.\" Copyright (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California. .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" %sccs.include.redist.man% .\" .\" @(#)recno.3 5.1 (Berkeley) 09/04/91 .\" .TH RECNO 3 "" .UC 7 .SH NAME recno \- record number database access method .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .ft B #include #include .ft R .fi .SH DESCRIPTION The routine .IR dbopen is the library interface to database files. One of the supported file formats is record number files. The general description of the database access methods is in .IR dbopen (3), this manual page describes only the recno specific information. .PP The record number data structure is either variable or fixed-length records stored in a flat-file format. .PP The recno access method specific data structure provided to .I dbopen is defined in the include file as follows: .PP typedef struct { .RS u_char bval; .br u_int cachesize; .br u_long flags; .br int lorder; .br size_t reclen; .RE } RECNOINFO; .PP The elements of this structure are defined as follows: .TP bval The delimiting byte to be used to mark the end of a record for variable-length records, and the pad character for fixed-length records. If no value is specified, newlines (``\en'') are used to mark the end of variable-length records and fixed-length records are padded with spaces. .TP cachesize A suggested maximum size, in bytes, of the memory cache. This value is .B only advisory, and the access method will allocate more memory rather than fail. .TP flags The flag value is specified by .IR or 'ing any of the following values: .RS .TP R_FIXEDLEN The records are fixed-length, not byte delimited. The structure element .I reclen specifies the length of the record, and the structure element .I bval is used as the pad character. .TP R_NOKEY In the interface specified by .IR dbopen , the sequential record retrieval fills in both the caller's key and data structures. If the R_NOKEY flag is specified, the .I cursor routines are not required to fill in the key structure. This permits applications to retrieve records at the end of files without reading all of the intervening records. .TP R_SNAPSHOT This flag requires that a snapshot of the file be taken when .I dbopen is called, instead of permitting any unmodified records to be read from the original file. .RE .TP lorder The byte order for integers in the stored database metadata. The number should represent the order as an integer; for example, big endian order would be the number 4,321. If .I lorder is 0 (no order is specified) the current host order is used. .TP reclen The length of a fixed-length record. .PP In the interface specified by .IR dbopen , using the .I put interface to create a new record may cause the creation of multiple, empty records if the record number is more than one greater than the largest record currently in the database. .SH "SEE ALSO" .IR dbopen (3), .IR hash (3), .IR mpool (3), .IR recno (3) .br .IR "Document Processing in a Relational Database System" , Michael Stonebraker, Heidi Stettner, Joseph Kalash, Antonin Guttman, Nadene Lynn, Memorandum No. UCB/ERL M82/32, May 1982. .SH BUGS Only big and little endian byte order is supported.