Tests ============= Unit tests -------------- There is a comprehensive test suite employing CMocka_. You can run all of them using ``ctest`` in the build directory. Individual tests are themselves runnable. Please refer to `CTest `_ documentation for detailed information on how to specify particular subset of tests. .. _CMocka: http://cmocka.org/ Testing for memory leaks ------------------------ Every release is tested for memory correctness. You can run these tests by passing the ``-T memcheck`` flag to ``ctest``. [#]_ .. [#] Project should be configured with ``-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug`` to obtain meaningful description of location of the leak. You might also need ``--dsymutil=yes`` on OS X. Code coverage ------------------- Every release is inspected using `GCOV/LCOV `_. Platform-independent code should be fully covered by the test suite. Simply run .. code-block:: bash make coverage or alternatively run ``lcov`` by hand using .. code-block:: bash lcov --capture --directory . --output-file coverage.info genhtml coverage.info --output-directory out Fuzz testing ----------------- Every release is tested using a fuzz test. In this test, a huge buffer filled with random data is passed to the decoder. We require that it either succeeds or fail with a sensible error, without leaking any memory. This is intended to simulate real-world situations where data received from the network are CBOR-decoded before any further processing.