/* * Holidays set by the Gregorian calendar * * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Taiwan */ #ifndef _zh_Hant_TW_UTF_8_gregorian_ #define _zh_Hant_TW_UTF_8_gregorian_ LANG=zh_Hant_TW.UTF-8 DecSolstice=Dongzhi /* * Official public holidays */ ChineseQingming Tomb-Sweeping Day (淸明節) 01/01 Founding of the Republic of China (中華民國開國紀念日) 02/28 Peace Memorial Day (二二八和平紀念日) 04/04 Children's Day (兒童節) 10/10 National Day (國慶日) / Double Tenth Day (雙十節) /* * Other holidays */ Dongzhi Dongzhi Festival (冬至) 03/12 Arbor Day (國父逝世紀念日) 03/29 Youth Day (靑年節) 05/01 Labor Day (勞動節) 05/04 Literary Day (文藝節) 05/SunSecond Mother's Day (母親節) 06/03 Opium Suppression Movement Day (禁菸節) 08/08 Father's Day (父親節) 09/03 Armed Forces Day (軍人節) 09/28 Teachers' Day / Confucius's Birthday (孔子誕辰紀念日) 10/21 Overseas Chinese Day (華僑節) 10/25 Taiwan Retrocession Day (臺灣光復節) 11/12 Sun Yat-sen's Birthday (國父誕辰紀念日) 12/25 Constitution Day (行憲紀念日) #endif