use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { require($ENV{PERL_CORE} ? '../../t/' : './t/'); use Config; if (! $Config{'useithreads'}) { skip_all(q/Perl not compiled with 'useithreads'/); } plan(10); } use ExtUtils::testlib; use_ok('threads'); ### Start of Testing ### no warnings 'threads'; # Create a thread that generates an error my $thr = threads->create(sub { my $x = Foo->new(); }); # Check that thread returns 'undef' my $result = $thr->join(); ok(! defined($result), 'thread died'); # Check error like($thr->error(), qr/^Can't locate object method/s, 'thread error'); # Create a thread that 'die's with an object $thr = threads->create(sub { threads->yield(); sleep(1); die(bless({ error => 'bogus' }, 'Err::Class')); }); my $err = $thr->error(); ok(! defined($err), 'no error yet'); # Check that thread returns 'undef' $result = $thr->join(); ok(! defined($result), 'thread died'); # Check that error object is retrieved $err = $thr->error(); isa_ok($err, 'Err::Class', 'error object'); is($err->{error}, 'bogus', 'error field'); # Check that another thread can reference the error object my $thrx = threads->create(sub { die(bless($thr->error(), 'Foo')); }); # Check that thread returns 'undef' $result = $thrx->join(); ok(! defined($result), 'thread died'); # Check that the rethrown error object is retrieved $err = $thrx->error(); isa_ok($err, 'Foo', 'error object'); is($err->{error}, 'bogus', 'error field'); exit(0); # EOF