_counters() for attr_dict, fieldset_title in attrs_dict_list: if attr_dict: self.fieldset_table(attr_dict, fieldset_title) # end of table_input() def template_output(self, cnf_key, display_duplicate_attrs=True): self._reset_input_counters() displayed_attrs = DisplayEntry.template_output( self, cnf_key, display_duplicate_attrs=display_duplicate_attrs ) # Output hidden fields for attributes not displayed in template-based input form for attr_type, attr_values in self.entry.items(): at_oid = self.entry.name2key(attr_type)[0] syntax_class = syntax_registry.get_syntax(self.entry._s, attr_type, self.soc) if syntax_class.editable and \ not no_userapp_attr(self.entry._s, attr_type) and \ not at_oid in displayed_attrs: for attr_value in attr_values: attr_inst = syntax_class( self._app, self.dn, self.entry._s, attr_type, attr_value, self.entry ) self._app.outf.write(self._app.form.hidden_field_html('in_at', attr_type, '')) self._app.outf.write(HIDDEN_FIELD % ('in_avi', str(self.attr_counter), '')) try: attr_value_html = self._app.form.s2d(attr_inst.form_value(), sp_entity=' ') except UnicodeDecodeError: # Simply display an empty string if anything goes wrong with Unicode # decoding (e.g. with binary attributes) attr_value_html = '' self._app.outf.write(HIDDEN_FIELD % ( 'in_av', attr_value_html, '' )) self.attr_counter += 1 return displayed_attrs # template_output() def ldif_input(self): bio = BytesIO() ldif_writer = LDIFWriter(bio) ldap_entry = {} for attr_type in self.entry.keys(): attr_values = self.entry.__getitem__(attr_type) if not no_userapp_attr(self.entry._s, attr_type): ldap_entry[attr_type.encode('ascii')] = [ attr_value for attr_value in attr_values if attr_value ] ldif_writer.unparse(self.dn.encode(self._app.ls.charset), ldap_entry) self._app.outf.write( INPUT_FORM_LDIF_TMPL.format( value_ldif=self._app.form.s2d( bio.getvalue().decode('utf-8'), sp_entity=' ', lf_entity='\n', ), value_ldifmaxbytes=web2ldapcnf.ldif_maxbytes, text_ldifurlschemes=', '.join(web2ldapcnf.ldif_url_schemes) ) ) # end of ldif_input()