static char sccsid[] = "@(#)main.c 4.3 04/01/82"; /* * adb - main command loop and error/interrupt handling */ #include "defs.h" MSG NOEOR; INT mkfault; INT executing; INT infile; CHAR *lp; L_INT maxoff; L_INT maxpos; ADDR sigint; ADDR sigqit; INT wtflag; L_INT maxfile; STRING errflg; L_INT exitflg; CHAR lastc; INT eof; INT lastcom; long maxoff = MAXOFF; long maxpos = MAXPOS; char *Ipath = "/usr/lib/adb"; main(argc, argv) register char **argv; int argc; { mkioptab(); another: if (argc>1) { if (eqstr("-w", argv[1])) { wtflag = 2; /* suitable for open() */ argc--, argv++; goto another; } if (eqstr("-k", argv[1])) { kernel = 1; argc--, argv++; goto another; } if (argv[1][0] == '-' && argv[1][1] == 'I') { Ipath = argv[1]+2; argc--, argv++; } } if (argc > 1) symfil = argv[1]; if (argc > 2) corfil = argv[2]; xargc = argc; setsym(); setcor(); setvar(); if ((sigint=signal(SIGINT,SIG_IGN)) != SIG_IGN) { sigint = fault; signal(SIGINT, fault); } sigqit = signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); setexit(); if (executing) delbp(); executing = 0; for (;;) { flushbuf(); if (errflg) { printf("%s\n", errflg); exitflg = errflg; errflg = 0; } if (mkfault) { mkfault=0; printc('\n'); prints(DBNAME); } lp=0; rdc(); lp--; if (eof) { if (infile) { iclose(-1, 0); eof=0; reset(); } else done(); } else exitflg = 0; command(0, lastcom); if (lp && lastc!='\n') error(NOEOR); } } done() { endpcs(); exit(exitflg); } L_INT round(a,b) REG L_INT a, b; { REG L_INT w; w = (a/b)*b; IF a!=w THEN w += b; FI return(w); } /* * If there has been an error or a fault, take the error. */ chkerr() { if (errflg || mkfault) error(errflg); } /* * An error occurred; save the message for later printing, * close open files, and reset to main command loop. */ error(n) char *n; { errflg = n; iclose(0, 1); oclose(); reset(); } /* * An interrupt occurred; reset the interrupt * catch, seek to the end of the current file * and remember that there was a fault. */ fault(a) { signal(a, fault); lseek(infile, 0L, 2); mkfault++; }