/* * \file trc_pkt_proc_etmv4i.cpp * \brief OpenCSD : Packet processor for ETMv4 * * \copyright Copyright (c) 2015, 2019, ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 'AS IS' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "opencsd/etmv4/trc_pkt_proc_etmv4.h" #include "common/ocsd_error.h" #ifdef __GNUC__ // G++ doesn't like the ## pasting #define ETMV4I_PKTS_NAME "PKTP_ETMV4I" #else // VC++ is fine #define ETMV4I_PKTS_NAME OCSD_CMPNAME_PREFIX_PKTPROC##"_ETMV4I" #endif static const uint32_t ETMV4_SUPPORTED_OP_FLAGS = OCSD_OPFLG_PKTPROC_COMMON; // test defines - if testing with ETMv4 sources, disable error on ERET. // #define ETE_TRACE_ERET_AS_IGNORE /* trace etmv4 packet processing class */ TrcPktProcEtmV4I::TrcPktProcEtmV4I() : TrcPktProcBase(ETMV4I_PKTS_NAME), m_isInit(false), m_first_trace_info(false) { m_supported_op_flags = ETMV4_SUPPORTED_OP_FLAGS; } TrcPktProcEtmV4I::TrcPktProcEtmV4I(int instIDNum) : TrcPktProcBase(ETMV4I_PKTS_NAME, instIDNum), m_isInit(false), m_first_trace_info(false) { m_supported_op_flags = ETMV4_SUPPORTED_OP_FLAGS; } TrcPktProcEtmV4I::~TrcPktProcEtmV4I() { } ocsd_err_t TrcPktProcEtmV4I::onProtocolConfig() { InitProcessorState(); m_config = *TrcPktProcBase::getProtocolConfig(); BuildIPacketTable(); // packet table based on config m_curr_packet.setProtocolVersion(m_config.FullVersion()); m_isInit = true; statsInit(); return OCSD_OK; } ocsd_datapath_resp_t TrcPktProcEtmV4I::processData( const ocsd_trc_index_t index, const uint32_t dataBlockSize, const uint8_t *pDataBlock, uint32_t *numBytesProcessed) { ocsd_datapath_resp_t resp = OCSD_RESP_CONT; if (!m_isInit) return OCSD_RESP_FATAL_NOT_INIT; m_trcIn.init(dataBlockSize, pDataBlock, &m_currPacketData); m_blockIndex = index; bool done = false; uint8_t nextByte; do { try { while ( (!m_trcIn.empty() || (m_process_state == SEND_PKT)) && OCSD_DATA_RESP_IS_CONT(resp) ) { switch (m_process_state) { case PROC_HDR: m_packet_index = m_blockIndex + m_trcIn.processed(); if (m_is_sync) { nextByte = m_trcIn.peekNextByte(); m_pIPktFn = m_i_table[nextByte].pptkFn; m_curr_packet.type = m_i_table[nextByte].pkt_type; } else { // unsynced - process data until we see a sync point m_pIPktFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iNotSync; m_curr_packet.type = ETM4_PKT_I_NOTSYNC; } m_process_state = PROC_DATA; case PROC_DATA: // loop till full packet or no more data... while (!m_trcIn.empty() && (m_process_state == PROC_DATA)) { nextByte = m_trcIn.peekNextByte(); m_trcIn.copyByteToPkt(); // move next byte into the packet (this->*m_pIPktFn)(nextByte); } break; case SEND_PKT: resp = outputPacket(); InitPacketState(); m_process_state = PROC_HDR; break; case SEND_UNSYNCED: resp = outputUnsyncedRawPacket(); if (m_update_on_unsync_packet_index != 0) { m_packet_index = m_update_on_unsync_packet_index; m_update_on_unsync_packet_index = 0; } m_process_state = PROC_DATA; // after dumping unsynced data, still in data mode. break; } } done = true; } catch(ocsdError &err) { done = true; LogError(err); if( (err.getErrorCode() == OCSD_ERR_BAD_PACKET_SEQ) || (err.getErrorCode() == OCSD_ERR_INVALID_PCKT_HDR)) { // send invalid packets up the pipe to let the next stage decide what to do. if (err.getErrorCode() == OCSD_ERR_INVALID_PCKT_HDR) statsAddBadHdrCount(1); else statsAddBadSeqCount(1); m_process_state = SEND_PKT; done = false; } else { // bail out on any other error. resp = OCSD_RESP_FATAL_INVALID_DATA; } } catch(...) { done = true; /// vv bad at this point. resp = OCSD_RESP_FATAL_SYS_ERR; const ocsdError &fatal = ocsdError(OCSD_ERR_SEV_ERROR,OCSD_ERR_FAIL,m_packet_index,m_config.getTraceID(),"Unknown System Error decoding trace."); LogError(fatal); } } while (!done); statsAddTotalCount(m_trcIn.processed()); *numBytesProcessed = m_trcIn.processed(); return resp; } ocsd_datapath_resp_t TrcPktProcEtmV4I::onEOT() { ocsd_datapath_resp_t resp = OCSD_RESP_CONT; if (!m_isInit) return OCSD_RESP_FATAL_NOT_INIT; // if we have a partial packet then send to attached sinks if(m_currPacketData.size() != 0) { m_curr_packet.updateErrType(ETM4_PKT_I_INCOMPLETE_EOT); resp = outputPacket(); InitPacketState(); } return resp; } ocsd_datapath_resp_t TrcPktProcEtmV4I::onReset() { if (!m_isInit) return OCSD_RESP_FATAL_NOT_INIT; // prepare for new decoding session InitProcessorState(); return OCSD_RESP_CONT; } ocsd_datapath_resp_t TrcPktProcEtmV4I::onFlush() { if (!m_isInit) return OCSD_RESP_FATAL_NOT_INIT; // packet processor never holds on to flushable data (may have partial packet, // but any full packets are immediately sent) return OCSD_RESP_CONT; } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::InitPacketState() { m_currPacketData.clear(); m_curr_packet.initNextPacket(); // clear for next packet. m_update_on_unsync_packet_index = 0; } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::InitProcessorState() { InitPacketState(); m_pIPktFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iNotSync; m_packet_index = 0; m_is_sync = false; m_first_trace_info = false; m_sent_notsync_packet = false; m_process_state = PROC_HDR; m_curr_packet.initStartState(); } ocsd_datapath_resp_t TrcPktProcEtmV4I::outputPacket() { ocsd_datapath_resp_t resp = OCSD_RESP_CONT; resp = outputOnAllInterfaces(m_packet_index,&m_curr_packet,&m_curr_packet.type,m_currPacketData); return resp; } ocsd_datapath_resp_t TrcPktProcEtmV4I::outputUnsyncedRawPacket() { ocsd_datapath_resp_t resp = OCSD_RESP_CONT; statsAddUnsyncCount(m_dump_unsynced_bytes); outputRawPacketToMonitor(m_packet_index,&m_curr_packet,m_dump_unsynced_bytes,&m_currPacketData[0]); if(!m_sent_notsync_packet) { resp = outputDecodedPacket(m_packet_index,&m_curr_packet); m_sent_notsync_packet = true; } if(m_currPacketData.size() <= m_dump_unsynced_bytes) m_currPacketData.clear(); else m_currPacketData.erase(m_currPacketData.begin(),m_currPacketData.begin()+m_dump_unsynced_bytes); return resp; } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iNotSync(const uint8_t lastByte) { // is it an extension byte? if (lastByte == 0x00) // TBD : add check for forced sync in here? { if (m_currPacketData.size() > 1) { m_dump_unsynced_bytes = m_currPacketData.size() - 1; m_process_state = SEND_UNSYNCED; // outputting some data then update packet index after so output indexes accurate m_update_on_unsync_packet_index = m_blockIndex + m_trcIn.processed() - 1; } else m_packet_index = m_blockIndex + m_trcIn.processed() - 1; // set it up now otherwise. m_pIPktFn = m_i_table[lastByte].pptkFn; } else if (m_currPacketData.size() >= 8) { m_dump_unsynced_bytes = m_currPacketData.size(); m_process_state = SEND_UNSYNCED; // outputting some data then update packet index after so output indexes accurate m_update_on_unsync_packet_index = m_blockIndex + m_trcIn.processed(); } } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktNoPayload(const uint8_t lastByte) { // some expansion may be required... switch(m_curr_packet.type) { case ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_MATCH: case ETE_PKT_I_SRC_ADDR_MATCH: m_curr_packet.setAddressExactMatch(lastByte & 0x3); break; case ETM4_PKT_I_EVENT: m_curr_packet.setEvent(lastByte & 0xF); break; case ETM4_PKT_I_NUM_DS_MKR: case ETM4_PKT_I_UNNUM_DS_MKR: m_curr_packet.setDataSyncMarker(lastByte & 0x7); break; // these just need the packet type - no processing required. case ETM4_PKT_I_COND_FLUSH: case ETM4_PKT_I_EXCEPT_RTN: case ETM4_PKT_I_TRACE_ON: case ETM4_PKT_I_FUNC_RET: case ETE_PKT_I_TRANS_ST: case ETE_PKT_I_TRANS_COMMIT: case ETM4_PKT_I_IGNORE: default: break; } m_process_state = SEND_PKT; // now just send it.... } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktReserved(const uint8_t lastByte) { m_curr_packet.updateErrType(ETM4_PKT_I_RESERVED, lastByte); // swap type for err type throw ocsdError(OCSD_ERR_SEV_ERROR, OCSD_ERR_INVALID_PCKT_HDR,m_packet_index,m_config.getTraceID()); } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktInvalidCfg(const uint8_t lastByte) { m_curr_packet.updateErrType(ETM4_PKT_I_RESERVED_CFG, lastByte); // swap type for err type throw ocsdError(OCSD_ERR_SEV_ERROR, OCSD_ERR_INVALID_PCKT_HDR, m_packet_index, m_config.getTraceID()); } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktExtension(const uint8_t lastByte) { if(m_currPacketData.size() == 2) { // not sync and not next by 0x00 - not sync sequence if(!m_is_sync && (lastByte != 0x00)) { m_pIPktFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iNotSync; m_curr_packet.type = ETM4_PKT_I_NOTSYNC; return; } switch(lastByte) { case 0x03: // discard packet. m_curr_packet.type = ETM4_PKT_I_DISCARD; m_process_state = SEND_PKT; break; case 0x05: m_curr_packet.type = ETM4_PKT_I_OVERFLOW; m_process_state = SEND_PKT; break; case 0x00: m_curr_packet.type = ETM4_PKT_I_ASYNC; m_pIPktFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktASync; // handle subsequent bytes as async break; default: m_curr_packet.err_type = m_curr_packet.type; m_curr_packet.type = ETM4_PKT_I_BAD_SEQUENCE; m_process_state = SEND_PKT; break; } } } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktASync(const uint8_t lastByte) { if(lastByte != 0x00) { // not sync and not next by 0x00 - not sync sequence if < 12 if(!m_is_sync && m_currPacketData.size() != 12) { m_pIPktFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iNotSync; m_curr_packet.type = ETM4_PKT_I_NOTSYNC; return; } // 12 bytes and not valid sync sequence - not possible even if not synced m_process_state = SEND_PKT; if((m_currPacketData.size() != 12) || (lastByte != 0x80)) { m_curr_packet.type = ETM4_PKT_I_BAD_SEQUENCE; m_curr_packet.err_type = ETM4_PKT_I_ASYNC; } else m_is_sync = true; // found a sync packet, mark decoder as synchronised. } else if(m_currPacketData.size() == 12) { if(!m_is_sync) { // if we are not yet synced then ignore extra leading 0x00. m_dump_unsynced_bytes = 1; m_process_state = SEND_UNSYNCED; } else { // bad periodic ASYNC sequence. m_curr_packet.type = ETM4_PKT_I_BAD_SEQUENCE; m_curr_packet.err_type = ETM4_PKT_I_ASYNC; m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } } } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktTraceInfo(const uint8_t lastByte) { if(m_currPacketData.size() == 1) // header { //clear flags m_tinfo_sections.sectFlags = 0; // mark all sections as incomplete. m_tinfo_sections.ctrlBytes = 1; // assume only a single control section byte for now } else if(m_currPacketData.size() == 2) // first payload control byte { // figure out which sections are absent and set to true - opposite of bitfeild in byte; m_tinfo_sections.sectFlags = (~lastByte) & TINFO_ALL_SECT; // see if there is an extended control section, otherwise this byte is it. if((lastByte & 0x80) == 0x0) m_tinfo_sections.sectFlags |= TINFO_CTRL; } else { if(!(m_tinfo_sections.sectFlags & TINFO_CTRL)) { m_tinfo_sections.sectFlags |= (lastByte & 0x80) ? 0 : TINFO_CTRL; m_tinfo_sections.ctrlBytes++; } else if(!(m_tinfo_sections.sectFlags & TINFO_INFO_SECT)) m_tinfo_sections.sectFlags |= (lastByte & 0x80) ? 0 : TINFO_INFO_SECT; else if(!(m_tinfo_sections.sectFlags & TINFO_KEY_SECT)) m_tinfo_sections.sectFlags |= (lastByte & 0x80) ? 0 : TINFO_KEY_SECT; else if(!(m_tinfo_sections.sectFlags & TINFO_SPEC_SECT)) m_tinfo_sections.sectFlags |= (lastByte & 0x80) ? 0 : TINFO_SPEC_SECT; else if(!(m_tinfo_sections.sectFlags & TINFO_CYCT_SECT)) m_tinfo_sections.sectFlags |= (lastByte & 0x80) ? 0 : TINFO_CYCT_SECT; else if (!(m_tinfo_sections.sectFlags & TINFO_WNDW_SECT)) m_tinfo_sections.sectFlags |= (lastByte & 0x80) ? 0 : TINFO_WNDW_SECT; } // all sections accounted for? if(m_tinfo_sections.sectFlags == TINFO_ALL) { // index of first section is number of payload control bytes + 1 for header byte unsigned idx = m_tinfo_sections.ctrlBytes + 1; uint32_t fieldVal = 0; uint8_t presSect = m_currPacketData[1] & TINFO_ALL_SECT; // first payload control byte m_curr_packet.clearTraceInfo(); if((presSect & TINFO_INFO_SECT) && (idx < m_currPacketData.size())) { idx += extractContField(m_currPacketData,idx,fieldVal); m_curr_packet.setTraceInfo(fieldVal); } if((presSect & TINFO_KEY_SECT) && (idx < m_currPacketData.size())) { idx += extractContField(m_currPacketData,idx,fieldVal); m_curr_packet.setTraceInfoKey(fieldVal); } if((presSect & TINFO_SPEC_SECT) && (idx < m_currPacketData.size())) { idx += extractContField(m_currPacketData,idx,fieldVal); m_curr_packet.setTraceInfoSpec(fieldVal); } if((presSect & TINFO_CYCT_SECT) && (idx < m_currPacketData.size())) { idx += extractContField(m_currPacketData,idx,fieldVal); m_curr_packet.setTraceInfoCyct(fieldVal); } if ((presSect & TINFO_WNDW_SECT) && (idx < m_currPacketData.size())) { idx += extractContField(m_currPacketData, idx, fieldVal); /* Trace commit window unsupported in current ETE versions */ } m_process_state = SEND_PKT; m_first_trace_info = true; } } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktTimestamp(const uint8_t lastByte) { // process the header byte if(m_currPacketData.size() == 1) { m_ccount_done = (bool)((lastByte & 0x1) == 0); // 0 = not present m_ts_done = false; m_ts_bytes = 0; } else { if(!m_ts_done) { m_ts_bytes++; m_ts_done = (m_ts_bytes == 9) || ((lastByte & 0x80) == 0); } else if(!m_ccount_done) { m_ccount_done = (bool)((lastByte & 0x80) == 0); // TBD: check for oorange ccount - bad packet. } } if(m_ts_done && m_ccount_done) { int idx = 1; uint64_t tsVal; int ts_bytes = extractTSField64(m_currPacketData, idx, tsVal); int ts_bits; // if ts_bytes 8 or less, then cont bits on each byte, otherwise full 64 bit value for 9 bytes ts_bits = ts_bytes < 9 ? ts_bytes * 7 : 64; if(!m_curr_packet.pkt_valid.bits.ts_valid && m_first_trace_info) ts_bits = 64; // after trace info, missing bits are all 0. m_curr_packet.setTS(tsVal,(uint8_t)ts_bits); if((m_currPacketData[0] & 0x1) == 0x1) { uint32_t countVal, countMask; idx += ts_bytes; extractContField(m_currPacketData, idx, countVal, 3); // only 3 possible count bytes. countMask = (((uint32_t)1UL << m_config.ccSize()) - 1); // mask of the CC size countVal &= countMask; m_curr_packet.setCycleCount(countVal); } m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktException(const uint8_t lastByte) { uint16_t excep_type = 0; switch(m_currPacketData.size()) { case 1: m_excep_size = 3; break; case 2: if((lastByte & 0x80) == 0x00) m_excep_size = 2; // ETE exception reset or trans failed if (m_config.MajVersion() >= 0x5) { excep_type = (m_currPacketData[1] >> 1) & 0x1F; if ((excep_type == 0x0) || (excep_type == 0x18)) m_excep_size = 3; } break; } if(m_currPacketData.size() == (unsigned)m_excep_size) { excep_type = (m_currPacketData[1] >> 1) & 0x1F; uint8_t addr_interp = (m_currPacketData[1] & 0x40) >> 5 | (m_currPacketData[1] & 0x1); uint8_t m_fault_pending = 0; uint8_t m_type = (m_config.coreProfile() == profile_CortexM) ? 1 : 0; // extended exception packet (probably M class); if(m_currPacketData[1] & 0x80) { excep_type |= ((uint16_t)m_currPacketData[2] & 0x1F) << 5; m_fault_pending = (m_currPacketData[2] >> 5) & 0x1; } m_curr_packet.setExceptionInfo(excep_type,addr_interp,m_fault_pending, m_type); m_process_state = SEND_PKT; // ETE exception reset or trans failed if (m_config.MajVersion() >= 0x5) { if ((excep_type == 0x0) || (excep_type == 0x18)) { m_curr_packet.set64BitAddress(0, 0); if (excep_type == 0x18) m_curr_packet.setType(ETE_PKT_I_TRANS_FAIL); else m_curr_packet.setType(ETE_PKT_I_PE_RESET); } } // allow the standard address packet handlers to process the address packet field for the exception. } } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktCycleCntF123(const uint8_t lastByte) { ocsd_etmv4_i_pkt_type format = m_curr_packet.type; if( m_currPacketData.size() == 1) { m_count_done = m_commit_done = false; m_has_count = true; if(format == ETM4_PKT_I_CCNT_F3) { // no commit section for TRCIDR0.COMMOPT == 1 if(!m_config.commitOpt1()) { m_curr_packet.setCommitElements(((lastByte >> 2) & 0x3) + 1); } // TBD: warning of non-valid CC threshold here? m_curr_packet.setCycleCount(m_curr_packet.getCCThreshold() + (lastByte & 0x3)); m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } else if(format == ETM4_PKT_I_CCNT_F1) { if((lastByte & 0x1) == 0x1) { m_has_count = false; m_count_done = true; } // no commit section for TRCIDR0.COMMOPT == 1 if(m_config.commitOpt1()) m_commit_done = true; } } else if((format == ETM4_PKT_I_CCNT_F2) && ( m_currPacketData.size() == 2)) { int commit_offset = ((lastByte & 0x1) == 0x1) ? ((int)m_config.MaxSpecDepth() - 15) : 1; int commit_elements = ((lastByte >> 4) & 0xF); commit_elements += commit_offset; // TBD: warning if commit elements < 0? m_curr_packet.setCycleCount(m_curr_packet.getCCThreshold() + (lastByte & 0xF)); m_curr_packet.setCommitElements(commit_elements); m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } else { // F1 and size 2 or more if(!m_commit_done) m_commit_done = ((lastByte & 0x80) == 0x00); else if(!m_count_done) m_count_done = ((lastByte & 0x80) == 0x00); } if((format == ETM4_PKT_I_CCNT_F1) && m_commit_done && m_count_done) { int idx = 1; // index into buffer for payload data. uint32_t field_value = 0; // no commit section for TRCIDR0.COMMOPT == 1 if(!m_config.commitOpt1()) { idx += extractContField(m_currPacketData,idx,field_value); m_curr_packet.setCommitElements(field_value); } if (m_has_count) { extractContField(m_currPacketData, idx, field_value, 3); m_curr_packet.setCycleCount(field_value + m_curr_packet.getCCThreshold()); } else m_curr_packet.setCycleCount(0); /* unknown CC marked as 0 after overflow */ m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktSpeclRes(const uint8_t lastByte) { if(m_currPacketData.size() == 1) { switch(m_curr_packet.getType()) { case ETM4_PKT_I_MISPREDICT: case ETM4_PKT_I_CANCEL_F2: switch(lastByte & 0x3) { case 0x1: m_curr_packet.setAtomPacket(ATOM_PATTERN, 0x1, 1); break; // E case 0x2: m_curr_packet.setAtomPacket(ATOM_PATTERN, 0x3, 2); break; // EE case 0x3: m_curr_packet.setAtomPacket(ATOM_PATTERN, 0x0, 1); break; // N } if (m_curr_packet.getType() == ETM4_PKT_I_CANCEL_F2) m_curr_packet.setCancelElements(1); else m_curr_packet.setCancelElements(0); m_process_state = SEND_PKT; break; case ETM4_PKT_I_CANCEL_F3: if(lastByte & 0x1) m_curr_packet.setAtomPacket(ATOM_PATTERN, 0x1, 1); // E m_curr_packet.setCancelElements(((lastByte >> 1) & 0x3) + 2); m_process_state = SEND_PKT; break; } } else { if((lastByte & 0x80) == 0x00) { uint32_t field_val = 0; extractContField(m_currPacketData,1,field_val); if(m_curr_packet.getType() == ETM4_PKT_I_COMMIT) m_curr_packet.setCommitElements(field_val); else m_curr_packet.setCancelElements(field_val); m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } } } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktCondInstr(const uint8_t lastByte) { bool bF1Done = false; if(m_currPacketData.size() == 1) { if(m_curr_packet.getType() == ETM4_PKT_I_COND_I_F2) { m_curr_packet.setCondIF2(lastByte & 0x3); m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } } else if(m_currPacketData.size() == 2) { if(m_curr_packet.getType() == ETM4_PKT_I_COND_I_F3) // f3 two bytes long { uint8_t num_c_elem = ((lastByte >> 1) & 0x3F) + (lastByte & 0x1); m_curr_packet.setCondIF3(num_c_elem,(bool)((lastByte & 0x1) == 0x1)); // TBD: check for 0 num_c_elem in here. m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } else { bF1Done = ((lastByte & 0x80) == 0x00); } } else { bF1Done = ((lastByte & 0x80) == 0x00); } if(bF1Done) { uint32_t cond_key = 0; extractContField(m_currPacketData, 1, cond_key); m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktCondResult(const uint8_t lastByte) { if(m_currPacketData.size() == 1) { m_F1P1_done = false; // F1 payload 1 done m_F1P2_done = false; // F1 payload 2 done m_F1has_P2 = false; // F1 has a payload 2 switch(m_curr_packet.getType()) { case ETM4_PKT_I_COND_RES_F1: m_F1has_P2 = true; if((lastByte & 0xFC) == 0x6C)// only one payload set { m_F1P2_done = true; m_F1has_P2 = false; } break; case ETM4_PKT_I_COND_RES_F2: m_curr_packet.setCondRF2((lastByte & 0x4) ? 2 : 1, lastByte & 0x3); m_process_state = SEND_PKT; break; case ETM4_PKT_I_COND_RES_F3: break; case ETM4_PKT_I_COND_RES_F4: m_curr_packet.setCondRF4(lastByte & 0x3); m_process_state = SEND_PKT; break; } } else if((m_curr_packet.getType() == ETM4_PKT_I_COND_RES_F3) && (m_currPacketData.size() == 2)) { // 2nd F3 packet uint16_t f3_tokens = 0; f3_tokens = (uint16_t)m_currPacketData[1]; f3_tokens |= ((uint16_t)m_currPacketData[0] & 0xf) << 8; m_curr_packet.setCondRF3(f3_tokens); m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } else // !first packet - F1 { if(!m_F1P1_done) m_F1P1_done = ((lastByte & 0x80) == 0x00); else if(!m_F1P2_done) m_F1P2_done = ((lastByte & 0x80) == 0x00); if(m_F1P1_done && m_F1P2_done) { int st_idx = 1; uint32_t key[2]; uint8_t result[2]; uint8_t CI[2]; st_idx+= extractCondResult(m_currPacketData,st_idx,key[0],result[0]); CI[0] = m_currPacketData[0] & 0x1; if(m_F1has_P2) // 2nd payload? { extractCondResult(m_currPacketData,st_idx,key[1],result[1]); CI[1] = (m_currPacketData[0] >> 1) & 0x1; } m_curr_packet.setCondRF1(key,result,CI,m_F1has_P2); m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } } } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktContext(const uint8_t lastByte) { bool bSendPacket = false; if(m_currPacketData.size() == 1) { if((lastByte & 0x1) == 0) { m_curr_packet.setContextInfo(false); // no update context packet (ctxt same as last time). m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } } else if(m_currPacketData.size() == 2) { if((lastByte & 0xC0) == 0) // no VMID or CID { bSendPacket = true; } else { m_vmidBytes = ((lastByte & 0x40) == 0x40) ? (m_config.vmidSize()/8) : 0; m_ctxtidBytes = ((lastByte & 0x80) == 0x80) ? (m_config.cidSize()/8) : 0; } } else // 3rd byte onwards { if(m_vmidBytes > 0) m_vmidBytes--; else if(m_ctxtidBytes > 0) m_ctxtidBytes--; if((m_ctxtidBytes == 0) && (m_vmidBytes == 0)) bSendPacket = true; } if(bSendPacket) { extractAndSetContextInfo(m_currPacketData,1); m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::extractAndSetContextInfo(const std::vector &buffer, const int st_idx) { // on input, buffer index points at the info byte - always present uint8_t infoByte = m_currPacketData[st_idx]; m_curr_packet.setContextInfo(true, (infoByte & 0x3), (infoByte >> 5) & 0x1, (infoByte >> 4) & 0x1, (infoByte >> 3) & 0x1); // see if there are VMID and CID bytes, and how many. int nVMID_bytes = ((infoByte & 0x40) == 0x40) ? (m_config.vmidSize()/8) : 0; int nCtxtID_bytes = ((infoByte & 0x80) == 0x80) ? (m_config.cidSize()/8) : 0; // extract any VMID and CID int payload_idx = st_idx+1; if(nVMID_bytes) { uint32_t VMID = 0; for(int i = 0; i < nVMID_bytes; i++) { VMID |= ((uint32_t)m_currPacketData[i+payload_idx] << i*8); } payload_idx += nVMID_bytes; m_curr_packet.setContextVMID(VMID); } if(nCtxtID_bytes) { uint32_t CID = 0; for(int i = 0; i < nCtxtID_bytes; i++) { CID |= ((uint32_t)m_currPacketData[i+payload_idx] << i*8); } m_curr_packet.setContextCID(CID); } } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktAddrCtxt(const uint8_t lastByte) { if( m_currPacketData.size() == 1) { m_addrIS = 0; m_addrBytes = 4; m_bAddr64bit = false; m_vmidBytes = 0; m_ctxtidBytes = 0; m_bCtxtInfoDone = false; switch(m_curr_packet.type) { case ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_CTXT_L_32IS1: m_addrIS = 1; case ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_CTXT_L_32IS0: break; case ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_CTXT_L_64IS1: m_addrIS = 1; case ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_CTXT_L_64IS0: m_addrBytes = 8; m_bAddr64bit = true; break; } } else { if(m_addrBytes == 0) { if(m_bCtxtInfoDone == false) { m_bCtxtInfoDone = true; m_vmidBytes = ((lastByte & 0x40) == 0x40) ? (m_config.vmidSize()/8) : 0; m_ctxtidBytes = ((lastByte & 0x80) == 0x80) ? (m_config.cidSize()/8) : 0; } else { if( m_vmidBytes > 0) m_vmidBytes--; else if(m_ctxtidBytes > 0) m_ctxtidBytes--; } } else m_addrBytes--; if((m_addrBytes == 0) && m_bCtxtInfoDone && (m_vmidBytes == 0) && (m_ctxtidBytes == 0)) { int st_idx = 1; if(m_bAddr64bit) { uint64_t val64; st_idx+=extract64BitLongAddr(m_currPacketData,st_idx,m_addrIS,val64); m_curr_packet.set64BitAddress(val64,m_addrIS); } else { uint32_t val32; st_idx+=extract32BitLongAddr(m_currPacketData,st_idx,m_addrIS,val32); m_curr_packet.set32BitAddress(val32,m_addrIS); } extractAndSetContextInfo(m_currPacketData,st_idx); m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } } } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktShortAddr(const uint8_t lastByte) { if (m_currPacketData.size() == 1) { m_addr_done = false; m_addrIS = 0; if ((lastByte == ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_S_IS1) || (lastByte == ETE_PKT_I_SRC_ADDR_S_IS1)) m_addrIS = 1; } else if(!m_addr_done) { m_addr_done = (m_currPacketData.size() == 3) || ((lastByte & 0x80) == 0x00); } if(m_addr_done) { uint32_t addr_val = 0; int bits = 0; extractShortAddr(m_currPacketData,1,m_addrIS,addr_val,bits); m_curr_packet.updateShortAddress(addr_val,m_addrIS,(uint8_t)bits); m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } } int TrcPktProcEtmV4I::extractShortAddr(const std::vector &buffer, const int st_idx, const uint8_t IS, uint32_t &value, int &bits) { int IS_shift = (IS == 0) ? 2 : 1; int idx = 0; bits = 7; // at least 7 bits value = 0; value |= ((uint32_t)(buffer[st_idx+idx] & 0x7F)) << IS_shift; if(m_currPacketData[st_idx+idx] & 0x80) { idx++; value |= ((uint32_t)m_currPacketData[st_idx+idx]) << (7 + IS_shift); bits += 8; } idx++; bits += IS_shift; return idx; } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktLongAddr(const uint8_t lastByte) { if(m_currPacketData.size() == 1) { // init the intra-byte data m_addrIS = 0; m_bAddr64bit = false; m_addrBytes = 4; switch(m_curr_packet.type) { case ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_L_32IS1: case ETE_PKT_I_SRC_ADDR_L_32IS1: m_addrIS = 1; case ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_L_32IS0: case ETE_PKT_I_SRC_ADDR_L_32IS0: m_addrBytes = 4; break; case ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_L_64IS1: case ETE_PKT_I_SRC_ADDR_L_64IS1: m_addrIS = 1; case ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_L_64IS0: case ETE_PKT_I_SRC_ADDR_L_64IS0: m_addrBytes = 8; m_bAddr64bit = true; break; } } if(m_currPacketData.size() == (unsigned)(1+m_addrBytes)) { int st_idx = 1; if(m_bAddr64bit) { uint64_t val64; st_idx+=extract64BitLongAddr(m_currPacketData,st_idx,m_addrIS,val64); m_curr_packet.set64BitAddress(val64,m_addrIS); } else { uint32_t val32; st_idx+=extract32BitLongAddr(m_currPacketData,st_idx,m_addrIS,val32); m_curr_packet.set32BitAddress(val32,m_addrIS); } m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktQ(const uint8_t lastByte) { if(m_currPacketData.size() == 1) { m_Q_type = lastByte & 0xF; m_addrBytes = 0; m_count_done = false; m_has_addr = false; m_addr_short = true; m_addr_match = false; m_addrIS = 1; m_QE = 0; switch(m_Q_type) { // count only - implied address. case 0x0: case 0x1: case 0x2: m_addr_match = true; m_has_addr = true; m_QE = m_Q_type & 0x3; case 0xC: break; // count + short address case 0x5: m_addrIS = 0; case 0x6: m_has_addr = true; m_addrBytes = 2; // short IS0/1 break; // count + long address case 0xA: m_addrIS = 0; case 0xB: m_has_addr = true; m_addr_short = false; m_addrBytes = 4; // long IS0/1 break; // no count, no address case 0xF: m_count_done = true; break; // reserved values 0x3, 0x4, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, 0xD, 0xE default: m_curr_packet.err_type = m_curr_packet.type; m_curr_packet.type = ETM4_PKT_I_BAD_SEQUENCE; m_process_state = SEND_PKT; break; } } else { if(m_addrBytes > 0) { if(m_addr_short && m_addrBytes == 2) // short { if((lastByte & 0x80) == 0x00) m_addrBytes--; // short version can have just single byte. } m_addrBytes--; } else if(!m_count_done) { m_count_done = ((lastByte & 0x80) == 0x00); } } if(((m_addrBytes == 0) && m_count_done)) { int idx = 1; // move past the header int bits = 0; uint32_t q_addr; uint32_t q_count; if(m_has_addr) { if(m_addr_match) { m_curr_packet.setAddressExactMatch(m_QE); } else if(m_addr_short) { idx+=extractShortAddr(m_currPacketData,idx,m_addrIS,q_addr,bits); m_curr_packet.updateShortAddress(q_addr,m_addrIS,(uint8_t)bits); } else { idx+=extract32BitLongAddr(m_currPacketData,idx,m_addrIS,q_addr); m_curr_packet.set32BitAddress(q_addr,m_addrIS); } } if(m_Q_type != 0xF) { extractContField(m_currPacketData,idx,q_count); m_curr_packet.setQType(true,q_count,m_has_addr,m_addr_match,m_Q_type); } else { m_curr_packet.setQType(false,0,false,false,0xF); } m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iAtom(const uint8_t lastByte) { // patterns lsbit = oldest atom, ms bit = newest. static const uint32_t f4_patterns[] = { 0xE, // EEEN 0x0, // NNNN 0xA, // ENEN 0x5 // NENE }; uint8_t pattIdx = 0, pattCount = 0; uint32_t pattern; // atom packets are single byte, no payload. switch(m_curr_packet.type) { case ETM4_PKT_I_ATOM_F1: m_curr_packet.setAtomPacket(ATOM_PATTERN,(lastByte & 0x1), 1); // 1xE or N break; case ETM4_PKT_I_ATOM_F2: m_curr_packet.setAtomPacket(ATOM_PATTERN,(lastByte & 0x3), 2); // 2x (E or N) break; case ETM4_PKT_I_ATOM_F3: m_curr_packet.setAtomPacket(ATOM_PATTERN,(lastByte & 0x7), 3); // 3x (E or N) break; case ETM4_PKT_I_ATOM_F4: m_curr_packet.setAtomPacket(ATOM_PATTERN,f4_patterns[(lastByte & 0x3)], 4); // 4 atom pattern break; case ETM4_PKT_I_ATOM_F5: pattIdx = ((lastByte & 0x20) >> 3) | (lastByte & 0x3); switch(pattIdx) { case 5: // 0b101 m_curr_packet.setAtomPacket(ATOM_PATTERN,0x1E, 5); // 5 atom pattern EEEEN break; case 1: // 0b001 m_curr_packet.setAtomPacket(ATOM_PATTERN,0x00, 5); // 5 atom pattern NNNNN break; case 2: //0b010 m_curr_packet.setAtomPacket(ATOM_PATTERN,0x0A, 5); // 5 atom pattern NENEN break; case 3: //0b011 m_curr_packet.setAtomPacket(ATOM_PATTERN,0x15, 5); // 5 atom pattern ENENE break; default: // TBD: warn about invalid pattern in here. break; } break; case ETM4_PKT_I_ATOM_F6: pattCount = (lastByte & 0x1F) + 3; // count of E's // TBD: check 23 or less at this point? pattern = ((uint32_t)0x1 << pattCount) - 1; // set pattern to string of E's if((lastByte & 0x20) == 0x00) // last atom is E? pattern |= ((uint32_t)0x1 << pattCount); m_curr_packet.setAtomPacket(ATOM_PATTERN,pattern, pattCount+1); break; } m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktITE(const uint8_t /* lastByte */) { uint64_t value; int shift = 0; /* packet is always 10 bytes, Header, EL info byte, 8 bytes payload */ if (m_currPacketData.size() == 10) { value = 0; for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++) { value |= ((uint64_t)m_currPacketData[i]) << shift; shift += 8; } m_curr_packet.setITE(m_currPacketData[1], value); m_process_state = SEND_PKT; } } // header byte processing is table driven. void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::BuildIPacketTable() { // initialise everything as reserved. for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { m_i_table[i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_RESERVED; m_i_table[i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktReserved; } // 0x00 - extension m_i_table[0x00].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_EXTENSION; m_i_table[0x00].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktExtension; // 0x01 - Trace info m_i_table[0x01].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_TRACE_INFO; m_i_table[0x01].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktTraceInfo; // b0000001x - timestamp m_i_table[0x02].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_TIMESTAMP; m_i_table[0x02].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktTimestamp; m_i_table[0x03].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_TIMESTAMP; m_i_table[0x03].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktTimestamp; // b0000 0100 - trace on m_i_table[0x04].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_TRACE_ON; m_i_table[0x04].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktNoPayload; // b0000 0101 - Funct ret V8M m_i_table[0x05].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_FUNC_RET; if ((m_config.coreProfile() == profile_CortexM) && (OCSD_IS_V8_ARCH(m_config.archVersion())) && (m_config.FullVersion() >= 0x42)) { m_i_table[0x05].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktNoPayload; } // b0000 0110 - exception m_i_table[0x06].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_EXCEPT; m_i_table[0x06].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktException; // b0000 0111 - exception return m_i_table[0x07].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_EXCEPT_RTN; if (m_config.MajVersion() >= 0x5) // not valid for ETE { #ifdef ETE_TRACE_ERET_AS_IGNORE m_i_table[0x07].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_IGNORE; m_i_table[0x07].pptkFn = &EtmV4IPktProcImpl::iPktNoPayload; #else m_i_table[0x07].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktInvalidCfg; #endif } else m_i_table[0x07].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktNoPayload; // b00001010, b00001011 ETE TRANS packets // b00001001 - ETE sw instrumentation packet if (m_config.MajVersion() >= 0x5) { m_i_table[0x0A].pkt_type = ETE_PKT_I_TRANS_ST; m_i_table[0x0A].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktNoPayload; m_i_table[0x0B].pkt_type = ETE_PKT_I_TRANS_COMMIT; m_i_table[0x0B].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktNoPayload; // FEAT_ITE - sw instrumentation packet if (m_config.MinVersion() >= 0x3) { m_i_table[0x09].pkt_type = ETE_PKT_I_ITE; m_i_table[0x09].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktITE; } } // b0000 110x - cycle count f2 // b0000 111x - cycle count f1 for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m_i_table[0x0C+i].pkt_type = (i >= 2) ? ETM4_PKT_I_CCNT_F1 : ETM4_PKT_I_CCNT_F2; m_i_table[0x0C+i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktCycleCntF123; } // b0001 xxxx - cycle count f3 for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { m_i_table[0x10+i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_CCNT_F3; m_i_table[0x10+i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktCycleCntF123; } // b0010 0xxx - NDSM for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { m_i_table[0x20 + i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_NUM_DS_MKR; if (m_config.enabledDataTrace()) m_i_table[0x20+i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktNoPayload; else m_i_table[0x20+i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktInvalidCfg; } // b0010 10xx, b0010 1100 - UDSM for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { m_i_table[0x28+i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_UNNUM_DS_MKR; if (m_config.enabledDataTrace()) m_i_table[0x28+i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktNoPayload; else m_i_table[0x28+i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktInvalidCfg; } // b0010 1101 - commit m_i_table[0x2D].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_COMMIT; m_i_table[0x2D].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktSpeclRes; // b0010 111x - cancel f1 (mis pred) m_i_table[0x2E].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_CANCEL_F1; m_i_table[0x2E].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktSpeclRes; m_i_table[0x2F].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_CANCEL_F1_MISPRED; m_i_table[0x2F].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktSpeclRes; // b0011 00xx - mis predict for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m_i_table[0x30+i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_MISPREDICT; m_i_table[0x30+i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktSpeclRes; } // b0011 01xx - cancel f2 for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m_i_table[0x34+i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_CANCEL_F2; m_i_table[0x34+i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktSpeclRes; } // b0011 1xxx - cancel f3 for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { m_i_table[0x38+i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_CANCEL_F3; m_i_table[0x38+i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktSpeclRes; } bool bCondValid = m_config.hasCondTrace() && m_config.enabledCondITrace(); // b0100 000x, b0100 0010 - cond I f2 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { m_i_table[0x40 + i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_COND_I_F2; if (bCondValid) m_i_table[0x40 + i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktCondInstr; else m_i_table[0x40 + i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktInvalidCfg; } // b0100 0011 - cond flush m_i_table[0x43].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_COND_FLUSH; if (bCondValid) m_i_table[0x43].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktNoPayload; else m_i_table[0x43].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktInvalidCfg; // b0100 010x, b0100 0110 - cond res f4 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { m_i_table[0x44 + i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_COND_RES_F4; if (bCondValid) m_i_table[0x44 + i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktCondResult; else m_i_table[0x44 + i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktInvalidCfg; } // b0100 100x, b0100 0110 - cond res f2 // b0100 110x, b0100 1110 - cond res f2 for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { m_i_table[0x48 + i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_COND_RES_F2; if (bCondValid) m_i_table[0x48 + i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktCondResult; else m_i_table[0x48 + i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktInvalidCfg; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { m_i_table[0x4C + i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_COND_RES_F2; if (bCondValid) m_i_table[0x4C + i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktCondResult; else m_i_table[0x4C + i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktInvalidCfg; } // b0101xxxx - cond res f3 for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { m_i_table[0x50 + i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_COND_RES_F3; if (bCondValid) m_i_table[0x50 + i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktCondResult; else m_i_table[0x50 + i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktInvalidCfg; } // b011010xx - cond res f1 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { m_i_table[0x68 + i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_COND_RES_F1; if (bCondValid) m_i_table[0x68 + i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktCondResult; else m_i_table[0x68 + i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktInvalidCfg; } // b0110 1100 - cond instr f1 m_i_table[0x6C].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_COND_I_F1; if (bCondValid) m_i_table[0x6C].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktCondInstr; else m_i_table[0x6C].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktInvalidCfg; // b0110 1101 - cond instr f3 m_i_table[0x6D].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_COND_I_F3; if (bCondValid) m_i_table[0x6D].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktCondInstr; else m_i_table[0x6D].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktInvalidCfg; // b0110111x - cond res f1 for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // G++ cannot understand [0x6E+i] so change these round m_i_table[i + 0x6E].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_COND_RES_F1; if (bCondValid) m_i_table[i + 0x6E].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktCondResult; else m_i_table[i + 0x6E].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktInvalidCfg; } // ETM 4.3 introduces ignore packets if (m_config.FullVersion() >= 0x43) { m_i_table[0x70].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_IGNORE; m_i_table[0x70].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktNoPayload; } // b01110001 - b01111111 - event trace for(int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { m_i_table[0x71+i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_EVENT; m_i_table[0x71+i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktNoPayload; } // 0b1000 000x - context for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m_i_table[0x80+i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_CTXT; m_i_table[0x80+i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktContext; } // 0b1000 0010 to b1000 0011 - addr with ctxt // 0b1000 0101 to b1000 0110 - addr with ctxt for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m_i_table[0x82+i].pkt_type = (i == 0) ? ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_CTXT_L_32IS0 : ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_CTXT_L_32IS1; m_i_table[0x82+i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktAddrCtxt; } for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m_i_table[0x85+i].pkt_type = (i == 0) ? ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_CTXT_L_64IS0 : ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_CTXT_L_64IS1; m_i_table[0x85+i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktAddrCtxt; } // 0b1000 1000 - ETE 1.1 TS Marker. also ETMv4.6 if(m_config.FullVersion() >= 0x46) { m_i_table[0x88].pkt_type = ETE_PKT_I_TS_MARKER; m_i_table[0x88].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktNoPayload; } // 0b1001 0000 to b1001 0010 - exact match addr for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { m_i_table[0x90+i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_MATCH; m_i_table[0x90+i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktNoPayload; } // b1001 0101 - b1001 0110 - addr short address for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m_i_table[0x95+i].pkt_type = (i == 0) ? ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_S_IS0 : ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_S_IS1; m_i_table[0x95+i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktShortAddr; } // b10011010 - b10011011 - addr long address // b10011101 - b10011110 - addr long address for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m_i_table[0x9A+i].pkt_type = (i == 0) ? ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_L_32IS0 : ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_L_32IS1; m_i_table[0x9A+i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktLongAddr; } for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m_i_table[0x9D+i].pkt_type = (i == 0) ? ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_L_64IS0 : ETM4_PKT_I_ADDR_L_64IS1; m_i_table[0x9D+i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktLongAddr; } // b1010xxxx - Q packet for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { m_i_table[0xA0 + i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_Q; // certain Q type codes are reserved. switch (i) { case 0x3: case 0x4: case 0x7: case 0x8: case 0x9: case 0xD: case 0xE: // don't update pkt fn - leave at default reserved. break; default: // if this config supports Q elem - otherwise reserved again. if (m_config.hasQElem()) m_i_table[0xA0 + i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktQ; } } // b10110000 - b10111001 - ETE src address packets if (m_config.FullVersion() >= 0x50) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { m_i_table[0xB0 + i].pkt_type = ETE_PKT_I_SRC_ADDR_MATCH; m_i_table[0xB0 + i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktNoPayload; } m_i_table[0xB4].pkt_type = ETE_PKT_I_SRC_ADDR_S_IS0; m_i_table[0xB4].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktShortAddr; m_i_table[0xB5].pkt_type = ETE_PKT_I_SRC_ADDR_S_IS1; m_i_table[0xB5].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktShortAddr; m_i_table[0xB6].pkt_type = ETE_PKT_I_SRC_ADDR_L_32IS0; m_i_table[0xB6].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktLongAddr; m_i_table[0xB7].pkt_type = ETE_PKT_I_SRC_ADDR_L_32IS1; m_i_table[0xB7].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktLongAddr; m_i_table[0xB8].pkt_type = ETE_PKT_I_SRC_ADDR_L_64IS0; m_i_table[0xB8].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktLongAddr; m_i_table[0xB9].pkt_type = ETE_PKT_I_SRC_ADDR_L_64IS1; m_i_table[0xB9].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iPktLongAddr; } // Atom Packets - all no payload but have specific pattern generation fn for(int i = 0xC0; i <= 0xD4; i++) // atom f6 { m_i_table[i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_ATOM_F6; m_i_table[i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iAtom; } for(int i = 0xD5; i <= 0xD7; i++) // atom f5 { m_i_table[i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_ATOM_F5; m_i_table[i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iAtom; } for(int i = 0xD8; i <= 0xDB; i++) // atom f2 { m_i_table[i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_ATOM_F2; m_i_table[i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iAtom; } for(int i = 0xDC; i <= 0xDF; i++) // atom f4 { m_i_table[i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_ATOM_F4; m_i_table[i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iAtom; } for(int i = 0xE0; i <= 0xF4; i++) // atom f6 { m_i_table[i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_ATOM_F6; m_i_table[i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iAtom; } // atom f5 m_i_table[0xF5].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_ATOM_F5; m_i_table[0xF5].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iAtom; for(int i = 0xF6; i <= 0xF7; i++) // atom f1 { m_i_table[i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_ATOM_F1; m_i_table[i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iAtom; } for(int i = 0xF8; i <= 0xFF; i++) // atom f3 { m_i_table[i].pkt_type = ETM4_PKT_I_ATOM_F3; m_i_table[i].pptkFn = &TrcPktProcEtmV4I::iAtom; } } unsigned TrcPktProcEtmV4I::extractContField(const std::vector &buffer, const unsigned st_idx, uint32_t &value, const unsigned byte_limit /*= 5*/) { unsigned idx = 0; bool lastByte = false; uint8_t byteVal; value = 0; while(!lastByte && (idx < byte_limit)) // max 5 bytes for 32 bit value; { if(buffer.size() > (st_idx + idx)) { // each byte has seven bits + cont bit byteVal = buffer[(st_idx + idx)]; lastByte = (byteVal & 0x80) != 0x80; value |= ((uint32_t)(byteVal & 0x7F)) << (idx * 7); idx++; } else { throwBadSequenceError("Invalid 32 bit continuation fields in packet"); } } return idx; } unsigned TrcPktProcEtmV4I::extractTSField64(const std::vector &buffer, const unsigned st_idx, uint64_t &value) { const unsigned max_byte_idx = 8; /* the 9th byte, index 8, will use full 8 bits for value */ unsigned idx = 0; bool lastByte = false; uint8_t byteVal; uint8_t byteValMask = 0x7f; /* init value */ value = 0; while(!lastByte) // max 9 bytes for 64 bit value; { if(buffer.size() > (st_idx + idx)) { // each byte has seven bits + cont bit byteVal = buffer[(st_idx + idx)]; /* detect the final byte - which uses full 8 bits as value */ if (idx == max_byte_idx) { byteValMask = 0xFF; /* last byte of 9, no cont bit */ lastByte = true; } else lastByte = (byteVal & 0x80) != 0x80; value |= ((uint64_t)(byteVal & byteValMask)) << (idx * 7); idx++; } else { throwBadSequenceError("Invalid 64 bit continuation fields in packet"); } } // index is the count of bytes used here. return idx; } unsigned TrcPktProcEtmV4I::extractCondResult(const std::vector &buffer, const unsigned st_idx, uint32_t& key, uint8_t &result) { unsigned idx = 0; bool lastByte = false; int incr = 0; key = 0; while(!lastByte && (idx < 6)) // cannot be more than 6 bytes for res + 32 bit key { if(buffer.size() > (st_idx + idx)) { if(idx == 0) { result = buffer[st_idx+idx]; key = (buffer[st_idx+idx] >> 4) & 0x7; incr+=3; } else { key |= ((uint32_t)(buffer[st_idx+idx] & 0x7F)) << incr; incr+=7; } lastByte = (bool)((buffer[st_idx+idx] & 0x80) == 0); idx++; } else { throwBadSequenceError("Invalid continuation fields in packet"); } } return idx; } int TrcPktProcEtmV4I::extract64BitLongAddr(const std::vector &buffer, const int st_idx, const uint8_t IS, uint64_t &value) { value = 0; if(IS == 0) { value |= ((uint64_t)(buffer[st_idx+0] & 0x7F)) << 2; value |= ((uint64_t)(buffer[st_idx+1] & 0x7F)) << 9; } else { value |= ((uint64_t)(buffer[st_idx+0] & 0x7F)) << 1; value |= ((uint64_t)buffer[st_idx+1]) << 8; } value |= ((uint64_t)buffer[st_idx+2]) << 16; value |= ((uint64_t)buffer[st_idx+3]) << 24; value |= ((uint64_t)buffer[st_idx+4]) << 32; value |= ((uint64_t)buffer[st_idx+5]) << 40; value |= ((uint64_t)buffer[st_idx+6]) << 48; value |= ((uint64_t)buffer[st_idx+7]) << 56; return 8; } int TrcPktProcEtmV4I::extract32BitLongAddr(const std::vector &buffer, const int st_idx, const uint8_t IS, uint32_t &value) { value = 0; if(IS == 0) { value |= ((uint32_t)(buffer[st_idx+0] & 0x7F)) << 2; value |= ((uint32_t)(buffer[st_idx+1] & 0x7F)) << 9; } else { value |= ((uint32_t)(buffer[st_idx+0] & 0x7F)) << 1; value |= ((uint32_t)buffer[st_idx+1]) << 8; } value |= ((uint32_t)buffer[st_idx+2]) << 16; value |= ((uint32_t)buffer[st_idx+3]) << 24; return 4; } void TrcPktProcEtmV4I::throwBadSequenceError(const char *pszExtMsg) { m_curr_packet.updateErrType(ETM4_PKT_I_BAD_SEQUENCE); // swap type for err type throw ocsdError(OCSD_ERR_SEV_ERROR, OCSD_ERR_BAD_PACKET_SEQ,m_packet_index,m_config.getTraceID(),pszExtMsg); } /* End of File trc_pkt_proc_etmv4i.cpp */