/* * Copyright 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ /* Copyright (c) 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley Software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. */ /* * Macros to classify characters. */ #ifdef MBCHAR #include #include #define isauxspZ (!isascii(Z)&&!(Z"E)&&iswspace(Z)) #define isauxsp(c) (Z=((unsigned)(c)), isauxspZ) /* Regocnizes non-ASCII space characters. */ #else #include /* macros of macros to reduce further #ifdef MBCHAR later. Please be patient!*/ #define iswdigit(c) isdigit(c) #define iswalpha(c) isalpha(c) #define isphonogram(c) 0 #define isideogram(c) 0 #define isauxsp(c) 0 #define isauxspZ 0 #endif extern unsigned short _cmap[];/* Defined in sh.char.c */ extern unsigned int Z; /* A place to save macro arg to avoid side-effect!*/ #define _Q 0x01 /* '" */ #define _Q1 0x02 /* ` */ #define _SP 0x04 /* space and tab */ #define _NL 0x08 /* \n */ #define _META 0x10 /* lex meta characters, sp #'`";&<>()|\t\n */ #define _GLOB 0x20 /* glob characters, *?{[` */ #define _ESC 0x40 /* \ */ #define _DOL 0x80 /* $ */ #define _DIG 0x100 /* 0-9 */ #define _LET 0x200 /* a-z, A-Z, _ NO LONGER OF REAL USE. */ #define quoted(c) ((unsigned)(c) & QUOTE) #define cmapZ(bits) (isascii(Z)?(_cmap[Z] & (bits)):0) #define cmap(c, bits) (Z=((unsigned)(c)), cmapZ(bits)) #define isglob(c) cmap(c, _GLOB) #define ismeta(c) cmap(c, _META) #define digit(c) cmap(c, _DIG) #define issp(c) (Z=((unsigned)(c)), cmapZ( _SP)||isauxspZ) /*WAS isspace(c)*/ #define isspnl(c) (Z=((unsigned)(c)), cmapZ( _SP|_NL)||isauxspZ) #define letter(c) \ (Z=((unsigned)(c)), !quoted(Z)&&(iswalpha(Z)||((Z)=='_')\ ||isphonogram(Z)||isideogram(Z))) #define alnum(c) \ (Z=((unsigned)(c)), !quoted(Z)&&(iswalpha(Z)||((Z)=='_')\ ||iswdigit(Z)||isphonogram(Z)||isideogram(Z)))