// This may look like C code, but it's really -*- C++ -*- /* * Copyright (C) 2010 Emweb bv, Herent, Belgium. * * See the LICENSE file for terms of use. */ #include "Wt/WAbstractMedia.h" #include "Wt/WApplication.h" #include "Wt/WEnvironment.h" #include "Wt/WException.h" #include "Wt/WResource.h" #include "DomElement.h" #include "StringUtils.h" #include "WebUtils.h" #ifndef WT_DEBUG_JS #include "js/WAbstractMedia.min.js" #endif namespace { Wt::MediaReadyState intToReadyState(int i) { switch (i) { case 0: return Wt::MediaReadyState::HaveNothing; case 1: return Wt::MediaReadyState::HaveMetaData; case 2: return Wt::MediaReadyState::HaveCurrentData; case 3: return Wt::MediaReadyState::HaveFutureData; case 4: return Wt::MediaReadyState::HaveEnoughData; default: throw Wt::WException("Invalid readystate"); } } } using namespace Wt; const char *WAbstractMedia::PLAYBACKSTARTED_SIGNAL = "play"; const char *WAbstractMedia::PLAYBACKPAUSED_SIGNAL = "pause"; const char *WAbstractMedia::ENDED_SIGNAL = "ended"; const char *WAbstractMedia::TIMEUPDATED_SIGNAL = "timeupdate"; const char *WAbstractMedia::VOLUMECHANGED_SIGNAL = "volumechange"; WAbstractMedia::WAbstractMedia() : sourcesRendered_(0), flags_(None), preloadMode_(MediaPreloadMode::Auto), flagsChanged_(false), preloadChanged_(false), sourcesChanged_(false), playing_(false), volume_(-1), current_(-1), duration_(-1), ended_(false), readyState_(MediaReadyState::HaveNothing) { setInline(false); setFormObject(true); #ifndef WT_TARGET_JAVA implementStateless(&WAbstractMedia::play, &WAbstractMedia::play); implementStateless(&WAbstractMedia::pause, &WAbstractMedia::pause); #endif //WT_TARGET_JAVA } WAbstractMedia::~WAbstractMedia() { manageWidget(alternative_, std::unique_ptr()); } EventSignal<>& WAbstractMedia::playbackStarted() { return *voidEventSignal(PLAYBACKSTARTED_SIGNAL, true); } EventSignal<>& WAbstractMedia::playbackPaused() { return *voidEventSignal(PLAYBACKPAUSED_SIGNAL, true); } EventSignal<>& WAbstractMedia::ended() { return *voidEventSignal(ENDED_SIGNAL, true); } EventSignal<>& WAbstractMedia::timeUpdated() { return *voidEventSignal(TIMEUPDATED_SIGNAL, true); } EventSignal<>& WAbstractMedia::volumeChanged() { return *voidEventSignal(VOLUMECHANGED_SIGNAL, true); } void WAbstractMedia::setFormData(const FormData& formData) { if (!Utils::isEmpty(formData.values)) { std::vector attributes; boost::split(attributes, formData.values[0], boost::is_any_of(";")); if (attributes.size() == 6) { try { volume_ = Utils::stod(attributes[0]); } catch (const std::exception& e) { volume_ = -1; } try { current_ = Utils::stod(attributes[1]); } catch (const std::exception& e) { current_ = -1; } try { duration_ = Utils::stod(attributes[2]); } catch (const std::exception& e) { duration_ = -1; } playing_ = (attributes[3] == "0"); ended_ = (attributes[4] == "1"); try { readyState_ = intToReadyState(Utils::stoi(attributes[5])); } catch (const std::exception& e) { readyState_ = MediaReadyState::HaveNothing; } } else throw WException("WAbstractMedia: error parsing: " + formData.values[0]); } } void WAbstractMedia::play() { loadJavaScript(); doJavaScript(jsRef() + ".wtObj.play();"); } void WAbstractMedia::pause() { loadJavaScript(); doJavaScript(jsRef() + ".wtObj.pause();"); } void WAbstractMedia::renderSource(DomElement* element, WAbstractMedia::Source &source, bool isLast) { // src is mandatory element->setAttribute("src", resolveRelativeUrl(source.link.url())); if (source.type != "") element->setAttribute("type", source.type); if (source.media != "") element->setAttribute("media", source.media); if (isLast && alternative_) { // Last element -> add error handler for unsupported content element->setAttribute("onerror", """var media = this.parentNode;" """if(media){" "" "while (media && media.children.length)" "" "if (" WT_CLASS ".hasTag(media.firstChild,'SOURCE')){" "" "media.removeChild(media.firstChild);" "" "}else{" "" "media.parentNode.insertBefore(media.firstChild, media);" "" "}" "" "media.style.display= 'none';" """}" ); } else { element->setAttribute("onerror", ""); } } void WAbstractMedia::updateMediaDom(DomElement& element, bool all) { // Only if not IE if (all && alternative_) { element.setAttribute("onerror", """if(event.target.error && event.target.error.code==" "" "event.target.error.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED){" "" "while (this.hasChildNodes())" "" "if (" WT_CLASS ".hasTag(this.firstChild,'SOURCE')){" "" "this.removeChild(this.firstChild);" "" "}else{" "" "this.parentNode.insertBefore(this.firstChild, this);" "" "}" "" "this.style.display= 'none';" """}" ); } if (all || flagsChanged_) { if ((!all) || flags_.test(PlayerOption::Controls)) element.setAttribute("controls", flags_.test(PlayerOption::Controls) ? "controls" : ""); if ((!all) || flags_.test(PlayerOption::Autoplay)) element.setAttribute("autoplay", flags_.test(PlayerOption::Autoplay) ? "autoplay" : ""); if ((!all) || flags_.test(PlayerOption::Loop)) element.setAttribute("loop", flags_.test(PlayerOption::Loop) ? "loop" : ""); } if (all || preloadChanged_) { switch (preloadMode_) { case MediaPreloadMode::None: element.setAttribute("preload", "none"); break; default: case MediaPreloadMode::Auto: element.setAttribute("preload", "auto"); break; case MediaPreloadMode::Metadata: element.setAttribute("preload", "metadata"); break; } } updateEventSignals(element, all); if (all) if (alternative_) { element.addChild(alternative_->createSDomElement(wApp)); } flagsChanged_ = preloadChanged_ = false; } void WAbstractMedia::loadJavaScript() { if (javaScriptMember(" WAbstractMedia").empty()) { WApplication *app = WApplication::instance(); LOAD_JAVASCRIPT(app, "js/WAbstractMedia.js", "WAbstractMedia", wtjs1); setJavaScriptMember(" WAbstractMedia", "new " WT_CLASS ".WAbstractMedia(" + app->javaScriptClass() + "," + jsRef() + ");"); } } DomElement *WAbstractMedia::createDomElement(WApplication *app) { loadJavaScript(); DomElement *result = nullptr; if (isInLayout()) { // It's easier to set WT_RESIZE_JS after the following code, // but if it's not set, the alternative content will think that // it is not included in a layout manager. Set some phony function // now, which will be overwritten later in this method. setJavaScriptMember(WT_RESIZE_JS, "function() {}"); } if (app->environment().agentIsIElt(9)) { // Shortcut: IE misbehaves when it encounters a media element result = DomElement::createNew(DomElementType::DIV); if (alternative_) result->addChild(alternative_->createSDomElement(app)); } else { DomElement *media = createMediaDomElement(); DomElement *wrap = nullptr; if (isInLayout()) { media->setProperty(Property::StylePosition, "absolute"); media->setProperty(Property::StyleLeft, "0"); media->setProperty(Property::StyleRight, "0"); wrap = DomElement::createNew(DomElementType::DIV); wrap->setProperty(Property::StylePosition, "relative"); } result = wrap ? wrap : media; if (wrap) { mediaId_ = id() + "_media"; media->setId(mediaId_); } else { mediaId_ = id(); } updateMediaDom(*media, true); // Create the 'source' elements for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sources_.size(); ++i) { DomElement *src = DomElement::createNew(DomElementType::SOURCE); src->setId(mediaId_ + "s" + std::to_string(i)); renderSource(src, *sources_[i], i + 1 >= sources_.size()); media->addChild(src); } sourcesRendered_ = sources_.size(); sourcesChanged_ = false; if (wrap) { wrap->addChild(media); } } if (isInLayout()) { std::stringstream ss; ss << """function(self, w, h) {"; if (!mediaId_.empty()) { ss << "" "v=" + jsMediaRef() + ";" "" "if (v) {" "" "if (w >= 0) " "" "v.setAttribute('width', w);" "" "if (h >= 0) " "" "v.setAttribute('height', h);" "" "}"; } if (alternative_) { ss << """a=" + alternative_->jsRef() + ";" "" "if (a && a." << WT_RESIZE_JS <<")" "" "a." << WT_RESIZE_JS << "(a, w, h);"; } ss <<"}"; setJavaScriptMember(WT_RESIZE_JS, ss.str()); } setId(result, app); updateDom(*result, true); if (isInLayout()) { result->setEvent(PLAYBACKSTARTED_SIGNAL, std::string()); result->setEvent(PLAYBACKPAUSED_SIGNAL, std::string()); result->setEvent(ENDED_SIGNAL, std::string()); result->setEvent(TIMEUPDATED_SIGNAL, std::string()); result->setEvent(VOLUMECHANGED_SIGNAL, std::string()); } setJavaScriptMember("mediaId", "'" + mediaId_ + "'"); return result; } std::string WAbstractMedia::jsMediaRef() const { if (mediaId_.empty()) { return "null"; } else { return WT_CLASS ".getElement('" + mediaId_ + "')"; } } void WAbstractMedia::getDomChanges(std::vector& result, WApplication *app) { if (!mediaId_.empty()) { DomElement *media = DomElement::getForUpdate(mediaId_, DomElementType::DIV); updateMediaDom(*media, false); if (sourcesChanged_) { // Updating source elements seems to be ill-supported in at least FF, // so we delete them all and reinsert them. // Delete source elements that are no longer required for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sourcesRendered_; ++i) media->callJavaScript (WT_CLASS ".remove('" + mediaId_ + "s" + std::to_string(i) + "');", true); sourcesRendered_ = 0; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sources_.size(); ++i) { DomElement *src = DomElement::createNew(DomElementType::SOURCE); src->setId(mediaId_ + "s" + std::to_string(i)); renderSource(src, *sources_[i], i + 1 >= sources_.size()); media->addChild(src); } sourcesRendered_ = sources_.size(); sourcesChanged_ = false; // Explicitly request rerun of media selection algorithm // says it should happen automatically, but FF doesn't media->callJavaScript(jsMediaRef() + ".load();"); } result.push_back(media); } WInteractWidget::getDomChanges(result, app); } void WAbstractMedia::setOptions(const WFlags& flags) { flags_ = flags; flagsChanged_ = true; repaint(); } WFlags WAbstractMedia::getOptions() const { return flags_; } void WAbstractMedia::setPreloadMode(MediaPreloadMode mode) { preloadMode_ = mode; preloadChanged_ = true; repaint(); } MediaPreloadMode WAbstractMedia::preloadMode() const { return preloadMode_; } void WAbstractMedia::clearSources() { sources_.clear(); repaint(); } void WAbstractMedia::addSource(const WLink& link, const std::string &type, const std::string& media) { sources_.push_back (std::unique_ptr(new Source(this, link, type, media))); sourcesChanged_ = true; repaint(); } void WAbstractMedia::setAlternativeContent(std::unique_ptr alternative) { manageWidget(alternative_, std::move(alternative)); } void WAbstractMedia::iterateChildren(const HandleWidgetMethod& method) const { if (alternative_) #ifndef WT_TARGET_JAVA method(alternative_.get()); #else method.handle(alternative_.get()); #endif } void WAbstractMedia::enableAjax() { WWebWidget::enableAjax(); if (flags_.test(PlayerOption::Autoplay)) { // chrome stops playing as soon as the widget tree is changed // We therefore restart the play manually play(); } } WAbstractMedia::Source::Source(WAbstractMedia *parent, const WLink& link, const std::string &type, const std::string &media) : parent(parent), type(type), media(media), link(link) { if (link.type() == LinkType::Resource) { /* connection = link.resource()->dataChanged().connect ([=]() { this->resourceChanged(); }); */ #ifdef WT_TARGET_JAVA connection = link.resource()->dataChanged().connect (this, std::bind(&Source::resourceChanged, this)); #else // !WT_TARGET_JAVA connection = link.resource()->dataChanged().connect (std::bind(&Source::resourceChanged, this)); #endif // WT_TARGET_JAVA } } WAbstractMedia::Source::~Source() { connection.disconnect(); } void WAbstractMedia::Source::resourceChanged() { parent->sourcesChanged_ = true; parent->repaint(); }