//===-- ScriptInterpreterPython.cpp -----------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "lldb/Host/Config.h" #if LLDB_ENABLE_PYTHON // LLDB Python header must be included first #include "lldb-python.h" #include "PythonDataObjects.h" #include "PythonReadline.h" #include "ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl.h" #include "lldb/API/SBFrame.h" #include "lldb/API/SBValue.h" #include "lldb/Breakpoint/StoppointCallbackContext.h" #include "lldb/Breakpoint/WatchpointOptions.h" #include "lldb/Core/Communication.h" #include "lldb/Core/Debugger.h" #include "lldb/Core/PluginManager.h" #include "lldb/Core/ValueObject.h" #include "lldb/DataFormatters/TypeSummary.h" #include "lldb/Host/ConnectionFileDescriptor.h" #include "lldb/Host/FileSystem.h" #include "lldb/Host/HostInfo.h" #include "lldb/Host/Pipe.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandReturnObject.h" #include "lldb/Target/Thread.h" #include "lldb/Target/ThreadPlan.h" #include "lldb/Utility/Timer.h" #if defined(_WIN32) #include "lldb/Host/windows/ConnectionGenericFileWindows.h" #endif #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h" #include "llvm/Support/FormatAdapters.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace lldb; using namespace lldb_private; using namespace lldb_private::python; using llvm::Expected; // Defined in the SWIG source file #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 extern "C" PyObject *PyInit__lldb(void); #define LLDBSwigPyInit PyInit__lldb #else extern "C" void init_lldb(void); #define LLDBSwigPyInit init_lldb #endif // These prototypes are the Pythonic implementations of the required callbacks. // Although these are scripting-language specific, their definition depends on // the public API. #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreturn-type-c-linkage" // Disable warning C4190: 'LLDBSwigPythonBreakpointCallbackFunction' has // C-linkage specified, but returns UDT 'llvm::Expected' which is // incompatible with C #if _MSC_VER #pragma warning (push) #pragma warning (disable : 4190) #endif extern "C" llvm::Expected LLDBSwigPythonBreakpointCallbackFunction( const char *python_function_name, const char *session_dictionary_name, const lldb::StackFrameSP &sb_frame, const lldb::BreakpointLocationSP &sb_bp_loc, StructuredDataImpl *args_impl); #if _MSC_VER #pragma warning (pop) #endif #pragma clang diagnostic pop extern "C" bool LLDBSwigPythonWatchpointCallbackFunction( const char *python_function_name, const char *session_dictionary_name, const lldb::StackFrameSP &sb_frame, const lldb::WatchpointSP &sb_wp); extern "C" bool LLDBSwigPythonCallTypeScript( const char *python_function_name, void *session_dictionary, const lldb::ValueObjectSP &valobj_sp, void **pyfunct_wrapper, const lldb::TypeSummaryOptionsSP &options_sp, std::string &retval); extern "C" void * LLDBSwigPythonCreateSyntheticProvider(const char *python_class_name, const char *session_dictionary_name, const lldb::ValueObjectSP &valobj_sp); extern "C" void * LLDBSwigPythonCreateCommandObject(const char *python_class_name, const char *session_dictionary_name, const lldb::DebuggerSP debugger_sp); extern "C" void *LLDBSwigPythonCreateScriptedThreadPlan( const char *python_class_name, const char *session_dictionary_name, StructuredDataImpl *args_data, std::string &error_string, const lldb::ThreadPlanSP &thread_plan_sp); extern "C" bool LLDBSWIGPythonCallThreadPlan(void *implementor, const char *method_name, Event *event_sp, bool &got_error); extern "C" void *LLDBSwigPythonCreateScriptedBreakpointResolver( const char *python_class_name, const char *session_dictionary_name, lldb_private::StructuredDataImpl *args, lldb::BreakpointSP &bkpt_sp); extern "C" unsigned int LLDBSwigPythonCallBreakpointResolver(void *implementor, const char *method_name, lldb_private::SymbolContext *sym_ctx); extern "C" size_t LLDBSwigPython_CalculateNumChildren(void *implementor, uint32_t max); extern "C" void *LLDBSwigPython_GetChildAtIndex(void *implementor, uint32_t idx); extern "C" int LLDBSwigPython_GetIndexOfChildWithName(void *implementor, const char *child_name); extern "C" void *LLDBSWIGPython_CastPyObjectToSBValue(void *data); extern lldb::ValueObjectSP LLDBSWIGPython_GetValueObjectSPFromSBValue(void *data); extern "C" bool LLDBSwigPython_UpdateSynthProviderInstance(void *implementor); extern "C" bool LLDBSwigPython_MightHaveChildrenSynthProviderInstance(void *implementor); extern "C" void * LLDBSwigPython_GetValueSynthProviderInstance(void *implementor); extern "C" bool LLDBSwigPythonCallCommand(const char *python_function_name, const char *session_dictionary_name, lldb::DebuggerSP &debugger, const char *args, lldb_private::CommandReturnObject &cmd_retobj, lldb::ExecutionContextRefSP exe_ctx_ref_sp); extern "C" bool LLDBSwigPythonCallCommandObject(void *implementor, lldb::DebuggerSP &debugger, const char *args, lldb_private::CommandReturnObject &cmd_retobj, lldb::ExecutionContextRefSP exe_ctx_ref_sp); extern "C" bool LLDBSwigPythonCallModuleInit(const char *python_module_name, const char *session_dictionary_name, lldb::DebuggerSP &debugger); extern "C" void * LLDBSWIGPythonCreateOSPlugin(const char *python_class_name, const char *session_dictionary_name, const lldb::ProcessSP &process_sp); extern "C" void * LLDBSWIGPython_CreateFrameRecognizer(const char *python_class_name, const char *session_dictionary_name); extern "C" void * LLDBSwigPython_GetRecognizedArguments(void *implementor, const lldb::StackFrameSP &frame_sp); extern "C" bool LLDBSWIGPythonRunScriptKeywordProcess( const char *python_function_name, const char *session_dictionary_name, lldb::ProcessSP &process, std::string &output); extern "C" bool LLDBSWIGPythonRunScriptKeywordThread( const char *python_function_name, const char *session_dictionary_name, lldb::ThreadSP &thread, std::string &output); extern "C" bool LLDBSWIGPythonRunScriptKeywordTarget( const char *python_function_name, const char *session_dictionary_name, lldb::TargetSP &target, std::string &output); extern "C" bool LLDBSWIGPythonRunScriptKeywordFrame( const char *python_function_name, const char *session_dictionary_name, lldb::StackFrameSP &frame, std::string &output); extern "C" bool LLDBSWIGPythonRunScriptKeywordValue( const char *python_function_name, const char *session_dictionary_name, lldb::ValueObjectSP &value, std::string &output); extern "C" void * LLDBSWIGPython_GetDynamicSetting(void *module, const char *setting, const lldb::TargetSP &target_sp); static bool g_initialized = false; namespace { // Initializing Python is not a straightforward process. We cannot control // what external code may have done before getting to this point in LLDB, // including potentially having already initialized Python, so we need to do a // lot of work to ensure that the existing state of the system is maintained // across our initialization. We do this by using an RAII pattern where we // save off initial state at the beginning, and restore it at the end struct InitializePythonRAII { public: InitializePythonRAII() : m_gil_state(PyGILState_UNLOCKED), m_was_already_initialized(false) { // Python will muck with STDIN terminal state, so save off any current TTY // settings so we can restore them. m_stdin_tty_state.Save(STDIN_FILENO, false); InitializePythonHome(); #ifdef LLDB_USE_LIBEDIT_READLINE_COMPAT_MODULE // Python's readline is incompatible with libedit being linked into lldb. // Provide a patched version local to the embedded interpreter. bool ReadlinePatched = false; for (auto *p = PyImport_Inittab; p->name != NULL; p++) { if (strcmp(p->name, "readline") == 0) { p->initfunc = initlldb_readline; break; } } if (!ReadlinePatched) { PyImport_AppendInittab("readline", initlldb_readline); ReadlinePatched = true; } #endif // Register _lldb as a built-in module. PyImport_AppendInittab("_lldb", LLDBSwigPyInit); // Python < 3.2 and Python >= 3.2 reversed the ordering requirements for // calling `Py_Initialize` and `PyEval_InitThreads`. < 3.2 requires that you // call `PyEval_InitThreads` first, and >= 3.2 requires that you call it last. #if (PY_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 && PY_MINOR_VERSION >= 2) || (PY_MAJOR_VERSION > 3) Py_InitializeEx(0); InitializeThreadsPrivate(); #else InitializeThreadsPrivate(); Py_InitializeEx(0); #endif } ~InitializePythonRAII() { if (m_was_already_initialized) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_SCRIPT)); LLDB_LOGV(log, "Releasing PyGILState. Returning to state = {0}locked", m_gil_state == PyGILState_UNLOCKED ? "un" : ""); PyGILState_Release(m_gil_state); } else { // We initialized the threads in this function, just unlock the GIL. PyEval_SaveThread(); } m_stdin_tty_state.Restore(); } private: void InitializePythonHome() { #if defined(LLDB_PYTHON_HOME) #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 size_t size = 0; static wchar_t *g_python_home = Py_DecodeLocale(LLDB_PYTHON_HOME, &size); #else static char g_python_home[] = LLDB_PYTHON_HOME; #endif Py_SetPythonHome(g_python_home); #else #if defined(__APPLE__) && PY_MAJOR_VERSION == 2 && PY_MINOR_VERSION == 7 // For Darwin, the only Python version supported is the one shipped in the // OS OS and linked with lldb. Other installation of Python may have higher // priorities in the path, overriding PYTHONHOME and causing // problems/incompatibilities. In order to avoid confusion, always hardcode // the PythonHome to be right, as it's not going to change. static char path[] = "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7"; Py_SetPythonHome(path); #endif #endif } void InitializeThreadsPrivate() { // Since Python 3.7 `Py_Initialize` calls `PyEval_InitThreads` inside itself, // so there is no way to determine whether the embedded interpreter // was already initialized by some external code. `PyEval_ThreadsInitialized` // would always return `true` and `PyGILState_Ensure/Release` flow would be // executed instead of unlocking GIL with `PyEval_SaveThread`. When // an another thread calls `PyGILState_Ensure` it would get stuck in deadlock. #if (PY_MAJOR_VERSION == 3 && PY_MINOR_VERSION >= 7) || (PY_MAJOR_VERSION > 3) // The only case we should go further and acquire the GIL: it is unlocked. if (PyGILState_Check()) return; #endif if (PyEval_ThreadsInitialized()) { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_SCRIPT)); m_was_already_initialized = true; m_gil_state = PyGILState_Ensure(); LLDB_LOGV(log, "Ensured PyGILState. Previous state = {0}locked\n", m_gil_state == PyGILState_UNLOCKED ? "un" : ""); return; } // InitThreads acquires the GIL if it hasn't been called before. PyEval_InitThreads(); } TerminalState m_stdin_tty_state; PyGILState_STATE m_gil_state; bool m_was_already_initialized; }; } // namespace void ScriptInterpreterPython::ComputePythonDirForApple( llvm::SmallVectorImpl &path) { auto style = llvm::sys::path::Style::posix; llvm::StringRef path_ref(path.begin(), path.size()); auto rbegin = llvm::sys::path::rbegin(path_ref, style); auto rend = llvm::sys::path::rend(path_ref); auto framework = std::find(rbegin, rend, "LLDB.framework"); if (framework == rend) { ComputePythonDir(path); return; } path.resize(framework - rend); llvm::sys::path::append(path, style, "LLDB.framework", "Resources", "Python"); } void ScriptInterpreterPython::ComputePythonDir( llvm::SmallVectorImpl &path) { // Build the path by backing out of the lib dir, then building with whatever // the real python interpreter uses. (e.g. lib for most, lib64 on RHEL // x86_64, or bin on Windows). llvm::sys::path::remove_filename(path); llvm::sys::path::append(path, LLDB_PYTHON_RELATIVE_LIBDIR); #if defined(_WIN32) // This will be injected directly through FileSpec.GetDirectory().SetString(), // so we need to normalize manually. std::replace(path.begin(), path.end(), '\\', '/'); #endif } FileSpec ScriptInterpreterPython::GetPythonDir() { static FileSpec g_spec = []() { FileSpec spec = HostInfo::GetShlibDir(); if (!spec) return FileSpec(); llvm::SmallString<64> path; spec.GetPath(path); #if defined(__APPLE__) ComputePythonDirForApple(path); #else ComputePythonDir(path); #endif spec.GetDirectory().SetString(path); return spec; }(); return g_spec; } lldb_private::ConstString ScriptInterpreterPython::GetPluginNameStatic() { static ConstString g_name("script-python"); return g_name; } const char *ScriptInterpreterPython::GetPluginDescriptionStatic() { return "Embedded Python interpreter"; } void ScriptInterpreterPython::Initialize() { static llvm::once_flag g_once_flag; llvm::call_once(g_once_flag, []() { PluginManager::RegisterPlugin(GetPluginNameStatic(), GetPluginDescriptionStatic(), lldb::eScriptLanguagePython, ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::CreateInstance); }); } void ScriptInterpreterPython::Terminate() {} ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::Locker::Locker( ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl *py_interpreter, uint16_t on_entry, uint16_t on_leave, FileSP in, FileSP out, FileSP err) : ScriptInterpreterLocker(), m_teardown_session((on_leave & TearDownSession) == TearDownSession), m_python_interpreter(py_interpreter) { DoAcquireLock(); if ((on_entry & InitSession) == InitSession) { if (!DoInitSession(on_entry, in, out, err)) { // Don't teardown the session if we didn't init it. m_teardown_session = false; } } } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::Locker::DoAcquireLock() { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_SCRIPT)); m_GILState = PyGILState_Ensure(); LLDB_LOGV(log, "Ensured PyGILState. Previous state = {0}locked", m_GILState == PyGILState_UNLOCKED ? "un" : ""); // we need to save the thread state when we first start the command because // we might decide to interrupt it while some action is taking place outside // of Python (e.g. printing to screen, waiting for the network, ...) in that // case, _PyThreadState_Current will be NULL - and we would be unable to set // the asynchronous exception - not a desirable situation m_python_interpreter->SetThreadState(PyThreadState_Get()); m_python_interpreter->IncrementLockCount(); return true; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::Locker::DoInitSession(uint16_t on_entry_flags, FileSP in, FileSP out, FileSP err) { if (!m_python_interpreter) return false; return m_python_interpreter->EnterSession(on_entry_flags, in, out, err); } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::Locker::DoFreeLock() { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_SCRIPT)); LLDB_LOGV(log, "Releasing PyGILState. Returning to state = {0}locked", m_GILState == PyGILState_UNLOCKED ? "un" : ""); PyGILState_Release(m_GILState); m_python_interpreter->DecrementLockCount(); return true; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::Locker::DoTearDownSession() { if (!m_python_interpreter) return false; m_python_interpreter->LeaveSession(); return true; } ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::Locker::~Locker() { if (m_teardown_session) DoTearDownSession(); DoFreeLock(); } ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl(Debugger &debugger) : ScriptInterpreterPython(debugger), m_saved_stdin(), m_saved_stdout(), m_saved_stderr(), m_main_module(), m_session_dict(PyInitialValue::Invalid), m_sys_module_dict(PyInitialValue::Invalid), m_run_one_line_function(), m_run_one_line_str_global(), m_dictionary_name(m_debugger.GetInstanceName().AsCString()), m_active_io_handler(eIOHandlerNone), m_session_is_active(false), m_pty_slave_is_open(false), m_valid_session(true), m_lock_count(0), m_command_thread_state(nullptr) { InitializePrivate(); m_dictionary_name.append("_dict"); StreamString run_string; run_string.Printf("%s = dict()", m_dictionary_name.c_str()); Locker locker(this, Locker::AcquireLock, Locker::FreeAcquiredLock); PyRun_SimpleString(run_string.GetData()); run_string.Clear(); run_string.Printf( "run_one_line (%s, 'import copy, keyword, os, re, sys, uuid, lldb')", m_dictionary_name.c_str()); PyRun_SimpleString(run_string.GetData()); // Reloading modules requires a different syntax in Python 2 and Python 3. // This provides a consistent syntax no matter what version of Python. run_string.Clear(); run_string.Printf("run_one_line (%s, 'from six.moves import reload_module')", m_dictionary_name.c_str()); PyRun_SimpleString(run_string.GetData()); // WARNING: temporary code that loads Cocoa formatters - this should be done // on a per-platform basis rather than loading the whole set and letting the // individual formatter classes exploit APIs to check whether they can/cannot // do their task run_string.Clear(); run_string.Printf( "run_one_line (%s, 'import lldb.formatters, lldb.formatters.cpp, pydoc')", m_dictionary_name.c_str()); PyRun_SimpleString(run_string.GetData()); run_string.Clear(); run_string.Printf("run_one_line (%s, 'import lldb.embedded_interpreter; from " "lldb.embedded_interpreter import run_python_interpreter; " "from lldb.embedded_interpreter import run_one_line')", m_dictionary_name.c_str()); PyRun_SimpleString(run_string.GetData()); run_string.Clear(); run_string.Printf("run_one_line (%s, 'lldb.debugger_unique_id = %" PRIu64 "; pydoc.pager = pydoc.plainpager')", m_dictionary_name.c_str(), m_debugger.GetID()); PyRun_SimpleString(run_string.GetData()); } ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::~ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl() { // the session dictionary may hold objects with complex state which means // that they may need to be torn down with some level of smarts and that, in // turn, requires a valid thread state force Python to procure itself such a // thread state, nuke the session dictionary and then release it for others // to use and proceed with the rest of the shutdown auto gil_state = PyGILState_Ensure(); m_session_dict.Reset(); PyGILState_Release(gil_state); } lldb_private::ConstString ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GetPluginName() { return GetPluginNameStatic(); } uint32_t ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GetPluginVersion() { return 1; } void ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::IOHandlerActivated(IOHandler &io_handler, bool interactive) { const char *instructions = nullptr; switch (m_active_io_handler) { case eIOHandlerNone: break; case eIOHandlerBreakpoint: instructions = R"(Enter your Python command(s). Type 'DONE' to end. def function (frame, bp_loc, internal_dict): """frame: the lldb.SBFrame for the location at which you stopped bp_loc: an lldb.SBBreakpointLocation for the breakpoint location information internal_dict: an LLDB support object not to be used""" )"; break; case eIOHandlerWatchpoint: instructions = "Enter your Python command(s). Type 'DONE' to end.\n"; break; } if (instructions) { StreamFileSP output_sp(io_handler.GetOutputStreamFileSP()); if (output_sp && interactive) { output_sp->PutCString(instructions); output_sp->Flush(); } } } void ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::IOHandlerInputComplete(IOHandler &io_handler, std::string &data) { io_handler.SetIsDone(true); bool batch_mode = m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetBatchCommandMode(); switch (m_active_io_handler) { case eIOHandlerNone: break; case eIOHandlerBreakpoint: { std::vector *bp_options_vec = (std::vector *)io_handler.GetUserData(); for (auto bp_options : *bp_options_vec) { if (!bp_options) continue; auto data_up = std::make_unique(); if (!data_up) break; data_up->user_source.SplitIntoLines(data); StructuredData::ObjectSP empty_args_sp; if (GenerateBreakpointCommandCallbackData(data_up->user_source, data_up->script_source, false) .Success()) { auto baton_sp = std::make_shared( std::move(data_up)); bp_options->SetCallback( ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::BreakpointCallbackFunction, baton_sp); } else if (!batch_mode) { StreamFileSP error_sp = io_handler.GetErrorStreamFileSP(); if (error_sp) { error_sp->Printf("Warning: No command attached to breakpoint.\n"); error_sp->Flush(); } } } m_active_io_handler = eIOHandlerNone; } break; case eIOHandlerWatchpoint: { WatchpointOptions *wp_options = (WatchpointOptions *)io_handler.GetUserData(); auto data_up = std::make_unique(); data_up->user_source.SplitIntoLines(data); if (GenerateWatchpointCommandCallbackData(data_up->user_source, data_up->script_source)) { auto baton_sp = std::make_shared(std::move(data_up)); wp_options->SetCallback( ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::WatchpointCallbackFunction, baton_sp); } else if (!batch_mode) { StreamFileSP error_sp = io_handler.GetErrorStreamFileSP(); if (error_sp) { error_sp->Printf("Warning: No command attached to breakpoint.\n"); error_sp->Flush(); } } m_active_io_handler = eIOHandlerNone; } break; } } lldb::ScriptInterpreterSP ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::CreateInstance(Debugger &debugger) { return std::make_shared(debugger); } void ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::LeaveSession() { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_SCRIPT)); if (log) log->PutCString("ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::LeaveSession()"); // Unset the LLDB global variables. PyRun_SimpleString("lldb.debugger = None; lldb.target = None; lldb.process " "= None; lldb.thread = None; lldb.frame = None"); // checking that we have a valid thread state - since we use our own // threading and locking in some (rare) cases during cleanup Python may end // up believing we have no thread state and PyImport_AddModule will crash if // that is the case - since that seems to only happen when destroying the // SBDebugger, we can make do without clearing up stdout and stderr // rdar://problem/11292882 // When the current thread state is NULL, PyThreadState_Get() issues a fatal // error. if (PyThreadState_GetDict()) { PythonDictionary &sys_module_dict = GetSysModuleDictionary(); if (sys_module_dict.IsValid()) { if (m_saved_stdin.IsValid()) { sys_module_dict.SetItemForKey(PythonString("stdin"), m_saved_stdin); m_saved_stdin.Reset(); } if (m_saved_stdout.IsValid()) { sys_module_dict.SetItemForKey(PythonString("stdout"), m_saved_stdout); m_saved_stdout.Reset(); } if (m_saved_stderr.IsValid()) { sys_module_dict.SetItemForKey(PythonString("stderr"), m_saved_stderr); m_saved_stderr.Reset(); } } } m_session_is_active = false; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::SetStdHandle(FileSP file_sp, const char *py_name, PythonObject &save_file, const char *mode) { if (!file_sp || !*file_sp) { save_file.Reset(); return false; } File &file = *file_sp; // Flush the file before giving it to python to avoid interleaved output. file.Flush(); PythonDictionary &sys_module_dict = GetSysModuleDictionary(); auto new_file = PythonFile::FromFile(file, mode); if (!new_file) { llvm::consumeError(new_file.takeError()); return false; } save_file = sys_module_dict.GetItemForKey(PythonString(py_name)); sys_module_dict.SetItemForKey(PythonString(py_name), new_file.get()); return true; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::EnterSession(uint16_t on_entry_flags, FileSP in_sp, FileSP out_sp, FileSP err_sp) { // If we have already entered the session, without having officially 'left' // it, then there is no need to 'enter' it again. Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_SCRIPT)); if (m_session_is_active) { LLDB_LOGF( log, "ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::EnterSession(on_entry_flags=0x%" PRIx16 ") session is already active, returning without doing anything", on_entry_flags); return false; } LLDB_LOGF( log, "ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::EnterSession(on_entry_flags=0x%" PRIx16 ")", on_entry_flags); m_session_is_active = true; StreamString run_string; if (on_entry_flags & Locker::InitGlobals) { run_string.Printf("run_one_line (%s, 'lldb.debugger_unique_id = %" PRIu64, m_dictionary_name.c_str(), m_debugger.GetID()); run_string.Printf( "; lldb.debugger = lldb.SBDebugger.FindDebuggerWithID (%" PRIu64 ")", m_debugger.GetID()); run_string.PutCString("; lldb.target = lldb.debugger.GetSelectedTarget()"); run_string.PutCString("; lldb.process = lldb.target.GetProcess()"); run_string.PutCString("; lldb.thread = lldb.process.GetSelectedThread ()"); run_string.PutCString("; lldb.frame = lldb.thread.GetSelectedFrame ()"); run_string.PutCString("')"); } else { // If we aren't initing the globals, we should still always set the // debugger (since that is always unique.) run_string.Printf("run_one_line (%s, 'lldb.debugger_unique_id = %" PRIu64, m_dictionary_name.c_str(), m_debugger.GetID()); run_string.Printf( "; lldb.debugger = lldb.SBDebugger.FindDebuggerWithID (%" PRIu64 ")", m_debugger.GetID()); run_string.PutCString("')"); } PyRun_SimpleString(run_string.GetData()); run_string.Clear(); PythonDictionary &sys_module_dict = GetSysModuleDictionary(); if (sys_module_dict.IsValid()) { lldb::FileSP top_in_sp; lldb::StreamFileSP top_out_sp, top_err_sp; if (!in_sp || !out_sp || !err_sp || !*in_sp || !*out_sp || !*err_sp) m_debugger.AdoptTopIOHandlerFilesIfInvalid(top_in_sp, top_out_sp, top_err_sp); if (on_entry_flags & Locker::NoSTDIN) { m_saved_stdin.Reset(); } else { if (!SetStdHandle(in_sp, "stdin", m_saved_stdin, "r")) { if (top_in_sp) SetStdHandle(top_in_sp, "stdin", m_saved_stdin, "r"); } } if (!SetStdHandle(out_sp, "stdout", m_saved_stdout, "w")) { if (top_out_sp) SetStdHandle(top_out_sp->GetFileSP(), "stdout", m_saved_stdout, "w"); } if (!SetStdHandle(err_sp, "stderr", m_saved_stderr, "w")) { if (top_err_sp) SetStdHandle(top_err_sp->GetFileSP(), "stderr", m_saved_stderr, "w"); } } if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); return true; } PythonModule &ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GetMainModule() { if (!m_main_module.IsValid()) m_main_module = unwrapIgnoringErrors(PythonModule::Import("__main__")); return m_main_module; } PythonDictionary &ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GetSessionDictionary() { if (m_session_dict.IsValid()) return m_session_dict; PythonObject &main_module = GetMainModule(); if (!main_module.IsValid()) return m_session_dict; PythonDictionary main_dict(PyRefType::Borrowed, PyModule_GetDict(main_module.get())); if (!main_dict.IsValid()) return m_session_dict; m_session_dict = unwrapIgnoringErrors( As(main_dict.GetItem(m_dictionary_name))); return m_session_dict; } PythonDictionary &ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GetSysModuleDictionary() { if (m_sys_module_dict.IsValid()) return m_sys_module_dict; PythonModule sys_module = unwrapIgnoringErrors(PythonModule::Import("sys")); m_sys_module_dict = sys_module.GetDictionary(); return m_sys_module_dict; } llvm::Expected ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GetMaxPositionalArgumentsForCallable( const llvm::StringRef &callable_name) { if (callable_name.empty()) { return llvm::createStringError( llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(), "called with empty callable name."); } Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); auto dict = PythonModule::MainModule() .ResolveName(m_dictionary_name); auto pfunc = PythonObject::ResolveNameWithDictionary( callable_name, dict); if (!pfunc.IsAllocated()) { return llvm::createStringError( llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(), "can't find callable: %s", callable_name.str().c_str()); } llvm::Expected arg_info = pfunc.GetArgInfo(); if (!arg_info) return arg_info.takeError(); return arg_info.get().max_positional_args; } static std::string GenerateUniqueName(const char *base_name_wanted, uint32_t &functions_counter, const void *name_token = nullptr) { StreamString sstr; if (!base_name_wanted) return std::string(); if (!name_token) sstr.Printf("%s_%d", base_name_wanted, functions_counter++); else sstr.Printf("%s_%p", base_name_wanted, name_token); return sstr.GetString(); } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GetEmbeddedInterpreterModuleObjects() { if (m_run_one_line_function.IsValid()) return true; PythonObject module(PyRefType::Borrowed, PyImport_AddModule("lldb.embedded_interpreter")); if (!module.IsValid()) return false; PythonDictionary module_dict(PyRefType::Borrowed, PyModule_GetDict(module.get())); if (!module_dict.IsValid()) return false; m_run_one_line_function = module_dict.GetItemForKey(PythonString("run_one_line")); m_run_one_line_str_global = module_dict.GetItemForKey(PythonString("g_run_one_line_str")); return m_run_one_line_function.IsValid(); } static void ReadThreadBytesReceived(void *baton, const void *src, size_t src_len) { if (src && src_len) { Stream *strm = (Stream *)baton; strm->Write(src, src_len); strm->Flush(); } } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::ExecuteOneLine( llvm::StringRef command, CommandReturnObject *result, const ExecuteScriptOptions &options) { std::string command_str = command.str(); if (!m_valid_session) return false; if (!command.empty()) { // We want to call run_one_line, passing in the dictionary and the command // string. We cannot do this through PyRun_SimpleString here because the // command string may contain escaped characters, and putting it inside // another string to pass to PyRun_SimpleString messes up the escaping. So // we use the following more complicated method to pass the command string // directly down to Python. Debugger &debugger = m_debugger; FileSP input_file_sp; StreamFileSP output_file_sp; StreamFileSP error_file_sp; Communication output_comm( "lldb.ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl.ExecuteOneLine.comm"); bool join_read_thread = false; if (options.GetEnableIO()) { if (result) { input_file_sp = debugger.GetInputFileSP(); // Set output to a temporary file so we can forward the results on to // the result object Pipe pipe; Status pipe_result = pipe.CreateNew(false); if (pipe_result.Success()) { #if defined(_WIN32) lldb::file_t read_file = pipe.GetReadNativeHandle(); pipe.ReleaseReadFileDescriptor(); std::unique_ptr conn_up( new ConnectionGenericFile(read_file, true)); #else std::unique_ptr conn_up( new ConnectionFileDescriptor(pipe.ReleaseReadFileDescriptor(), true)); #endif if (conn_up->IsConnected()) { output_comm.SetConnection(conn_up.release()); output_comm.SetReadThreadBytesReceivedCallback( ReadThreadBytesReceived, &result->GetOutputStream()); output_comm.StartReadThread(); join_read_thread = true; FILE *outfile_handle = fdopen(pipe.ReleaseWriteFileDescriptor(), "w"); output_file_sp = std::make_shared(outfile_handle, true); error_file_sp = output_file_sp; if (outfile_handle) ::setbuf(outfile_handle, nullptr); result->SetImmediateOutputFile( debugger.GetOutputStream().GetFileSP()); result->SetImmediateErrorFile( debugger.GetErrorStream().GetFileSP()); } } } if (!input_file_sp || !output_file_sp || !error_file_sp) debugger.AdoptTopIOHandlerFilesIfInvalid(input_file_sp, output_file_sp, error_file_sp); } else { auto nullin = FileSystem::Instance().Open( FileSpec(FileSystem::DEV_NULL), File::eOpenOptionRead); auto nullout = FileSystem::Instance().Open( FileSpec(FileSystem::DEV_NULL), File::eOpenOptionWrite); if (!nullin) { result->AppendErrorWithFormatv("failed to open /dev/null: {0}\n", llvm::fmt_consume(nullin.takeError())); return false; } if (!nullout) { result->AppendErrorWithFormatv("failed to open /dev/null: {0}\n", llvm::fmt_consume(nullout.takeError())); return false; } input_file_sp = std::move(nullin.get()); error_file_sp = output_file_sp = std::make_shared(std::move(nullout.get())); } bool success = false; { // WARNING! It's imperative that this RAII scope be as tight as // possible. In particular, the scope must end *before* we try to join // the read thread. The reason for this is that a pre-requisite for // joining the read thread is that we close the write handle (to break // the pipe and cause it to wake up and exit). But acquiring the GIL as // below will redirect Python's stdio to use this same handle. If we // close the handle while Python is still using it, bad things will // happen. Locker locker( this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | (options.GetSetLLDBGlobals() ? Locker::InitGlobals : 0) | ((result && result->GetInteractive()) ? 0 : Locker::NoSTDIN), Locker::FreeAcquiredLock | Locker::TearDownSession, input_file_sp, output_file_sp->GetFileSP(), error_file_sp->GetFileSP()); // Find the correct script interpreter dictionary in the main module. PythonDictionary &session_dict = GetSessionDictionary(); if (session_dict.IsValid()) { if (GetEmbeddedInterpreterModuleObjects()) { if (PyCallable_Check(m_run_one_line_function.get())) { PythonObject pargs( PyRefType::Owned, Py_BuildValue("(Os)", session_dict.get(), command_str.c_str())); if (pargs.IsValid()) { PythonObject return_value( PyRefType::Owned, PyObject_CallObject(m_run_one_line_function.get(), pargs.get())); if (return_value.IsValid()) success = true; else if (options.GetMaskoutErrors() && PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_Clear(); } } } } } // Flush our output and error file handles output_file_sp->Flush(); error_file_sp->Flush(); } if (join_read_thread) { // Close the write end of the pipe since we are done with our one line // script. This should cause the read thread that output_comm is using to // exit output_file_sp->GetFile().Close(); // The close above should cause this thread to exit when it gets to the // end of file, so let it get all its data output_comm.JoinReadThread(); // Now we can close the read end of the pipe output_comm.Disconnect(); } if (success) return true; // The one-liner failed. Append the error message. if (result) { result->AppendErrorWithFormat( "python failed attempting to evaluate '%s'\n", command_str.c_str()); } return false; } if (result) result->AppendError("empty command passed to python\n"); return false; } void ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::ExecuteInterpreterLoop() { static Timer::Category func_cat(LLVM_PRETTY_FUNCTION); Timer scoped_timer(func_cat, LLVM_PRETTY_FUNCTION); Debugger &debugger = m_debugger; // At the moment, the only time the debugger does not have an input file // handle is when this is called directly from Python, in which case it is // both dangerous and unnecessary (not to mention confusing) to try to embed // a running interpreter loop inside the already running Python interpreter // loop, so we won't do it. if (!debugger.GetInputFile().IsValid()) return; IOHandlerSP io_handler_sp(new IOHandlerPythonInterpreter(debugger, this)); if (io_handler_sp) { debugger.PushIOHandler(io_handler_sp); } } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::Interrupt() { Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_SCRIPT)); if (IsExecutingPython()) { PyThreadState *state = PyThreadState_GET(); if (!state) state = GetThreadState(); if (state) { long tid = state->thread_id; PyThreadState_Swap(state); int num_threads = PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(tid, PyExc_KeyboardInterrupt); LLDB_LOGF(log, "ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::Interrupt() sending " "PyExc_KeyboardInterrupt (tid = %li, num_threads = %i)...", tid, num_threads); return true; } } LLDB_LOGF(log, "ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::Interrupt() python code not running, " "can't interrupt"); return false; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::ExecuteOneLineWithReturn( llvm::StringRef in_string, ScriptInterpreter::ScriptReturnType return_type, void *ret_value, const ExecuteScriptOptions &options) { Locker locker(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | (options.GetSetLLDBGlobals() ? Locker::InitGlobals : 0) | Locker::NoSTDIN, Locker::FreeAcquiredLock | Locker::TearDownSession); PythonModule &main_module = GetMainModule(); PythonDictionary globals = main_module.GetDictionary(); PythonDictionary locals = GetSessionDictionary(); if (!locals.IsValid()) locals = unwrapIgnoringErrors( As(globals.GetAttribute(m_dictionary_name))); if (!locals.IsValid()) locals = globals; Expected maybe_py_return = runStringOneLine(in_string, globals, locals); if (!maybe_py_return) { llvm::handleAllErrors( maybe_py_return.takeError(), [&](PythonException &E) { E.Restore(); if (options.GetMaskoutErrors()) { if (E.Matches(PyExc_SyntaxError)) { PyErr_Print(); } PyErr_Clear(); } }, [](const llvm::ErrorInfoBase &E) {}); return false; } PythonObject py_return = std::move(maybe_py_return.get()); assert(py_return.IsValid()); switch (return_type) { case eScriptReturnTypeCharPtr: // "char *" { const char format[3] = "s#"; return PyArg_Parse(py_return.get(), format, (char **)ret_value); } case eScriptReturnTypeCharStrOrNone: // char* or NULL if py_return == // Py_None { const char format[3] = "z"; return PyArg_Parse(py_return.get(), format, (char **)ret_value); } case eScriptReturnTypeBool: { const char format[2] = "b"; return PyArg_Parse(py_return.get(), format, (bool *)ret_value); } case eScriptReturnTypeShortInt: { const char format[2] = "h"; return PyArg_Parse(py_return.get(), format, (short *)ret_value); } case eScriptReturnTypeShortIntUnsigned: { const char format[2] = "H"; return PyArg_Parse(py_return.get(), format, (unsigned short *)ret_value); } case eScriptReturnTypeInt: { const char format[2] = "i"; return PyArg_Parse(py_return.get(), format, (int *)ret_value); } case eScriptReturnTypeIntUnsigned: { const char format[2] = "I"; return PyArg_Parse(py_return.get(), format, (unsigned int *)ret_value); } case eScriptReturnTypeLongInt: { const char format[2] = "l"; return PyArg_Parse(py_return.get(), format, (long *)ret_value); } case eScriptReturnTypeLongIntUnsigned: { const char format[2] = "k"; return PyArg_Parse(py_return.get(), format, (unsigned long *)ret_value); } case eScriptReturnTypeLongLong: { const char format[2] = "L"; return PyArg_Parse(py_return.get(), format, (long long *)ret_value); } case eScriptReturnTypeLongLongUnsigned: { const char format[2] = "K"; return PyArg_Parse(py_return.get(), format, (unsigned long long *)ret_value); } case eScriptReturnTypeFloat: { const char format[2] = "f"; return PyArg_Parse(py_return.get(), format, (float *)ret_value); } case eScriptReturnTypeDouble: { const char format[2] = "d"; return PyArg_Parse(py_return.get(), format, (double *)ret_value); } case eScriptReturnTypeChar: { const char format[2] = "c"; return PyArg_Parse(py_return.get(), format, (char *)ret_value); } case eScriptReturnTypeOpaqueObject: { *((PyObject **)ret_value) = py_return.release(); return true; } } llvm_unreachable("Fully covered switch!"); } Status ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::ExecuteMultipleLines( const char *in_string, const ExecuteScriptOptions &options) { if (in_string == nullptr) return Status(); Locker locker(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | (options.GetSetLLDBGlobals() ? Locker::InitGlobals : 0) | Locker::NoSTDIN, Locker::FreeAcquiredLock | Locker::TearDownSession); PythonModule &main_module = GetMainModule(); PythonDictionary globals = main_module.GetDictionary(); PythonDictionary locals = GetSessionDictionary(); if (!locals.IsValid()) locals = unwrapIgnoringErrors( As(globals.GetAttribute(m_dictionary_name))); if (!locals.IsValid()) locals = globals; Expected return_value = runStringMultiLine(in_string, globals, locals); if (!return_value) { llvm::Error error = llvm::handleErrors(return_value.takeError(), [&](PythonException &E) { llvm::Error error = llvm::createStringError( llvm::inconvertibleErrorCode(), E.ReadBacktrace()); if (!options.GetMaskoutErrors()) E.Restore(); return error; }); return Status(std::move(error)); } return Status(); } void ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::CollectDataForBreakpointCommandCallback( std::vector &bp_options_vec, CommandReturnObject &result) { m_active_io_handler = eIOHandlerBreakpoint; m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetPythonCommandsFromIOHandler( " ", *this, &bp_options_vec); } void ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::CollectDataForWatchpointCommandCallback( WatchpointOptions *wp_options, CommandReturnObject &result) { m_active_io_handler = eIOHandlerWatchpoint; m_debugger.GetCommandInterpreter().GetPythonCommandsFromIOHandler( " ", *this, wp_options); } Status ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::SetBreakpointCommandCallbackFunction( BreakpointOptions *bp_options, const char *function_name, StructuredData::ObjectSP extra_args_sp) { Status error; // For now just cons up a oneliner that calls the provided function. std::string oneliner("return "); oneliner += function_name; llvm::Expected maybe_args = GetMaxPositionalArgumentsForCallable(function_name); if (!maybe_args) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "could not get num args: %s", llvm::toString(maybe_args.takeError()).c_str()); return error; } size_t max_args = *maybe_args; bool uses_extra_args = false; if (max_args >= 4) { uses_extra_args = true; oneliner += "(frame, bp_loc, extra_args, internal_dict)"; } else if (max_args >= 3) { if (extra_args_sp) { error.SetErrorString("cannot pass extra_args to a three argument callback" ); return error; } uses_extra_args = false; oneliner += "(frame, bp_loc, internal_dict)"; } else { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("expected 3 or 4 argument " "function, %s can only take %zu", function_name, max_args); return error; } SetBreakpointCommandCallback(bp_options, oneliner.c_str(), extra_args_sp, uses_extra_args); return error; } Status ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::SetBreakpointCommandCallback( BreakpointOptions *bp_options, std::unique_ptr &cmd_data_up) { Status error; error = GenerateBreakpointCommandCallbackData(cmd_data_up->user_source, cmd_data_up->script_source, false); if (error.Fail()) { return error; } auto baton_sp = std::make_shared(std::move(cmd_data_up)); bp_options->SetCallback( ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::BreakpointCallbackFunction, baton_sp); return error; } Status ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::SetBreakpointCommandCallback( BreakpointOptions *bp_options, const char *command_body_text) { return SetBreakpointCommandCallback(bp_options, command_body_text, {},false); } // Set a Python one-liner as the callback for the breakpoint. Status ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::SetBreakpointCommandCallback( BreakpointOptions *bp_options, const char *command_body_text, StructuredData::ObjectSP extra_args_sp, bool uses_extra_args) { auto data_up = std::make_unique(extra_args_sp); // Split the command_body_text into lines, and pass that to // GenerateBreakpointCommandCallbackData. That will wrap the body in an // auto-generated function, and return the function name in script_source. // That is what the callback will actually invoke. data_up->user_source.SplitIntoLines(command_body_text); Status error = GenerateBreakpointCommandCallbackData(data_up->user_source, data_up->script_source, uses_extra_args); if (error.Success()) { auto baton_sp = std::make_shared(std::move(data_up)); bp_options->SetCallback( ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::BreakpointCallbackFunction, baton_sp); return error; } else return error; } // Set a Python one-liner as the callback for the watchpoint. void ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::SetWatchpointCommandCallback( WatchpointOptions *wp_options, const char *oneliner) { auto data_up = std::make_unique(); // It's necessary to set both user_source and script_source to the oneliner. // The former is used to generate callback description (as in watchpoint // command list) while the latter is used for Python to interpret during the // actual callback. data_up->user_source.AppendString(oneliner); data_up->script_source.assign(oneliner); if (GenerateWatchpointCommandCallbackData(data_up->user_source, data_up->script_source)) { auto baton_sp = std::make_shared(std::move(data_up)); wp_options->SetCallback( ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::WatchpointCallbackFunction, baton_sp); } return; } Status ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::ExportFunctionDefinitionToInterpreter( StringList &function_def) { // Convert StringList to one long, newline delimited, const char *. std::string function_def_string(function_def.CopyList()); Status error = ExecuteMultipleLines( function_def_string.c_str(), ScriptInterpreter::ExecuteScriptOptions().SetEnableIO(false)); return error; } Status ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GenerateFunction(const char *signature, const StringList &input) { Status error; int num_lines = input.GetSize(); if (num_lines == 0) { error.SetErrorString("No input data."); return error; } if (!signature || *signature == 0) { error.SetErrorString("No output function name."); return error; } StreamString sstr; StringList auto_generated_function; auto_generated_function.AppendString(signature); auto_generated_function.AppendString( " global_dict = globals()"); // Grab the global dictionary auto_generated_function.AppendString( " new_keys = internal_dict.keys()"); // Make a list of keys in the // session dict auto_generated_function.AppendString( " old_keys = global_dict.keys()"); // Save list of keys in global dict auto_generated_function.AppendString( " global_dict.update (internal_dict)"); // Add the session dictionary // to the // global dictionary. // Wrap everything up inside the function, increasing the indentation. auto_generated_function.AppendString(" if True:"); for (int i = 0; i < num_lines; ++i) { sstr.Clear(); sstr.Printf(" %s", input.GetStringAtIndex(i)); auto_generated_function.AppendString(sstr.GetData()); } auto_generated_function.AppendString( " for key in new_keys:"); // Iterate over all the keys from session // dict auto_generated_function.AppendString( " internal_dict[key] = global_dict[key]"); // Update session dict // values auto_generated_function.AppendString( " if key not in old_keys:"); // If key was not originally in // global dict auto_generated_function.AppendString( " del global_dict[key]"); // ...then remove key/value from // global dict // Verify that the results are valid Python. error = ExportFunctionDefinitionToInterpreter(auto_generated_function); return error; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GenerateTypeScriptFunction( StringList &user_input, std::string &output, const void *name_token) { static uint32_t num_created_functions = 0; user_input.RemoveBlankLines(); StreamString sstr; // Check to see if we have any data; if not, just return. if (user_input.GetSize() == 0) return false; // Take what the user wrote, wrap it all up inside one big auto-generated // Python function, passing in the ValueObject as parameter to the function. std::string auto_generated_function_name( GenerateUniqueName("lldb_autogen_python_type_print_func", num_created_functions, name_token)); sstr.Printf("def %s (valobj, internal_dict):", auto_generated_function_name.c_str()); if (!GenerateFunction(sstr.GetData(), user_input).Success()) return false; // Store the name of the auto-generated function to be called. output.assign(auto_generated_function_name); return true; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GenerateScriptAliasFunction( StringList &user_input, std::string &output) { static uint32_t num_created_functions = 0; user_input.RemoveBlankLines(); StreamString sstr; // Check to see if we have any data; if not, just return. if (user_input.GetSize() == 0) return false; std::string auto_generated_function_name(GenerateUniqueName( "lldb_autogen_python_cmd_alias_func", num_created_functions)); sstr.Printf("def %s (debugger, args, result, internal_dict):", auto_generated_function_name.c_str()); if (!GenerateFunction(sstr.GetData(), user_input).Success()) return false; // Store the name of the auto-generated function to be called. output.assign(auto_generated_function_name); return true; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GenerateTypeSynthClass( StringList &user_input, std::string &output, const void *name_token) { static uint32_t num_created_classes = 0; user_input.RemoveBlankLines(); int num_lines = user_input.GetSize(); StreamString sstr; // Check to see if we have any data; if not, just return. if (user_input.GetSize() == 0) return false; // Wrap all user input into a Python class std::string auto_generated_class_name(GenerateUniqueName( "lldb_autogen_python_type_synth_class", num_created_classes, name_token)); StringList auto_generated_class; // Create the function name & definition string. sstr.Printf("class %s:", auto_generated_class_name.c_str()); auto_generated_class.AppendString(sstr.GetString()); // Wrap everything up inside the class, increasing the indentation. we don't // need to play any fancy indentation tricks here because there is no // surrounding code whose indentation we need to honor for (int i = 0; i < num_lines; ++i) { sstr.Clear(); sstr.Printf(" %s", user_input.GetStringAtIndex(i)); auto_generated_class.AppendString(sstr.GetString()); } // Verify that the results are valid Python. (even though the method is // ExportFunctionDefinitionToInterpreter, a class will actually be exported) // (TODO: rename that method to ExportDefinitionToInterpreter) if (!ExportFunctionDefinitionToInterpreter(auto_generated_class).Success()) return false; // Store the name of the auto-generated class output.assign(auto_generated_class_name); return true; } StructuredData::GenericSP ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::CreateFrameRecognizer(const char *class_name) { if (class_name == nullptr || class_name[0] == '\0') return StructuredData::GenericSP(); void *ret_val; { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::NoSTDIN, Locker::FreeLock); ret_val = LLDBSWIGPython_CreateFrameRecognizer(class_name, m_dictionary_name.c_str()); } return StructuredData::GenericSP(new StructuredPythonObject(ret_val)); } lldb::ValueObjectListSP ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GetRecognizedArguments( const StructuredData::ObjectSP &os_plugin_object_sp, lldb::StackFrameSP frame_sp) { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::NoSTDIN, Locker::FreeLock); if (!os_plugin_object_sp) return ValueObjectListSP(); StructuredData::Generic *generic = os_plugin_object_sp->GetAsGeneric(); if (!generic) return nullptr; PythonObject implementor(PyRefType::Borrowed, (PyObject *)generic->GetValue()); if (!implementor.IsAllocated()) return ValueObjectListSP(); PythonObject py_return(PyRefType::Owned, (PyObject *)LLDBSwigPython_GetRecognizedArguments( implementor.get(), frame_sp)); // if it fails, print the error but otherwise go on if (PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_Clear(); } if (py_return.get()) { PythonList result_list(PyRefType::Borrowed, py_return.get()); ValueObjectListSP result = ValueObjectListSP(new ValueObjectList()); for (size_t i = 0; i < result_list.GetSize(); i++) { PyObject *item = result_list.GetItemAtIndex(i).get(); lldb::SBValue *sb_value_ptr = (lldb::SBValue *)LLDBSWIGPython_CastPyObjectToSBValue(item); auto valobj_sp = LLDBSWIGPython_GetValueObjectSPFromSBValue(sb_value_ptr); if (valobj_sp) result->Append(valobj_sp); } return result; } return ValueObjectListSP(); } StructuredData::GenericSP ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::OSPlugin_CreatePluginObject( const char *class_name, lldb::ProcessSP process_sp) { if (class_name == nullptr || class_name[0] == '\0') return StructuredData::GenericSP(); if (!process_sp) return StructuredData::GenericSP(); void *ret_val; { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::NoSTDIN, Locker::FreeLock); ret_val = LLDBSWIGPythonCreateOSPlugin( class_name, m_dictionary_name.c_str(), process_sp); } return StructuredData::GenericSP(new StructuredPythonObject(ret_val)); } StructuredData::DictionarySP ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::OSPlugin_RegisterInfo( StructuredData::ObjectSP os_plugin_object_sp) { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::NoSTDIN, Locker::FreeLock); static char callee_name[] = "get_register_info"; if (!os_plugin_object_sp) return StructuredData::DictionarySP(); StructuredData::Generic *generic = os_plugin_object_sp->GetAsGeneric(); if (!generic) return nullptr; PythonObject implementor(PyRefType::Borrowed, (PyObject *)generic->GetValue()); if (!implementor.IsAllocated()) return StructuredData::DictionarySP(); PythonObject pmeth(PyRefType::Owned, PyObject_GetAttrString(implementor.get(), callee_name)); if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); if (!pmeth.IsAllocated()) return StructuredData::DictionarySP(); if (PyCallable_Check(pmeth.get()) == 0) { if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); return StructuredData::DictionarySP(); } if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); // right now we know this function exists and is callable.. PythonObject py_return( PyRefType::Owned, PyObject_CallMethod(implementor.get(), callee_name, nullptr)); // if it fails, print the error but otherwise go on if (PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_Clear(); } if (py_return.get()) { PythonDictionary result_dict(PyRefType::Borrowed, py_return.get()); return result_dict.CreateStructuredDictionary(); } return StructuredData::DictionarySP(); } StructuredData::ArraySP ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::OSPlugin_ThreadsInfo( StructuredData::ObjectSP os_plugin_object_sp) { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::NoSTDIN, Locker::FreeLock); static char callee_name[] = "get_thread_info"; if (!os_plugin_object_sp) return StructuredData::ArraySP(); StructuredData::Generic *generic = os_plugin_object_sp->GetAsGeneric(); if (!generic) return nullptr; PythonObject implementor(PyRefType::Borrowed, (PyObject *)generic->GetValue()); if (!implementor.IsAllocated()) return StructuredData::ArraySP(); PythonObject pmeth(PyRefType::Owned, PyObject_GetAttrString(implementor.get(), callee_name)); if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); if (!pmeth.IsAllocated()) return StructuredData::ArraySP(); if (PyCallable_Check(pmeth.get()) == 0) { if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); return StructuredData::ArraySP(); } if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); // right now we know this function exists and is callable.. PythonObject py_return( PyRefType::Owned, PyObject_CallMethod(implementor.get(), callee_name, nullptr)); // if it fails, print the error but otherwise go on if (PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_Clear(); } if (py_return.get()) { PythonList result_list(PyRefType::Borrowed, py_return.get()); return result_list.CreateStructuredArray(); } return StructuredData::ArraySP(); } // GetPythonValueFormatString provides a system independent type safe way to // convert a variable's type into a python value format. Python value formats // are defined in terms of builtin C types and could change from system to as // the underlying typedef for uint* types, size_t, off_t and other values // change. template const char *GetPythonValueFormatString(T t); template <> const char *GetPythonValueFormatString(char *) { return "s"; } template <> const char *GetPythonValueFormatString(char) { return "b"; } template <> const char *GetPythonValueFormatString(unsigned char) { return "B"; } template <> const char *GetPythonValueFormatString(short) { return "h"; } template <> const char *GetPythonValueFormatString(unsigned short) { return "H"; } template <> const char *GetPythonValueFormatString(int) { return "i"; } template <> const char *GetPythonValueFormatString(unsigned int) { return "I"; } template <> const char *GetPythonValueFormatString(long) { return "l"; } template <> const char *GetPythonValueFormatString(unsigned long) { return "k"; } template <> const char *GetPythonValueFormatString(long long) { return "L"; } template <> const char *GetPythonValueFormatString(unsigned long long) { return "K"; } template <> const char *GetPythonValueFormatString(float t) { return "f"; } template <> const char *GetPythonValueFormatString(double t) { return "d"; } StructuredData::StringSP ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::OSPlugin_RegisterContextData( StructuredData::ObjectSP os_plugin_object_sp, lldb::tid_t tid) { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::NoSTDIN, Locker::FreeLock); static char callee_name[] = "get_register_data"; static char *param_format = const_cast(GetPythonValueFormatString(tid)); if (!os_plugin_object_sp) return StructuredData::StringSP(); StructuredData::Generic *generic = os_plugin_object_sp->GetAsGeneric(); if (!generic) return nullptr; PythonObject implementor(PyRefType::Borrowed, (PyObject *)generic->GetValue()); if (!implementor.IsAllocated()) return StructuredData::StringSP(); PythonObject pmeth(PyRefType::Owned, PyObject_GetAttrString(implementor.get(), callee_name)); if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); if (!pmeth.IsAllocated()) return StructuredData::StringSP(); if (PyCallable_Check(pmeth.get()) == 0) { if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); return StructuredData::StringSP(); } if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); // right now we know this function exists and is callable.. PythonObject py_return( PyRefType::Owned, PyObject_CallMethod(implementor.get(), callee_name, param_format, tid)); // if it fails, print the error but otherwise go on if (PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_Clear(); } if (py_return.get()) { PythonBytes result(PyRefType::Borrowed, py_return.get()); return result.CreateStructuredString(); } return StructuredData::StringSP(); } StructuredData::DictionarySP ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::OSPlugin_CreateThread( StructuredData::ObjectSP os_plugin_object_sp, lldb::tid_t tid, lldb::addr_t context) { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::NoSTDIN, Locker::FreeLock); static char callee_name[] = "create_thread"; std::string param_format; param_format += GetPythonValueFormatString(tid); param_format += GetPythonValueFormatString(context); if (!os_plugin_object_sp) return StructuredData::DictionarySP(); StructuredData::Generic *generic = os_plugin_object_sp->GetAsGeneric(); if (!generic) return nullptr; PythonObject implementor(PyRefType::Borrowed, (PyObject *)generic->GetValue()); if (!implementor.IsAllocated()) return StructuredData::DictionarySP(); PythonObject pmeth(PyRefType::Owned, PyObject_GetAttrString(implementor.get(), callee_name)); if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); if (!pmeth.IsAllocated()) return StructuredData::DictionarySP(); if (PyCallable_Check(pmeth.get()) == 0) { if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); return StructuredData::DictionarySP(); } if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); // right now we know this function exists and is callable.. PythonObject py_return(PyRefType::Owned, PyObject_CallMethod(implementor.get(), callee_name, ¶m_format[0], tid, context)); // if it fails, print the error but otherwise go on if (PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_Clear(); } if (py_return.get()) { PythonDictionary result_dict(PyRefType::Borrowed, py_return.get()); return result_dict.CreateStructuredDictionary(); } return StructuredData::DictionarySP(); } StructuredData::ObjectSP ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::CreateScriptedThreadPlan( const char *class_name, StructuredDataImpl *args_data, std::string &error_str, lldb::ThreadPlanSP thread_plan_sp) { if (class_name == nullptr || class_name[0] == '\0') return StructuredData::ObjectSP(); if (!thread_plan_sp.get()) return {}; Debugger &debugger = thread_plan_sp->GetTarget().GetDebugger(); ScriptInterpreter *script_interpreter = debugger.GetScriptInterpreter(); ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl *python_interpreter = static_cast(script_interpreter); if (!script_interpreter) return {}; void *ret_val; { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); ret_val = LLDBSwigPythonCreateScriptedThreadPlan( class_name, python_interpreter->m_dictionary_name.c_str(), args_data, error_str, thread_plan_sp); if (!ret_val) return {}; } return StructuredData::ObjectSP(new StructuredPythonObject(ret_val)); } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::ScriptedThreadPlanExplainsStop( StructuredData::ObjectSP implementor_sp, Event *event, bool &script_error) { bool explains_stop = true; StructuredData::Generic *generic = nullptr; if (implementor_sp) generic = implementor_sp->GetAsGeneric(); if (generic) { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); explains_stop = LLDBSWIGPythonCallThreadPlan( generic->GetValue(), "explains_stop", event, script_error); if (script_error) return true; } return explains_stop; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::ScriptedThreadPlanShouldStop( StructuredData::ObjectSP implementor_sp, Event *event, bool &script_error) { bool should_stop = true; StructuredData::Generic *generic = nullptr; if (implementor_sp) generic = implementor_sp->GetAsGeneric(); if (generic) { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); should_stop = LLDBSWIGPythonCallThreadPlan( generic->GetValue(), "should_stop", event, script_error); if (script_error) return true; } return should_stop; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::ScriptedThreadPlanIsStale( StructuredData::ObjectSP implementor_sp, bool &script_error) { bool is_stale = true; StructuredData::Generic *generic = nullptr; if (implementor_sp) generic = implementor_sp->GetAsGeneric(); if (generic) { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); is_stale = LLDBSWIGPythonCallThreadPlan(generic->GetValue(), "is_stale", nullptr, script_error); if (script_error) return true; } return is_stale; } lldb::StateType ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::ScriptedThreadPlanGetRunState( StructuredData::ObjectSP implementor_sp, bool &script_error) { bool should_step = false; StructuredData::Generic *generic = nullptr; if (implementor_sp) generic = implementor_sp->GetAsGeneric(); if (generic) { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); should_step = LLDBSWIGPythonCallThreadPlan( generic->GetValue(), "should_step", nullptr, script_error); if (script_error) should_step = true; } if (should_step) return lldb::eStateStepping; else return lldb::eStateRunning; } StructuredData::GenericSP ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::CreateScriptedBreakpointResolver( const char *class_name, StructuredDataImpl *args_data, lldb::BreakpointSP &bkpt_sp) { if (class_name == nullptr || class_name[0] == '\0') return StructuredData::GenericSP(); if (!bkpt_sp.get()) return StructuredData::GenericSP(); Debugger &debugger = bkpt_sp->GetTarget().GetDebugger(); ScriptInterpreter *script_interpreter = debugger.GetScriptInterpreter(); ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl *python_interpreter = static_cast(script_interpreter); if (!script_interpreter) return StructuredData::GenericSP(); void *ret_val; { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); ret_val = LLDBSwigPythonCreateScriptedBreakpointResolver( class_name, python_interpreter->m_dictionary_name.c_str(), args_data, bkpt_sp); } return StructuredData::GenericSP(new StructuredPythonObject(ret_val)); } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::ScriptedBreakpointResolverSearchCallback( StructuredData::GenericSP implementor_sp, SymbolContext *sym_ctx) { bool should_continue = false; if (implementor_sp) { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); should_continue = LLDBSwigPythonCallBreakpointResolver( implementor_sp->GetValue(), "__callback__", sym_ctx); if (PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_Clear(); } } return should_continue; } lldb::SearchDepth ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::ScriptedBreakpointResolverSearchDepth( StructuredData::GenericSP implementor_sp) { int depth_as_int = lldb::eSearchDepthModule; if (implementor_sp) { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); depth_as_int = LLDBSwigPythonCallBreakpointResolver( implementor_sp->GetValue(), "__get_depth__", nullptr); if (PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_Clear(); } } if (depth_as_int == lldb::eSearchDepthInvalid) return lldb::eSearchDepthModule; if (depth_as_int <= lldb::kLastSearchDepthKind) return (lldb::SearchDepth)depth_as_int; else return lldb::eSearchDepthModule; } StructuredData::ObjectSP ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::LoadPluginModule(const FileSpec &file_spec, lldb_private::Status &error) { if (!FileSystem::Instance().Exists(file_spec)) { error.SetErrorString("no such file"); return StructuredData::ObjectSP(); } StructuredData::ObjectSP module_sp; if (LoadScriptingModule(file_spec.GetPath().c_str(), true, error, &module_sp)) return module_sp; return StructuredData::ObjectSP(); } StructuredData::DictionarySP ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GetDynamicSettings( StructuredData::ObjectSP plugin_module_sp, Target *target, const char *setting_name, lldb_private::Status &error) { if (!plugin_module_sp || !target || !setting_name || !setting_name[0]) return StructuredData::DictionarySP(); StructuredData::Generic *generic = plugin_module_sp->GetAsGeneric(); if (!generic) return StructuredData::DictionarySP(); Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); TargetSP target_sp(target->shared_from_this()); auto setting = (PyObject *)LLDBSWIGPython_GetDynamicSetting( generic->GetValue(), setting_name, target_sp); if (!setting) return StructuredData::DictionarySP(); PythonDictionary py_dict = unwrapIgnoringErrors(As(Take(setting))); if (!py_dict) return StructuredData::DictionarySP(); return py_dict.CreateStructuredDictionary(); } StructuredData::ObjectSP ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::CreateSyntheticScriptedProvider( const char *class_name, lldb::ValueObjectSP valobj) { if (class_name == nullptr || class_name[0] == '\0') return StructuredData::ObjectSP(); if (!valobj.get()) return StructuredData::ObjectSP(); ExecutionContext exe_ctx(valobj->GetExecutionContextRef()); Target *target = exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr(); if (!target) return StructuredData::ObjectSP(); Debugger &debugger = target->GetDebugger(); ScriptInterpreter *script_interpreter = debugger.GetScriptInterpreter(); ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl *python_interpreter = (ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl *)script_interpreter; if (!script_interpreter) return StructuredData::ObjectSP(); void *ret_val = nullptr; { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); ret_val = LLDBSwigPythonCreateSyntheticProvider( class_name, python_interpreter->m_dictionary_name.c_str(), valobj); } return StructuredData::ObjectSP(new StructuredPythonObject(ret_val)); } StructuredData::GenericSP ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::CreateScriptCommandObject(const char *class_name) { DebuggerSP debugger_sp(m_debugger.shared_from_this()); if (class_name == nullptr || class_name[0] == '\0') return StructuredData::GenericSP(); if (!debugger_sp.get()) return StructuredData::GenericSP(); void *ret_val; { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); ret_val = LLDBSwigPythonCreateCommandObject( class_name, m_dictionary_name.c_str(), debugger_sp); } return StructuredData::GenericSP(new StructuredPythonObject(ret_val)); } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GenerateTypeScriptFunction( const char *oneliner, std::string &output, const void *name_token) { StringList input; input.SplitIntoLines(oneliner, strlen(oneliner)); return GenerateTypeScriptFunction(input, output, name_token); } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GenerateTypeSynthClass( const char *oneliner, std::string &output, const void *name_token) { StringList input; input.SplitIntoLines(oneliner, strlen(oneliner)); return GenerateTypeSynthClass(input, output, name_token); } Status ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GenerateBreakpointCommandCallbackData( StringList &user_input, std::string &output, bool has_extra_args) { static uint32_t num_created_functions = 0; user_input.RemoveBlankLines(); StreamString sstr; Status error; if (user_input.GetSize() == 0) { error.SetErrorString("No input data."); return error; } std::string auto_generated_function_name(GenerateUniqueName( "lldb_autogen_python_bp_callback_func_", num_created_functions)); if (has_extra_args) sstr.Printf("def %s (frame, bp_loc, extra_args, internal_dict):", auto_generated_function_name.c_str()); else sstr.Printf("def %s (frame, bp_loc, internal_dict):", auto_generated_function_name.c_str()); error = GenerateFunction(sstr.GetData(), user_input); if (!error.Success()) return error; // Store the name of the auto-generated function to be called. output.assign(auto_generated_function_name); return error; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GenerateWatchpointCommandCallbackData( StringList &user_input, std::string &output) { static uint32_t num_created_functions = 0; user_input.RemoveBlankLines(); StreamString sstr; if (user_input.GetSize() == 0) return false; std::string auto_generated_function_name(GenerateUniqueName( "lldb_autogen_python_wp_callback_func_", num_created_functions)); sstr.Printf("def %s (frame, wp, internal_dict):", auto_generated_function_name.c_str()); if (!GenerateFunction(sstr.GetData(), user_input).Success()) return false; // Store the name of the auto-generated function to be called. output.assign(auto_generated_function_name); return true; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GetScriptedSummary( const char *python_function_name, lldb::ValueObjectSP valobj, StructuredData::ObjectSP &callee_wrapper_sp, const TypeSummaryOptions &options, std::string &retval) { static Timer::Category func_cat(LLVM_PRETTY_FUNCTION); Timer scoped_timer(func_cat, LLVM_PRETTY_FUNCTION); if (!valobj.get()) { retval.assign(""); return false; } void *old_callee = nullptr; StructuredData::Generic *generic = nullptr; if (callee_wrapper_sp) { generic = callee_wrapper_sp->GetAsGeneric(); if (generic) old_callee = generic->GetValue(); } void *new_callee = old_callee; bool ret_val; if (python_function_name && *python_function_name) { { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); { TypeSummaryOptionsSP options_sp(new TypeSummaryOptions(options)); static Timer::Category func_cat("LLDBSwigPythonCallTypeScript"); Timer scoped_timer(func_cat, "LLDBSwigPythonCallTypeScript"); ret_val = LLDBSwigPythonCallTypeScript( python_function_name, GetSessionDictionary().get(), valobj, &new_callee, options_sp, retval); } } } else { retval.assign(""); return false; } if (new_callee && old_callee != new_callee) callee_wrapper_sp = std::make_shared(new_callee); return ret_val; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::BreakpointCallbackFunction( void *baton, StoppointCallbackContext *context, user_id_t break_id, user_id_t break_loc_id) { CommandDataPython *bp_option_data = (CommandDataPython *)baton; const char *python_function_name = bp_option_data->script_source.c_str(); if (!context) return true; ExecutionContext exe_ctx(context->exe_ctx_ref); Target *target = exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr(); if (!target) return true; Debugger &debugger = target->GetDebugger(); ScriptInterpreter *script_interpreter = debugger.GetScriptInterpreter(); ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl *python_interpreter = (ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl *)script_interpreter; if (!script_interpreter) return true; if (python_function_name && python_function_name[0]) { const StackFrameSP stop_frame_sp(exe_ctx.GetFrameSP()); BreakpointSP breakpoint_sp = target->GetBreakpointByID(break_id); if (breakpoint_sp) { const BreakpointLocationSP bp_loc_sp( breakpoint_sp->FindLocationByID(break_loc_id)); if (stop_frame_sp && bp_loc_sp) { bool ret_val = true; { Locker py_lock(python_interpreter, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); Expected maybe_ret_val = LLDBSwigPythonBreakpointCallbackFunction( python_function_name, python_interpreter->m_dictionary_name.c_str(), stop_frame_sp, bp_loc_sp, bp_option_data->m_extra_args_up.get()); if (!maybe_ret_val) { llvm::handleAllErrors( maybe_ret_val.takeError(), [&](PythonException &E) { debugger.GetErrorStream() << E.ReadBacktrace(); }, [&](const llvm::ErrorInfoBase &E) { debugger.GetErrorStream() << E.message(); }); } else { ret_val = maybe_ret_val.get(); } } return ret_val; } } } // We currently always true so we stop in case anything goes wrong when // trying to call the script function return true; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::WatchpointCallbackFunction( void *baton, StoppointCallbackContext *context, user_id_t watch_id) { WatchpointOptions::CommandData *wp_option_data = (WatchpointOptions::CommandData *)baton; const char *python_function_name = wp_option_data->script_source.c_str(); if (!context) return true; ExecutionContext exe_ctx(context->exe_ctx_ref); Target *target = exe_ctx.GetTargetPtr(); if (!target) return true; Debugger &debugger = target->GetDebugger(); ScriptInterpreter *script_interpreter = debugger.GetScriptInterpreter(); ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl *python_interpreter = (ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl *)script_interpreter; if (!script_interpreter) return true; if (python_function_name && python_function_name[0]) { const StackFrameSP stop_frame_sp(exe_ctx.GetFrameSP()); WatchpointSP wp_sp = target->GetWatchpointList().FindByID(watch_id); if (wp_sp) { if (stop_frame_sp && wp_sp) { bool ret_val = true; { Locker py_lock(python_interpreter, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); ret_val = LLDBSwigPythonWatchpointCallbackFunction( python_function_name, python_interpreter->m_dictionary_name.c_str(), stop_frame_sp, wp_sp); } return ret_val; } } } // We currently always true so we stop in case anything goes wrong when // trying to call the script function return true; } size_t ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::CalculateNumChildren( const StructuredData::ObjectSP &implementor_sp, uint32_t max) { if (!implementor_sp) return 0; StructuredData::Generic *generic = implementor_sp->GetAsGeneric(); if (!generic) return 0; void *implementor = generic->GetValue(); if (!implementor) return 0; size_t ret_val = 0; { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); ret_val = LLDBSwigPython_CalculateNumChildren(implementor, max); } return ret_val; } lldb::ValueObjectSP ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GetChildAtIndex( const StructuredData::ObjectSP &implementor_sp, uint32_t idx) { if (!implementor_sp) return lldb::ValueObjectSP(); StructuredData::Generic *generic = implementor_sp->GetAsGeneric(); if (!generic) return lldb::ValueObjectSP(); void *implementor = generic->GetValue(); if (!implementor) return lldb::ValueObjectSP(); lldb::ValueObjectSP ret_val; { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); void *child_ptr = LLDBSwigPython_GetChildAtIndex(implementor, idx); if (child_ptr != nullptr && child_ptr != Py_None) { lldb::SBValue *sb_value_ptr = (lldb::SBValue *)LLDBSWIGPython_CastPyObjectToSBValue(child_ptr); if (sb_value_ptr == nullptr) Py_XDECREF(child_ptr); else ret_val = LLDBSWIGPython_GetValueObjectSPFromSBValue(sb_value_ptr); } else { Py_XDECREF(child_ptr); } } return ret_val; } int ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GetIndexOfChildWithName( const StructuredData::ObjectSP &implementor_sp, const char *child_name) { if (!implementor_sp) return UINT32_MAX; StructuredData::Generic *generic = implementor_sp->GetAsGeneric(); if (!generic) return UINT32_MAX; void *implementor = generic->GetValue(); if (!implementor) return UINT32_MAX; int ret_val = UINT32_MAX; { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); ret_val = LLDBSwigPython_GetIndexOfChildWithName(implementor, child_name); } return ret_val; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::UpdateSynthProviderInstance( const StructuredData::ObjectSP &implementor_sp) { bool ret_val = false; if (!implementor_sp) return ret_val; StructuredData::Generic *generic = implementor_sp->GetAsGeneric(); if (!generic) return ret_val; void *implementor = generic->GetValue(); if (!implementor) return ret_val; { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); ret_val = LLDBSwigPython_UpdateSynthProviderInstance(implementor); } return ret_val; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::MightHaveChildrenSynthProviderInstance( const StructuredData::ObjectSP &implementor_sp) { bool ret_val = false; if (!implementor_sp) return ret_val; StructuredData::Generic *generic = implementor_sp->GetAsGeneric(); if (!generic) return ret_val; void *implementor = generic->GetValue(); if (!implementor) return ret_val; { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); ret_val = LLDBSwigPython_MightHaveChildrenSynthProviderInstance(implementor); } return ret_val; } lldb::ValueObjectSP ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GetSyntheticValue( const StructuredData::ObjectSP &implementor_sp) { lldb::ValueObjectSP ret_val(nullptr); if (!implementor_sp) return ret_val; StructuredData::Generic *generic = implementor_sp->GetAsGeneric(); if (!generic) return ret_val; void *implementor = generic->GetValue(); if (!implementor) return ret_val; { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); void *child_ptr = LLDBSwigPython_GetValueSynthProviderInstance(implementor); if (child_ptr != nullptr && child_ptr != Py_None) { lldb::SBValue *sb_value_ptr = (lldb::SBValue *)LLDBSWIGPython_CastPyObjectToSBValue(child_ptr); if (sb_value_ptr == nullptr) Py_XDECREF(child_ptr); else ret_val = LLDBSWIGPython_GetValueObjectSPFromSBValue(sb_value_ptr); } else { Py_XDECREF(child_ptr); } } return ret_val; } ConstString ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GetSyntheticTypeName( const StructuredData::ObjectSP &implementor_sp) { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); static char callee_name[] = "get_type_name"; ConstString ret_val; bool got_string = false; std::string buffer; if (!implementor_sp) return ret_val; StructuredData::Generic *generic = implementor_sp->GetAsGeneric(); if (!generic) return ret_val; PythonObject implementor(PyRefType::Borrowed, (PyObject *)generic->GetValue()); if (!implementor.IsAllocated()) return ret_val; PythonObject pmeth(PyRefType::Owned, PyObject_GetAttrString(implementor.get(), callee_name)); if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); if (!pmeth.IsAllocated()) return ret_val; if (PyCallable_Check(pmeth.get()) == 0) { if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); return ret_val; } if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); // right now we know this function exists and is callable.. PythonObject py_return( PyRefType::Owned, PyObject_CallMethod(implementor.get(), callee_name, nullptr)); // if it fails, print the error but otherwise go on if (PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_Clear(); } if (py_return.IsAllocated() && PythonString::Check(py_return.get())) { PythonString py_string(PyRefType::Borrowed, py_return.get()); llvm::StringRef return_data(py_string.GetString()); if (!return_data.empty()) { buffer.assign(return_data.data(), return_data.size()); got_string = true; } } if (got_string) ret_val.SetCStringWithLength(buffer.c_str(), buffer.size()); return ret_val; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::RunScriptFormatKeyword( const char *impl_function, Process *process, std::string &output, Status &error) { bool ret_val; if (!process) { error.SetErrorString("no process"); return false; } if (!impl_function || !impl_function[0]) { error.SetErrorString("no function to execute"); return false; } { ProcessSP process_sp(process->shared_from_this()); Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); ret_val = LLDBSWIGPythonRunScriptKeywordProcess( impl_function, m_dictionary_name.c_str(), process_sp, output); if (!ret_val) error.SetErrorString("python script evaluation failed"); } return ret_val; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::RunScriptFormatKeyword( const char *impl_function, Thread *thread, std::string &output, Status &error) { bool ret_val; if (!thread) { error.SetErrorString("no thread"); return false; } if (!impl_function || !impl_function[0]) { error.SetErrorString("no function to execute"); return false; } { ThreadSP thread_sp(thread->shared_from_this()); Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); ret_val = LLDBSWIGPythonRunScriptKeywordThread( impl_function, m_dictionary_name.c_str(), thread_sp, output); if (!ret_val) error.SetErrorString("python script evaluation failed"); } return ret_val; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::RunScriptFormatKeyword( const char *impl_function, Target *target, std::string &output, Status &error) { bool ret_val; if (!target) { error.SetErrorString("no thread"); return false; } if (!impl_function || !impl_function[0]) { error.SetErrorString("no function to execute"); return false; } { TargetSP target_sp(target->shared_from_this()); Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); ret_val = LLDBSWIGPythonRunScriptKeywordTarget( impl_function, m_dictionary_name.c_str(), target_sp, output); if (!ret_val) error.SetErrorString("python script evaluation failed"); } return ret_val; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::RunScriptFormatKeyword( const char *impl_function, StackFrame *frame, std::string &output, Status &error) { bool ret_val; if (!frame) { error.SetErrorString("no frame"); return false; } if (!impl_function || !impl_function[0]) { error.SetErrorString("no function to execute"); return false; } { StackFrameSP frame_sp(frame->shared_from_this()); Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); ret_val = LLDBSWIGPythonRunScriptKeywordFrame( impl_function, m_dictionary_name.c_str(), frame_sp, output); if (!ret_val) error.SetErrorString("python script evaluation failed"); } return ret_val; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::RunScriptFormatKeyword( const char *impl_function, ValueObject *value, std::string &output, Status &error) { bool ret_val; if (!value) { error.SetErrorString("no value"); return false; } if (!impl_function || !impl_function[0]) { error.SetErrorString("no function to execute"); return false; } { ValueObjectSP value_sp(value->GetSP()); Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN); ret_val = LLDBSWIGPythonRunScriptKeywordValue( impl_function, m_dictionary_name.c_str(), value_sp, output); if (!ret_val) error.SetErrorString("python script evaluation failed"); } return ret_val; } uint64_t replace_all(std::string &str, const std::string &oldStr, const std::string &newStr) { size_t pos = 0; uint64_t matches = 0; while ((pos = str.find(oldStr, pos)) != std::string::npos) { matches++; str.replace(pos, oldStr.length(), newStr); pos += newStr.length(); } return matches; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::LoadScriptingModule( const char *pathname, bool init_session, lldb_private::Status &error, StructuredData::ObjectSP *module_sp) { if (!pathname || !pathname[0]) { error.SetErrorString("invalid pathname"); return false; } lldb::DebuggerSP debugger_sp = m_debugger.shared_from_this(); { FileSpec target_file(pathname); FileSystem::Instance().Resolve(target_file); std::string basename(target_file.GetFilename().GetCString()); StreamString command_stream; // Before executing Python code, lock the GIL. Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | (init_session ? Locker::InitSession : 0) | Locker::NoSTDIN, Locker::FreeAcquiredLock | (init_session ? Locker::TearDownSession : 0)); namespace fs = llvm::sys::fs; fs::file_status st; std::error_code ec = status(target_file.GetPath(), st); if (ec || st.type() == fs::file_type::status_error || st.type() == fs::file_type::type_unknown || st.type() == fs::file_type::file_not_found) { // if not a valid file of any sort, check if it might be a filename still // dot can't be used but / and \ can, and if either is found, reject if (strchr(pathname, '\\') || strchr(pathname, '/')) { error.SetErrorString("invalid pathname"); return false; } basename = pathname; // not a filename, probably a package of some sort, // let it go through } else if (is_directory(st) || is_regular_file(st)) { if (target_file.GetDirectory().IsEmpty()) { error.SetErrorString("invalid directory name"); return false; } std::string directory = target_file.GetDirectory().GetCString(); replace_all(directory, "\\", "\\\\"); replace_all(directory, "'", "\\'"); // now make sure that Python has "directory" in the search path StreamString command_stream; command_stream.Printf("if not (sys.path.__contains__('%s')):\n " "sys.path.insert(1,'%s');\n\n", directory.c_str(), directory.c_str()); bool syspath_retval = ExecuteMultipleLines(command_stream.GetData(), ScriptInterpreter::ExecuteScriptOptions() .SetEnableIO(false) .SetSetLLDBGlobals(false)) .Success(); if (!syspath_retval) { error.SetErrorString("Python sys.path handling failed"); return false; } // strip .py or .pyc extension ConstString extension = target_file.GetFileNameExtension(); if (extension) { if (llvm::StringRef(extension.GetCString()) == ".py") basename.resize(basename.length() - 3); else if (llvm::StringRef(extension.GetCString()) == ".pyc") basename.resize(basename.length() - 4); } } else { error.SetErrorString("no known way to import this module specification"); return false; } // check if the module is already import-ed command_stream.Clear(); command_stream.Printf("sys.modules.__contains__('%s')", basename.c_str()); bool does_contain = false; // this call will succeed if the module was ever imported in any Debugger // in the lifetime of the process in which this LLDB framework is living bool was_imported_globally = (ExecuteOneLineWithReturn( command_stream.GetData(), ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::eScriptReturnTypeBool, &does_contain, ScriptInterpreter::ExecuteScriptOptions() .SetEnableIO(false) .SetSetLLDBGlobals(false)) && does_contain); // this call will fail if the module was not imported in this Debugger // before command_stream.Clear(); command_stream.Printf("sys.getrefcount(%s)", basename.c_str()); bool was_imported_locally = GetSessionDictionary() .GetItemForKey(PythonString(basename)) .IsAllocated(); bool was_imported = (was_imported_globally || was_imported_locally); // now actually do the import command_stream.Clear(); if (was_imported) { if (!was_imported_locally) command_stream.Printf("import %s ; reload_module(%s)", basename.c_str(), basename.c_str()); else command_stream.Printf("reload_module(%s)", basename.c_str()); } else command_stream.Printf("import %s", basename.c_str()); error = ExecuteMultipleLines(command_stream.GetData(), ScriptInterpreter::ExecuteScriptOptions() .SetEnableIO(false) .SetSetLLDBGlobals(false)); if (error.Fail()) return false; // if we are here, everything worked // call __lldb_init_module(debugger,dict) if (!LLDBSwigPythonCallModuleInit(basename.c_str(), m_dictionary_name.c_str(), debugger_sp)) { error.SetErrorString("calling __lldb_init_module failed"); return false; } if (module_sp) { // everything went just great, now set the module object command_stream.Clear(); command_stream.Printf("%s", basename.c_str()); void *module_pyobj = nullptr; if (ExecuteOneLineWithReturn( command_stream.GetData(), ScriptInterpreter::eScriptReturnTypeOpaqueObject, &module_pyobj) && module_pyobj) *module_sp = std::make_shared(module_pyobj); } return true; } } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::IsReservedWord(const char *word) { if (!word || !word[0]) return false; llvm::StringRef word_sr(word); // filter out a few characters that would just confuse us and that are // clearly not keyword material anyway if (word_sr.find('"') != llvm::StringRef::npos || word_sr.find('\'') != llvm::StringRef::npos) return false; StreamString command_stream; command_stream.Printf("keyword.iskeyword('%s')", word); bool result; ExecuteScriptOptions options; options.SetEnableIO(false); options.SetMaskoutErrors(true); options.SetSetLLDBGlobals(false); if (ExecuteOneLineWithReturn(command_stream.GetData(), ScriptInterpreter::eScriptReturnTypeBool, &result, options)) return result; return false; } ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::SynchronicityHandler::SynchronicityHandler( lldb::DebuggerSP debugger_sp, ScriptedCommandSynchronicity synchro) : m_debugger_sp(debugger_sp), m_synch_wanted(synchro), m_old_asynch(debugger_sp->GetAsyncExecution()) { if (m_synch_wanted == eScriptedCommandSynchronicitySynchronous) m_debugger_sp->SetAsyncExecution(false); else if (m_synch_wanted == eScriptedCommandSynchronicityAsynchronous) m_debugger_sp->SetAsyncExecution(true); } ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::SynchronicityHandler::~SynchronicityHandler() { if (m_synch_wanted != eScriptedCommandSynchronicityCurrentValue) m_debugger_sp->SetAsyncExecution(m_old_asynch); } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::RunScriptBasedCommand( const char *impl_function, llvm::StringRef args, ScriptedCommandSynchronicity synchronicity, lldb_private::CommandReturnObject &cmd_retobj, Status &error, const lldb_private::ExecutionContext &exe_ctx) { if (!impl_function) { error.SetErrorString("no function to execute"); return false; } lldb::DebuggerSP debugger_sp = m_debugger.shared_from_this(); lldb::ExecutionContextRefSP exe_ctx_ref_sp(new ExecutionContextRef(exe_ctx)); if (!debugger_sp.get()) { error.SetErrorString("invalid Debugger pointer"); return false; } bool ret_val = false; std::string err_msg; { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | (cmd_retobj.GetInteractive() ? 0 : Locker::NoSTDIN), Locker::FreeLock | Locker::TearDownSession); SynchronicityHandler synch_handler(debugger_sp, synchronicity); std::string args_str = args.str(); ret_val = LLDBSwigPythonCallCommand( impl_function, m_dictionary_name.c_str(), debugger_sp, args_str.c_str(), cmd_retobj, exe_ctx_ref_sp); } if (!ret_val) error.SetErrorString("unable to execute script function"); else error.Clear(); return ret_val; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::RunScriptBasedCommand( StructuredData::GenericSP impl_obj_sp, llvm::StringRef args, ScriptedCommandSynchronicity synchronicity, lldb_private::CommandReturnObject &cmd_retobj, Status &error, const lldb_private::ExecutionContext &exe_ctx) { if (!impl_obj_sp || !impl_obj_sp->IsValid()) { error.SetErrorString("no function to execute"); return false; } lldb::DebuggerSP debugger_sp = m_debugger.shared_from_this(); lldb::ExecutionContextRefSP exe_ctx_ref_sp(new ExecutionContextRef(exe_ctx)); if (!debugger_sp.get()) { error.SetErrorString("invalid Debugger pointer"); return false; } bool ret_val = false; std::string err_msg; { Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | (cmd_retobj.GetInteractive() ? 0 : Locker::NoSTDIN), Locker::FreeLock | Locker::TearDownSession); SynchronicityHandler synch_handler(debugger_sp, synchronicity); std::string args_str = args.str(); ret_val = LLDBSwigPythonCallCommandObject(impl_obj_sp->GetValue(), debugger_sp, args_str.c_str(), cmd_retobj, exe_ctx_ref_sp); } if (!ret_val) error.SetErrorString("unable to execute script function"); else error.Clear(); return ret_val; } // in Python, a special attribute __doc__ contains the docstring for an object // (function, method, class, ...) if any is defined Otherwise, the attribute's // value is None bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GetDocumentationForItem(const char *item, std::string &dest) { dest.clear(); if (!item || !*item) return false; std::string command(item); command += ".__doc__"; char *result_ptr = nullptr; // Python is going to point this to valid data if // ExecuteOneLineWithReturn returns successfully if (ExecuteOneLineWithReturn( command.c_str(), ScriptInterpreter::eScriptReturnTypeCharStrOrNone, &result_ptr, ScriptInterpreter::ExecuteScriptOptions().SetEnableIO(false))) { if (result_ptr) dest.assign(result_ptr); return true; } else { StreamString str_stream; str_stream.Printf( "Function %s was not found. Containing module might be missing.", item); dest = str_stream.GetString(); return false; } } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GetShortHelpForCommandObject( StructuredData::GenericSP cmd_obj_sp, std::string &dest) { bool got_string = false; dest.clear(); Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::NoSTDIN, Locker::FreeLock); static char callee_name[] = "get_short_help"; if (!cmd_obj_sp) return false; PythonObject implementor(PyRefType::Borrowed, (PyObject *)cmd_obj_sp->GetValue()); if (!implementor.IsAllocated()) return false; PythonObject pmeth(PyRefType::Owned, PyObject_GetAttrString(implementor.get(), callee_name)); if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); if (!pmeth.IsAllocated()) return false; if (PyCallable_Check(pmeth.get()) == 0) { if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); return false; } if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); // right now we know this function exists and is callable.. PythonObject py_return( PyRefType::Owned, PyObject_CallMethod(implementor.get(), callee_name, nullptr)); // if it fails, print the error but otherwise go on if (PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_Clear(); } if (py_return.IsAllocated() && PythonString::Check(py_return.get())) { PythonString py_string(PyRefType::Borrowed, py_return.get()); llvm::StringRef return_data(py_string.GetString()); dest.assign(return_data.data(), return_data.size()); got_string = true; } return got_string; } uint32_t ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GetFlagsForCommandObject( StructuredData::GenericSP cmd_obj_sp) { uint32_t result = 0; Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::NoSTDIN, Locker::FreeLock); static char callee_name[] = "get_flags"; if (!cmd_obj_sp) return result; PythonObject implementor(PyRefType::Borrowed, (PyObject *)cmd_obj_sp->GetValue()); if (!implementor.IsAllocated()) return result; PythonObject pmeth(PyRefType::Owned, PyObject_GetAttrString(implementor.get(), callee_name)); if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); if (!pmeth.IsAllocated()) return result; if (PyCallable_Check(pmeth.get()) == 0) { if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); return result; } if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); // right now we know this function exists and is callable.. PythonObject py_return( PyRefType::Owned, PyObject_CallMethod(implementor.get(), callee_name, nullptr)); // if it fails, print the error but otherwise go on if (PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_Clear(); } if (py_return.IsAllocated() && PythonInteger::Check(py_return.get())) { PythonInteger int_value(PyRefType::Borrowed, py_return.get()); result = int_value.GetInteger(); } return result; } bool ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::GetLongHelpForCommandObject( StructuredData::GenericSP cmd_obj_sp, std::string &dest) { bool got_string = false; dest.clear(); Locker py_lock(this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::NoSTDIN, Locker::FreeLock); static char callee_name[] = "get_long_help"; if (!cmd_obj_sp) return false; PythonObject implementor(PyRefType::Borrowed, (PyObject *)cmd_obj_sp->GetValue()); if (!implementor.IsAllocated()) return false; PythonObject pmeth(PyRefType::Owned, PyObject_GetAttrString(implementor.get(), callee_name)); if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); if (!pmeth.IsAllocated()) return false; if (PyCallable_Check(pmeth.get()) == 0) { if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); return false; } if (PyErr_Occurred()) PyErr_Clear(); // right now we know this function exists and is callable.. PythonObject py_return( PyRefType::Owned, PyObject_CallMethod(implementor.get(), callee_name, nullptr)); // if it fails, print the error but otherwise go on if (PyErr_Occurred()) { PyErr_Print(); PyErr_Clear(); } if (py_return.IsAllocated() && PythonString::Check(py_return.get())) { PythonString str(PyRefType::Borrowed, py_return.get()); llvm::StringRef str_data(str.GetString()); dest.assign(str_data.data(), str_data.size()); got_string = true; } return got_string; } std::unique_ptr ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::AcquireInterpreterLock() { std::unique_ptr py_lock(new Locker( this, Locker::AcquireLock | Locker::InitSession | Locker::NoSTDIN, Locker::FreeLock | Locker::TearDownSession)); return py_lock; } void ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::InitializePrivate() { if (g_initialized) return; g_initialized = true; static Timer::Category func_cat(LLVM_PRETTY_FUNCTION); Timer scoped_timer(func_cat, LLVM_PRETTY_FUNCTION); // RAII-based initialization which correctly handles multiple-initialization, // version- specific differences among Python 2 and Python 3, and saving and // restoring various other pieces of state that can get mucked with during // initialization. InitializePythonRAII initialize_guard; LLDBSwigPyInit(); // Update the path python uses to search for modules to include the current // directory. PyRun_SimpleString("import sys"); AddToSysPath(AddLocation::End, "."); // Don't denormalize paths when calling file_spec.GetPath(). On platforms // that use a backslash as the path separator, this will result in executing // python code containing paths with unescaped backslashes. But Python also // accepts forward slashes, so to make life easier we just use that. if (FileSpec file_spec = GetPythonDir()) AddToSysPath(AddLocation::Beginning, file_spec.GetPath(false)); if (FileSpec file_spec = HostInfo::GetShlibDir()) AddToSysPath(AddLocation::Beginning, file_spec.GetPath(false)); PyRun_SimpleString("sys.dont_write_bytecode = 1; import " "lldb.embedded_interpreter; from " "lldb.embedded_interpreter import run_python_interpreter; " "from lldb.embedded_interpreter import run_one_line"); } void ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::AddToSysPath(AddLocation location, std::string path) { std::string path_copy; std::string statement; if (location == AddLocation::Beginning) { statement.assign("sys.path.insert(0,\""); statement.append(path); statement.append("\")"); } else { statement.assign("sys.path.append(\""); statement.append(path); statement.append("\")"); } PyRun_SimpleString(statement.c_str()); } // We are intentionally NOT calling Py_Finalize here (this would be the logical // place to call it). Calling Py_Finalize here causes test suite runs to seg // fault: The test suite runs in Python. It registers SBDebugger::Terminate to // be called 'at_exit'. When the test suite Python harness finishes up, it // calls Py_Finalize, which calls all the 'at_exit' registered functions. // SBDebugger::Terminate calls Debugger::Terminate, which calls lldb::Terminate, // which calls ScriptInterpreter::Terminate, which calls // ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::Terminate. So if we call Py_Finalize here, we // end up with Py_Finalize being called from within Py_Finalize, which results // in a seg fault. Since this function only gets called when lldb is shutting // down and going away anyway, the fact that we don't actually call Py_Finalize // should not cause any problems (everything should shut down/go away anyway // when the process exits). // // void ScriptInterpreterPythonImpl::Terminate() { Py_Finalize (); } #endif