/* * Copyright (c) 1988, 1992 The University of Utah and the Center * for Software Science (CSS). * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to Berkeley by * the Center for Software Science of the University of Utah Computer * Science Department. CSS requests users of this software to return * to css-dist@cs.utah.edu any improvements that they make and grant * CSS redistribution rights. * * %sccs.include.redist.c% * * @(#)rmp_var.h 8.1 (Berkeley) 06/04/93 * * Utah $Hdr: rmp_var.h 3.1 92/07/06$ * Author: Jeff Forys, University of Utah CSS */ /* * Possible values for "rmp_type" fields. */ #define RMP_BOOT_REQ 1 /* boot request packet */ #define RMP_BOOT_REPL 129 /* boot reply packet */ #define RMP_READ_REQ 2 /* read request packet */ #define RMP_READ_REPL 130 /* read reply packet */ #define RMP_BOOT_DONE 3 /* boot complete packet */ /* * Useful constants. */ #define RMP_VERSION 2 /* protocol version */ #define RMP_TIMEOUT 600 /* timeout connection after ten minutes */ #define RMP_PROBESID 0xffff /* session ID for probes */ #define RMP_HOSTLEN 13 /* max length of server's name */ #define RMP_MACHLEN 20 /* length of machine type field */ /* * RMP error codes */ #define RMP_E_OKAY 0 #define RMP_E_EOF 2 /* read reply: returned end of file */ #define RMP_E_ABORT 3 /* abort operation */ #define RMP_E_BUSY 4 /* boot reply: server busy */ #define RMP_E_TIMEOUT 5 /* lengthen time out (not implemented) */ #define RMP_E_NOFILE 16 /* boot reply: file does not exist */ #define RMP_E_OPENFILE 17 /* boot reply: file open failed */ #define RMP_E_NODFLT 18 /* boot reply: default file does not exist */ #define RMP_E_OPENDFLT 19 /* boot reply: default file open failed */ #define RMP_E_BADSID 25 /* read reply: bad session ID */ #define RMP_E_BADPACKET 27 /* Bad packet detected */ /* * RMPDATALEN is the maximum number of data octets that can be stuffed * into an RMP packet. This excludes the 802.2 LLC w/HP extensions. */ #define RMPDATALEN (RMP_MAX_PACKET - (sizeof(struct hp_hdr) + \ sizeof(struct hp_llc))) /* * Define sizes of packets we send. Boot and Read replies are variable * in length depending on the length of `s'. * * Also, define how much space `restofpkt' can take up for outgoing * Boot and Read replies. Boot Request packets are effectively * limited to 255 bytes due to the preceding 1-byte length field. */ #define RMPBOOTSIZE(s) (sizeof(struct hp_hdr) + sizeof(struct hp_llc) + \ sizeof(struct rmp_boot_repl) + s - sizeof(restofpkt)) #define RMPREADSIZE(s) (sizeof(struct hp_hdr) + sizeof(struct hp_llc) + \ sizeof(struct rmp_read_repl) + s - sizeof(restofpkt) \ - sizeof(u_char)) #define RMPDONESIZE (sizeof(struct hp_hdr) + sizeof(struct hp_llc) + \ sizeof(struct rmp_boot_done)) #define RMPBOOTDATA 255 #define RMPREADDATA (RMPDATALEN - \ (2*sizeof(u_char)+sizeof(u_short)+sizeof(u_word))) /* * This protocol defines some field sizes as "rest of ethernet packet". * There is no easy way to specify this in C, so we use a one character * field to denote it, and index past it to the end of the packet. */ typedef char restofpkt; /* * Due to the RMP packet layout, we'll run into alignment problems * on machines that cant access words on half-word boundaries. If * you know that your machine does not suffer from this problem, * add it to the hp300 #define below. * * The following macros are used to deal with this problem: * WORDZE(w) Return True if u_word `w' is zero, False otherwise. * ZEROWORD(w) Set u_word `w' to zero. * COPYWORD(w1,w2) Copy u_word `w1' to `w2'. * GETWORD(w,i) Copy u_word `w' into int `i'. * PUTWORD(i,w) Copy int `i' into u_word `w'. * * N.B. We do not support little endian alignment-challenged machines. */ #if defined(vax) || defined(tahoe) || defined(hp300) typedef u_int u_word; #define WORDZE(w) ((w) == 0) #define ZEROWORD(w) (w) = 0 #define COPYWORD(w1,w2) (w2) = (w1) #define GETWORD(w, i) (i) = (w) #define PUTWORD(i, w) (w) = (i) #else #define _WORD_HIGHPART 0 /* XXX: assume Big Endian for now */ #define _WORD_LOWPART 1 typedef struct _uword { u_short val[2]; } u_word; #define WORDZE(w) \ ((w.val[_WORD_HIGHPART] == 0) && (w.val[_WORD_LOWPART] == 0)) #define ZEROWORD(w) \ (w).val[_WORD_HIGHPART] = (w).val[_WORD_LOWPART] = 0 #define COPYWORD(w1, w2) \ { (w2).val[_WORD_HIGHPART] = (w1).val[_WORD_HIGHPART]; \ (w2).val[_WORD_LOWPART] = (w1).val[_WORD_LOWPART]; \ } #define GETWORD(w, i) \ (i) = (((u_int)(w).val[_WORD_HIGHPART]) << 16) | (w).val[_WORD_LOWPART] #define PUTWORD(i, w) \ { (w).val[_WORD_HIGHPART] = (u_short) (((i) >> 16) & 0xffff); \ (w).val[_WORD_LOWPART] = (u_short) (i & 0xffff); \ } #endif /* * Packet structures. */ struct rmp_raw { /* generic RMP packet */ u_char rmp_type; /* packet type */ u_char rmp_rawdata[RMPDATALEN-1]; }; struct rmp_boot_req { /* boot request */ u_char rmp_type; /* packet type (RMP_BOOT_REQ) */ u_char rmp_retcode; /* return code (0) */ u_word rmp_seqno; /* sequence number (real time clock) */ u_short rmp_session; /* session id (normally 0) */ u_short rmp_version; /* protocol version (RMP_VERSION) */ char rmp_machtype[RMP_MACHLEN]; /* machine type */ u_char rmp_flnmsize; /* length of rmp_flnm */ restofpkt rmp_flnm; /* name of file to be read */ }; struct rmp_boot_repl { /* boot reply */ u_char rmp_type; /* packet type (RMP_BOOT_REPL) */ u_char rmp_retcode; /* return code (normally 0) */ u_word rmp_seqno; /* sequence number (from boot req) */ u_short rmp_session; /* session id (generated) */ u_short rmp_version; /* protocol version (RMP_VERSION) */ u_char rmp_flnmsize; /* length of rmp_flnm */ restofpkt rmp_flnm; /* name of file (from boot req) */ }; struct rmp_read_req { /* read request */ u_char rmp_type; /* packet type (RMP_READ_REQ) */ u_char rmp_retcode; /* return code (0) */ u_word rmp_offset; /* file relative byte offset */ u_short rmp_session; /* session id (from boot repl) */ u_short rmp_size; /* max no of bytes to send */ }; struct rmp_read_repl { /* read reply */ u_char rmp_type; /* packet type (RMP_READ_REPL) */ u_char rmp_retcode; /* return code (normally 0) */ u_word rmp_offset; /* byte offset (from read req) */ u_short rmp_session; /* session id (from read req) */ restofpkt rmp_data; /* data (max size from read req) */ u_char rmp_unused; /* padding to 16-bit boundary */ }; struct rmp_boot_done { /* boot complete */ u_char rmp_type; /* packet type (RMP_BOOT_DONE) */ u_char rmp_retcode; /* return code (0) */ u_word rmp_unused; /* not used (0) */ u_short rmp_session; /* session id (from read repl) */ }; struct rmp_packet { struct hp_hdr hp_hdr; struct hp_llc hp_llc; union { struct rmp_boot_req rmp_brq; /* boot request */ struct rmp_boot_repl rmp_brpl; /* boot reply */ struct rmp_read_req rmp_rrq; /* read request */ struct rmp_read_repl rmp_rrpl; /* read reply */ struct rmp_boot_done rmp_done; /* boot complete */ struct rmp_raw rmp_raw; /* raw data */ } rmp_proto; }; /* * Make life easier... */ #define r_type rmp_proto.rmp_raw.rmp_type #define r_data rmp_proto.rmp_raw.rmp_data #define r_brq rmp_proto.rmp_brq #define r_brpl rmp_proto.rmp_brpl #define r_rrq rmp_proto.rmp_rrq #define r_rrpl rmp_proto.rmp_rrpl #define r_done rmp_proto.rmp_done