///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/html/m_tables.cpp // Purpose: wxHtml module for tables // Author: Vaclav Slavik // RCS-ID: $Id: m_tables.cpp 59687 2009-03-21 09:41:09Z VS $ // Copyright: (c) 1999 Vaclav Slavik // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #if wxUSE_HTML && wxUSE_STREAMS #ifndef WXPRECOMP #endif #include "wx/html/forcelnk.h" #include "wx/html/m_templ.h" #include "wx/html/htmlcell.h" FORCE_LINK_ME(m_tables) #define TABLE_BORDER_CLR_1 wxColour(0xC5, 0xC2, 0xC5) #define TABLE_BORDER_CLR_2 wxColour(0x62, 0x61, 0x62) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxHtmlTableCell //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct colStruct { int width, units; // width of the column either in pixels or percents // ('width' is the number, 'units' determines its meaning) int minWidth, maxWidth; // minimal/maximal column width. This is needed by HTML 4.0 // layouting algorithm and can be determined by trying to // layout table cells with width=1 and width=infinity int leftpos, pixwidth, maxrealwidth; // temporary (depends on actual width of table) }; enum cellState { cellSpan, cellUsed, cellFree }; struct cellStruct { wxHtmlContainerCell *cont; int colspan, rowspan; int minheight, valign; cellState flag; bool nowrap; }; class wxHtmlTableCell : public wxHtmlContainerCell { protected: /* These are real attributes: */ // should we draw borders or not? bool m_HasBorders; // number of columns; rows int m_NumCols, m_NumRows; // array of column information colStruct *m_ColsInfo; // 2D array of all cells in the table : m_CellInfo[row][column] cellStruct **m_CellInfo; // spaces between cells int m_Spacing; // cells internal indentation int m_Padding; private: /* ...and these are valid only when parsing the table: */ // number of actual column (ranging from 0..m_NumCols) int m_ActualCol, m_ActualRow; // default values (for table and row): wxColour m_tBkg, m_rBkg; wxString m_tValign, m_rValign; double m_PixelScale; public: wxHtmlTableCell(wxHtmlContainerCell *parent, const wxHtmlTag& tag, double pixel_scale = 1.0); virtual ~wxHtmlTableCell(); virtual void RemoveExtraSpacing(bool top, bool bottom); virtual void Layout(int w); void AddRow(const wxHtmlTag& tag); void AddCell(wxHtmlContainerCell *cell, const wxHtmlTag& tag); private: // Reallocates memory to given number of cols/rows // and changes m_NumCols/m_NumRows value to reflect this change // NOTE! You CAN'T change m_NumCols/m_NumRows before calling this!! void ReallocCols(int cols); void ReallocRows(int rows); // Computes minimal and maximal widths of columns. Needs to be called // only once, before first Layout(). void ComputeMinMaxWidths(); DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxHtmlTableCell) }; wxHtmlTableCell::wxHtmlTableCell(wxHtmlContainerCell *parent, const wxHtmlTag& tag, double pixel_scale) : wxHtmlContainerCell(parent) { m_PixelScale = pixel_scale; m_HasBorders = (tag.HasParam(wxT("BORDER")) && tag.GetParam(wxT("BORDER")) != wxT("0")); m_ColsInfo = NULL; m_NumCols = m_NumRows = 0; m_CellInfo = NULL; m_ActualCol = m_ActualRow = -1; /* scan params: */ if (tag.HasParam(wxT("BGCOLOR"))) { tag.GetParamAsColour(wxT("BGCOLOR"), &m_tBkg); if (m_tBkg.Ok()) SetBackgroundColour(m_tBkg); } if (tag.HasParam(wxT("VALIGN"))) m_tValign = tag.GetParam(wxT("VALIGN")); else m_tValign = wxEmptyString; if (!tag.GetParamAsInt(wxT("CELLSPACING"), &m_Spacing)) m_Spacing = 2; if (!tag.GetParamAsInt(wxT("CELLPADDING"), &m_Padding)) m_Padding = 3; m_Spacing = (int)(m_PixelScale * (double)m_Spacing); m_Padding = (int)(m_PixelScale * (double)m_Padding); if (m_HasBorders) SetBorder(TABLE_BORDER_CLR_1, TABLE_BORDER_CLR_2); } wxHtmlTableCell::~wxHtmlTableCell() { if (m_ColsInfo) free(m_ColsInfo); if (m_CellInfo) { for (int i = 0; i < m_NumRows; i++) free(m_CellInfo[i]); free(m_CellInfo); } } void wxHtmlTableCell::RemoveExtraSpacing(bool WXUNUSED(top), bool WXUNUSED(bottom)) { // Don't remove any spacing in the table -- it's always desirable, // because it's part of table's definition. // (If wxHtmlContainerCell::RemoveExtraSpacing() was applied to tables, // then upper left cell of a table would be positioned above other cells // if the table was the first element on the page.) } void wxHtmlTableCell::ReallocCols(int cols) { int i,j; for (i = 0; i < m_NumRows; i++) { m_CellInfo[i] = (cellStruct*) realloc(m_CellInfo[i], sizeof(cellStruct) * cols); for (j = m_NumCols; j < cols; j++) m_CellInfo[i][j].flag = cellFree; } m_ColsInfo = (colStruct*) realloc(m_ColsInfo, sizeof(colStruct) * cols); for (j = m_NumCols; j < cols; j++) { m_ColsInfo[j].width = 0; m_ColsInfo[j].units = wxHTML_UNITS_PERCENT; m_ColsInfo[j].minWidth = m_ColsInfo[j].maxWidth = -1; } m_NumCols = cols; } void wxHtmlTableCell::ReallocRows(int rows) { m_CellInfo = (cellStruct**) realloc(m_CellInfo, sizeof(cellStruct*) * rows); for (int row = m_NumRows; row < rows ; row++) { if (m_NumCols == 0) m_CellInfo[row] = NULL; else { m_CellInfo[row] = (cellStruct*) malloc(sizeof(cellStruct) * m_NumCols); for (int col = 0; col < m_NumCols; col++) m_CellInfo[row][col].flag = cellFree; } } m_NumRows = rows; } void wxHtmlTableCell::AddRow(const wxHtmlTag& tag) { m_ActualCol = -1; // VS: real allocation of row entry is done in AddCell in order // to correctly handle empty rows (i.e. "") // m_ActualCol == -1 indicates that AddCell has to allocate new row. // scan params: m_rBkg = m_tBkg; if (tag.HasParam(wxT("BGCOLOR"))) tag.GetParamAsColour(wxT("BGCOLOR"), &m_rBkg); if (tag.HasParam(wxT("VALIGN"))) m_rValign = tag.GetParam(wxT("VALIGN")); else m_rValign = m_tValign; } void wxHtmlTableCell::AddCell(wxHtmlContainerCell *cell, const wxHtmlTag& tag) { // Is this cell in new row? // VS: we can't do it in AddRow, see my comment there if (m_ActualCol == -1) { if (m_ActualRow + 1 > m_NumRows - 1) ReallocRows(m_ActualRow + 2); m_ActualRow++; } // cells & columns: do { m_ActualCol++; } while ((m_ActualCol < m_NumCols) && (m_CellInfo[m_ActualRow][m_ActualCol].flag != cellFree)); if (m_ActualCol > m_NumCols - 1) ReallocCols(m_ActualCol + 1); int r = m_ActualRow, c = m_ActualCol; m_CellInfo[r][c].cont = cell; m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan = 1; m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan = 1; m_CellInfo[r][c].flag = cellUsed; m_CellInfo[r][c].minheight = 0; m_CellInfo[r][c].valign = wxHTML_ALIGN_TOP; /* scan for parameters: */ // width: { if (tag.HasParam(wxT("WIDTH"))) { wxString wd = tag.GetParam(wxT("WIDTH")); if (wd[wd.length()-1] == wxT('%')) { if ( wxSscanf(wd.c_str(), wxT("%i%%"), &m_ColsInfo[c].width) == 1 ) { m_ColsInfo[c].units = wxHTML_UNITS_PERCENT; } } else { long width; if ( wd.ToLong(&width) ) { m_ColsInfo[c].width = (int)(m_PixelScale * (double)width); m_ColsInfo[c].units = wxHTML_UNITS_PIXELS; } } } } // spanning: { tag.GetParamAsInt(wxT("COLSPAN"), &m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan); tag.GetParamAsInt(wxT("ROWSPAN"), &m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan); // VS: the standard says this about col/rowspan: // "This attribute specifies the number of rows spanned by the // current cell. The default value of this attribute is one ("1"). // The value zero ("0") means that the cell spans all rows from the // current row to the last row of the table." All mainstream // browsers act as if 0==1, though, and so does wxHTML. if (m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan < 1) m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan = 1; if (m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan < 1) m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan = 1; if ((m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan > 1) || (m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan > 1)) { int i, j; if (r + m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan > m_NumRows) ReallocRows(r + m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan); if (c + m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan > m_NumCols) ReallocCols(c + m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan); for (i = r; i < r + m_CellInfo[r][c].rowspan; i++) for (j = c; j < c + m_CellInfo[r][c].colspan; j++) m_CellInfo[i][j].flag = cellSpan; m_CellInfo[r][c].flag = cellUsed; } } //background color: { wxColour bk = m_rBkg; if (tag.HasParam(wxT("BGCOLOR"))) tag.GetParamAsColour(wxT("BGCOLOR"), &bk); if (bk.Ok()) cell->SetBackgroundColour(bk); } if (m_HasBorders) cell->SetBorder(TABLE_BORDER_CLR_2, TABLE_BORDER_CLR_1); // vertical alignment: { wxString valign; if (tag.HasParam(wxT("VALIGN"))) valign = tag.GetParam(wxT("VALIGN")); else valign = m_tValign; valign.MakeUpper(); if (valign == wxT("TOP")) m_CellInfo[r][c].valign = wxHTML_ALIGN_TOP; else if (valign == wxT("BOTTOM")) m_CellInfo[r][c].valign = wxHTML_ALIGN_BOTTOM; else m_CellInfo[r][c].valign = wxHTML_ALIGN_CENTER; } // nowrap if (tag.HasParam(wxT("NOWRAP"))) m_CellInfo[r][c].nowrap = true; else m_CellInfo[r][c].nowrap = false; cell->SetIndent(m_Padding, wxHTML_INDENT_ALL, wxHTML_UNITS_PIXELS); } void wxHtmlTableCell::ComputeMinMaxWidths() { if (m_NumCols == 0 || m_ColsInfo[0].minWidth != wxDefaultCoord) return; m_MaxTotalWidth = 0; int percentage = 0; for (int c = 0; c < m_NumCols; c++) { for (int r = 0; r < m_NumRows; r++) { cellStruct& cell = m_CellInfo[r][c]; if (cell.flag == cellUsed) { cell.cont->Layout(2*m_Padding + 1); int maxWidth = cell.cont->GetMaxTotalWidth(); int width = cell.nowrap?maxWidth:cell.cont->GetWidth(); width -= (cell.colspan-1) * m_Spacing; maxWidth -= (cell.colspan-1) * m_Spacing; // HTML 4.0 says it is acceptable to distribute min/max width /= cell.colspan; maxWidth /= cell.colspan; for (int j = 0; j < cell.colspan; j++) { if (width > m_ColsInfo[c+j].minWidth) m_ColsInfo[c+j].minWidth = width; if (maxWidth > m_ColsInfo[c+j].maxWidth) m_ColsInfo[c+j].maxWidth = maxWidth; } } } // Calculate maximum table width, required for nested tables if (m_ColsInfo[c].units == wxHTML_UNITS_PIXELS) m_MaxTotalWidth += wxMax(m_ColsInfo[c].width, m_ColsInfo[c].minWidth); else if ((m_ColsInfo[c].units == wxHTML_UNITS_PERCENT) && (m_ColsInfo[c].width != 0)) percentage += m_ColsInfo[c].width; else m_MaxTotalWidth += m_ColsInfo[c].maxWidth; } if (percentage >= 100) { // Table would have infinite length // Make it ridiculous large m_MaxTotalWidth = 0xFFFFFF; } else m_MaxTotalWidth = m_MaxTotalWidth * 100 / (100 - percentage); m_MaxTotalWidth += (m_NumCols + 1) * m_Spacing; } void wxHtmlTableCell::Layout(int w) { ComputeMinMaxWidths(); wxHtmlCell::Layout(w); /* WIDTH ADJUSTING : */ if (m_WidthFloatUnits == wxHTML_UNITS_PERCENT) { if (m_WidthFloat < 0) { if (m_WidthFloat < -100) m_WidthFloat = -100; m_Width = (100 + m_WidthFloat) * w / 100; } else { if (m_WidthFloat > 100) m_WidthFloat = 100; m_Width = m_WidthFloat * w / 100; } } else { if (m_WidthFloat < 0) m_Width = w + m_WidthFloat; else m_Width = m_WidthFloat; } /* LAYOUTING : */ /* 1. setup columns widths: The algorithm tries to keep the table size less than w if possible. */ { int wpix = m_Width - (m_NumCols + 1) * m_Spacing; int i, j; // 1a. setup fixed-width columns: for (i = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++) if (m_ColsInfo[i].units == wxHTML_UNITS_PIXELS) { m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth = wxMax(m_ColsInfo[i].width, m_ColsInfo[i].minWidth); wpix -= m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth; } // 1b. Calculate maximum possible width if line wrapping would be disabled // Recalculate total width if m_WidthFloat is zero to keep tables as small // as possible. int maxWidth = 0; for (i = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++) if (m_ColsInfo[i].width == 0) { maxWidth += m_ColsInfo[i].maxWidth; } if (!m_WidthFloat) { // Recalculate table width since no table width was initially given int newWidth = m_Width - wpix + maxWidth; // Make sure that floating-width columns will have the right size. // Calculate sum of all floating-width columns int percentage = 0; for (i = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++) if ((m_ColsInfo[i].units == wxHTML_UNITS_PERCENT) && (m_ColsInfo[i].width != 0)) percentage += m_ColsInfo[i].width; if (percentage >= 100) newWidth = w; else newWidth = newWidth * 100 / (100 - percentage); newWidth = wxMin(newWidth, w - (m_NumCols + 1) * m_Spacing); wpix -= m_Width - newWidth; m_Width = newWidth; } // 1c. setup floating-width columns: int wtemp = wpix; for (i = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++) if ((m_ColsInfo[i].units == wxHTML_UNITS_PERCENT) && (m_ColsInfo[i].width != 0)) { m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth = wxMin(m_ColsInfo[i].width, 100) * wpix / 100; // Make sure to leave enough space for the other columns int minRequired = 0; for (j = 0; j < m_NumCols; j++) { if ((m_ColsInfo[j].units == wxHTML_UNITS_PERCENT && j > i) || !m_ColsInfo[j].width) minRequired += m_ColsInfo[j].minWidth; } m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth = wxMax(wxMin(wtemp - minRequired, m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth), m_ColsInfo[i].minWidth); wtemp -= m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth; } wpix = wtemp; // 1d. setup default columns (no width specification supplied): // The algorithm assigns calculates the maximum possible width if line // wrapping would be disabled and assigns column width as a fraction // based upon the maximum width of a column // FIXME: I'm not sure if this algorithm is conform to HTML standard, // though it seems to be much better than the old one for (i = j = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++) if (m_ColsInfo[i].width == 0) j++; if (wpix < 0) wpix = 0; // Assign widths for (i = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++) if (m_ColsInfo[i].width == 0) { // Assign with, make sure not to drop below minWidth if (maxWidth) m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth = (int)(wpix * (m_ColsInfo[i].maxWidth / (float)maxWidth) + 0.5); else m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth = wpix / j; // Make sure to leave enough space for the other columns int minRequired = 0; int r; for (r = i + 1; r < m_NumCols; r++) { if (!m_ColsInfo[r].width) minRequired += m_ColsInfo[r].minWidth; } m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth = wxMax(wxMin(wpix - minRequired, m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth), m_ColsInfo[i].minWidth); if (maxWidth) { if (m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth > (wpix * (m_ColsInfo[i].maxWidth / (float)maxWidth) + 0.5)) { int diff = (int)(m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth - (wpix * m_ColsInfo[i].maxWidth / (float)maxWidth + 0.5)); maxWidth += diff - m_ColsInfo[i].maxWidth; } else maxWidth -= m_ColsInfo[i].maxWidth; } wpix -= m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth; } } /* 2. compute positions of columns: */ { int wpos = m_Spacing; for (int i = 0; i < m_NumCols; i++) { m_ColsInfo[i].leftpos = wpos; wpos += m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth + m_Spacing; } // add the remaining space to the last column if (m_NumCols > 0 && wpos < m_Width) m_ColsInfo[m_NumCols-1].pixwidth += m_Width - wpos; } /* 3. sub-layout all cells: */ { int *ypos = new int[m_NumRows + 1]; int actcol, actrow; int fullwid; wxHtmlContainerCell *actcell; ypos[0] = m_Spacing; for (actrow = 1; actrow <= m_NumRows; actrow++) ypos[actrow] = -1; for (actrow = 0; actrow < m_NumRows; actrow++) { if (ypos[actrow] == -1) ypos[actrow] = ypos[actrow-1]; // 3a. sub-layout and detect max height: for (actcol = 0; actcol < m_NumCols; actcol++) { if (m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].flag != cellUsed) continue; actcell = m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].cont; fullwid = 0; for (int i = actcol; i < m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].colspan + actcol; i++) fullwid += m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth; fullwid += (m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].colspan - 1) * m_Spacing; actcell->SetMinHeight(m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].minheight, m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].valign); actcell->Layout(fullwid); if (ypos[actrow] + actcell->GetHeight() + m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].rowspan * m_Spacing > ypos[actrow + m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].rowspan]) ypos[actrow + m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].rowspan] = ypos[actrow] + actcell->GetHeight() + m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].rowspan * m_Spacing; } } for (actrow = 0; actrow < m_NumRows; actrow++) { // 3b. place cells in row & let'em all have same height: for (actcol = 0; actcol < m_NumCols; actcol++) { if (m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].flag != cellUsed) continue; actcell = m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].cont; actcell->SetMinHeight( ypos[actrow + m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].rowspan] - ypos[actrow] - m_Spacing, m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].valign); fullwid = 0; for (int i = actcol; i < m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].colspan + actcol; i++) fullwid += m_ColsInfo[i].pixwidth; fullwid += (m_CellInfo[actrow][actcol].colspan - 1) * m_Spacing; actcell->Layout(fullwid); actcell->SetPos(m_ColsInfo[actcol].leftpos, ypos[actrow]); } } m_Height = ypos[m_NumRows]; delete[] ypos; } /* 4. adjust table's width if it was too small: */ if (m_NumCols > 0) { int twidth = m_ColsInfo[m_NumCols-1].leftpos + m_ColsInfo[m_NumCols-1].pixwidth + m_Spacing; if (twidth > m_Width) m_Width = twidth; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The tables handler: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAG_HANDLER_BEGIN(TABLE, "TABLE,TR,TD,TH") TAG_HANDLER_VARS wxHtmlTableCell* m_Table; wxString m_tAlign, m_rAlign; wxHtmlContainerCell *m_enclosingContainer; TAG_HANDLER_CONSTR(TABLE) { m_Table = NULL; m_enclosingContainer = NULL; m_tAlign = m_rAlign = wxEmptyString; } TAG_HANDLER_PROC(tag) { wxHtmlContainerCell *c; // new table started, backup upper-level table (if any) and create new: if (tag.GetName() == wxT("TABLE")) { wxHtmlTableCell *oldt = m_Table; wxHtmlContainerCell *oldEnclosing = m_enclosingContainer; m_enclosingContainer = c = m_WParser->OpenContainer(); m_Table = new wxHtmlTableCell(c, tag, m_WParser->GetPixelScale()); // width: { if (tag.HasParam(wxT("WIDTH"))) { wxString wd = tag.GetParam(wxT("WIDTH")); if (wd[wd.length()-1] == wxT('%')) { int width = 0; wxSscanf(wd.c_str(), wxT("%i%%"), &width); m_Table->SetWidthFloat(width, wxHTML_UNITS_PERCENT); } else { int width = 0; wxSscanf(wd.c_str(), wxT("%i"), &width); m_Table->SetWidthFloat((int)(m_WParser->GetPixelScale() * width), wxHTML_UNITS_PIXELS); } } else m_Table->SetWidthFloat(0, wxHTML_UNITS_PIXELS); } int oldAlign = m_WParser->GetAlign(); m_tAlign = wxEmptyString; if (tag.HasParam(wxT("ALIGN"))) m_tAlign = tag.GetParam(wxT("ALIGN")); ParseInner(tag); m_WParser->SetAlign(oldAlign); m_WParser->SetContainer(m_enclosingContainer); m_WParser->CloseContainer(); m_Table = oldt; m_enclosingContainer = oldEnclosing; return true; // ParseInner() called } else if (m_Table) { // new row in table if (tag.GetName() == wxT("TR")) { m_Table->AddRow(tag); m_rAlign = m_tAlign; if (tag.HasParam(wxT("ALIGN"))) m_rAlign = tag.GetParam(wxT("ALIGN")); } // new cell else { c = m_WParser->SetContainer(new wxHtmlContainerCell(m_Table)); m_Table->AddCell(c, tag); m_WParser->OpenContainer(); if (tag.GetName() == wxT("TH")) /*header style*/ m_WParser->SetAlign(wxHTML_ALIGN_CENTER); else m_WParser->SetAlign(wxHTML_ALIGN_LEFT); wxString als; als = m_rAlign; if (tag.HasParam(wxT("ALIGN"))) als = tag.GetParam(wxT("ALIGN")); als.MakeUpper(); if (als == wxT("RIGHT")) m_WParser->SetAlign(wxHTML_ALIGN_RIGHT); else if (als == wxT("LEFT")) m_WParser->SetAlign(wxHTML_ALIGN_LEFT); else if (als == wxT("CENTER")) m_WParser->SetAlign(wxHTML_ALIGN_CENTER); m_WParser->OpenContainer(); ParseInner(tag); // set the current container back to the enclosing one so that // text outside of and isn't included in any cell // (this happens often enough in practice because it's common // to use whitespace between and the next ): m_WParser->SetContainer(m_enclosingContainer); return true; // ParseInner() called } } return false; } TAG_HANDLER_END(TABLE) TAGS_MODULE_BEGIN(Tables) TAGS_MODULE_ADD(TABLE) TAGS_MODULE_END(Tables) #endif