#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Test::More; use FindBin qw($Bin); use constant TMPDIR => "$Bin/mkdir_test_delete_me"; use constant ERROR_REGEXP => qr{Can't mkdir\('\Q${\(TMPDIR)}\E', 0777\):}; use constant SINGLE_DIGIT_ERROR_REGEXP => qr{Can't mkdir\('\Q${\(TMPDIR)}\E', 0010\):}; # Delete our directory if it's there rmdir TMPDIR; # See if we can create directories and remove them mkdir TMPDIR or plan skip_all => "Failed to make test directory"; # Test the directory was created -d TMPDIR or plan skip_all => "Failed to make test directory"; # Try making it a second time (this should fail) if(mkdir TMPDIR) { plan skip_all => "Attempt to remake a directory succeeded";} # See if we can remove the directory rmdir TMPDIR or plan skip_all => "Failed to remove directory"; # Check that the directory was removed if(-d TMPDIR) { plan skip_all => "Failed to delete test directory"; } # Try to delete second time if(rmdir TMPDIR) { plan skip_all => "Able to rmdir directory twice"; } plan tests => 18; # Create a directory (this should succeed) eval { use autodie; mkdir TMPDIR; }; is($@, "", "mkdir returned success"); ok(-d TMPDIR, "Successfully created test directory"); # Try to create it again (this should fail) eval { use autodie; mkdir TMPDIR, 0777; }; ok($@, "Re-creating directory causes failure."); isa_ok($@, "autodie::exception", "... errors are of the correct type"); ok($@->matches("mkdir"), "... it's also a mkdir object"); ok($@->matches(":filesys"), "... and a filesys object"); like($@, ERROR_REGEXP, "Message should include numeric mask in octal form"); eval { use autodie; mkdir TMPDIR, 8; }; ok($@, "Re-creating directory causes failure."); isa_ok($@, "autodie::exception", "... errors are of the correct type"); ok($@->matches("mkdir"), "... it's also a mkdir object"); ok($@->matches(":filesys"), "... and a filesys object"); like($@, SINGLE_DIGIT_ERROR_REGEXP, "Message should include numeric mask in octal form"); # Try to delete directory (this should succeed) eval { use autodie; rmdir TMPDIR; }; is($@, "", "rmdir returned success"); ok(! -d TMPDIR, "Successfully removed test directory"); # Try to delete directory again (this should fail) eval { use autodie; rmdir TMPDIR; }; ok($@, "Re-deleting directory causes failure."); isa_ok($@, "autodie::exception", "... errors are of the correct type"); ok($@->matches("rmdir"), "... it's also a rmdir object"); ok($@->matches(":filesys"), "... and a filesys object");