/* * Holidays set by the Chinese calendar * * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Taiwan * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_observances_set_by_the_Chinese_calendar */ #ifndef _zh_Hant_TW_UTF_8_chinese_ #define _zh_Hant_TW_UTF_8_chinese_ CALENDAR=Chinese LANG=zh_Hant_TW.UTF-8 /* * Official public holidays */ ChineseNewYear-1 Lunar New Year's Eve (農曆除夕) ChineseNewYear Lunar New Year / Spring Festival (春節) 05/05 Dragon Boat Festival (端午節) 08/15 Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋節) /* * Other holidays */ 01/15 Lantern Festival (元宵節) / Tourism Day (觀光節) 02/02 Earth God's Birthday (土地公誕辰) 02/19 Kuan Yin's Birthday (觀音誕辰) 03/03 Shangsi Festival (上巳節) 03/15 God of Medicine's Birthday (保生大帝誕辰) 03/23 Matsu's Birthday (媽祖誕辰) 04/08 Buddha's Birthday (佛誕日) 05/13 Kuan Kung's Birthday (關公誕辰) 07/07 Double Seven Festival (七夕) 07/15 Ghost Festival (中元節) 09/09 Chongyang Festival (重陽節) 10/15 Saisiat Festival (賽夏節) 12/08 Laba Festival (臘八節) #endif