#!perl use Test::More 0.60; # Test::More 0.60 required because: # - is_deeply(undef, $not_undef); now works. [rt.cpan.org 9441] BEGIN { plan tests => 1+2*5; } BEGIN { use_ok('Data::Dumper') }; # RT 39420: Data::Dumper fails to escape bless class name run_tests_for_bless(); SKIP: { skip "XS version was unavailable, so we already ran with pure Perl", 5 if $Data::Dumper::Useperl; local $Data::Dumper::Useperl = 1; run_tests_for_bless(); } sub run_tests_for_bless { note("\$Data::Dumper::Useperl = $Data::Dumper::Useperl"); { my $t = bless( {}, q{a'b} ); my $dt = Dumper($t); my $o = <<'PERL'; $VAR1 = bless( {}, 'a\'b' ); PERL is($dt, $o, "package name in bless is escaped if needed"); is_deeply(scalar eval($dt), $t, "eval reverts dump"); } { my $t = bless( {}, q{a\\} ); my $dt = Dumper($t); my $o = <<'PERL'; $VAR1 = bless( {}, 'a\\' ); PERL is($dt, $o, "package name in bless is escaped if needed"); is_deeply(scalar eval($dt), $t, "eval reverts dump"); } SKIP: { skip(q/no 're::regexp_pattern'/, 1) if ! defined(*re::regexp_pattern{CODE}); my $t = bless( qr//, 'foo'); my $dt = Dumper($t); my $o = ($] > 5.010 ? <<'PERL' : <<'PERL_LEGACY'); $VAR1 = bless( qr//, 'foo' ); PERL $VAR1 = bless( qr/(?-xism:)/, 'foo' ); PERL_LEGACY is($dt, $o, "We can dump blessed qr//'s properly"); } } # END sub run_tests_for_bless()