///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/os2/menu.cpp // Purpose: wxMenu, wxMenuBar, wxMenuItem // Author: David Webster // Modified by: // Created: 10/10/99 // Copyright: (c) David Webster // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #include "wx/menu.h" #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/frame.h" #include "wx/utils.h" #include "wx/intl.h" #include "wx/log.h" #endif #if wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN #include "wx/ownerdrw.h" #endif #include "wx/os2/private.h" // other standard headers #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // global variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern wxMenu* wxCurrentPopupMenu; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The (popup) menu title has this special id // static const int idMenuTitle = -3; // // The unique ID for Menus // USHORT wxMenu::m_nextMenuId = 0; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // macros // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ============================================================================ // implementation // ============================================================================ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxMenu construction, adding and removing menu items // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Construct a menu with optional title (then use append) // void wxMenu::Init() { m_bDoBreak = false; m_nStartRadioGroup = -1; // // Create the menu (to be used as a submenu or a popup) // if ((m_hMenu = ::WinCreateWindow( HWND_DESKTOP ,WC_MENU ,"Menu" ,0L ,0L ,0L ,0L ,0L ,NULLHANDLE ,HWND_TOP ,0L ,NULL ,NULL )) == 0) { wxLogLastError(wxT("WinLoadMenu")); } m_vMenuData.iPosition = 0; m_vMenuData.afStyle = MIS_SUBMENU | MIS_TEXT; m_vMenuData.afAttribute = (USHORT)0; m_vMenuData.id = m_nextMenuId++; m_vMenuData.hwndSubMenu = m_hMenu; m_vMenuData.hItem = NULLHANDLE; // // If we have a title, insert it in the beginning of the menu // if (!m_title.empty()) { Append( idMenuTitle ,m_title ,wxEmptyString ,wxITEM_NORMAL ); AppendSeparator(); } } // end of wxMenu::Init // // The wxWindow destructor will take care of deleting the submenus. // wxMenu::~wxMenu() { // // We should free PM resources only if PM doesn't do it for us // which happens if we're attached to a menubar or a submenu of another // menu if (!IsAttached() && !GetParent()) { if (!::WinDestroyWindow((HWND)GetHmenu()) ) { wxLogLastError(wxT("WinDestroyWindow")); } } #if wxUSE_ACCEL // // Delete accels // WX_CLEAR_ARRAY(m_vAccels); #endif // wxUSE_ACCEL } // end of wxMenu::~wxMenu void wxMenu::Break() { // this will take effect during the next call to Append() m_bDoBreak = true; } // end of wxMenu::Break void wxMenu::Attach( wxMenuBarBase* pMenubar ) { wxMenuBase::Attach(pMenubar); EndRadioGroup(); } // end of wxMenu::Break; #if wxUSE_ACCEL int wxMenu::FindAccel( int nId ) const { size_t n; size_t nCount = m_vAccels.GetCount(); for (n = 0; n < nCount; n++) if (m_vAccels[n]->m_command == nId) return n; return wxNOT_FOUND; } // end of wxMenu::FindAccel void wxMenu::UpdateAccel( wxMenuItem* pItem ) { if (pItem->IsSubMenu()) { wxMenu* pSubmenu = pItem->GetSubMenu(); wxMenuItemList::compatibility_iterator node = pSubmenu->GetMenuItems().GetFirst(); while (node) { UpdateAccel(node->GetData()); node = node->GetNext(); } } else if (!pItem->IsSeparator()) { // // Recurse upwards: we should only modify m_accels of the top level // menus, not of the submenus as wxMenuBar doesn't look at them // (alternative and arguable cleaner solution would be to recurse // downwards in GetAccelCount() and CopyAccels()) // if (GetParent()) { GetParent()->UpdateAccel(pItem); return; } // // Find the (new) accel for this item // wxAcceleratorEntry* pAccel = wxAcceleratorEntry::Create(pItem->GetItemLabel()); if (pAccel) pAccel->m_command = pItem->GetId(); // // Find the old one // size_t n = FindAccel(pItem->GetId()); if (n == (size_t)wxNOT_FOUND) { // // No old, add new if any // if (pAccel) m_vAccels.Add(pAccel); else return; } else { // // Replace old with new or just remove the old one if no new // delete m_vAccels[n]; if (pAccel) m_vAccels[n] = pAccel; else m_vAccels.RemoveAt(n); } if (IsAttached()) { GetMenuBar()->RebuildAccelTable(); } } } // wxMenu::UpdateAccel #endif // wxUSE_ACCEL // // Append a new item or submenu to the menu // bool wxMenu::DoInsertOrAppend( wxMenuItem* pItem, size_t nPos ) { wxMenu* pSubmenu = pItem->GetSubMenu(); MENUITEM& rItem = (pSubmenu != NULL)?pSubmenu->m_vMenuData: pItem->m_vMenuData; ERRORID vError; wxString sError; #if wxUSE_ACCEL UpdateAccel(pItem); #endif // wxUSE_ACCEL // // If "Break" has just been called, insert a menu break before this item // (and don't forget to reset the flag) // if (m_bDoBreak) { rItem.afStyle |= MIS_BREAK; m_bDoBreak = false; } // // Id is the numeric id for normal menu items and HMENU for submenus as // required by ::MM_INSERTITEM message API // if (pSubmenu != NULL) { wxASSERT_MSG(pSubmenu->GetHMenu(), wxT("invalid submenu")); pSubmenu->SetParent(this); rItem.iPosition = 0; // submenus have a 0 position rItem.id = (USHORT)pSubmenu->GetHMenu(); rItem.afStyle |= MIS_SUBMENU | MIS_TEXT; } else { rItem.id = (USHORT)pItem->GetId(); } char *pData = NULL; #if wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN if (pItem->IsOwnerDrawn()) { // // Want to get {Measure|Draw}Item messages? // item draws itself, passing pointer to data doesn't work in OS/2 // Will eventually need to set the image handle somewhere into vItem.hItem // rItem.afStyle |= MIS_OWNERDRAW; pData = NULL; rItem.hItem = (HBITMAP)pItem->GetBitmap().GetHBITMAP(); pItem->m_vMenuData.afStyle = rItem.afStyle; pItem->m_vMenuData.hItem = rItem.hItem; } else #endif if (pItem->IsSeparator()) { rItem.afStyle = MIS_SEPARATOR; } else { if (pItem->GetId() == idMenuTitle) { // Item is an unselectable title to be passed via pData rItem.afStyle = MIS_STATIC; } else { // // Menu is just a normal string (passed in data parameter) // rItem.afStyle |= MIS_TEXT; } pData = (char*) pItem->GetItemLabel().wx_str(); } if (nPos == (size_t)-1) { rItem.iPosition = MIT_END; } else { rItem.iPosition = (SHORT)nPos; } APIRET rc; rc = (APIRET)::WinSendMsg( GetHmenu() ,MM_INSERTITEM ,(MPARAM)&rItem ,(MPARAM)pData ); #if wxUSE_OWNER_DRAWN if (pItem->IsOwnerDrawn()) { MENUITEM vMenuItem; ::WinSendMsg( GetHmenu() ,MM_QUERYITEM ,MPFROM2SHORT( (USHORT)pItem->GetId() ,(USHORT)(FALSE) ) ,&vMenuItem ); } #endif if (rc == (APIRET)MIT_MEMERROR || rc == (APIRET)MIT_ERROR) { vError = ::WinGetLastError(vHabmain); sError = wxPMErrorToStr(vError); wxLogError(wxT("Error inserting or appending a menuitem. Error: %s\n"), sError.c_str()); wxLogLastError(wxT("Insert or AppendMenu")); return false; } // // If we're already attached to the menubar, we must update it // if (IsAttached() && GetMenuBar()->IsAttached()) { GetMenuBar()->Refresh(); } return true; } // end of wxMenu::DoInsertOrAppend void wxMenu::EndRadioGroup() { // // We're not inside a radio group any longer // m_nStartRadioGroup = -1; } // end of wxMenu::EndRadioGroup wxMenuItem* wxMenu::DoAppend( wxMenuItem* pItem ) { wxCHECK_MSG( pItem, NULL, wxT("NULL item in wxMenu::DoAppend") ); bool bCheck = false; if (pItem->GetKind() == wxITEM_RADIO) { int nCount = GetMenuItemCount(); if (m_nStartRadioGroup == -1) { // // Start a new radio group // m_nStartRadioGroup = nCount; // // For now it has just one element // pItem->SetAsRadioGroupStart(); pItem->SetRadioGroupEnd(m_nStartRadioGroup); // // Ensure that we have a checked item in the radio group // bCheck = true; } else // extend the current radio group { // // We need to update its end item // pItem->SetRadioGroupStart(m_nStartRadioGroup); wxMenuItemList::compatibility_iterator node = GetMenuItems().Item(m_nStartRadioGroup); if (node) { node->GetData()->SetRadioGroupEnd(nCount); } else { wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("where is the radio group start item?") ); } } } else // not a radio item { EndRadioGroup(); } if (!wxMenuBase::DoAppend(pItem) || !DoInsertOrAppend(pItem)) { return NULL; } if (bCheck) { // // Check the item initially // pItem->Check(true); } return pItem; } // end of wxMenu::DoAppend wxMenuItem* wxMenu::DoInsert( size_t nPos , wxMenuItem* pItem ) { if ( wxMenuBase::DoInsert( nPos ,pItem) && DoInsertOrAppend( pItem ,nPos )) return pItem; else return NULL; } // end of wxMenu::DoInsert wxMenuItem* wxMenu::DoRemove( wxMenuItem* pItem ) { // // We need to find the items position in the child list // size_t nPos; wxMenuItemList::compatibility_iterator node = GetMenuItems().GetFirst(); for (nPos = 0; node; nPos++) { if (node->GetData() == pItem) break; node = node->GetNext(); } // // DoRemove() (unlike Remove) can only be called for existing item! // wxCHECK_MSG(node, NULL, wxT("bug in wxMenu::Remove logic")); #if wxUSE_ACCEL // // Remove the corresponding accel from the accel table // int n = FindAccel(pItem->GetId()); if (n != wxNOT_FOUND) { delete m_vAccels[n]; m_vAccels.RemoveAt(n); } #endif // wxUSE_ACCEL // // Remove the item from the menu // ::WinSendMsg( GetHmenu() ,MM_REMOVEITEM ,MPFROM2SHORT(pItem->GetId(), TRUE) ,(MPARAM)0 ); if (IsAttached() && GetMenuBar()->IsAttached()) { // // Otherwise, the chane won't be visible // GetMenuBar()->Refresh(); } // // And from internal data structures // return wxMenuBase::DoRemove(pItem); } // end of wxMenu::DoRemove // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // accelerator helpers // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if wxUSE_ACCEL // // Create the wxAcceleratorEntries for our accels and put them into provided // array - return the number of accels we have // size_t wxMenu::CopyAccels( wxAcceleratorEntry* pAccels ) const { size_t nCount = GetAccelCount(); for (size_t n = 0; n < nCount; n++) { *pAccels++ = *m_vAccels[n]; } return nCount; } // end of wxMenu::CopyAccels #endif // wxUSE_ACCEL // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // set wxMenu title // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMenu::SetTitle( const wxString& rLabel ) { bool bHasNoTitle = m_title.empty(); HWND hMenu = GetHmenu(); m_title = rLabel; if (bHasNoTitle) { if (!rLabel.empty()) { if (!::WinSetWindowText(hMenu, rLabel.c_str())) { wxLogLastError(wxT("SetMenuTitle")); } } } else { if (rLabel.empty() ) { ::WinSendMsg( GetHmenu() ,MM_REMOVEITEM ,MPFROM2SHORT(hMenu, TRUE) ,(MPARAM)0 ); } else { // // Modify the title // if (!::WinSetWindowText(hMenu, rLabel.c_str())) { wxLogLastError(wxT("SetMenuTitle")); } } } } // end of wxMenu::SetTitle // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // event processing // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool wxMenu::OS2Command( WXUINT WXUNUSED(uParam), WXWORD vId ) { // // Ignore commands from the menu title // if (vId != (WXWORD)idMenuTitle) { SendEvent( vId ,(int)::WinSendMsg( GetHmenu() ,MM_QUERYITEMATTR ,MPFROMSHORT(vId) ,(MPARAM)MIA_CHECKED ) ); } return true; } // end of wxMenu::OS2Command // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // other // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxWindow* wxMenu::GetWindow() const { if (m_invokingWindow != NULL) return m_invokingWindow; else if ( GetMenuBar() != NULL) return GetMenuBar()->GetFrame(); return NULL; } // end of wxMenu::GetWindow // recursive search for item by id wxMenuItem* wxMenu::FindItem( int nItemId , ULONG hItem , wxMenu** ppItemMenu ) const { if ( ppItemMenu ) *ppItemMenu = NULL; wxMenuItem* pItem = NULL; for ( wxMenuItemList::compatibility_iterator node = m_items.GetFirst(); node && !pItem; node = node->GetNext() ) { pItem = node->GetData(); if ( pItem->GetId() == nItemId && pItem->m_vMenuData.hItem == hItem) { if ( ppItemMenu ) *ppItemMenu = (wxMenu *)this; } else if ( pItem->IsSubMenu() ) { pItem = pItem->GetSubMenu()->FindItem( nItemId ,hItem ,ppItemMenu ); if (pItem) break; } else { // don't exit the loop pItem = NULL; } } return pItem; } // end of wxMenu::FindItem // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Menu Bar // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMenuBar::Init() { m_eventHandler = this; m_menuBarFrame = NULL; m_hMenu = 0; } // end of wxMenuBar::Init wxMenuBar::wxMenuBar() { Init(); } // end of wxMenuBar::wxMenuBar wxMenuBar::wxMenuBar( long WXUNUSED(lStyle) ) { Init(); } // end of wxMenuBar::wxMenuBar wxMenuBar::wxMenuBar( int nCount , wxMenu* vMenus[] , const wxString sTitles[] , long WXUNUSED(lStyle) ) { Init(); m_titles.Alloc(nCount); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) { m_menus.Append(vMenus[i]); m_titles.Add(sTitles[i]); vMenus[i]->Attach(this); } } // end of wxMenuBar::wxMenuBar wxMenuBar::~wxMenuBar() { // // We should free PM's resources only if PM doesn't do it for us // which happens if we're attached to a frame // if (m_hMenu && !IsAttached()) { ::WinDestroyWindow((HMENU)m_hMenu); m_hMenu = (WXHMENU)NULL; } } // end of wxMenuBar::~wxMenuBar // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxMenuBar helpers // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- void wxMenuBar::Refresh() { wxCHECK_RET( IsAttached(), wxT("can't refresh unatteched menubar") ); WinSendMsg(GetWinHwnd(m_menuBarFrame), WM_UPDATEFRAME, (MPARAM)FCF_MENU, (MPARAM)0); } // end of wxMenuBar::Refresh WXHMENU wxMenuBar::Create() { HWND hFrame; if (m_hMenu != 0 ) return m_hMenu; wxCHECK_MSG(!m_hMenu, TRUE, wxT("menubar already created")); // // Menubars should be associated with a frame otherwise they are popups // if (m_menuBarFrame != NULL) hFrame = GetWinHwnd(m_menuBarFrame); else hFrame = HWND_DESKTOP; // // Create an empty menu and then fill it with insertions // if ((m_hMenu = ::WinCreateWindow( hFrame ,WC_MENU ,NULL ,MS_ACTIONBAR | WS_SYNCPAINT | WS_VISIBLE ,0L ,0L ,0L ,0L ,hFrame ,HWND_TOP ,FID_MENU ,NULL ,NULL )) == 0) { wxLogLastError(wxT("WinLoadMenu")); } else { size_t nCount = GetMenuCount(), i; wxMenuList::iterator it; for (i = 0, it = m_menus.begin(); i < nCount; i++, it++) { APIRET rc; ERRORID vError; wxString sError; HWND hSubMenu; // // Set the parent and owner of the submenues to be the menubar, not the desktop // hSubMenu = (*it)->m_vMenuData.hwndSubMenu; if (!::WinSetParent((*it)->m_vMenuData.hwndSubMenu, m_hMenu, FALSE)) { vError = ::WinGetLastError(vHabmain); sError = wxPMErrorToStr(vError); wxLogError(wxT("Error setting parent for submenu. Error: %s\n"), sError.c_str()); return NULLHANDLE; } if (!::WinSetOwner((*it)->m_vMenuData.hwndSubMenu, m_hMenu)) { vError = ::WinGetLastError(vHabmain); sError = wxPMErrorToStr(vError); wxLogError(wxT("Error setting parent for submenu. Error: %s\n"), sError.c_str()); return NULLHANDLE; } (*it)->m_vMenuData.iPosition = (SHORT)i; rc = (APIRET)::WinSendMsg(m_hMenu, MM_INSERTITEM, (MPARAM)&(*it)->m_vMenuData, (MPARAM)m_titles[i].wx_str()); if (rc == (APIRET)MIT_MEMERROR || rc == (APIRET)MIT_ERROR) { vError = ::WinGetLastError(vHabmain); sError = wxPMErrorToStr(vError); wxLogError(wxT("Error inserting or appending a menuitem. Error: %s\n"), sError.c_str()); return NULLHANDLE; } } } return m_hMenu; } // end of wxMenuBar::Create // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxMenuBar functions to work with the top level submenus // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // NB: we don't support owner drawn top level items for now, if we do these // functions would have to be changed to use wxMenuItem as well // void wxMenuBar::EnableTop( size_t nPos , bool bEnable ) { wxCHECK_RET(IsAttached(), wxT("doesn't work with unattached menubars")); USHORT uFlag = 0; SHORT nId; if(!bEnable) uFlag = MIA_DISABLED; nId = SHORT1FROMMR(::WinSendMsg((HWND)m_hMenu, MM_ITEMIDFROMPOSITION, MPFROMSHORT(nPos), (MPARAM)0)); if (nId == MIT_ERROR) { wxLogLastError(wxT("LogLastError")); return; } ::WinSendMsg((HWND)m_hMenu, MM_SETITEMATTR, MPFROM2SHORT(nId, TRUE), MPFROM2SHORT(MIA_DISABLED, uFlag)); Refresh(); } // end of wxMenuBar::EnableTop void wxMenuBar::SetMenuLabel( size_t nPos , const wxString& rLabel ) { SHORT nId; MENUITEM vItem; wxCHECK_RET(nPos < GetMenuCount(), wxT("invalid menu index")); m_titles[nPos] = rLabel; if (!IsAttached()) { return; } nId = SHORT1FROMMR(::WinSendMsg((HWND)m_hMenu, MM_ITEMIDFROMPOSITION, MPFROMSHORT(nPos), (MPARAM)0)); if (nId == MIT_ERROR) { wxLogLastError(wxT("LogLastError")); return; } if(!::WinSendMsg( (HWND)m_hMenu ,MM_QUERYITEM ,MPFROM2SHORT(nId, TRUE) ,MPARAM(&vItem) )) { wxLogLastError(wxT("QueryItem")); } nId = vItem.id; if (::WinSendMsg(GetHmenu(), MM_SETITEMTEXT, MPFROMSHORT(nId), (MPARAM)rLabel.wx_str())); { wxLogLastError(wxT("ModifyMenu")); } Refresh(); } // end of wxMenuBar::SetMenuLabel wxString wxMenuBar::GetMenuLabel( size_t nPos ) const { wxCHECK_MSG( nPos < GetMenuCount(), wxEmptyString, wxT("invalid menu index in wxMenuBar::GetMenuLabel") ); return m_titles[nPos]; } // end of wxMenuBar::GetMenuLabel // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxMenuBar construction // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- wxMenu* wxMenuBar::Replace( size_t nPos , wxMenu* pMenu , const wxString& rTitle ) { SHORT nId; wxString sTitle = wxPMTextToLabel(rTitle); wxMenu* pMenuOld = wxMenuBarBase::Replace( nPos ,pMenu ,sTitle ); nId = SHORT1FROMMR(::WinSendMsg((HWND)m_hMenu, MM_ITEMIDFROMPOSITION, MPFROMSHORT(nPos), (MPARAM)0)); if (nId == MIT_ERROR) { wxLogLastError(wxT("LogLastError")); return NULL; } if (!pMenuOld) return NULL; m_titles[nPos] = sTitle; if (IsAttached()) { ::WinSendMsg((HWND)m_hMenu, MM_REMOVEITEM, MPFROM2SHORT(nId, TRUE), (MPARAM)0); ::WinSendMsg((HWND)m_hMenu, MM_INSERTITEM, (MPARAM)&pMenu->m_vMenuData, (MPARAM)sTitle.wx_str()); #if wxUSE_ACCEL if (pMenuOld->HasAccels() || pMenu->HasAccels()) { // // Need to rebuild accell table // RebuildAccelTable(); } #endif // wxUSE_ACCEL Refresh(); } return pMenuOld; } // end of wxMenuBar::Replace bool wxMenuBar::Insert( size_t nPos, wxMenu* pMenu, const wxString& rTitle ) { wxString sTitle = wxPMTextToLabel(rTitle); if (!wxMenuBarBase::Insert( nPos, pMenu, sTitle )) return false; m_titles.Insert( sTitle, nPos ); if (IsAttached()) { pMenu->m_vMenuData.iPosition = (SHORT)nPos; ::WinSendMsg( (HWND)m_hMenu ,MM_INSERTITEM ,(MPARAM)&pMenu->m_vMenuData ,(MPARAM)sTitle.wx_str() ); #if wxUSE_ACCEL if (pMenu->HasAccels()) { // need to rebuild accell table RebuildAccelTable(); } #endif // wxUSE_ACCEL Refresh(); } return true; } // end of wxMenuBar::Insert bool wxMenuBar::Append( wxMenu* pMenu, const wxString& rsTitle ) { WXHMENU hSubmenu = pMenu ? pMenu->GetHMenu() : 0; wxCHECK_MSG(hSubmenu, false, wxT("can't append invalid menu to menubar")); wxString sTitle = wxPMTextToLabel(rsTitle); if (!wxMenuBarBase::Append(pMenu, sTitle)) return false; m_titles.Add(sTitle); if ( IsAttached() ) { pMenu->m_vMenuData.iPosition = MIT_END; ::WinSendMsg((HWND)m_hMenu, MM_INSERTITEM, (MPARAM)&pMenu->m_vMenuData, (MPARAM)sTitle.wx_str()); #if wxUSE_ACCEL if (pMenu->HasAccels()) { // // Need to rebuild accell table // RebuildAccelTable(); } #endif // wxUSE_ACCEL Refresh(); } return true; } // end of wxMenuBar::Append wxMenu* wxMenuBar::Remove( size_t nPos ) { wxMenu* pMenu = wxMenuBarBase::Remove(nPos); SHORT nId; if (!pMenu) return NULL; nId = SHORT1FROMMR(::WinSendMsg( (HWND)GetHmenu() ,MM_ITEMIDFROMPOSITION ,MPFROMSHORT(nPos) ,(MPARAM)0) ); if (nId == MIT_ERROR) { wxLogLastError(wxT("LogLastError")); return NULL; } if (IsAttached()) { ::WinSendMsg( (HWND)GetHmenu() ,MM_REMOVEITEM ,MPFROM2SHORT(nId, TRUE) ,(MPARAM)0 ); #if wxUSE_ACCEL if (pMenu->HasAccels()) { // // Need to rebuild accell table // RebuildAccelTable(); } #endif // wxUSE_ACCEL Refresh(); } m_titles.RemoveAt(nPos); return pMenu; } // end of wxMenuBar::Remove #if wxUSE_ACCEL void wxMenuBar::RebuildAccelTable() { // // Merge the accelerators of all menus into one accel table // size_t nAccelCount = 0; size_t i; size_t nCount = GetMenuCount(); wxMenuList::iterator it; for (i = 0, it = m_menus.begin(); i < nCount; i++, it++) { nAccelCount += (*it)->GetAccelCount(); } if (nAccelCount) { wxAcceleratorEntry* pAccelEntries = new wxAcceleratorEntry[nAccelCount]; nAccelCount = 0; for (i = 0, it = m_menus.begin(); i < nCount; i++, it++) { nAccelCount += (*it)->CopyAccels(&pAccelEntries[nAccelCount]); } m_vAccelTable = wxAcceleratorTable( nAccelCount ,pAccelEntries ); delete [] pAccelEntries; } } // end of wxMenuBar::RebuildAccelTable #endif // wxUSE_ACCEL void wxMenuBar::Attach( wxFrame* pFrame ) { wxMenuBarBase::Attach(pFrame); #if wxUSE_ACCEL RebuildAccelTable(); // // Ensure the accelerator table is set to the frame (not the client!) // if (!::WinSetAccelTable( vHabmain ,m_vAccelTable.GetHACCEL() ,(HWND)pFrame->GetFrame() )) { wxLogLastError(wxT("WinSetAccelTable")); } #endif // wxUSE_ACCEL } // end of wxMenuBar::Attach void wxMenuBar::Detach() { ::WinDestroyWindow((HWND)m_hMenu); m_hMenu = (WXHMENU)NULL; m_menuBarFrame = NULL; } // end of wxMenuBar::Detach // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxMenuBar searching for menu items // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Find the itemString in menuString, and return the item id or wxNOT_FOUND // int wxMenuBar::FindMenuItem( const wxString& rMenuString , const wxString& rItemString ) const { wxString sMenuLabel = wxStripMenuCodes(rMenuString); size_t nCount = GetMenuCount(), i; wxMenuList::const_iterator it; for (i = 0, it = m_menus.begin(); i < nCount; i++, it++) { wxString sTitle = wxStripMenuCodes(m_titles[i]); if (rMenuString == sTitle) return (*it)->FindItem(rItemString); } return wxNOT_FOUND; } // end of wxMenuBar::FindMenuItem wxMenuItem* wxMenuBar::FindItem( int nId , wxMenu** ppItemMenu ) const { if (ppItemMenu) *ppItemMenu = NULL; wxMenuItem* pItem = NULL; size_t nCount = GetMenuCount(), i; wxMenuList::const_iterator it; for (i = 0, it = m_menus.begin(); !pItem && (i < nCount); i++, it++) { pItem = (*it)->FindItem( nId ,ppItemMenu ); } return pItem; } // end of wxMenuBar::FindItem wxMenuItem* wxMenuBar::FindItem( int nId , ULONG hItem , wxMenu** ppItemMenu ) const { if (ppItemMenu) *ppItemMenu = NULL; wxMenuItem* pItem = NULL; size_t nCount = GetMenuCount(), i; wxMenuList::const_iterator it; for (i = 0, it = m_menus.begin(); !pItem && (i < nCount); i++, it++) { pItem = (*it)->FindItem( nId ,hItem ,ppItemMenu ); } return pItem; } // end of wxMenuBar::FindItem