#include "../hdr/macros.h" SCCSID(@(#)ctime.c 4.3); /* * This routine converts time as follows. * The epoch is 0000 Jan 1 1970 GMT. * The argument time is in seconds since then. * The localtime(t) entry returns a pointer to an array * containing * seconds (0-59) * minutes (0-59) * hours (0-23) * day of month (1-31) * month (0-11) * year-1970 * weekday (0-6, Sun is 0) * day of the year * daylight savings flag * * The routine calls the system to determine the local * timezone and whether Daylight Saving Time is permitted locally. * (DST is then determined by the current US standard rules) * There is a table that accounts for the peculiarities * undergone by daylight time in 1974-1975. * * The routine does not work * in Saudi Arabia which runs on Solar time. * * asctime(tvec)) * where tvec is produced by localtime * returns a ptr to a character string * that has the ascii time in the form * Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970n0\\ * 01234567890123456789012345 * 0 1 2 * * ctime(t) just calls localtime, then asctime. */ #ifdef notdef #include /* included by macros.h above */ #endif #include #include static char cbuf[26]; int dmsize[12] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; /* * The following table is used for 1974 and 1975 and * gives the day number of the first day after the Sunday of the * change. */ static struct { int daylb; int dayle; } daytab[] = { 5, 333, /* 1974: Jan 6 - last Sun. in Nov */ 58, 303, /* 1975: Last Sun. in Feb - last Sun in Oct */ }; struct tm *gmtime(); char *ct_numb(); struct tm *localtime(); char *ctime(); char *ct_num(); char *asctime(); char * ctime(t) long *t; { return(asctime(localtime(t))); } struct tm * localtime(tim) long *tim; { register int dayno; register struct tm *ct; register daylbegin, daylend; long copyt; struct timeb systime; ftime(&systime); copyt = *tim - (long)systime.timezone*60; ct = gmtime(©t); dayno = ct->tm_yday; daylbegin = 119; /* last Sun in Apr */ daylend = 303; /* Last Sun in Oct */ if (ct->tm_year==74 || ct->tm_year==75) { daylbegin = daytab[ct->tm_year-74].daylb; daylend = daytab[ct->tm_year-74].dayle; } daylbegin = sunday(ct, daylbegin); daylend = sunday(ct, daylend); if (systime.dstflag && (dayno>daylbegin || (dayno==daylbegin && ct->tm_hour>=2)) && (daynotm_hour<1))) { copyt += 1*60*60; ct = gmtime(©t); ct->tm_isdst++; } return(ct); } /* * The argument is a 0-origin day number. * The value is the day number of the first * Sunday on or after the day. */ static sunday(t, d) register struct tm *t; register int d; { if (d >= 58) d += dysize(t->tm_year) - 365; return(d - (d - t->tm_yday + t->tm_wday + 700) % 7); } struct tm * gmtime(tim) long *tim; { register int d0, d1; long hms, day; register int *tp; static struct tm xtime; /* * break initial number into days */ hms = *tim % 86400; day = *tim / 86400; if (hms<0) { hms += 86400; day -= 1; } tp = (int *)&xtime; /* * generate hours:minutes:seconds */ *tp++ = hms%60; d1 = hms/60; *tp++ = d1%60; d1 /= 60; *tp++ = d1; /* * day is the day number. * generate day of the week. * The addend is 4 mod 7 (1/1/1970 was Thursday) */ xtime.tm_wday = (day+7340036)%7; /* * year number */ if (day>=0) for(d1=70; day >= dysize(d1); d1++) day -= dysize(d1); else for (d1=70; day<0; d1--) day += dysize(d1-1); xtime.tm_year = d1; xtime.tm_yday = d0 = day; /* * generate month */ if (dysize(d1)==366) dmsize[1] = 29; for(d1=0; d0 >= dmsize[d1]; d1++) d0 -= dmsize[d1]; dmsize[1] = 28; *tp++ = d0+1; *tp++ = d1; xtime.tm_isdst = 0; return(&xtime); } char * asctime(t) struct tm *t; { register char *cp, *ncp; register int *tp; cp = cbuf; for (ncp = "Day Mon 00 00:00:00 1900\n"; *cp++ = *ncp++;); ncp = &"SunMonTueWedThuFriSat"[3*t->tm_wday]; cp = cbuf; *cp++ = *ncp++; *cp++ = *ncp++; *cp++ = *ncp++; cp++; tp = &t->tm_mon; ncp = &"JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec"[(*tp)*3]; *cp++ = *ncp++; *cp++ = *ncp++; *cp++ = *ncp++; cp = ct_numb(cp, *--tp); cp = ct_numb(cp, *--tp+100); cp = ct_numb(cp, *--tp+100); cp = ct_numb(cp, *--tp+100); if (t->tm_year>=100) { cp[1] = '2'; cp[2] = '0'; } cp += 2; cp = ct_numb(cp, t->tm_year+100); return(cbuf); } dysize(y) { if((y%4) == 0) return(366); return(365); } static char * ct_numb(cp, n) register char *cp; { cp++; if (n>=10) *cp++ = (n/10)%10 + '0'; else *cp++ = ' '; *cp++ = n%10 + '0'; return(cp); }