#!perl use 5.008001; use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { if (!eval { require Socket }) { print "1..0 # no Socket\n"; exit 0; } if (ord('A') == 193 && !eval { require Convert::EBCDIC }) { print "1..0 # EBCDIC but no Convert::EBCDIC\n"; exit 0; } } BEGIN { package Foo; use IO::File; use Net::Cmd; our @ISA = qw(Net::Cmd IO::File); sub timeout { 0 } sub new { my $fh = shift->new_tmpfile; binmode($fh); $fh; } sub output { my $self = shift; seek($self,0,0); local $/ = undef; scalar(<$self>); } sub response { return Net::Cmd::CMD_OK; } } (my $libnet_t = __FILE__) =~ s/datasend.t/libnet_t.pl/; require $libnet_t or die; print "1..54\n"; sub check { my $expect = pop; my $cmd = Foo->new; ok($cmd->datasend, 'datasend') unless @_; foreach my $line (@_) { ok($cmd->datasend($line), 'datasend'); } ok($cmd->dataend, 'dataend'); is( unpack("H*",$cmd->output), unpack("H*",$expect) ); } my $cmd; check( # nothing ".\015\012" ); check( "a", "a\015\012.\015\012", ); check( "a\r", "a\015\015\012.\015\012", ); check( "a\rb", "a\015b\015\012.\015\012", ); check( "a\rb\n", "a\015b\015\012.\015\012", ); check( "a\rb\n\n", "a\015b\015\012\015\012.\015\012", ); check( "a\r", "\nb", "a\015\012b\015\012.\015\012", ); check( "a\r", "\nb\n", "a\015\012b\015\012.\015\012", ); check( "a\r", "\nb\r\n", "a\015\012b\015\012.\015\012", ); check( "a\r", "\nb\r\n\n", "a\015\012b\015\012\015\012.\015\012", ); check( "a\n.b\n", "a\015\012..b\015\012.\015\012", ); check( ".a\n.b\n", "..a\015\012..b\015\012.\015\012", ); check( ".a\n", ".b\n", "..a\015\012..b\015\012.\015\012", ); check( ".a", ".b\n", "..a.b\015\012.\015\012", ); check( "a\n.", "a\015\012..\015\012.\015\012", ); # Test that datasend() plays nicely with bytes in an upgraded string, # even though the input should really be encode()d already. check( substr("\x{100}", 0, 0) . "\x{e9}", "\x{e9}\015\012.\015\012" );