///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: src/cocoa/mbarman.mm // Purpose: wxMenuBarManager implementation // Author: David Elliott // Modified by: // Created: 2003/09/04 // Copyright: (c) 2003 David Elliott // Licence: wxWindows licence ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "wx/wxprec.h" #if wxUSE_MENUS #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/log.h" #include "wx/app.h" #include "wx/menu.h" #include "wx/toplevel.h" #endif // WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/cocoa/mbarman.h" #include "wx/cocoa/autorelease.h" #include "wx/cocoa/objc/objc_uniquifying.h" #import #import #import #import #import #ifndef wxUSE_FSCRIPT #define wxUSE_FSCRIPT 0 #endif #if wxUSE_FSCRIPT #import #endif // Declare setAppleMenu: in an NSApplication category since Tiger and later // releases support it but don't declare it as it's considered deprecated. @interface NSApplication(wxDeprecatedMethodsWeWantToUse) - (void)setAppleMenu:(NSMenu *)menu; @end // ============================================================================ // wxMenuBarManagerObserver // ============================================================================ @interface wxMenuBarManagerObserver : NSObject { wxMenuBarManager *m_mbarman; } - (id)init; - (id)initWithWxMenuBarManager: (wxMenuBarManager *)mbarman; - (void)windowDidBecomeKey: (NSNotification *)notification; #if 0 - (void)windowDidResignKey: (NSNotification *)notification; - (void)windowDidBecomeMain: (NSNotification *)notification; - (void)windowDidResignMain: (NSNotification *)notification; - (void)windowWillClose: (NSNotification *)notification; #endif // 0 @end // interface wxMenuBarManagerObserver : NSObject WX_DECLARE_GET_OBJC_CLASS(wxMenuBarManagerObserver,NSObject) @implementation wxMenuBarManagerObserver : NSObject - (id)init { wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("[wxMenuBarManagerObserver -init] should never be called!")); m_mbarman = NULL; return self; } - (id)initWithWxMenuBarManager: (wxMenuBarManager *)mbarman { wxASSERT(mbarman); m_mbarman = mbarman; return [super init]; } - (void)windowDidBecomeKey: (NSNotification *)notification { wxASSERT(m_mbarman); m_mbarman->WindowDidBecomeKey(notification); } #if 0 - (void)windowDidResignKey: (NSNotification *)notification { wxASSERT(m_mbarman); m_mbarman->WindowDidResignKey(notification); } - (void)windowDidBecomeMain: (NSNotification *)notification { wxASSERT(m_mbarman); m_mbarman->WindowDidBecomeMain(notification); } - (void)windowDidResignMain: (NSNotification *)notification { wxASSERT(m_mbarman); m_mbarman->WindowDidResignMain(notification); } - (void)windowWillClose: (NSNotification *)notification { wxASSERT(m_mbarman); m_mbarman->WindowWillClose(notification); } #endif // 0 @end // implementation wxMenuBarManagerObserver : NSObject WX_IMPLEMENT_GET_OBJC_CLASS(wxMenuBarManagerObserver,NSObject) // ============================================================================ // wxMenuBarManager // ============================================================================ wxMenuBarManager *wxMenuBarManager::sm_mbarmanInstance = NULL; static void AddFScriptItem(NSMenu *menu) #if wxUSE_FSCRIPT { NSMenuItem *item = [[FScriptMenuItem alloc] init]; [menu addItem: item]; [item release]; } #else {} #endif wxMenuBarManager::wxMenuBarManager() { m_observer = [[WX_GET_OBJC_CLASS(wxMenuBarManagerObserver) alloc] initWithWxMenuBarManager:this]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:m_observer selector:@selector(windowDidBecomeKey:) name:NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification object:nil]; // HACK: Reuse the same selector and eventual C++ method and make it // check for whether the notification is to become key or main. [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:m_observer selector:@selector(windowDidBecomeKey:) name:NSWindowDidBecomeMainNotification object:nil]; #if 0 [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:m_observer selector:@selector(windowDidResignKey:) name:NSWindowDidResignKeyNotification object:nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:m_observer selector:@selector(windowDidBecomeMain:) name:NSWindowDidBecomeMainNotification object:nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:m_observer selector:@selector(windowDidResignMain:) name:NSWindowDidResignMainNotification object:nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:m_observer selector:@selector(windowWillClose:) name:NSWindowWillCloseNotification object:nil]; #endif // 0 m_menuApp = nil; m_menuServices = nil; m_menuWindows = nil; m_menuMain = nil; m_mainMenuBarInstalled = true; m_mainMenuBar = NULL; m_currentNSWindow = nil; NSApplication *theNSApplication = wxTheApp->GetNSApplication(); // Create the services menu. m_menuServices = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle: @"Services"]; [theNSApplication setServicesMenu:m_menuServices]; NSMenuItem *menuitem; // Create the application (Apple) menu. m_menuApp = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle: @"Apple Menu"]; /**/[m_menuApp addItemWithTitle:@"Preferences..." action:nil keyEquivalent:@""]; /**/[m_menuApp addItem: [NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; /**/AddFScriptItem(m_menuApp); /**/menuitem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: @"Services" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""]; [menuitem setSubmenu:m_menuServices]; [m_menuApp addItem: menuitem]; [menuitem release]; /**/[m_menuApp addItem: [NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; /**/menuitem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Hide" action:@selector(hide:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [menuitem setTarget: theNSApplication]; [m_menuApp addItem: menuitem]; [menuitem release]; /**/menuitem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Hide Others" action:@selector(hideOtherApplications:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [menuitem setTarget: theNSApplication]; [m_menuApp addItem: menuitem]; [menuitem release]; /**/menuitem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Show All" action:@selector(unhideAllApplications:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [menuitem setTarget: theNSApplication]; [m_menuApp addItem: menuitem]; [menuitem release]; /**/[m_menuApp addItem: [NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; /**/menuitem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Quit" action:@selector(terminate:) keyEquivalent:@"q"]; [menuitem setTarget: theNSApplication]; [m_menuApp addItem: menuitem]; [menuitem release]; [theNSApplication setAppleMenu:m_menuApp]; // Create the Windows menu m_menuWindows = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle: @"Window"]; /**/[m_menuWindows addItemWithTitle:@"Minimize" action:@selector(performMiniaturize:) keyEquivalent:@""]; /**/[m_menuWindows addItem: [NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; /**/[m_menuWindows addItemWithTitle:@"Bring All to Front" action:@selector(arrangeInFront:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [theNSApplication setWindowsMenu:m_menuWindows]; // Create the main menubar m_menuMain = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle: @"wxApp Menu"]; /**/NSMenuItem *dummyItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"App menu" /* Note: title gets clobbered by app name anyway */ action:nil keyEquivalent:@""]; [dummyItem setSubmenu:m_menuApp]; [m_menuMain addItem:dummyItem]; [dummyItem release]; /**/dummyItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Window" action:nil keyEquivalent:@""]; [dummyItem setSubmenu:m_menuWindows]; [m_menuMain addItem:dummyItem]; [dummyItem release]; [theNSApplication setMainMenu: m_menuMain]; } wxMenuBarManager::~wxMenuBarManager() { [m_observer release]; } void wxMenuBarManager::CreateInstance() { sm_mbarmanInstance = new wxMenuBarManager; } void wxMenuBarManager::DestroyInstance() { delete sm_mbarmanInstance; sm_mbarmanInstance = NULL; } void wxMenuBarManager::SetMenuBar(wxMenuBar* menubar) { m_mainMenuBarInstalled = false; if(menubar) { [[[wxTheApp->GetNSApplication() mainMenu] itemAtIndex:0] setSubmenu:nil]; [[menubar->GetNSMenu() itemAtIndex:0] setSubmenu:m_menuApp]; [wxTheApp->GetNSApplication() setMainMenu:menubar->GetNSMenu()]; } else InstallMainMenu(); } void wxMenuBarManager::SetMainMenuBar(wxMenuBar* menubar) { m_mainMenuBar = menubar; if(m_mainMenuBarInstalled) InstallMainMenu(); } void wxMenuBarManager::InstallMainMenu() { if(m_mainMenuBar) SetMenuBar(m_mainMenuBar); else { m_mainMenuBarInstalled = true; [[[wxTheApp->GetNSApplication() mainMenu] itemAtIndex:0] setSubmenu:nil]; [[m_menuMain itemAtIndex:0] setSubmenu:m_menuApp]; [wxTheApp->GetNSApplication() setMainMenu:m_menuMain]; } } void wxMenuBarManager::WindowDidBecomeKey(NSNotification *notification) { /* NOTE: m_currentNSWindow might be destroyed but we only ever use it to look it up in the hash table. Do not send messages to it. */ /* Update m_currentNSWindow only if we really should. For instance, if a non-wx window is becoming key but a wx window remains main then don't change out the menubar. However, if a non-wx window (whether the same window or not) is main, then switch to the generic menubar so the wx window that last installed a menubar doesn't get menu events it doesn't expect. If a wx window is becoming main then check to see if the key window is a wx window and if so do nothing because that is what would have been done before. If a non-wx window is becoming main and */ NSString *notificationName = [notification name]; if(NULL == notificationName) return; else if([NSWindowDidBecomeKeyNotification isEqualTo:notificationName]) { // This is the only one that was handled in 2.8 as shipped // Generally the key window can change without the main window changing. // The user can do this simply by clicking on something in a palette window // that needs to become key. NSWindow *newKeyWindow = [notification object]; wxCocoaNSWindow *theWxKeyWindow = wxCocoaNSWindow::GetFromCocoa(newKeyWindow); if(theWxKeyWindow != NULL) { // If the new key window is a wx window, handle it as before // even if it has not actually changed. m_currentNSWindow = newKeyWindow; } else { // If the new key window is not wx then check the main window. NSWindow *mainWindow = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] mainWindow]; if(m_currentNSWindow == mainWindow) // Don't reset if the menubar doesn't need to change. return; else // This is strange because theoretically we should have picked this up // already in the main window notification but it's possible that // we simply haven't gotten it yet and will about as soon as we return. // We already know that the key window isn't wx so fall back to this // one and let the code go ahead and set the wx menubar if it is // a wx window and set the generic one if it isn't. m_currentNSWindow = mainWindow; } } else if([NSWindowDidBecomeMainNotification isEqualTo:notificationName]) { // Handling this is new // Generally the main window cannot change without the key window changing // because if the user clicks on a window that can become main then the // window will also become key. // However, it's possible that when it becomes main it automatically makes // some palette the key window. NSWindow *newMainWindow = [notification object]; // If we already know about the window, bail. if(newMainWindow == m_currentNSWindow) return; else { NSWindow *keyWindow = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow]; if(keyWindow == m_currentNSWindow) // if we already know about the key window, bail return; else { // As above, sort of strange. Neither one is current. Prefer key over main. wxCocoaNSWindow *theWxMainWindow = wxCocoaNSWindow::GetFromCocoa(keyWindow); if(theWxMainWindow != NULL) m_currentNSWindow = keyWindow; else m_currentNSWindow = newMainWindow; } } } m_currentNSWindow = [notification object]; wxCocoaNSWindow *win = wxCocoaNSWindow::GetFromCocoa(m_currentNSWindow); if(win) InstallMenuBarForWindow(win); else SetMenuBar(NULL); } #if 0 void wxMenuBarManager::WindowDidResignKey(NSNotification *notification) { } void wxMenuBarManager::WindowDidBecomeMain(NSNotification *notification) { } void wxMenuBarManager::WindowDidResignMain(NSNotification *notification) { } void wxMenuBarManager::WindowWillClose(NSNotification *notification) { } #endif // 0 void wxMenuBarManager::InstallMenuBarForWindow(wxCocoaNSWindow *win) { wxASSERT(win); wxMenuBar *menubar = win->GetAppMenuBar(win); wxLogTrace(wxTRACE_COCOA,wxT("Found menubar=%p for window=%p."),menubar,win); SetMenuBar(menubar); } void wxMenuBarManager::UpdateMenuBar() { if(m_currentNSWindow) { wxCocoaNSWindow *win = wxCocoaNSWindow::GetFromCocoa(m_currentNSWindow); if(win) InstallMenuBarForWindow(win); } } #endif // wxUSE_MENUS