# # Makefile (CWI) 1.2 87/04/01 # # BINDIR is the place where ideal will be installed BINDIR = /usr/local # DESTDIR is the destination where we want to move the thing (temporarily) DESTDIR = # LIBDIR is the place where we expect the the things we need and is # is therefore hardwired in. Since it is all local, we use BINDIR as well LIBDIR = ${BINDIR}/lib/ideal/lib # pfilt is ideal filter for plot(1) # tfilt is filter for ditroff # idsort is general sort for ideal OBJECTS = tfilt pfilt idsort vfilt 4filt all: ${OBJECTS} idfilt.o :idfilt.c idfilt.h 4014.o :4014.c idfilt.h 4filt :idfilt.o 4014.o cc -o 4filt 4014.o idfilt.o -l4014 -lm pout.o :pout.c pfilt :idfilt.o pout.o cc -o pfilt pout.o idfilt.o -lplot -lm 202.o :202.c idfilt.h 202filt :idfilt.o 202.o cc -o tfilt 202.o idfilt.o har.o :har.c idfilt.h ver.o :ver.c idfilt.h vfilt :idfilt.o ver.o cc -o vfilt ver.o idfilt.o tfilt :idfilt.o har.o cc -o tfilt har.o idfilt.o aps.o :aps.c apsfilt :aps.o idfilt.o cc -o apsfilt aps.o idfilt.o idsort :idsort.c cc -o idsort idsort.c install: all install -s tfilt ${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/tfilt install -s 4filt ${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/4filt install -s pfilt ${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/pfilt install -s vfilt ${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/vfilt install -s idsort ${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/idsort clean: rm -f *.o ${OBJECTS}