#![allow(clippy::enum_glob_use)] use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Display}; use bitflags::bitflags; use glutin::event::VirtualKeyCode::*; use glutin::event::{ModifiersState, MouseButton, VirtualKeyCode}; use serde::de::Error as SerdeError; use serde::de::{self, MapAccess, Unexpected, Visitor}; use serde::{Deserialize, Deserializer}; use serde_yaml::Value as SerdeValue; use alacritty_config_derive::ConfigDeserialize; use alacritty_terminal::config::Program; use alacritty_terminal::term::TermMode; use alacritty_terminal::vi_mode::ViMotion; use crate::config::ui_config::Hint; /// Describes a state and action to take in that state. /// /// This is the shared component of `MouseBinding` and `KeyBinding`. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Binding { /// Modifier keys required to activate binding. pub mods: ModifiersState, /// String to send to PTY if mods and mode match. pub action: Action, /// Binding mode required to activate binding. pub mode: BindingMode, /// Excluded binding modes where the binding won't be activated. pub notmode: BindingMode, /// This property is used as part of the trigger detection code. /// /// For example, this might be a key like "G", or a mouse button. pub trigger: T, } /// Bindings that are triggered by a keyboard key. pub type KeyBinding = Binding; /// Bindings that are triggered by a mouse button. pub type MouseBinding = Binding; impl Binding { #[inline] pub fn is_triggered_by(&self, mode: BindingMode, mods: ModifiersState, input: &T) -> bool { // Check input first since bindings are stored in one big list. This is // the most likely item to fail so prioritizing it here allows more // checks to be short circuited. self.trigger == *input && self.mods == mods && mode.contains(self.mode) && !mode.intersects(self.notmode) } #[inline] pub fn triggers_match(&self, binding: &Binding) -> bool { // Check the binding's key and modifiers. if self.trigger != binding.trigger || self.mods != binding.mods { return false; } let selfmode = if self.mode.is_empty() { BindingMode::all() } else { self.mode }; let bindingmode = if binding.mode.is_empty() { BindingMode::all() } else { binding.mode }; if !selfmode.intersects(bindingmode) { return false; } // The bindings are never active at the same time when the required modes of one binding // are part of the forbidden bindings of the other. if self.mode.intersects(binding.notmode) || binding.mode.intersects(self.notmode) { return false; } true } } #[derive(ConfigDeserialize, Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Action { /// Write an escape sequence. #[config(skip)] Esc(String), /// Run given command. #[config(skip)] Command(Program), /// Regex keyboard hints. #[config(skip)] Hint(Hint), /// Move vi mode cursor. #[config(skip)] ViMotion(ViMotion), /// Perform vi mode action. #[config(skip)] Vi(ViAction), /// Perform search mode action. #[config(skip)] Search(SearchAction), /// Paste contents of system clipboard. Paste, /// Store current selection into clipboard. Copy, #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", windows)))] /// Store current selection into selection buffer. CopySelection, /// Paste contents of selection buffer. PasteSelection, /// Increase font size. IncreaseFontSize, /// Decrease font size. DecreaseFontSize, /// Reset font size to the config value. ResetFontSize, /// Scroll exactly one page up. ScrollPageUp, /// Scroll exactly one page down. ScrollPageDown, /// Scroll half a page up. ScrollHalfPageUp, /// Scroll half a page down. ScrollHalfPageDown, /// Scroll one line up. ScrollLineUp, /// Scroll one line down. ScrollLineDown, /// Scroll all the way to the top. ScrollToTop, /// Scroll all the way to the bottom. ScrollToBottom, /// Clear the display buffer(s) to remove history. ClearHistory, /// Hide the Alacritty window. Hide, /// Hide all windows other than Alacritty on macOS. #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] HideOtherApplications, /// Minimize the Alacritty window. Minimize, /// Quit Alacritty. Quit, /// Clear warning and error notices. ClearLogNotice, /// Spawn a new instance of Alacritty. SpawnNewInstance, /// Toggle fullscreen. ToggleFullscreen, /// Toggle simple fullscreen on macOS. #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] ToggleSimpleFullscreen, /// Clear active selection. ClearSelection, /// Toggle vi mode. ToggleViMode, /// Allow receiving char input. ReceiveChar, /// Start a forward buffer search. SearchForward, /// Start a backward buffer search. SearchBackward, /// No action. None, } impl From<&'static str> for Action { fn from(s: &'static str) -> Action { Action::Esc(s.into()) } } impl From for Action { fn from(action: ViAction) -> Self { Self::Vi(action) } } impl From for Action { fn from(motion: ViMotion) -> Self { Self::ViMotion(motion) } } impl From for Action { fn from(action: SearchAction) -> Self { Self::Search(action) } } /// Display trait used for error logging. impl Display for Action { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { Action::ViMotion(motion) => motion.fmt(f), Action::Vi(action) => action.fmt(f), _ => write!(f, "{:?}", self), } } } /// Vi mode specific actions. #[derive(ConfigDeserialize, Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ViAction { /// Toggle normal vi selection. ToggleNormalSelection, /// Toggle line vi selection. ToggleLineSelection, /// Toggle block vi selection. ToggleBlockSelection, /// Toggle semantic vi selection. ToggleSemanticSelection, /// Jump to the beginning of the next match. SearchNext, /// Jump to the beginning of the previous match. SearchPrevious, /// Jump to the next start of a match to the left of the origin. SearchStart, /// Jump to the next end of a match to the right of the origin. SearchEnd, /// Launch the URL below the vi mode cursor. Open, } /// Search mode specific actions. #[allow(clippy::enum_variant_names)] #[derive(ConfigDeserialize, Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum SearchAction { /// Move the focus to the next search match. SearchFocusNext, /// Move the focus to the previous search match. SearchFocusPrevious, /// Confirm the active search. SearchConfirm, /// Cancel the active search. SearchCancel, /// Reset the search regex. SearchClear, /// Delete the last word in the search regex. SearchDeleteWord, /// Go to the previous regex in the search history. SearchHistoryPrevious, /// Go to the next regex in the search history. SearchHistoryNext, } macro_rules! bindings { ( KeyBinding; $( $key:ident $(,$mods:expr)* $(,+$mode:expr)* $(,~$notmode:expr)* ;$action:expr );* $(;)* ) => {{ bindings!( KeyBinding; $( Key::Keycode($key) $(,$mods)* $(,+$mode)* $(,~$notmode)* ;$action );* ) }}; ( $ty:ident; $( $key:expr $(,$mods:expr)* $(,+$mode:expr)* $(,~$notmode:expr)* ;$action:expr );* $(;)* ) => {{ let mut v = Vec::new(); $( let mut _mods = ModifiersState::empty(); $(_mods = $mods;)* let mut _mode = BindingMode::empty(); $(_mode.insert($mode);)* let mut _notmode = BindingMode::empty(); $(_notmode.insert($notmode);)* v.push($ty { trigger: $key, mods: _mods, mode: _mode, notmode: _notmode, action: $action.into(), }); )* v }}; } pub fn default_mouse_bindings() -> Vec { bindings!( MouseBinding; MouseButton::Middle, ~BindingMode::VI; Action::PasteSelection; ) } pub fn default_key_bindings() -> Vec { let mut bindings = bindings!( KeyBinding; Copy; Action::Copy; Copy, +BindingMode::VI; Action::ClearSelection; Paste, ~BindingMode::VI; Action::Paste; L, ModifiersState::CTRL; Action::ClearLogNotice; L, ModifiersState::CTRL, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x0c".into()); Tab, ModifiersState::SHIFT, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[Z".into()); Back, ModifiersState::ALT, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b\x7f".into()); Back, ModifiersState::SHIFT, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x7f".into()); Home, ModifiersState::SHIFT, ~BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN; Action::ScrollToTop; End, ModifiersState::SHIFT, ~BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN; Action::ScrollToBottom; PageUp, ModifiersState::SHIFT, ~BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN; Action::ScrollPageUp; PageDown, ModifiersState::SHIFT, ~BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN; Action::ScrollPageDown; Home, ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[1;2H".into()); End, ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[1;2F".into()); PageUp, ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[5;2~".into()); PageDown, ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[6;2~".into()); Home, +BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1bOH".into()); Home, ~BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[H".into()); End, +BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1bOF".into()); End, ~BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[F".into()); Up, +BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1bOA".into()); Up, ~BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[A".into()); Down, +BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1bOB".into()); Down, ~BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[B".into()); Right, +BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1bOC".into()); Right, ~BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[C".into()); Left, +BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1bOD".into()); Left, ~BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[D".into()); Back, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x7f".into()); Insert, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[2~".into()); Delete, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[3~".into()); PageUp, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[5~".into()); PageDown, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[6~".into()); F1, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1bOP".into()); F2, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1bOQ".into()); F3, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1bOR".into()); F4, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1bOS".into()); F5, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[15~".into()); F6, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[17~".into()); F7, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[18~".into()); F8, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[19~".into()); F9, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[20~".into()); F10, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[21~".into()); F11, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[23~".into()); F12, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[24~".into()); F13, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[25~".into()); F14, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[26~".into()); F15, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[28~".into()); F16, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[29~".into()); F17, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[31~".into()); F18, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[32~".into()); F19, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[33~".into()); F20, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[34~".into()); NumpadEnter, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\n".into()); Space, ModifiersState::SHIFT | ModifiersState::CTRL, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::ToggleViMode; Space, ModifiersState::SHIFT | ModifiersState::CTRL, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::ScrollToBottom; Escape, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::ClearSelection; I, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::ToggleViMode; I, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::ScrollToBottom; C, ModifiersState::CTRL, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::ToggleViMode; Y, ModifiersState::CTRL, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::ScrollLineUp; E, ModifiersState::CTRL, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::ScrollLineDown; G, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::ScrollToTop; G, ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::ScrollToBottom; B, ModifiersState::CTRL, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::ScrollPageUp; F, ModifiersState::CTRL, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::ScrollPageDown; U, ModifiersState::CTRL, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::ScrollHalfPageUp; D, ModifiersState::CTRL, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::ScrollHalfPageDown; Y, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Copy; Y, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::ClearSelection; Slash, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::SearchForward; Slash, ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::SearchBackward; V, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViAction::ToggleNormalSelection; V, ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViAction::ToggleLineSelection; V, ModifiersState::CTRL, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViAction::ToggleBlockSelection; V, ModifiersState::ALT, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViAction::ToggleSemanticSelection; N, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViAction::SearchNext; N, ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViAction::SearchPrevious; Return, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViAction::Open; K, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::Up; J, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::Down; H, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::Left; L, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::Right; Up, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::Up; Down, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::Down; Left, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::Left; Right, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::Right; Key0, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::First; Key4, ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::Last; Key6, ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::FirstOccupied; H, ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::High; M, ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::Middle; L, ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::Low; B, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::SemanticLeft; W, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::SemanticRight; E, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::SemanticRightEnd; B, ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::WordLeft; W, ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::WordRight; E, ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::WordRightEnd; Key5, ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; ViMotion::Bracket; Return, +BindingMode::SEARCH, +BindingMode::VI; SearchAction::SearchConfirm; Escape, +BindingMode::SEARCH; SearchAction::SearchCancel; C, ModifiersState::CTRL, +BindingMode::SEARCH; SearchAction::SearchCancel; U, ModifiersState::CTRL, +BindingMode::SEARCH; SearchAction::SearchClear; W, ModifiersState::CTRL, +BindingMode::SEARCH; SearchAction::SearchDeleteWord; P, ModifiersState::CTRL, +BindingMode::SEARCH; SearchAction::SearchHistoryPrevious; N, ModifiersState::CTRL, +BindingMode::SEARCH; SearchAction::SearchHistoryNext; Up, +BindingMode::SEARCH; SearchAction::SearchHistoryPrevious; Down, +BindingMode::SEARCH; SearchAction::SearchHistoryNext; Return, +BindingMode::SEARCH, ~BindingMode::VI; SearchAction::SearchFocusNext; Return, ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::SEARCH, ~BindingMode::VI; SearchAction::SearchFocusPrevious; ); // Code Modifiers // ---------+--------------------------- // 2 | Shift // 3 | Alt // 4 | Shift + Alt // 5 | Control // 6 | Shift + Control // 7 | Alt + Control // 8 | Shift + Alt + Control // ---------+--------------------------- // // from: https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h2-PC-Style-Function-Keys let mut modifiers = vec![ ModifiersState::SHIFT, ModifiersState::ALT, ModifiersState::SHIFT | ModifiersState::ALT, ModifiersState::CTRL, ModifiersState::SHIFT | ModifiersState::CTRL, ModifiersState::ALT | ModifiersState::CTRL, ModifiersState::SHIFT | ModifiersState::ALT | ModifiersState::CTRL, ]; for (index, mods) in modifiers.drain(..).enumerate() { let modifiers_code = index + 2; bindings.extend(bindings!( KeyBinding; Delete, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[3;{}~", modifiers_code)); Up, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[1;{}A", modifiers_code)); Down, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[1;{}B", modifiers_code)); Right, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[1;{}C", modifiers_code)); Left, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[1;{}D", modifiers_code)); F1, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[1;{}P", modifiers_code)); F2, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[1;{}Q", modifiers_code)); F3, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[1;{}R", modifiers_code)); F4, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[1;{}S", modifiers_code)); F5, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[15;{}~", modifiers_code)); F6, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[17;{}~", modifiers_code)); F7, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[18;{}~", modifiers_code)); F8, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[19;{}~", modifiers_code)); F9, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[20;{}~", modifiers_code)); F10, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[21;{}~", modifiers_code)); F11, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[23;{}~", modifiers_code)); F12, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[24;{}~", modifiers_code)); F13, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[25;{}~", modifiers_code)); F14, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[26;{}~", modifiers_code)); F15, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[28;{}~", modifiers_code)); F16, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[29;{}~", modifiers_code)); F17, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[31;{}~", modifiers_code)); F18, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[32;{}~", modifiers_code)); F19, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[33;{}~", modifiers_code)); F20, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[34;{}~", modifiers_code)); )); // We're adding the following bindings with `Shift` manually above, so skipping them here. if modifiers_code != 2 { bindings.extend(bindings!( KeyBinding; Insert, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[2;{}~", modifiers_code)); PageUp, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[5;{}~", modifiers_code)); PageDown, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[6;{}~", modifiers_code)); End, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[1;{}F", modifiers_code)); Home, mods, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc(format!("\x1b[1;{}H", modifiers_code)); )); } } bindings.extend(platform_key_bindings()); bindings } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", test)))] fn common_keybindings() -> Vec { bindings!( KeyBinding; V, ModifiersState::CTRL | ModifiersState::SHIFT, ~BindingMode::VI; Action::Paste; C, ModifiersState::CTRL | ModifiersState::SHIFT; Action::Copy; F, ModifiersState::CTRL | ModifiersState::SHIFT, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::SearchForward; B, ModifiersState::CTRL | ModifiersState::SHIFT, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::SearchBackward; C, ModifiersState::CTRL | ModifiersState::SHIFT, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::ClearSelection; Insert, ModifiersState::SHIFT, ~BindingMode::VI; Action::PasteSelection; Key0, ModifiersState::CTRL; Action::ResetFontSize; Equals, ModifiersState::CTRL; Action::IncreaseFontSize; Plus, ModifiersState::CTRL; Action::IncreaseFontSize; NumpadAdd, ModifiersState::CTRL; Action::IncreaseFontSize; Minus, ModifiersState::CTRL; Action::DecreaseFontSize; NumpadSubtract, ModifiersState::CTRL; Action::DecreaseFontSize; ) } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "windows", test)))] pub fn platform_key_bindings() -> Vec { common_keybindings() } #[cfg(all(target_os = "windows", not(test)))] pub fn platform_key_bindings() -> Vec { let mut bindings = bindings!( KeyBinding; Return, ModifiersState::ALT; Action::ToggleFullscreen; ); bindings.extend(common_keybindings()); bindings } #[cfg(all(target_os = "macos", not(test)))] pub fn platform_key_bindings() -> Vec { bindings!( KeyBinding; Key0, ModifiersState::LOGO; Action::ResetFontSize; Equals, ModifiersState::LOGO; Action::IncreaseFontSize; Plus, ModifiersState::LOGO; Action::IncreaseFontSize; NumpadAdd, ModifiersState::LOGO; Action::IncreaseFontSize; Minus, ModifiersState::LOGO; Action::DecreaseFontSize; NumpadSubtract, ModifiersState::LOGO; Action::DecreaseFontSize; Insert, ModifiersState::SHIFT, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x1b[2;2~".into()); K, ModifiersState::LOGO, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::Esc("\x0c".into()); K, ModifiersState::LOGO, ~BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::ClearHistory; V, ModifiersState::LOGO, ~BindingMode::VI; Action::Paste; N, ModifiersState::LOGO; Action::SpawnNewInstance; F, ModifiersState::CTRL | ModifiersState::LOGO; Action::ToggleFullscreen; C, ModifiersState::LOGO; Action::Copy; C, ModifiersState::LOGO, +BindingMode::VI, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::ClearSelection; H, ModifiersState::LOGO; Action::Hide; H, ModifiersState::LOGO | ModifiersState::ALT; Action::HideOtherApplications; M, ModifiersState::LOGO; Action::Minimize; Q, ModifiersState::LOGO; Action::Quit; W, ModifiersState::LOGO; Action::Quit; F, ModifiersState::LOGO, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::SearchForward; B, ModifiersState::LOGO, ~BindingMode::SEARCH; Action::SearchBackward; ) } // Don't return any bindings for tests since they are commented-out by default. #[cfg(test)] pub fn platform_key_bindings() -> Vec { vec![] } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)] pub enum Key { Scancode(u32), Keycode(VirtualKeyCode), } impl<'a> Deserialize<'a> for Key { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'a>, { let value = SerdeValue::deserialize(deserializer)?; match u32::deserialize(value.clone()) { Ok(scancode) => Ok(Key::Scancode(scancode)), Err(_) => { let keycode = VirtualKeyCode::deserialize(value).map_err(D::Error::custom)?; Ok(Key::Keycode(keycode)) }, } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct ModeWrapper { pub mode: BindingMode, pub not_mode: BindingMode, } bitflags! { /// Modes available for key bindings. pub struct BindingMode: u8 { const APP_CURSOR = 0b0000_0001; const APP_KEYPAD = 0b0000_0010; const ALT_SCREEN = 0b0000_0100; const VI = 0b0000_1000; const SEARCH = 0b0001_0000; } } impl BindingMode { pub fn new(mode: &TermMode, search: bool) -> BindingMode { let mut binding_mode = BindingMode::empty(); binding_mode.set(BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, mode.contains(TermMode::APP_CURSOR)); binding_mode.set(BindingMode::APP_KEYPAD, mode.contains(TermMode::APP_KEYPAD)); binding_mode.set(BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN, mode.contains(TermMode::ALT_SCREEN)); binding_mode.set(BindingMode::VI, mode.contains(TermMode::VI)); binding_mode.set(BindingMode::SEARCH, search); binding_mode } } impl Default for ModeWrapper { fn default() -> Self { Self { mode: BindingMode::empty(), not_mode: BindingMode::empty() } } } impl<'a> Deserialize<'a> for ModeWrapper { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'a>, { struct ModeVisitor; impl<'a> Visitor<'a> for ModeVisitor { type Value = ModeWrapper; fn expecting(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.write_str( "a combination of AppCursor | AppKeypad | Alt | Vi, possibly with negation (~)", ) } fn visit_str(self, value: &str) -> Result where E: de::Error, { let mut res = ModeWrapper { mode: BindingMode::empty(), not_mode: BindingMode::empty() }; for modifier in value.split('|') { match modifier.trim().to_lowercase().as_str() { "appcursor" => res.mode |= BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, "~appcursor" => res.not_mode |= BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, "appkeypad" => res.mode |= BindingMode::APP_KEYPAD, "~appkeypad" => res.not_mode |= BindingMode::APP_KEYPAD, "alt" => res.mode |= BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN, "~alt" => res.not_mode |= BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN, "vi" => res.mode |= BindingMode::VI, "~vi" => res.not_mode |= BindingMode::VI, "search" => res.mode |= BindingMode::SEARCH, "~search" => res.not_mode |= BindingMode::SEARCH, _ => return Err(E::invalid_value(Unexpected::Str(modifier), &self)), } } Ok(res) } } deserializer.deserialize_str(ModeVisitor) } } struct MouseButtonWrapper(MouseButton); impl MouseButtonWrapper { fn into_inner(self) -> MouseButton { self.0 } } impl<'a> Deserialize<'a> for MouseButtonWrapper { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'a>, { struct MouseButtonVisitor; impl<'a> Visitor<'a> for MouseButtonVisitor { type Value = MouseButtonWrapper; fn expecting(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.write_str("Left, Right, Middle, or a number from 0 to 65536") } fn visit_u64(self, value: u64) -> Result where E: de::Error, { match value { 0..=65536 => Ok(MouseButtonWrapper(MouseButton::Other(value as u16))), _ => Err(E::invalid_value(Unexpected::Unsigned(value), &self)), } } fn visit_str(self, value: &str) -> Result where E: de::Error, { match value { "Left" => Ok(MouseButtonWrapper(MouseButton::Left)), "Right" => Ok(MouseButtonWrapper(MouseButton::Right)), "Middle" => Ok(MouseButtonWrapper(MouseButton::Middle)), _ => Err(E::invalid_value(Unexpected::Str(value), &self)), } } } deserializer.deserialize_any(MouseButtonVisitor) } } /// Bindings are deserialized into a `RawBinding` before being parsed as a /// `KeyBinding` or `MouseBinding`. #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)] struct RawBinding { key: Option, mouse: Option, mods: ModifiersState, mode: BindingMode, notmode: BindingMode, action: Action, } impl RawBinding { fn into_mouse_binding(self) -> Result { if let Some(mouse) = self.mouse { Ok(Binding { trigger: mouse, mods: self.mods, action: self.action, mode: self.mode, notmode: self.notmode, }) } else { Err(self) } } fn into_key_binding(self) -> Result { if let Some(key) = self.key { Ok(KeyBinding { trigger: key, mods: self.mods, action: self.action, mode: self.mode, notmode: self.notmode, }) } else { Err(self) } } } impl<'a> Deserialize<'a> for RawBinding { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'a>, { const FIELDS: &[&str] = &["key", "mods", "mode", "action", "chars", "mouse", "command"]; enum Field { Key, Mods, Mode, Action, Chars, Mouse, Command, } impl<'a> Deserialize<'a> for Field { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'a>, { struct FieldVisitor; impl<'a> Visitor<'a> for FieldVisitor { type Value = Field; fn expecting(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.write_str("binding fields") } fn visit_str(self, value: &str) -> Result where E: de::Error, { match value.to_ascii_lowercase().as_str() { "key" => Ok(Field::Key), "mods" => Ok(Field::Mods), "mode" => Ok(Field::Mode), "action" => Ok(Field::Action), "chars" => Ok(Field::Chars), "mouse" => Ok(Field::Mouse), "command" => Ok(Field::Command), _ => Err(E::unknown_field(value, FIELDS)), } } } deserializer.deserialize_str(FieldVisitor) } } struct RawBindingVisitor; impl<'a> Visitor<'a> for RawBindingVisitor { type Value = RawBinding; fn expecting(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.write_str("binding specification") } fn visit_map(self, mut map: V) -> Result where V: MapAccess<'a>, { let mut mods: Option = None; let mut key: Option = None; let mut chars: Option = None; let mut action: Option = None; let mut mode: Option = None; let mut not_mode: Option = None; let mut mouse: Option = None; let mut command: Option = None; use de::Error; while let Some(struct_key) = map.next_key::()? { match struct_key { Field::Key => { if key.is_some() { return Err(::duplicate_field("key")); } let val = map.next_value::()?; if val.is_u64() { let scancode = val.as_u64().unwrap(); if scancode > u64::from(std::u32::MAX) { return Err(::custom(format!( "Invalid key binding, scancode too big: {}", scancode ))); } key = Some(Key::Scancode(scancode as u32)); } else { let k = Key::deserialize(val).map_err(V::Error::custom)?; key = Some(k); } }, Field::Mods => { if mods.is_some() { return Err(::duplicate_field("mods")); } mods = Some(map.next_value::()?.into_inner()); }, Field::Mode => { if mode.is_some() { return Err(::duplicate_field("mode")); } let mode_deserializer = map.next_value::()?; mode = Some(mode_deserializer.mode); not_mode = Some(mode_deserializer.not_mode); }, Field::Action => { if action.is_some() { return Err(::duplicate_field("action")); } let value = map.next_value::()?; action = if let Ok(vi_action) = ViAction::deserialize(value.clone()) { Some(vi_action.into()) } else if let Ok(vi_motion) = ViMotion::deserialize(value.clone()) { Some(vi_motion.into()) } else if let Ok(search_action) = SearchAction::deserialize(value.clone()) { Some(search_action.into()) } else { match Action::deserialize(value.clone()).map_err(V::Error::custom) { Ok(action) => Some(action), Err(err) => { let value = match value { SerdeValue::String(string) => string, SerdeValue::Mapping(map) if map.len() == 1 => { match map.into_iter().next() { Some(( SerdeValue::String(string), SerdeValue::Null, )) => string, _ => return Err(err), } }, _ => return Err(err), }; return Err(V::Error::custom(format!( "unknown keyboard action `{}`", value ))); }, } }; }, Field::Chars => { if chars.is_some() { return Err(::duplicate_field("chars")); } chars = Some(map.next_value()?); }, Field::Mouse => { if chars.is_some() { return Err(::duplicate_field("mouse")); } mouse = Some(map.next_value::()?.into_inner()); }, Field::Command => { if command.is_some() { return Err(::duplicate_field("command")); } command = Some(map.next_value::()?); }, } } let mode = mode.unwrap_or_else(BindingMode::empty); let not_mode = not_mode.unwrap_or_else(BindingMode::empty); let mods = mods.unwrap_or_else(ModifiersState::default); let action = match (action, chars, command) { (Some(action @ Action::ViMotion(_)), None, None) | (Some(action @ Action::Vi(_)), None, None) => { if !mode.intersects(BindingMode::VI) || not_mode.intersects(BindingMode::VI) { return Err(V::Error::custom(format!( "action `{}` is only available in vi mode, try adding `mode: Vi`", action, ))); } action }, (Some(action @ Action::Search(_)), None, None) => { if !mode.intersects(BindingMode::SEARCH) { return Err(V::Error::custom(format!( "action `{}` is only available in search mode, try adding `mode: \ Search`", action, ))); } action }, (Some(action), None, None) => action, (None, Some(chars), None) => Action::Esc(chars), (None, None, Some(cmd)) => Action::Command(cmd), _ => { return Err(V::Error::custom( "must specify exactly one of chars, action or command", )) }, }; if mouse.is_none() && key.is_none() { return Err(V::Error::custom("bindings require mouse button or key")); } Ok(RawBinding { mode, notmode: not_mode, action, key, mouse, mods }) } } deserializer.deserialize_struct("RawBinding", FIELDS, RawBindingVisitor) } } impl<'a> Deserialize<'a> for MouseBinding { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'a>, { let raw = RawBinding::deserialize(deserializer)?; raw.into_mouse_binding() .map_err(|_| D::Error::custom("expected mouse binding, got key binding")) } } impl<'a> Deserialize<'a> for KeyBinding { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: Deserializer<'a>, { let raw = RawBinding::deserialize(deserializer)?; raw.into_key_binding() .map_err(|_| D::Error::custom("expected key binding, got mouse binding")) } } /// Newtype for implementing deserialize on glutin Mods. /// /// Our deserialize impl wouldn't be covered by a derive(Deserialize); see the /// impl below. #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, Default, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct ModsWrapper(pub ModifiersState); impl ModsWrapper { pub fn into_inner(self) -> ModifiersState { self.0 } } impl<'a> de::Deserialize<'a> for ModsWrapper { fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result where D: de::Deserializer<'a>, { struct ModsVisitor; impl<'a> Visitor<'a> for ModsVisitor { type Value = ModsWrapper; fn expecting(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { f.write_str("None or a subset of Shift|Control|Super|Command|Alt|Option") } fn visit_str(self, value: &str) -> Result where E: de::Error, { let mut res = ModifiersState::empty(); for modifier in value.split('|') { match modifier.trim().to_lowercase().as_str() { "command" | "super" => res.insert(ModifiersState::LOGO), "shift" => res.insert(ModifiersState::SHIFT), "alt" | "option" => res.insert(ModifiersState::ALT), "control" => res.insert(ModifiersState::CTRL), "none" => (), _ => return Err(E::invalid_value(Unexpected::Str(modifier), &self)), } } Ok(ModsWrapper(res)) } } deserializer.deserialize_str(ModsVisitor) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use glutin::event::ModifiersState; type MockBinding = Binding; impl Default for MockBinding { fn default() -> Self { Self { mods: Default::default(), action: Action::None, mode: BindingMode::empty(), notmode: BindingMode::empty(), trigger: Default::default(), } } } #[test] fn binding_matches_itself() { let binding = MockBinding::default(); let identical_binding = MockBinding::default(); assert!(binding.triggers_match(&identical_binding)); assert!(identical_binding.triggers_match(&binding)); } #[test] fn binding_matches_different_action() { let binding = MockBinding::default(); let different_action = MockBinding { action: Action::ClearHistory, ..MockBinding::default() }; assert!(binding.triggers_match(&different_action)); assert!(different_action.triggers_match(&binding)); } #[test] fn mods_binding_requires_strict_match() { let superset_mods = MockBinding { mods: ModifiersState::all(), ..MockBinding::default() }; let subset_mods = MockBinding { mods: ModifiersState::ALT, ..MockBinding::default() }; assert!(!superset_mods.triggers_match(&subset_mods)); assert!(!subset_mods.triggers_match(&superset_mods)); } #[test] fn binding_matches_identical_mode() { let b1 = MockBinding { mode: BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN, ..MockBinding::default() }; let b2 = MockBinding { mode: BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN, ..MockBinding::default() }; assert!(b1.triggers_match(&b2)); assert!(b2.triggers_match(&b1)); } #[test] fn binding_without_mode_matches_any_mode() { let b1 = MockBinding::default(); let b2 = MockBinding { mode: BindingMode::APP_KEYPAD, notmode: BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN, ..MockBinding::default() }; assert!(b1.triggers_match(&b2)); } #[test] fn binding_with_mode_matches_empty_mode() { let b1 = MockBinding { mode: BindingMode::APP_KEYPAD, notmode: BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN, ..MockBinding::default() }; let b2 = MockBinding::default(); assert!(b1.triggers_match(&b2)); assert!(b2.triggers_match(&b1)); } #[test] fn binding_matches_modes() { let b1 = MockBinding { mode: BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN | BindingMode::APP_KEYPAD, ..MockBinding::default() }; let b2 = MockBinding { mode: BindingMode::APP_KEYPAD, ..MockBinding::default() }; assert!(b1.triggers_match(&b2)); assert!(b2.triggers_match(&b1)); } #[test] fn binding_matches_partial_intersection() { let b1 = MockBinding { mode: BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN | BindingMode::APP_KEYPAD, ..MockBinding::default() }; let b2 = MockBinding { mode: BindingMode::APP_KEYPAD | BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, ..MockBinding::default() }; assert!(b1.triggers_match(&b2)); assert!(b2.triggers_match(&b1)); } #[test] fn binding_mismatches_notmode() { let b1 = MockBinding { mode: BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN, ..MockBinding::default() }; let b2 = MockBinding { notmode: BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN, ..MockBinding::default() }; assert!(!b1.triggers_match(&b2)); assert!(!b2.triggers_match(&b1)); } #[test] fn binding_mismatches_unrelated() { let b1 = MockBinding { mode: BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN, ..MockBinding::default() }; let b2 = MockBinding { mode: BindingMode::APP_KEYPAD, ..MockBinding::default() }; assert!(!b1.triggers_match(&b2)); assert!(!b2.triggers_match(&b1)); } #[test] fn binding_matches_notmodes() { let subset_notmodes = MockBinding { notmode: BindingMode::VI | BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, ..MockBinding::default() }; let superset_notmodes = MockBinding { notmode: BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, ..MockBinding::default() }; assert!(subset_notmodes.triggers_match(&superset_notmodes)); assert!(superset_notmodes.triggers_match(&subset_notmodes)); } #[test] fn binding_matches_mode_notmode() { let b1 = MockBinding { mode: BindingMode::VI, notmode: BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, ..MockBinding::default() }; let b2 = MockBinding { notmode: BindingMode::APP_CURSOR, ..MockBinding::default() }; assert!(b1.triggers_match(&b2)); assert!(b2.triggers_match(&b1)); } #[test] fn binding_trigger_input() { let binding = MockBinding { trigger: 13, ..MockBinding::default() }; let mods = binding.mods; let mode = binding.mode; assert!(binding.is_triggered_by(mode, mods, &13)); assert!(!binding.is_triggered_by(mode, mods, &32)); } #[test] fn binding_trigger_mods() { let binding = MockBinding { mods: ModifiersState::ALT | ModifiersState::LOGO, ..MockBinding::default() }; let superset_mods = ModifiersState::all(); let subset_mods = ModifiersState::empty(); let t = binding.trigger; let mode = binding.mode; assert!(binding.is_triggered_by(mode, binding.mods, &t)); assert!(!binding.is_triggered_by(mode, superset_mods, &t)); assert!(!binding.is_triggered_by(mode, subset_mods, &t)); } #[test] fn binding_trigger_modes() { let binding = MockBinding { mode: BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN, ..MockBinding::default() }; let t = binding.trigger; let mods = binding.mods; assert!(!binding.is_triggered_by(BindingMode::VI, mods, &t)); assert!(binding.is_triggered_by(BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN, mods, &t)); assert!(binding.is_triggered_by(BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN | BindingMode::VI, mods, &t)); } #[test] fn binding_trigger_notmodes() { let binding = MockBinding { notmode: BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN, ..MockBinding::default() }; let t = binding.trigger; let mods = binding.mods; assert!(binding.is_triggered_by(BindingMode::VI, mods, &t)); assert!(!binding.is_triggered_by(BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN, mods, &t)); assert!(!binding.is_triggered_by(BindingMode::ALT_SCREEN | BindingMode::VI, mods, &t)); } }