//===-- ModuleList.cpp ----------------------------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "lldb/Core/ModuleList.h" #include "lldb/Core/FileSpecList.h" #include "lldb/Core/Module.h" #include "lldb/Core/ModuleSpec.h" #include "lldb/Host/FileSystem.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionValueFileSpec.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionValueFileSpecList.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionValueProperties.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/Property.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/LocateSymbolFile.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/ObjectFile.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolContext.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/TypeList.h" #include "lldb/Symbol/VariableList.h" #include "lldb/Utility/ArchSpec.h" #include "lldb/Utility/ConstString.h" #include "lldb/Utility/LLDBLog.h" #include "lldb/Utility/Log.h" #include "lldb/Utility/UUID.h" #include "lldb/lldb-defines.h" #if defined(_WIN32) #include "lldb/Host/windows/PosixApi.h" #endif #include "clang/Driver/Driver.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" #include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h" #include "llvm/Support/Threading.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include #include #include #include #include namespace lldb_private { class Function; } namespace lldb_private { class RegularExpression; } namespace lldb_private { class Stream; } namespace lldb_private { class SymbolFile; } namespace lldb_private { class Target; } using namespace lldb; using namespace lldb_private; namespace { #define LLDB_PROPERTIES_modulelist #include "CoreProperties.inc" enum { #define LLDB_PROPERTIES_modulelist #include "CorePropertiesEnum.inc" }; } // namespace ModuleListProperties::ModuleListProperties() { m_collection_sp = std::make_shared(ConstString("symbols")); m_collection_sp->Initialize(g_modulelist_properties); m_collection_sp->SetValueChangedCallback(ePropertySymLinkPaths, [this] { UpdateSymlinkMappings(); }); llvm::SmallString<128> path; if (clang::driver::Driver::getDefaultModuleCachePath(path)) { lldbassert(SetClangModulesCachePath(FileSpec(path))); } path.clear(); if (llvm::sys::path::cache_directory(path)) { llvm::sys::path::append(path, "lldb"); llvm::sys::path::append(path, "IndexCache"); lldbassert(SetLLDBIndexCachePath(FileSpec(path))); } } bool ModuleListProperties::GetEnableExternalLookup() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyEnableExternalLookup; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_modulelist_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } bool ModuleListProperties::SetEnableExternalLookup(bool new_value) { return m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, ePropertyEnableExternalLookup, new_value); } bool ModuleListProperties::GetEnableBackgroundLookup() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyEnableBackgroundLookup; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_modulelist_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } FileSpec ModuleListProperties::GetClangModulesCachePath() const { return m_collection_sp ->GetPropertyAtIndexAsOptionValueFileSpec(nullptr, false, ePropertyClangModulesCachePath) ->GetCurrentValue(); } bool ModuleListProperties::SetClangModulesCachePath(const FileSpec &path) { return m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsFileSpec( nullptr, ePropertyClangModulesCachePath, path); } FileSpec ModuleListProperties::GetLLDBIndexCachePath() const { return m_collection_sp ->GetPropertyAtIndexAsOptionValueFileSpec(nullptr, false, ePropertyLLDBIndexCachePath) ->GetCurrentValue(); } bool ModuleListProperties::SetLLDBIndexCachePath(const FileSpec &path) { return m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsFileSpec( nullptr, ePropertyLLDBIndexCachePath, path); } bool ModuleListProperties::GetEnableLLDBIndexCache() const { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyEnableLLDBIndexCache; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_modulelist_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } bool ModuleListProperties::SetEnableLLDBIndexCache(bool new_value) { return m_collection_sp->SetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, ePropertyEnableLLDBIndexCache, new_value); } uint64_t ModuleListProperties::GetLLDBIndexCacheMaxByteSize() { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyLLDBIndexCacheMaxByteSize; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsUInt64( nullptr, idx, g_modulelist_properties[idx].default_uint_value); } uint64_t ModuleListProperties::GetLLDBIndexCacheMaxPercent() { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyLLDBIndexCacheMaxPercent; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsUInt64( nullptr, idx, g_modulelist_properties[idx].default_uint_value); } uint64_t ModuleListProperties::GetLLDBIndexCacheExpirationDays() { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyLLDBIndexCacheExpirationDays; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsUInt64( nullptr, idx, g_modulelist_properties[idx].default_uint_value); } void ModuleListProperties::UpdateSymlinkMappings() { FileSpecList list = m_collection_sp ->GetPropertyAtIndexAsOptionValueFileSpecList( nullptr, false, ePropertySymLinkPaths) ->GetCurrentValue(); llvm::sys::ScopedWriter lock(m_symlink_paths_mutex); const bool notify = false; m_symlink_paths.Clear(notify); for (FileSpec symlink : list) { FileSpec resolved; Status status = FileSystem::Instance().Readlink(symlink, resolved); if (status.Success()) m_symlink_paths.Append(symlink.GetPath(), resolved.GetPath(), notify); } } PathMappingList ModuleListProperties::GetSymlinkMappings() const { llvm::sys::ScopedReader lock(m_symlink_paths_mutex); return m_symlink_paths; } bool ModuleListProperties::GetLoadSymbolOnDemand() { const uint32_t idx = ePropertyLoadSymbolOnDemand; return m_collection_sp->GetPropertyAtIndexAsBoolean( nullptr, idx, g_modulelist_properties[idx].default_uint_value != 0); } ModuleList::ModuleList() : m_modules(), m_modules_mutex() {} ModuleList::ModuleList(const ModuleList &rhs) : m_modules(), m_modules_mutex() { std::lock_guard lhs_guard(m_modules_mutex); std::lock_guard rhs_guard(rhs.m_modules_mutex); m_modules = rhs.m_modules; } ModuleList::ModuleList(ModuleList::Notifier *notifier) : m_modules(), m_modules_mutex(), m_notifier(notifier) {} const ModuleList &ModuleList::operator=(const ModuleList &rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { std::lock(m_modules_mutex, rhs.m_modules_mutex); std::lock_guard lhs_guard(m_modules_mutex, std::adopt_lock); std::lock_guard rhs_guard(rhs.m_modules_mutex, std::adopt_lock); m_modules = rhs.m_modules; } return *this; } ModuleList::~ModuleList() = default; void ModuleList::AppendImpl(const ModuleSP &module_sp, bool use_notifier) { if (module_sp) { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); m_modules.push_back(module_sp); if (use_notifier && m_notifier) m_notifier->NotifyModuleAdded(*this, module_sp); } } void ModuleList::Append(const ModuleSP &module_sp, bool notify) { AppendImpl(module_sp, notify); } void ModuleList::ReplaceEquivalent( const ModuleSP &module_sp, llvm::SmallVectorImpl *old_modules) { if (module_sp) { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); // First remove any equivalent modules. Equivalent modules are modules // whose path, platform path and architecture match. ModuleSpec equivalent_module_spec(module_sp->GetFileSpec(), module_sp->GetArchitecture()); equivalent_module_spec.GetPlatformFileSpec() = module_sp->GetPlatformFileSpec(); size_t idx = 0; while (idx < m_modules.size()) { ModuleSP test_module_sp(m_modules[idx]); if (test_module_sp->MatchesModuleSpec(equivalent_module_spec)) { if (old_modules) old_modules->push_back(test_module_sp); RemoveImpl(m_modules.begin() + idx); } else { ++idx; } } // Now add the new module to the list Append(module_sp); } } bool ModuleList::AppendIfNeeded(const ModuleSP &new_module, bool notify) { if (new_module) { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const ModuleSP &module_sp : m_modules) { if (module_sp.get() == new_module.get()) return false; // Already in the list } // Only push module_sp on the list if it wasn't already in there. Append(new_module, notify); return true; } return false; } void ModuleList::Append(const ModuleList &module_list) { for (auto pos : module_list.m_modules) Append(pos); } bool ModuleList::AppendIfNeeded(const ModuleList &module_list) { bool any_in = false; for (auto pos : module_list.m_modules) { if (AppendIfNeeded(pos)) any_in = true; } return any_in; } bool ModuleList::RemoveImpl(const ModuleSP &module_sp, bool use_notifier) { if (module_sp) { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); collection::iterator pos, end = m_modules.end(); for (pos = m_modules.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) { if (pos->get() == module_sp.get()) { m_modules.erase(pos); if (use_notifier && m_notifier) m_notifier->NotifyModuleRemoved(*this, module_sp); return true; } } } return false; } ModuleList::collection::iterator ModuleList::RemoveImpl(ModuleList::collection::iterator pos, bool use_notifier) { ModuleSP module_sp(*pos); collection::iterator retval = m_modules.erase(pos); if (use_notifier && m_notifier) m_notifier->NotifyModuleRemoved(*this, module_sp); return retval; } bool ModuleList::Remove(const ModuleSP &module_sp, bool notify) { return RemoveImpl(module_sp, notify); } bool ModuleList::ReplaceModule(const lldb::ModuleSP &old_module_sp, const lldb::ModuleSP &new_module_sp) { if (!RemoveImpl(old_module_sp, false)) return false; AppendImpl(new_module_sp, false); if (m_notifier) m_notifier->NotifyModuleUpdated(*this, old_module_sp, new_module_sp); return true; } bool ModuleList::RemoveIfOrphaned(const Module *module_ptr) { if (module_ptr) { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); collection::iterator pos, end = m_modules.end(); for (pos = m_modules.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) { if (pos->get() == module_ptr) { if (pos->unique()) { pos = RemoveImpl(pos); return true; } else return false; } } } return false; } size_t ModuleList::RemoveOrphans(bool mandatory) { std::unique_lock lock(m_modules_mutex, std::defer_lock); if (mandatory) { lock.lock(); } else { // Not mandatory, remove orphans if we can get the mutex if (!lock.try_lock()) return 0; } size_t remove_count = 0; // Modules might hold shared pointers to other modules, so removing one // module might make other other modules orphans. Keep removing modules until // there are no further modules that can be removed. bool made_progress = true; while (made_progress) { // Keep track if we make progress this iteration. made_progress = false; collection::iterator pos = m_modules.begin(); while (pos != m_modules.end()) { if (pos->unique()) { pos = RemoveImpl(pos); ++remove_count; // We did make progress. made_progress = true; } else { ++pos; } } } return remove_count; } size_t ModuleList::Remove(ModuleList &module_list) { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); size_t num_removed = 0; collection::iterator pos, end = module_list.m_modules.end(); for (pos = module_list.m_modules.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) { if (Remove(*pos, false /* notify */)) ++num_removed; } if (m_notifier) m_notifier->NotifyModulesRemoved(module_list); return num_removed; } void ModuleList::Clear() { ClearImpl(); } void ModuleList::Destroy() { ClearImpl(); } void ModuleList::ClearImpl(bool use_notifier) { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); if (use_notifier && m_notifier) m_notifier->NotifyWillClearList(*this); m_modules.clear(); } Module *ModuleList::GetModulePointerAtIndex(size_t idx) const { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); if (idx < m_modules.size()) return m_modules[idx].get(); return nullptr; } ModuleSP ModuleList::GetModuleAtIndex(size_t idx) const { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); return GetModuleAtIndexUnlocked(idx); } ModuleSP ModuleList::GetModuleAtIndexUnlocked(size_t idx) const { ModuleSP module_sp; if (idx < m_modules.size()) module_sp = m_modules[idx]; return module_sp; } void ModuleList::FindFunctions(ConstString name, FunctionNameType name_type_mask, const ModuleFunctionSearchOptions &options, SymbolContextList &sc_list) const { const size_t old_size = sc_list.GetSize(); if (name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeAuto) { Module::LookupInfo lookup_info(name, name_type_mask, eLanguageTypeUnknown); std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const ModuleSP &module_sp : m_modules) { module_sp->FindFunctions(lookup_info, CompilerDeclContext(), options, sc_list); } const size_t new_size = sc_list.GetSize(); if (old_size < new_size) lookup_info.Prune(sc_list, old_size); } else { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const ModuleSP &module_sp : m_modules) { module_sp->FindFunctions(name, CompilerDeclContext(), name_type_mask, options, sc_list); } } } void ModuleList::FindFunctionSymbols(ConstString name, lldb::FunctionNameType name_type_mask, SymbolContextList &sc_list) { const size_t old_size = sc_list.GetSize(); if (name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeAuto) { Module::LookupInfo lookup_info(name, name_type_mask, eLanguageTypeUnknown); std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const ModuleSP &module_sp : m_modules) { module_sp->FindFunctionSymbols(lookup_info.GetLookupName(), lookup_info.GetNameTypeMask(), sc_list); } const size_t new_size = sc_list.GetSize(); if (old_size < new_size) lookup_info.Prune(sc_list, old_size); } else { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const ModuleSP &module_sp : m_modules) { module_sp->FindFunctionSymbols(name, name_type_mask, sc_list); } } } void ModuleList::FindFunctions(const RegularExpression &name, const ModuleFunctionSearchOptions &options, SymbolContextList &sc_list) { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const ModuleSP &module_sp : m_modules) module_sp->FindFunctions(name, options, sc_list); } void ModuleList::FindCompileUnits(const FileSpec &path, SymbolContextList &sc_list) const { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const ModuleSP &module_sp : m_modules) module_sp->FindCompileUnits(path, sc_list); } void ModuleList::FindGlobalVariables(ConstString name, size_t max_matches, VariableList &variable_list) const { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const ModuleSP &module_sp : m_modules) { module_sp->FindGlobalVariables(name, CompilerDeclContext(), max_matches, variable_list); } } void ModuleList::FindGlobalVariables(const RegularExpression ®ex, size_t max_matches, VariableList &variable_list) const { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const ModuleSP &module_sp : m_modules) module_sp->FindGlobalVariables(regex, max_matches, variable_list); } void ModuleList::FindSymbolsWithNameAndType(ConstString name, SymbolType symbol_type, SymbolContextList &sc_list) const { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const ModuleSP &module_sp : m_modules) module_sp->FindSymbolsWithNameAndType(name, symbol_type, sc_list); } void ModuleList::FindSymbolsMatchingRegExAndType( const RegularExpression ®ex, lldb::SymbolType symbol_type, SymbolContextList &sc_list) const { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const ModuleSP &module_sp : m_modules) module_sp->FindSymbolsMatchingRegExAndType(regex, symbol_type, sc_list); } void ModuleList::FindModules(const ModuleSpec &module_spec, ModuleList &matching_module_list) const { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const ModuleSP &module_sp : m_modules) { if (module_sp->MatchesModuleSpec(module_spec)) matching_module_list.Append(module_sp); } } ModuleSP ModuleList::FindModule(const Module *module_ptr) const { ModuleSP module_sp; // Scope for "locker" { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); collection::const_iterator pos, end = m_modules.end(); for (pos = m_modules.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) { if ((*pos).get() == module_ptr) { module_sp = (*pos); break; } } } return module_sp; } ModuleSP ModuleList::FindModule(const UUID &uuid) const { ModuleSP module_sp; if (uuid.IsValid()) { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); collection::const_iterator pos, end = m_modules.end(); for (pos = m_modules.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) { if ((*pos)->GetUUID() == uuid) { module_sp = (*pos); break; } } } return module_sp; } void ModuleList::FindTypes(Module *search_first, ConstString name, bool name_is_fully_qualified, size_t max_matches, llvm::DenseSet &searched_symbol_files, TypeList &types) const { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); collection::const_iterator pos, end = m_modules.end(); if (search_first) { for (pos = m_modules.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) { if (search_first == pos->get()) { search_first->FindTypes(name, name_is_fully_qualified, max_matches, searched_symbol_files, types); if (types.GetSize() >= max_matches) return; } } } for (pos = m_modules.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) { // Search the module if the module is not equal to the one in the symbol // context "sc". If "sc" contains a empty module shared pointer, then the // comparison will always be true (valid_module_ptr != nullptr). if (search_first != pos->get()) (*pos)->FindTypes(name, name_is_fully_qualified, max_matches, searched_symbol_files, types); if (types.GetSize() >= max_matches) return; } } bool ModuleList::FindSourceFile(const FileSpec &orig_spec, FileSpec &new_spec) const { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const ModuleSP &module_sp : m_modules) { if (module_sp->FindSourceFile(orig_spec, new_spec)) return true; } return false; } void ModuleList::FindAddressesForLine(const lldb::TargetSP target_sp, const FileSpec &file, uint32_t line, Function *function, std::vector
&output_local, std::vector
&output_extern) { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const ModuleSP &module_sp : m_modules) { module_sp->FindAddressesForLine(target_sp, file, line, function, output_local, output_extern); } } ModuleSP ModuleList::FindFirstModule(const ModuleSpec &module_spec) const { ModuleSP module_sp; std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); collection::const_iterator pos, end = m_modules.end(); for (pos = m_modules.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) { ModuleSP module_sp(*pos); if (module_sp->MatchesModuleSpec(module_spec)) return module_sp; } return module_sp; } size_t ModuleList::GetSize() const { size_t size = 0; { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); size = m_modules.size(); } return size; } void ModuleList::Dump(Stream *s) const { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const ModuleSP &module_sp : m_modules) module_sp->Dump(s); } void ModuleList::LogUUIDAndPaths(Log *log, const char *prefix_cstr) { if (log != nullptr) { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); collection::const_iterator pos, begin = m_modules.begin(), end = m_modules.end(); for (pos = begin; pos != end; ++pos) { Module *module = pos->get(); const FileSpec &module_file_spec = module->GetFileSpec(); LLDB_LOGF(log, "%s[%u] %s (%s) \"%s\"", prefix_cstr ? prefix_cstr : "", (uint32_t)std::distance(begin, pos), module->GetUUID().GetAsString().c_str(), module->GetArchitecture().GetArchitectureName(), module_file_spec.GetPath().c_str()); } } } bool ModuleList::ResolveFileAddress(lldb::addr_t vm_addr, Address &so_addr) const { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const ModuleSP &module_sp : m_modules) { if (module_sp->ResolveFileAddress(vm_addr, so_addr)) return true; } return false; } uint32_t ModuleList::ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(const Address &so_addr, SymbolContextItem resolve_scope, SymbolContext &sc) const { // The address is already section offset so it has a module uint32_t resolved_flags = 0; ModuleSP module_sp(so_addr.GetModule()); if (module_sp) { resolved_flags = module_sp->ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(so_addr, resolve_scope, sc); } else { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); collection::const_iterator pos, end = m_modules.end(); for (pos = m_modules.begin(); pos != end; ++pos) { resolved_flags = (*pos)->ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(so_addr, resolve_scope, sc); if (resolved_flags != 0) break; } } return resolved_flags; } uint32_t ModuleList::ResolveSymbolContextForFilePath( const char *file_path, uint32_t line, bool check_inlines, SymbolContextItem resolve_scope, SymbolContextList &sc_list) const { FileSpec file_spec(file_path); return ResolveSymbolContextsForFileSpec(file_spec, line, check_inlines, resolve_scope, sc_list); } uint32_t ModuleList::ResolveSymbolContextsForFileSpec( const FileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line, bool check_inlines, SymbolContextItem resolve_scope, SymbolContextList &sc_list) const { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const ModuleSP &module_sp : m_modules) { module_sp->ResolveSymbolContextsForFileSpec(file_spec, line, check_inlines, resolve_scope, sc_list); } return sc_list.GetSize(); } size_t ModuleList::GetIndexForModule(const Module *module) const { if (module) { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); collection::const_iterator pos; collection::const_iterator begin = m_modules.begin(); collection::const_iterator end = m_modules.end(); for (pos = begin; pos != end; ++pos) { if ((*pos).get() == module) return std::distance(begin, pos); } } return LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32; } namespace { struct SharedModuleListInfo { ModuleList module_list; ModuleListProperties module_list_properties; }; } static SharedModuleListInfo &GetSharedModuleListInfo() { static SharedModuleListInfo *g_shared_module_list_info = nullptr; static llvm::once_flag g_once_flag; llvm::call_once(g_once_flag, []() { // NOTE: Intentionally leak the module list so a program doesn't have to // cleanup all modules and object files as it exits. This just wastes time // doing a bunch of cleanup that isn't required. if (g_shared_module_list_info == nullptr) g_shared_module_list_info = new SharedModuleListInfo(); }); return *g_shared_module_list_info; } static ModuleList &GetSharedModuleList() { return GetSharedModuleListInfo().module_list; } ModuleListProperties &ModuleList::GetGlobalModuleListProperties() { return GetSharedModuleListInfo().module_list_properties; } bool ModuleList::ModuleIsInCache(const Module *module_ptr) { if (module_ptr) { ModuleList &shared_module_list = GetSharedModuleList(); return shared_module_list.FindModule(module_ptr).get() != nullptr; } return false; } void ModuleList::FindSharedModules(const ModuleSpec &module_spec, ModuleList &matching_module_list) { GetSharedModuleList().FindModules(module_spec, matching_module_list); } lldb::ModuleSP ModuleList::FindSharedModule(const UUID &uuid) { return GetSharedModuleList().FindModule(uuid); } size_t ModuleList::RemoveOrphanSharedModules(bool mandatory) { return GetSharedModuleList().RemoveOrphans(mandatory); } Status ModuleList::GetSharedModule(const ModuleSpec &module_spec, ModuleSP &module_sp, const FileSpecList *module_search_paths_ptr, llvm::SmallVectorImpl *old_modules, bool *did_create_ptr, bool always_create) { ModuleList &shared_module_list = GetSharedModuleList(); std::lock_guard guard( shared_module_list.m_modules_mutex); char path[PATH_MAX]; Status error; module_sp.reset(); if (did_create_ptr) *did_create_ptr = false; const UUID *uuid_ptr = module_spec.GetUUIDPtr(); const FileSpec &module_file_spec = module_spec.GetFileSpec(); const ArchSpec &arch = module_spec.GetArchitecture(); // Make sure no one else can try and get or create a module while this // function is actively working on it by doing an extra lock on the global // mutex list. if (!always_create) { ModuleList matching_module_list; shared_module_list.FindModules(module_spec, matching_module_list); const size_t num_matching_modules = matching_module_list.GetSize(); if (num_matching_modules > 0) { for (size_t module_idx = 0; module_idx < num_matching_modules; ++module_idx) { module_sp = matching_module_list.GetModuleAtIndex(module_idx); // Make sure the file for the module hasn't been modified if (module_sp->FileHasChanged()) { if (old_modules) old_modules->push_back(module_sp); Log *log = GetLog(LLDBLog::Modules); if (log != nullptr) LLDB_LOGF( log, "%p '%s' module changed: removing from global module list", static_cast(module_sp.get()), module_sp->GetFileSpec().GetFilename().GetCString()); shared_module_list.Remove(module_sp); module_sp.reset(); } else { // The module matches and the module was not modified from when it // was last loaded. return error; } } } } if (module_sp) return error; module_sp = std::make_shared(module_spec); // Make sure there are a module and an object file since we can specify a // valid file path with an architecture that might not be in that file. By // getting the object file we can guarantee that the architecture matches if (module_sp->GetObjectFile()) { // If we get in here we got the correct arch, now we just need to verify // the UUID if one was given if (uuid_ptr && *uuid_ptr != module_sp->GetUUID()) { module_sp.reset(); } else { if (module_sp->GetObjectFile() && module_sp->GetObjectFile()->GetType() == ObjectFile::eTypeStubLibrary) { module_sp.reset(); } else { if (did_create_ptr) { *did_create_ptr = true; } shared_module_list.ReplaceEquivalent(module_sp, old_modules); return error; } } } else { module_sp.reset(); } if (module_search_paths_ptr) { const auto num_directories = module_search_paths_ptr->GetSize(); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < num_directories; ++idx) { auto search_path_spec = module_search_paths_ptr->GetFileSpecAtIndex(idx); FileSystem::Instance().Resolve(search_path_spec); namespace fs = llvm::sys::fs; if (!FileSystem::Instance().IsDirectory(search_path_spec)) continue; search_path_spec.AppendPathComponent( module_spec.GetFileSpec().GetFilename().GetStringRef()); if (!FileSystem::Instance().Exists(search_path_spec)) continue; auto resolved_module_spec(module_spec); resolved_module_spec.GetFileSpec() = search_path_spec; module_sp = std::make_shared(resolved_module_spec); if (module_sp->GetObjectFile()) { // If we get in here we got the correct arch, now we just need to // verify the UUID if one was given if (uuid_ptr && *uuid_ptr != module_sp->GetUUID()) { module_sp.reset(); } else { if (module_sp->GetObjectFile()->GetType() == ObjectFile::eTypeStubLibrary) { module_sp.reset(); } else { if (did_create_ptr) *did_create_ptr = true; shared_module_list.ReplaceEquivalent(module_sp, old_modules); return Status(); } } } else { module_sp.reset(); } } } // Either the file didn't exist where at the path, or no path was given, so // we now have to use more extreme measures to try and find the appropriate // module. // Fixup the incoming path in case the path points to a valid file, yet the // arch or UUID (if one was passed in) don't match. ModuleSpec located_binary_modulespec = Symbols::LocateExecutableObjectFile(module_spec); // Don't look for the file if it appears to be the same one we already // checked for above... if (located_binary_modulespec.GetFileSpec() != module_file_spec) { if (!FileSystem::Instance().Exists( located_binary_modulespec.GetFileSpec())) { located_binary_modulespec.GetFileSpec().GetPath(path, sizeof(path)); if (path[0] == '\0') module_file_spec.GetPath(path, sizeof(path)); // How can this check ever be true? This branch it is false, and we // haven't modified file_spec. if (FileSystem::Instance().Exists( located_binary_modulespec.GetFileSpec())) { std::string uuid_str; if (uuid_ptr && uuid_ptr->IsValid()) uuid_str = uuid_ptr->GetAsString(); if (arch.IsValid()) { if (!uuid_str.empty()) error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "'%s' does not contain the %s architecture and UUID %s", path, arch.GetArchitectureName(), uuid_str.c_str()); else error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "'%s' does not contain the %s architecture.", path, arch.GetArchitectureName()); } } else { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("'%s' does not exist", path); } if (error.Fail()) module_sp.reset(); return error; } // Make sure no one else can try and get or create a module while this // function is actively working on it by doing an extra lock on the global // mutex list. ModuleSpec platform_module_spec(module_spec); platform_module_spec.GetFileSpec() = located_binary_modulespec.GetFileSpec(); platform_module_spec.GetPlatformFileSpec() = located_binary_modulespec.GetFileSpec(); platform_module_spec.GetSymbolFileSpec() = located_binary_modulespec.GetSymbolFileSpec(); ModuleList matching_module_list; shared_module_list.FindModules(platform_module_spec, matching_module_list); if (!matching_module_list.IsEmpty()) { module_sp = matching_module_list.GetModuleAtIndex(0); // If we didn't have a UUID in mind when looking for the object file, // then we should make sure the modification time hasn't changed! if (platform_module_spec.GetUUIDPtr() == nullptr) { auto file_spec_mod_time = FileSystem::Instance().GetModificationTime( located_binary_modulespec.GetFileSpec()); if (file_spec_mod_time != llvm::sys::TimePoint<>()) { if (file_spec_mod_time != module_sp->GetModificationTime()) { if (old_modules) old_modules->push_back(module_sp); shared_module_list.Remove(module_sp); module_sp.reset(); } } } } if (!module_sp) { module_sp = std::make_shared(platform_module_spec); // Make sure there are a module and an object file since we can specify a // valid file path with an architecture that might not be in that file. // By getting the object file we can guarantee that the architecture // matches if (module_sp && module_sp->GetObjectFile()) { if (module_sp->GetObjectFile()->GetType() == ObjectFile::eTypeStubLibrary) { module_sp.reset(); } else { if (did_create_ptr) *did_create_ptr = true; shared_module_list.ReplaceEquivalent(module_sp, old_modules); } } else { located_binary_modulespec.GetFileSpec().GetPath(path, sizeof(path)); if (located_binary_modulespec.GetFileSpec()) { if (arch.IsValid()) error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "unable to open %s architecture in '%s'", arch.GetArchitectureName(), path); else error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("unable to open '%s'", path); } else { std::string uuid_str; if (uuid_ptr && uuid_ptr->IsValid()) uuid_str = uuid_ptr->GetAsString(); if (!uuid_str.empty()) error.SetErrorStringWithFormat( "cannot locate a module for UUID '%s'", uuid_str.c_str()); else error.SetErrorString("cannot locate a module"); } } } } return error; } bool ModuleList::RemoveSharedModule(lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp) { return GetSharedModuleList().Remove(module_sp); } bool ModuleList::RemoveSharedModuleIfOrphaned(const Module *module_ptr) { return GetSharedModuleList().RemoveIfOrphaned(module_ptr); } bool ModuleList::LoadScriptingResourcesInTarget(Target *target, std::list &errors, Stream *feedback_stream, bool continue_on_error) { if (!target) return false; std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (auto module : m_modules) { Status error; if (module) { if (!module->LoadScriptingResourceInTarget(target, error, feedback_stream)) { if (error.Fail() && error.AsCString()) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("unable to load scripting data for " "module %s - error reported was %s", module->GetFileSpec() .GetFileNameStrippingExtension() .GetCString(), error.AsCString()); errors.push_back(error); if (!continue_on_error) return false; } } } } return errors.empty(); } void ModuleList::ForEach( std::function const &callback) const { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const auto &module_sp : m_modules) { assert(module_sp != nullptr); // If the callback returns false, then stop iterating and break out if (!callback(module_sp)) break; } } bool ModuleList::AnyOf( std::function const &callback) const { std::lock_guard guard(m_modules_mutex); for (const auto &module_sp : m_modules) { assert(module_sp != nullptr); if (callback(*module_sp)) return true; } return false; }