//===--- MacroExpander.cpp - Format C++ code --------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// /// /// \file /// This file contains the implementation of MacroExpander, which handles macro /// configuration and expansion while formatting. /// //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "Macros.h" #include "Encoding.h" #include "FormatToken.h" #include "FormatTokenLexer.h" #include "clang/Basic/TokenKinds.h" #include "clang/Format/Format.h" #include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearch.h" #include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearchOptions.h" #include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h" #include "clang/Lex/ModuleLoader.h" #include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h" #include "clang/Lex/PreprocessorOptions.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h" #include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h" namespace clang { namespace format { struct MacroExpander::Definition { StringRef Name; SmallVector Params; SmallVector Body; // Map from each argument's name to its position in the argument list. // With "M(x, y) x + y": // x -> 0 // y -> 1 llvm::StringMap ArgMap; bool ObjectLike = true; }; class MacroExpander::DefinitionParser { public: DefinitionParser(ArrayRef Tokens) : Tokens(Tokens) { assert(!Tokens.empty()); Current = Tokens[0]; } // Parse the token stream and return the corresponding Definition object. // Returns an empty definition object with a null-Name on error. MacroExpander::Definition parse() { if (!Current->is(tok::identifier)) return {}; Def.Name = Current->TokenText; nextToken(); if (Current->is(tok::l_paren)) { Def.ObjectLike = false; if (!parseParams()) return {}; } if (!parseExpansion()) return {}; return Def; } private: bool parseParams() { assert(Current->is(tok::l_paren)); nextToken(); while (Current->is(tok::identifier)) { Def.Params.push_back(Current); Def.ArgMap[Def.Params.back()->TokenText] = Def.Params.size() - 1; nextToken(); if (Current->isNot(tok::comma)) break; nextToken(); } if (Current->isNot(tok::r_paren)) return false; nextToken(); return true; } bool parseExpansion() { if (!Current->isOneOf(tok::equal, tok::eof)) return false; if (Current->is(tok::equal)) nextToken(); parseTail(); return true; } void parseTail() { while (Current->isNot(tok::eof)) { Def.Body.push_back(Current); nextToken(); } Def.Body.push_back(Current); } void nextToken() { if (Pos + 1 < Tokens.size()) ++Pos; Current = Tokens[Pos]; Current->Finalized = true; } size_t Pos = 0; FormatToken *Current = nullptr; Definition Def; ArrayRef Tokens; }; MacroExpander::MacroExpander( const std::vector &Macros, clang::SourceManager &SourceMgr, const FormatStyle &Style, llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator &Allocator, IdentifierTable &IdentTable) : SourceMgr(SourceMgr), Style(Style), Allocator(Allocator), IdentTable(IdentTable) { for (const std::string &Macro : Macros) parseDefinition(Macro); } MacroExpander::~MacroExpander() = default; void MacroExpander::parseDefinition(const std::string &Macro) { Buffers.push_back( llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(Macro, "")); clang::FileID FID = SourceMgr.createFileID(Buffers.back()->getMemBufferRef()); FormatTokenLexer Lex(SourceMgr, FID, 0, Style, encoding::Encoding_UTF8, Allocator, IdentTable); const auto Tokens = Lex.lex(); if (!Tokens.empty()) { DefinitionParser Parser(Tokens); auto Definition = Parser.parse(); Definitions[Definition.Name] = std::move(Definition); } } bool MacroExpander::defined(llvm::StringRef Name) const { return Definitions.find(Name) != Definitions.end(); } bool MacroExpander::objectLike(llvm::StringRef Name) const { return Definitions.find(Name)->second.ObjectLike; } llvm::SmallVector MacroExpander::expand(FormatToken *ID, ArgsList Args) const { assert(defined(ID->TokenText)); SmallVector Result; const Definition &Def = Definitions.find(ID->TokenText)->second; // Expand each argument at most once. llvm::StringSet<> ExpandedArgs; // Adds the given token to Result. auto pushToken = [&](FormatToken *Tok) { Tok->MacroCtx->ExpandedFrom.push_back(ID); Result.push_back(Tok); }; // If Tok references a parameter, adds the corresponding argument to Result. // Returns false if Tok does not reference a parameter. auto expandArgument = [&](FormatToken *Tok) -> bool { // If the current token references a parameter, expand the corresponding // argument. if (!Tok->is(tok::identifier) || ExpandedArgs.contains(Tok->TokenText)) return false; ExpandedArgs.insert(Tok->TokenText); auto I = Def.ArgMap.find(Tok->TokenText); if (I == Def.ArgMap.end()) return false; // If there are fewer arguments than referenced parameters, treat the // parameter as empty. // FIXME: Potentially fully abort the expansion instead. if (I->getValue() >= Args.size()) return true; for (FormatToken *Arg : Args[I->getValue()]) { // A token can be part of a macro argument at multiple levels. // For example, with "ID(x) x": // in ID(ID(x)), 'x' is expanded first as argument to the inner // ID, then again as argument to the outer ID. We keep the macro // role the token had from the inner expansion. if (!Arg->MacroCtx) Arg->MacroCtx = MacroExpansion(MR_ExpandedArg); pushToken(Arg); } return true; }; // Expand the definition into Result. for (FormatToken *Tok : Def.Body) { if (expandArgument(Tok)) continue; // Create a copy of the tokens from the macro body, i.e. were not provided // by user code. FormatToken *New = new (Allocator.Allocate()) FormatToken; New->copyFrom(*Tok); assert(!New->MacroCtx); // Tokens that are not part of the user code are not formatted. New->MacroCtx = MacroExpansion(MR_Hidden); pushToken(New); } assert(Result.size() >= 1 && Result.back()->is(tok::eof)); if (Result.size() > 1) { ++Result[0]->MacroCtx->StartOfExpansion; ++Result[Result.size() - 2]->MacroCtx->EndOfExpansion; } return Result; } } // namespace format } // namespace clang