/* * Copyright (c) 1985 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. */ #if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint) static char sccsid[] = "@(#)getusershell.c 5.4 (Berkeley) 07/25/86"; #endif LIBC_SCCS and not lint #include #include #include #include #include #define SHELLS "/etc/shells" /* * Do not add local shells here. They should be added in /etc/shells */ static char *okshells[] = { "/bin/sh", "/bin/csh", 0 }; static char **shells, *strings; static char **curshell = NULL; extern char **initshells(); /* * Get a list of shells from SHELLS, if it exists. */ char * getusershell() { char *ret; if (curshell == NULL) curshell = initshells(); ret = *curshell; if (ret != NULL) curshell++; return (ret); } endusershell() { if (shells != NULL) free((char *)shells); shells = NULL; if (strings != NULL) free(strings); strings = NULL; curshell = NULL; } setusershell() { curshell = initshells(); } static char ** initshells() { register char **sp, *cp; register FILE *fp; struct stat statb; extern char *malloc(), *calloc(); if (shells != NULL) free((char *)shells); shells = NULL; if (strings != NULL) free(strings); strings = NULL; if ((fp = fopen(SHELLS, "r")) == (FILE *)0) return(okshells); if (fstat(fileno(fp), &statb) == -1) { (void)fclose(fp); return(okshells); } if ((strings = malloc((unsigned)statb.st_size)) == NULL) { (void)fclose(fp); return(okshells); } shells = (char **)calloc((unsigned)statb.st_size / 3, sizeof (char *)); if (shells == NULL) { (void)fclose(fp); free(strings); strings = NULL; return(okshells); } sp = shells; cp = strings; while (fgets(cp, MAXPATHLEN + 1, fp) != NULL) { while (*cp != '#' && *cp != '/' && *cp != '\0') cp++; if (*cp == '#' || *cp == '\0') continue; *sp++ = cp; while (!isspace(*cp) && *cp != '#' && *cp != '\0') cp++; *cp++ = '\0'; } *sp = (char *)0; (void)fclose(fp); return (shells); }