Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Geyer Klaus
This file is part of Cat'sEyE.
Cat'sEyE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Cat'sEyE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Cat'sEyE. If not, see .
#include //Verzeichnis Zeiger und DIR - Struktur
#include "globalDefinitions.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#include "mytrace.h"
#include "listitems.h"
#include "Lists.h"
#include "allInclude.h"
extern GtkTextBuffer *g_TextBuffer_CommandHistory;
void CursorToWait(GtkWidget *widget){
// GdkWindow *gdkwindow = GTK_WIDGET (win)->window;
//gint x,y;
//GdkWindow *gdkwindow = gdk_window_at_pointer(&x,&y);
//GdkWindow *gdkwindow = gtk_widget_get_parent_window (Object->ScrollWindow); //(GtkWidget *)win
//GdkWindow *gdkwindow = gtk_widget_get_root_window (VPanedForFileShelf); //2.2
//gtk_widget_get_window //2.14
GdkCursor* cursor;
cursor = gdk_cursor_new(GDK_WATCH); //GDK_WATCH GDK_CLOCK
gdk_window_set_cursor(gdkwindow, cursor); //set the cursor to clock while we are updating gdk_get_default_root_window()
//As long as changing the mouse cursor does not work, we change the text in the Notebooktab
// gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(Object->label),"please wait");
GdkWindow *gdkwindow = gtk_widget_get_parent_window (widget);
if (gdkwindow != NULL){
GdkCursor* cursor;
cursor = gdk_cursor_new(GDK_WATCH); //GDK_WATCH GDK_CLOCK
gdk_window_set_cursor(gdkwindow, cursor); //set the cursor to clock while we are updating gdk_get_default_root_window()
void CursorToNormal(GtkWidget *widget){
GdkWindow *gdkwindow = gtk_widget_get_parent_window (widget);
gdk_window_set_cursor(gdkwindow, NULL);
double GetTimeMine(GTimeVal time){
return (double)time.tv_sec + (double)time.tv_usec*0.000001;
int ExchangeSpecialCharachterForXML (GString *gstrText){
//will echange all special characters like &, <, >, ä, ö .... to their XML companions
TRACEIT(10,"ExchangeSpecialCharachterForXML start");
if (gstrText == NULL){
TRACEIT(10,"ExchangeSpecialCharachterForXML parameter NULL");
return -1;
& &
' '
< <
> >
" "
ä ä
ö ö
ü ü
ß ß
char *cppKnownSpecials[] = { "&", "'", "<", ">", """, "Ä", "Ö", "Ü", "ä", "ö", "ü", "ß"};
int iKnwonSpectials = 12;
GString *gstrEnemy = g_string_sized_new (2);
GString *gstrNewString = g_string_sized_new (9);
g_string_assign (gstrEnemy, "Ö");
g_string_assign (gstrNewString, "Ö");
exchangeNameWithValue(gstrText, gstrEnemy, gstrNewString);
g_string_assign (gstrEnemy, "Ü");
g_string_assign (gstrNewString, "Ü");
exchangeNameWithValue(gstrText, gstrEnemy, gstrNewString);
g_string_assign (gstrEnemy, "ä");
g_string_assign (gstrNewString, "ä");
exchangeNameWithValue(gstrText, gstrEnemy, gstrNewString);
g_string_assign (gstrEnemy, "ö");
g_string_assign (gstrNewString, "ö");
exchangeNameWithValue(gstrText, gstrEnemy, gstrNewString);
g_string_assign (gstrEnemy, "ü");
g_string_assign (gstrNewString, "ü");
exchangeNameWithValue(gstrText, gstrEnemy, gstrNewString);
g_string_assign (gstrEnemy, "ß");
g_string_assign (gstrNewString, "ß");
exchangeNameWithValue(gstrText, gstrEnemy, gstrNewString);
g_string_assign (gstrEnemy, "'");
g_string_assign (gstrNewString, "'");
exchangeNameWithValue(gstrText, gstrEnemy, gstrNewString);
g_string_assign (gstrEnemy, "<");
g_string_assign (gstrNewString, "<");
exchangeNameWithValue(gstrText, gstrEnemy, gstrNewString);
g_string_assign (gstrEnemy, ">");
g_string_assign (gstrNewString, ">");
exchangeNameWithValue(gstrText, gstrEnemy, gstrNewString);
g_string_assign (gstrEnemy, "\"");
g_string_assign (gstrNewString, """);
exchangeNameWithValue(gstrText, gstrEnemy, gstrNewString);
g_string_assign (gstrEnemy, "Ä");
g_string_assign (gstrNewString, "Ä");
exchangeNameWithValue(gstrText, gstrEnemy, gstrNewString);
char *cpBuf = NULL;
char *cpBuf2 = NULL;
int iDoNotExchangeThis = 0;
int iLocation = 0;
int i;
cpBuf = strstr (gstrText->str, "&");
while (cpBuf) {
iDoNotExchangeThis = 0;
for (i=0; istr;
g_string_insert (gstrText, iLocation+1, "amp;");
cpBuf = cpBuf + 1;
cpBuf = strstr (cpBuf, "&");
g_string_free (gstrEnemy, TRUE);
g_string_free (gstrNewString, TRUE);
TRACEIT(10,"ExchangeSpecialCharachterForXML end");
return 0;
int checkItemIsLink (const char *ccpItem){
//return: -1=error, 0=NoLink, 1=Link
TRACEIT(10,"checkItemIsLink start");
if (NULL == ccpItem){
TRACEIT (2, "checkItemIsLink parameter NULL");
return -1;
struct FileAttributs attribs;
GString *gstrName = g_string_new (ccpItem);
GString *gstrPath = g_string_new (ccpItem);
int iRet = 0;
GetPathFromPathWithName(gstrPath, 1);
fileAttributesGet( &attribs, gstrPath->str, gstrName->str);
if (attribs.gstrLinkTarget){
g_string_free(attribs.gstrLinkTarget, TRUE);
iRet = 1;
g_string_free (gstrName, TRUE);
g_string_free (gstrPath, TRUE);
TRACEIT(10,"checkItemIsLink start");
return iRet;
int manipulateCounter (int *iCounter, gboolean bCountUp, const char *ccpSource){
//CountUp = TRUE: iCount++
//CountUp = FALSE: iCount--
//Counter can not drop under 0
TRACEIT(10,"manipulateCounter start");
if (iCounter == NULL){
TRACEIT (2, "manipulateCounter parameter NULL");
return -1;
if (bCountUp){
if (*iCounter < 0){
*iCounter = 0;
//TRACEIT (2, "manipulateCounter droped below 0 from:");
//if (ccpSource != NULL){
// TRACEIT (2, ccpSource);
TRACEIT(10,"manipulateCounter end");
return 0;
int exchangeNameWithValue(GString *gstrText, GString *gstrEnemy, GString *NewString){
//gstrText holds the String in wich gstrEnemy is searched for and gstrEnemy will be exchanged by NewString
TRACEIT(10,"exchangeNameWithValue start");
char *cStart;
int iPosition=0;
int iSize;
int firstTime = 1;
do {
cStart = strstr(gstrText->str,gstrEnemy->str);
if (cStart == NULL && firstTime==0){
else if(firstTime == 1 && cStart==NULL){
TRACEIT(10,"exchangeNameWithValue end 1");
return 0; //EnemyString not found !!! unused Variable?
firstTime = 0;
iSize = strlen(gstrEnemy->str);
iPosition = 0;
while( (gstrText->str)+iPosition != cStart){
}while (cStart != NULL);
TRACEIT(10,"exchangeNameWithValue end");
return 1;
GFile *getCorrectGFileTypeFromLocation(char *location, int *iType){
//decides if we have a Path, File or an uri stored in location
//and if iType is not NULL, writes the type to it.
//return: A GFile Object (UNREF WITH g_object_unref()) or NULL on error.
//iType: -1 no idea, 0=locale file, 1=localePath, 2=uri
TRACEIT(10,"getCorrectGFileTypeFromLocation start");
if (location == NULL){
TRACEIT(10,"getCorrectGFileTypeFromLocation end, Parameter NULL");
return NULL;
int iMostProperlyLocale=-1;
gboolean bTestRegular;
gboolean bTestDir;
gboolean bTestExists;
GFile *gfilePo=NULL;
int iIThinkItIs=-1;
if (location[0] == '/'){
bTestExists = g_file_test (location, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS);
bTestDir = g_file_test (location, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR);
bTestRegular = g_file_test (location, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR);
if (bTestDir && bTestExists){
iIThinkItIs=1; //PATH
gfilePo = g_file_new_for_path(location);
if (iType)
*iType = 1;
else if (bTestRegular && bTestExists){
iIThinkItIs=0; //file
gfilePo = g_file_new_for_path(location);
if (iType)
*iType = 0;
else if (iMostProperlyLocale == 0){
iIThinkItIs=2; //uri
gfilePo = g_file_new_for_uri(location);
if (iType)
*iType = 2;
if (iType)
*iType = -1;
TRACEIT(10,"getCorrectGFileTypeFromLocation end");
return gfilePo;
int getRandomIntNumber(int iMin, int iMax){
//returns a random Number within iMin and iMax (including).
//if iMin or iMax is -1, no borders are applied
//return: -1 on error, randomNumber on success
TRACEIT(10,"getRandomIntNumber start");
int randomNumber=-1;
if ((iMin!=-1 || iMax!=-1) && iMin >= iMax){
TRACEIT(4,"getRandomIntNumber end, iMin>=iMax");
return -1;
if (iMin == -1 || iMax == -1){
randomNumber = rand();
randomNumber = iMin + (int) ((iMax) * (rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)));
TRACEIT(10,"getRandomIntNumber end");
return randomNumber;
void BytesToHumanity(guint64 bytes, double *newBytes, int *iEPow, GString *gstrEPow){
//gets an amount of bytes and breaks them trough 1024 till its easy to read even for humans
//iEPow will get the potential by ten by which the new bytes correspont (can be NULL)
//gstrEPor will hold a string wich represents iEPow (can be NULL)
// example: 4 512 376 344 bytes -> newBytes = 4.512 476 344, iEPow=3, gstrEPow = "GiB"
TRACEIT(10,"BytesToHumanity start");
if (newBytes == NULL){
TRACEIT(2,"BytesToHumanity end, Parameter NULL");
int i=0;
double dbuf = (double) bytes;
//while ((dbuf / 1024 > 1000.0)){
while ((dbuf > 1000.0)){
dbuf /= 1024;
//dbuf /= 1024;
*newBytes = dbuf;
if (iEPow){
if (gstrEPow){
switch (i){
case 0:
g_string_assign(gstrEPow, "Byte");
case 1:
g_string_assign(gstrEPow, "KiB");
case 2:
g_string_assign(gstrEPow, "MiB");
case 3:
g_string_assign(gstrEPow, "GiB");
case 4:
g_string_assign(gstrEPow, "TiB");
TRACEIT(10,"BytesToHumanity end");
void BytesToHumanityString (guint64 bytes, GString *gstrBytesString, int decimalplaces){
//converts the bytes to a format humans can read easely
//4567 -> "4.567 KiB"
TRACEIT(10,"BytesToHumanityString start");
if (gstrBytesString == NULL){
TRACEIT(2,"BytesToHumanityString end, Parameter NULL");
double newBytes;
GString *gstrEPow = g_string_sized_new(10);
BytesToHumanity(bytes,&newBytes,NULL, gstrEPow);
g_string_printf(gstrBytesString, "%0.2f %s", newBytes, gstrEPow->str);
g_string_free(gstrEPow, TRUE);
TRACEIT(10,"BytesToHumanityString end");
gboolean checkStringIsPath(char *cpPath){
TRACEIT(10,"checkStringIsPath start");
if (cpPath == NULL){
TRACEIT(2,"checkStringIsPath end, Parameter NULL");
return FALSE;
gboolean bRet=FALSE;
bRet = g_file_test( cpPath, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR);
TRACEIT(10,"checkStringIsPath end");
return bRet;
char *completionReturnFunction(GString *gstrString){
return gstrString->str;
void *GListFreeGStrings (gpointer data, gpointer user_data){
TRACEIT(10,"GListFreeGStrings start");
if (data == NULL){
TRACEIT(2,"GListFreeGStrings end, Parameter NULL");
return NULL;
GString *gstrBuf = (GString *)data;
g_string_free(gstrBuf, TRUE);
TRACEIT(10,"GListFreeGStrings end");
return NULL;
int completePath(char *cpText, char **ToComplete){
//ToComplete has to be freed !!!
//return: -1:error, 0=all ready path, 1=completed but no directory, 2=completed valid directory
TRACEIT(10,"completePath start");
if (cpText == NULL || ToComplete == NULL){
TRACEIT(2,"completePath end, parameter null");
return -1;
struct myLocationStruct locationStru;
GString *gstrNames=g_string_sized_new(10);
GString *gstrPath=g_string_sized_new(10);
struct FileAttributs attribs;
GList *listDirs=NULL;
GCompletion *completion=NULL;
g_string_assign(gstrPath, cpText);
if (0 == GetPathFromPathWithName (gstrPath, 0)){ //0=Already Path
TRACEIT(10,"completePath end");
return 0;
openLocation(gstrPath->str, &locationStru, FALSE, FALSE);
while ( 1==getNextItemInLocation(&locationStru, gstrNames, FALSE, FALSE) ){
fileAttributesGet(&attribs, gstrPath->str, gstrNames->str);
if (attribs.type_d==4 && strcmp(gstrNames->str, ".")!=0 && strcmp(gstrNames->str, "..")!=0){
g_string_prepend(gstrNames, gstrPath->str);
listDirs = g_list_append(listDirs, g_string_new(gstrNames->str));
if (attribs.gstrLinkTarget){
g_string_free(attribs.gstrLinkTarget, TRUE);
if (listDirs){
completion = g_completion_new ( (GCompletionFunc) completionReturnFunction);
g_completion_add_items (completion, listDirs);
g_completion_complete (completion, cpText, ToComplete);
g_completion_clear_items (completion);
g_list_foreach(listDirs, (GFunc) GListFreeGStrings, NULL);
if (*ToComplete){
g_string_assign(gstrPath, *ToComplete);
if (TRUE == checkStringIsPath(gstrPath->str)){
TRACEIT(10,"completePath end");
return 2; //valid directory
TRACEIT(10,"completePath end");
return 1; //no directory
//I thought I could use g_filename_completer_get_completion_suffix to complete the string in the Pathentrybox
//but it did not work (I dont know why, did I something wrong in the code below?)
/* if ( (event->keyval == GDK_Tab)){
GFilenameCompleter *completer = g_filename_completer_new ();
char *cText=NULL;
if (completer == NULL){
g_filename_completer_set_dirs_only(completer, TRUE);
gchar *cCompleted = g_filename_completer_get_completion_suffix (completer, cText);
if (cText){
if (cCompleted){
g_object_unref (completer);
return TRUE;
gboolean scrollListStoreToName_Helper (GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreePath *path, GtkTreeIter *iter, struct AllInformationAllUseStruct *stru){
TRACEIT(10,"scrollListStoreToName_Helper start");
int *Column = (int *)stru->Info_2;
char *NameToFind = (char *)stru->Info_3;
gchar *Name=NULL;
GtkTreeSelection *selection=NULL;
gtk_tree_model_get(model, iter, *Column, &Name, -1);
if (Name){
if (strcmp(Name,NameToFind)==0){
gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell ((GtkTreeView *)stru->Info_4,path,NULL,TRUE,0.0,0.0);
selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(GTK_TREE_VIEW((GtkTreeView *)stru->Info_4));
gtk_tree_selection_select_iter(selection, iter);
TRACEIT(10,"scrollListStoreToName_Helper ends");
return TRUE;
if (Name)
TRACEIT(10,"scrollListStoreToName_Helper ends");
return FALSE;
int scrollListStoreToName(GtkTreeView *listView, GtkListStore *listStore, GString *NameToScroll, int ColumnToSearch){
TRACEIT(10,"scrollListStoreToName start");
struct AllInformationAllUseStruct stru;
int Column = ColumnToSearch;
stru.Info_2=(void *)&Column;
stru.Info_3=(void *)NameToScroll->str;
stru.Info_4=(void *)listView;
gtk_tree_model_foreach(GTK_TREE_MODEL(listStore),(GtkTreeModelForeachFunc) scrollListStoreToName_Helper,&stru);
TRACEIT(10,"scrollListStoreToName end");
return 1;
int getHomeDirectory(GString *HomeDir){
TRACEIT(10,"getHomeDirectory start");
char *buf=NULL;
if (HomeDir == NULL){
TRACEIT(2,"getHomeDirectory Parameter NULL");
return -1;
buf = getenv("HOME");
g_string_assign(HomeDir, buf);
TRACEIT(10,"getHomeDirectory end");
return 0;
void checkPathForLastChar(GString *Path){
TRACEIT(11,"checkPathForLastChar start");
if (Path->str[strlen(Path->str)-1] != '/'){
TRACEIT(11,"checkPathForLastChar ends");
void checkPathForLastCharOtherwise(GString *Path){
TRACEIT(11,"checkPathForLastCharOtherwise start");
if (strlen(Path->str) >1){
if (Path->str[strlen(Path->str)-1] == '/'){
TRACEIT(11,"checkPathForLastCharOtherwise ends");
void cutSpacesFromGString(GString *ToCut){
TRACEIT(10,"cutSpacesFromGString start");
cutCharFromGString(ToCut, ' ',0);
TRACEIT(10,"cutSpacesFromGString ends");
void cutLeadingSpacesFromGString(GString *ToCut){
TRACEIT(10,"cutLeadingSpacesFromGString start");
cutCharFromGString(ToCut, ' ',1);
TRACEIT(10,"cutLeadingSpacesFromGString ends");
void cutTapsFromGString(GString *ToCut){
TRACEIT(10,"cutTapsFromGString start");
cutCharFromGString(ToCut, '\t',0);
TRACEIT(10,"cutTapsFromGString ends");
void cutCharFromGString(GString *ToCut, char thechar, int OnlyLeadingOnes){
TRACEIT(10,"cutCharFromGString start");
int i;
for (i=0; istr); i++){
if (ToCut->str[i] == thechar){
else if (OnlyLeadingOnes == 1){
TRACEIT(10,"cutCharFromGString end");
void getLastStringInPath(GString *Path){ //removes the path and leaves the single name
TRACEIT(10,"getLastStringInPath start");
GString *gstrbuf = g_string_new(Path->str);
if (strcmp(Path->str,"/")==0){
char *buf = strrchr(Path->str,'/');
if (buf == NULL){
TRACEIT(9,"getLastStringInPath ends NO");
if (buf == '\0'){
TRACEIT(3,"getLastStringInPath ends SHOULD NEVER BE");
TRACEIT(10,"getLastStringInPath ends");
int GetPathFromPathWithName(GString *PathAndName, int iDoIt){
//if iDoIt == 1, then the last string will be cut off wether or not the string in PathAndName is allready a path (ending /)
//it iDoIt == 0, then this fuctions does nothing when the last char in PathAndName is a /
//return: -1: Error, 0: already path, 1: Path written to PathAndName
TRACEIT(10,"GetPathFromPathWithName start");
if (PathAndName == NULL){
TRACEIT(10,"GetPathFromPathWithName end 1");
return -1;
GString *gstrBuf = g_string_new(PathAndName->str);
if ( iDoIt == 0 && (gstrBuf->str)[strlen(gstrBuf->str)-1]=='/'){ //last char in PathAndName is a /, so it is all ready a path.
g_string_free(gstrBuf, TRUE);
return 0;
g_string_truncate(PathAndName, strlen(PathAndName->str)-strlen(gstrBuf->str)-1);
if (strlen(PathAndName->str) == 0){ //we are in the root directory
g_string_assign(PathAndName, "/");
g_string_free(gstrBuf, TRUE);
TRACEIT(10,"GetPathFromPathWithName end");
return 1;
void cutStringToNChars(GString *Text,int Size){
TRACEIT(10,"cutStringToNChars start");
if (strlen(Text->str)<=Size){
TRACEIT(10,"cutStringToNChars ends");
g_string_append(Text, "...");
TRACEIT(10,"cutStringToNChars ends");
void cleverCutStringToNChars(GString *ToCut, char *textToAddBetween, int Size){
//textToAddBetween can be NULL
//devides ToCut into three sections. section 1 and 3 are half the size of Size and are put together to the new string,
//which ends up not larger than Size in the case textToAddBetween is empty or NULL.
//Section 1 comes from the beginning of ToCut while section 3 comes from the end.
//Section 2 are the chars between section 1 and 3, and are deleted or exchanged by textToAddBetween.
TRACEIT(10,"cleverCutStringToNChars start");
if (ToCut==NULL){
TRACEIT(10,"cleverCutStringToNChars ends, parameter NULL");
if (strlen(ToCut->str)<=Size){
TRACEIT(10,"cleverCutStringToNChars ends, nothing to do");
int wholeSize = strlen(ToCut->str);
int pos = Size/2;
int lenToCut = wholeSize-Size;
g_string_erase (ToCut, pos, lenToCut);
if (textToAddBetween != NULL){
g_string_insert (ToCut, pos+1, textToAddBetween); //not sure about the +1 here.
TRACEIT(10,"cleverCutStringToNChars end");
int myTokenFunction (GString *gstrCompleteString, int TokenNumber, char *divider, GString *gstrToken){
//gstrToken must be a valid GString, we only assign a new string to it
TRACEIT(10,"myTokenFunction start");
if (gstrCompleteString == 0 || divider==NULL || gstrToken == NULL){
TRACEIT(2,"myTokenFunction Parameter NULL");
return -1;
if (strstr(gstrCompleteString->str, divider) == 0){
g_string_assign(gstrToken, gstrCompleteString->str);
TRACEIT(10,"myTokenFunction ends, no divider in string");
if (TokenNumber == 0){
return 1;
return -1;
int i;
char *buf = malloc( sizeof(char *) * (strlen(gstrCompleteString->str)+2) );
char *start=NULL;
char *end=NULL;
start = buf;
for( i=0; istr);
if (*gstrTPString != NULL)
*gstrTPString = NewDPointer;
TRACEIT(10,"AddNewGStringToDPointer end");
return 0;
int AddNewGUInt64ToPointerArray(guint64 **intArray, int OldCount, guint64 NewOne){
TRACEIT(10,"ToPointerArray start");
//allocates new memory and copies all entries from intArray and the NewOne to the new memory
//and frees the old.
int i;
guint64 *NewPointer=NULL;
NewPointer = malloc(sizeof(guint64) * (OldCount +1));
if (NewPointer == NULL){
TRACEIT(1,"ToPointerArray end, NewPointer, ERROR allocating memory");
return -1;
for (i=0;iwindow_state.type == 32){ //GDK_WINDOW_STATE = 32
gtk_window_deiconify ((GtkWindow *)user_data);
TRACEIT(10,"KeepWindowOnTop end");
return TRUE;
gboolean DeleteNotification (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEvent *event, gpointer user_data){
int *notification = (int *)user_data;
*notification = 0; //dialog destroyed, this, however has nothing to do whith mainloop, but just destroys the widget
return FALSE; //when this is TRUE, the widget will stay even when the user tries to close it. And because of our notification we d not close it either
GtkWidget *CreateMyWindow(char *title, GtkWindow *parent, int x, int y, gboolean bResizeable, gboolean bDestroyWithParent, gboolean bKeepOnTop, int *iDeleteNotification, gboolean bParentInteraction, gboolean bDeletable ){
//iDeleteNotification becomes 1 when window is running and 0 when it receives the destroy-signal
TRACEIT(10,"CreateMyWindow start");
GtkWidget *dialog;
dialog = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
gtk_window_set_deletable((GtkWindow *)dialog,bDeletable);
gtk_window_set_title((GtkWindow *)dialog,title);
gtk_window_set_default_size((GtkWindow *)dialog,x,y);
gtk_window_set_resizable((GtkWindow *)dialog,bResizeable);
if (parent != NULL){
if (bParentInteraction){
gtk_window_set_modal((GtkWindow *)dialog,TRUE); //modal dialogs can be connected to other widgets with ..set_transient_for
} //Modal windows prevent interaction with other windows in the same application
gtk_window_set_transient_for((GtkWindow *)dialog,parent); //connects, in a way, the window with a parent window
if (bDestroyWithParent){
gtk_window_set_destroy_with_parent((GtkWindow *)dialog, TRUE);
if (bKeepOnTop)
g_signal_connect (dialog,"window-state-event",G_CALLBACK(KeepWindowOnTop),(void *)dialog);
if (iDeleteNotification){
//printf("CreateMyWindow Deletenotification enabled\n");
*iDeleteNotification = 1; //dialog valid
//g_signal_connect (dialog,"destroy-event",G_CALLBACK(DeleteNotification),(void *)iDeleteNotification); //destroy-eventg hooks to the gdkwindow, but this may be destroyed from the widget automaticaly and so, no windget owns this window. That means that we do not receive this signal
g_signal_connect (dialog,"delete-event",G_CALLBACK(DeleteNotification),(void *)iDeleteNotification); //his event hooks to the Widget
TRACEIT(10,"CreateMyWindow end");
return dialog;
GtkWidget *CreateMyDialog(char *title, GtkWindow *parent, int iButtons, char *respText1, int resp1, char *respText2, int resp2, char *respText3, int resp3, gboolean bResizeable){
TRACEIT(10,"CreateMyDialog start");
GtkWidget *dialog=NULL;
if (iButtons == 1){
dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons(title,parent,GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,respText1,resp1,NULL);
else if (iButtons == 2){
dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons(title,parent,GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,respText1,resp1,respText2,resp2,NULL);
else if (iButtons == 3){
dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons(title,parent,GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,respText1,resp1,respText2,resp2,respText3,resp3,NULL);
//printf("creating dialog: %p, text1:%s--- text2:%s--- \n",dialog, respText1, respText2 );
gtk_window_set_deletable((GtkWindow *)dialog,FALSE);
gtk_window_set_resizable((GtkWindow *)dialog,bResizeable);
g_signal_connect (dialog,"window-state-event",G_CALLBACK(KeepWindowOnTop),(void *)dialog);
TRACEIT(10,"CreateMyDialog end");
return dialog;
void MyMessageWidget(GtkWindow *parrent, char *title, char* message){
TRACEIT(10,"MyMessageWidget start");
TRACEIT(10,"MyMessageWidget, message:");
GtkWidget *label;
GtkWidget *dialog;
GtkWidget *scrollwidget;
//TRACEIT (5, "MyMessageWidget, message:");
//TRACEIT (5, message);
dialog = CreateMyDialog(title,parrent,1,"Ok",GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT,"Stop execution",GTK_RESPONSE_REJECT,NULL, 0, TRUE);
label = gtk_label_new(message);
gtk_label_set_selectable ( (GtkLabel *)label, TRUE);
gtk_label_set_line_wrap ( (GtkLabel *)label, TRUE);
//gtk_window_set_default_size ( (GtkWindow *)dialog, 300, 200);
gtk_window_resize ( (GtkWindow *)dialog, 300, 200);
//gtk_window_set_resizable((GtkWindow *)dialog,FALSE);
if (strlen(message)>100){
scrollwidget = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL,NULL);
gtk_scrolled_window_add_with_viewport ( (GtkScrolledWindow *)scrollwidget, label);
TRACEIT(10,"MyMessageWidget end");
int MyEasyInputWidget (GtkWindow *parrent, char *title, char *text, GString *gstrUserText){
// opens a little dialog in which the user can give us a little text, think of the rename - dialog.
// wahtever stays in gstrUserText is displayed in the input area as a predefined text.
// return values: 0: User OK 1: User Cancel <0: Error
TRACEIT(10,"MyEasyInputWidget start");
if (NULL == title || NULL==text || NULL==gstrUserText){
TRACEIT(3,"MyEasyInputWidget end, one or more parameters NULL");
return -1;
GtkWidget *dialog, *label;
GtkWidget *EntryBox;
GString *gstrbuf = g_string_sized_new(10);
dialog = CreateMyDialog(title, parrent, 2, "Ok",GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT,"Cancel",GTK_RESPONSE_REJECT, NULL, 0, FALSE);
label = gtk_label_new(text);
gtk_misc_set_alignment ( (GtkMisc *)label, 0.0f, 0.0f);
gtk_misc_set_padding ( (GtkMisc *)label, 4, 0);
EntryBox = gtk_entry_new();
g_signal_connect (EntryBox, "activate",G_CALLBACK(MyEasyInputWidget_EntryBoxActivate),dialog);
g_object_set(EntryBox, "text", gstrUserText->str, NULL);
if (gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog))== GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT){
g_object_get(EntryBox, "text", gstrbuf, NULL);
TRACEIT(10,"MyEasyInputWidget end 0");
g_string_free(gstrbuf, TRUE);
return 0;
TRACEIT(10,"MyEasyInputWidget end 1");
g_string_free(gstrbuf, TRUE);
return 1;
int MyEasyInputWidget_Two (GtkWindow *parrent, char *title, char *text1, GString *gstrUserText1, char *text2, GString *gstrUserText2, char *button0, char *button1, char *button2, char *button3 ){
// opens a little dialog in which the user can give us a little text, think of the rename - dialog.
// but this widget has up to two entry boxes where to enter text.
// and up to 4 buttons
// text1 must not be NULL
// while gstrUserText1, text2 and gstrUserText2 may be NULL, then, there is only one entrybox or none
// text2 and gstrUserText2 may only be NULL at the same time
// wahtever stays in gstrUserText is displayed in the input area as a predefined text.
// when the ENTER is hit in one of the entryboxes 0 (means the first button) is returned.
//The Gstrings are updated only when first button is pressed
// return values: 0: User OK 1: User Cancel 2: User Cancel All <0: Error
TRACEIT(10,"MyEasyInputWidget_Two start");
if (NULL == title || NULL==text1 /*|| NULL==gstrUserText1*/ ){
TRACEIT(3,"MyEasyInputWidget_Two end, one or more parameters NULL");
return -1;
if (NULL == button0 || NULL==button1 /*|| NULL==gstrUserText1*/ ){
TRACEIT(3,"MyEasyInputWidget_Two end, at lease the first two buttons have to be defined");
return -1;
GtkWidget *dialog, *label1, *label2;
GtkWidget *EntryBox1=NULL, *EntryBox2=NULL;
GString *gstrbuf1 = g_string_sized_new(10);
GString *gstrbuf2 = g_string_sized_new(10);
int iText2Valid=0;
int iText1Valid=0;
//dialog = CreateMyDialog(title, parrent, 2, "ok",GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT,"cancel",GTK_RESPONSE_REJECT, FALSE);
if (button0 && button1 && button2 && button3){
dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons(title,parrent,GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, button0, 0, button1, 1, button2, 2, button3, 3, NULL);
else if (button0 && button1 && button2 && button3==NULL){
dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons(title,parrent,GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, button0, 0, button1, 1, button2, 2, NULL);
else if(button0 && button1 && button2==NULL && button3==NULL){
dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons(title,parrent,GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, button0, 0, button1, 1, NULL);
dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons(title,parrent,GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT,"Ok",GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT,"Cancel all",2,"Cancel",1,NULL);
gtk_window_set_deletable((GtkWindow *)dialog,FALSE);
gtk_window_set_resizable((GtkWindow *)dialog,TRUE);
g_signal_connect (dialog,"window-state-event",G_CALLBACK(KeepWindowOnTop),(void *)dialog);
label1 = gtk_label_new(text1);
gtk_misc_set_alignment ( (GtkMisc *)label1, 0.0f, 0.0f);
gtk_misc_set_padding ( (GtkMisc *)label1, 4, 0);
if (gstrUserText1!=NULL){
EntryBox1 = gtk_entry_new();
g_signal_connect (EntryBox1, "activate",G_CALLBACK(MyEasyInputWidget_EntryBoxActivate),dialog);
g_object_set(EntryBox1, "text", gstrUserText1->str, NULL);
if (text2 != NULL && gstrUserText2 != NULL){
label2 = gtk_label_new(text2);
gtk_misc_set_alignment ( (GtkMisc *)label2, 0.0f, 0.0f);
gtk_misc_set_padding ( (GtkMisc *)label2, 4, 0);
EntryBox2 = gtk_entry_new();
g_signal_connect (EntryBox2, "activate",G_CALLBACK(MyEasyInputWidget_EntryBoxActivate),dialog);
g_object_set(EntryBox2, "text", gstrUserText2->str, NULL);
int ret=gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog));
if (ret == 0 || ret == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT){ //hitting enter in one of the entryboxes returns GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT
if (iText1Valid==1){
g_object_get(EntryBox1, "text", gstrbuf1, NULL);
if (iText2Valid==1){
g_object_get(EntryBox2, "text", gstrbuf2, NULL);
TRACEIT(10,"MyEasyInputWidget_Two end 0");
g_string_free(gstrbuf2, TRUE);
g_string_free(gstrbuf1, TRUE);
return 0; //Do not return GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, but 0, this means the first button
else if(ret==2){
g_string_free(gstrbuf2, TRUE);
g_string_free(gstrbuf1, TRUE);
return ret;
TRACEIT(10,"MyEasyInputWidget_Two end 1");
g_string_free(gstrbuf2, TRUE);
g_string_free(gstrbuf1, TRUE);
return ret;
void AddMyIconsToWindow(GtkWindow *Window){
TRACEIT(10,"AddMyIconsToWindow start");
GString *gstrbuf = g_string_sized_new(20);
GString *gstrbuf2 = g_string_sized_new(20);
char *cppSizes[] = {"16x16","48x48","64x64"}; //,"128x128","160x160"}; //Do not forgett to de- or increment for-loop when changing Items in this pointerarray
int i=0; //On IceWM: when we add more than 64x64 (or 3 Items) there was no Icon at all
GError *err=NULL;
GList *pMyIconList=NULL;
GdkPixbuf *pixMainWindowIcon=NULL;
for (i=0; i<3; i++){
g_string_assign(gstrbuf2, gstrbuf->str);
g_string_append(gstrbuf2, cppSizes[i]);
g_string_append(gstrbuf2, ".gif");
pixMainWindowIcon = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (gstrbuf2->str, &err);
if (err){
TRACEIT(6,"AddMyIconsToWindow error Loading Icon from file:");
if (pixMainWindowIcon != NULL){
pMyIconList = g_list_append(pMyIconList, (void *)pixMainWindowIcon);
gtk_window_set_icon_list (Window, pMyIconList);
TRACEIT(10,"AddMyIconsToWindow end");
void MyEasyInputWidget_EntryBoxActivate(GtkEntry *entry, gpointer data){
TRACEIT(10,"MyEasyInputWidget_EntryBoxActivate start");
gtk_dialog_response (GTK_DIALOG(data), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT);
//This is just when the user hits the enterbutton, then the OKButton is activated
//!!!!!!!! Be carefull, this function is called from many functions not only the NewDirectory-thing !!!!!
TRACEIT(10,"MyEasyInputWidget_EntryBoxActivate ends");
gboolean AddESCButtonToAMainWidget_SignalHandler(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, GtkWidget *TheWidget){
TRACEIT(10,"AddESCButtonToAMainWidget_SignalHandler start");
guint modifiers;
modifiers = gtk_accelerator_get_default_mod_mask ();
if ( (event->keyval == GDK_Escape)){
gtk_widget_destroy (TheWidget);
TRACEIT(10,"createUserCommand_oneKeyPressedInView ends");
return TRUE;
TRACEIT(10,"AddESCButtonToAMainWidget_SignalHandler end");
return FALSE;
int AddESCButtonToAMainWidget (GtkWidget *TheWidget){
//in the end, this will call gtk_widget_destroy () to TheWidget !
//this means that TheWidget most propably has to be a toplevel widget
TRACEIT(10,"AddESCButtonToAMainWidget start");
if (TheWidget == NULL){
TRACEIT(10,"AddESCButtonToAMainWidget parameter NULL");
return -1;
g_signal_connect (TheWidget,"key-press-event",G_CALLBACK(AddESCButtonToAMainWidget_SignalHandler),TheWidget);
TRACEIT(10,"AddESCButtonToAMainWidget end");
return 0;
gboolean myWrapOf__g_spawn_command_line_sync (const gchar *command_line, gchar **standard_output, gchar **standard_error, gint *exit_status, GError **error, gboolean ThreadSave){
//when ThreadSave is TRUE, all gtk-functions is gdk_threads_enter/leave surrounded.
//if it is FALSE, no gdk_threads_enter/leave functions are called in here
//if this function is called from within a signal, ThreadSave should be FALSE, as signals are allready threadsafe
//A call to the mentioned functions would cause a deadlock.
TRACEIT(10,"myWrapOf__g_spawn_command_line_sync start");
gboolean ret;
time_t currentTime=0;
GString *gstrBuf=g_string_sized_new(30);
unsigned int ID;
ID = time(¤tTime);
g_string_printf(gstrBuf, "%d: %s: %s",ID, ctime(¤tTime), command_line);
cutCharFromGString(gstrBuf, '\n',0);
//g_string_append(gstrBuf, "\n\n");
if (ThreadSave){
myWrap_gdk_threads_enter("myWrapOf__g_spawn_command_line_sync 1");
textbuffer_commandHistory_addText(gstrBuf->str, NULL);
if (ThreadSave){
myWrap_gdk_threads_leave("myWrapOf__g_spawn_command_line_sync 1");
//char cbuf[100];
//printf("current path: %s, command: %s\n",cbuf, command_line);
ret = g_spawn_command_line_sync(command_line,standard_output,standard_error,exit_status,error);
if (standard_error != NULL && *standard_error != NULL && strlen(*standard_error) > 1 && (( exit_status != NULL && *exit_status != 0) || exit_status==NULL) ){
g_string_printf(gstrBuf, "%d: %s: ERROR: %s",ID, ctime(¤tTime), *standard_error);
cutCharFromGString(gstrBuf, '\n',0);
//g_string_append(gstrBuf, "\n\n\n");
if (ThreadSave){
//printf("entering gdk_threads\n");
myWrap_gdk_threads_enter("myWrapOf__g_spawn_command_line_sync 2");
textbuffer_commandHistory_addText(gstrBuf->str, "error");
if (ThreadSave){
//printf("going to leave gdk_threas\n");
myWrap_gdk_threads_leave("myWrapOf__g_spawn_command_line_sync 2");
g_string_free(gstrBuf, TRUE);
TRACEIT(10,"myWrapOf__g_spawn_command_line_sync end");
return ret;
void textbuffer_commandHistory_addText (char *text, char *tag){
TRACEIT(10,"textbuffer_commandHistory_addText start");
//adds text to the end of our g_TextBuffer_CommandHistory,
//tag may be NULL, otherwise the text is added to the buffer with the tag-properties (the tag must be a valid name of an allready connected tag)
//a valid tag e.g. is "error"
//when no tag is defined \n\n will be appended to text
//wehn tag is defined \n\n\n will be appended to text
if (text == NULL){
TRACEIT(2,"textbuffer_commandHistory_addText end, Parameter NULL");
if (g_TextBuffer_CommandHistory == NULL){
TRACEIT(2,"textbuffer_commandHistory_addText end, buffer null");
GtkTextIter iter;
GString *gstrText = g_string_new(text);
gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter (g_TextBuffer_CommandHistory, &iter);
if (tag == NULL){
g_string_append(gstrText, "\n\n");
gtk_text_buffer_insert (g_TextBuffer_CommandHistory, &iter, gstrText->str, -1);
g_string_append(gstrText, "\n\n\n");
//the error text will displayed in red, as defined within the tag (here refered by "error" (tagname)), defined in defineGlobals - function
gtk_text_buffer_insert_with_tags_by_name (g_TextBuffer_CommandHistory, &iter, gstrText->str, -1, tag, NULL);
g_string_free(gstrText, TRUE);
//gtk_text_iter_free (&iter); //do not free it, iter is on the stack! (its here just for info)
TRACEIT(10,"textbuffer_commandHistory_addText end");
void CancelButtonFunctionForIBreak(GtkButton *button, gpointer data){
//used or buttons which only have to change the ibreak variable (used in search for..., and SizeDialog)
TRACEIT(10,"CancelButtonFunctionForIBreak start");
int *ibreak = (int *)data;
*ibreak = 1;
TRACEIT(10,"CancelButtonFunctionForIBreak ends");
int CheckForEndingInEndingList (const char *ccpEndings, const char *ccpSingleEnding){
//ccpEndings is a string of the form: 'jpg png mp3' as used for listing our endings
//ccpSingleEnding is the ending we want to check ccpEndings for.
//the endings in ccpEndings can be divided by space
//return: 0 = not found
// 1 = found
// -1= error
TRACEIT(10,"CheckForEndingInEndingList start");
char *cpBuf = NULL;
char *cpBuf2 = NULL;
int iRet = 0;
char *cpBufSingleEnding = NULL;
cpBufSingleEnding = g_ascii_strdown (ccpSingleEnding, -1);
if (cpBufSingleEnding == NULL){
TRACEIT (2, "CheckForEndingInEndingList Error converting SingleEnding to lower");
return -1;
cpBuf = malloc (sizeof (char) * (strlen (ccpEndings) + 1));
if (NULL == cpBuf){
free (cpBufSingleEnding);
TRACEIT (2, "CheckForEndingInEndingList Error unable to allocate memory");
return -1;
strcpy (cpBuf, ccpEndings);
cpBuf2 = strtok (cpBuf, " ");
while (NULL != cpBuf2){
if (0 == strcmp (cpBuf2, cpBufSingleEnding)){
iRet = 1;
cpBuf2 = strtok (NULL, " ");
free (cpBufSingleEnding);
free (cpBuf);
TRACEIT(10,"CheckForEndingInEndingList ends");
return iRet;
gboolean ListWidget_MousePressEventCatcher (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, struct ListWidgetCommunicationStruct *commStru){
TRACEIT(10,"ListWidget_MousePressEventCatcher start");
if (commStru == NULL){
TRACEIT (2, "ListWidget_MousePressEventCatcher PARAMETER NULL");
return FALSE;
if (commStru->iListPaused != 0){
TRACEIT(10,"ListWidget_MousePressEventCatcher ends");
return FALSE;
TRACEIT(10,"ListWidget_MousePressEventCatcher ends");
return TRUE;
int VersionCheck_Gtk(){
//int lkd_mj = gtk_major_version;
int lkd_min = gtk_minor_version;
int lkd_mic = gtk_micro_version;
if (lkd_min < 10){
return -100; //Cat'sEyE needs at least version 2.10 //the installed version is too little
if (lkd_min < GTK_MINOR_VERSION){
return -10; //compiled versions are highter than linked (minor)
else if (kd_min = GTK_MINOR_VERSION){
if (lkd_mic < GTK_MICRO_VERSION){
return -1; //compiled versions are highter than linked (micro)
else if (kd_mic = GTK_MICRO_VERSION){
return 0; //compiled and linked versions are equal
else if (kd_mic > GTK_MICRO_VERSION){
return 1; //linked version is newer than compiled version (micro)
else if (kd_min > GTK_MINOR_VERSION){
return 10; //linked version is newer than compiled version (minor)