.\" .\" This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the .\" Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL"), version 1.0. .\" You may only use this file in accordance with the terms of version .\" 1.0 of the CDDL. .\" .\" A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this .\" source. A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at .\" http://www.illumos.org/license/CDDL. .\" .\" .\" Copyright 2021 .\" .Dd Month Day, Year .Dt MANUALPAGE 3SECTION .\" MANUALPAGE should be replaced with the primary function that you are .\" documenting. If there is more than one function, then you should either .\" use the primary function of the group or a more general name. Every .\" documented function will appear in the NAME section below. .\" .\" The SECTION generally refers to the name of the library that this .\" appears in. For example for something in libc this would be 3C. In .\" general this is the capitalized version of the libraries shared .\" object name. .Os .Sh NAME .Nm funcname , .Nm funcname2 .Nd short description .Sh LIBRARY .Lb libname .Sh SYNOPSIS .\" Insert any required pre-processor macros with Dv .\" .In headerfile.h .\" .Ft return type .\" .Fo function name .\" .Fa "func arg 0 type and name" .\" .Fa "func arg 1 type and name" .\" .Fc .\" Repeat above for each function .Sh DESCRIPTION .\" Describe how the functions operate and what they do. Provide .\" background for the reader. Don't assume that they know how .\" everything works. Be clear about the semantics and the why. .Sh RETURN VALUES Upon successful completion, the .Fn funcname function returns XXX and . Otherwise XXX is returned and . .Sh EXAMPLES .Sh ERRORS The .fn funcname functions will fail if: .Bl -tag -width Er .It Er ERRNO1 A Reason why ERRNO1 could occur. .It Er ERRNO2 A Reason why ERRNO2 could occur. .El .Sh INTERFACE STABILITY .\" Indicate the stability per attributes(5). One of: .\" .Sy Committed .\" .Sy Uncommitted .\" .Sy Volatile .\" .Sy Private .Sh MT-LEVEL .\" Indicate the MT-Level per attributes(5). If there are exceptions, .\" start with the level and go from there. .\" .Sy Safe .\" .Sy Unsafe .\" .Sy MT-Safe .\" .Sy Aysnc-Signal-Safe .Sh SEE ALSO .\" A list of mentioned manuals or others that are relevant to this .\" function. If there is a user command that exercises this, for .\" example, sleep(1) if documenting sleep(3C), list this here. .\" Generally an overview page for a library in 3LIB should also be .\" referenced.