static char sccsid[] = "@(#)sub.c 4.3 (Berkeley) 10/03/82"; /* sub.c support procedures the following procedures end up reading the passwd file or the passwdf file and are to be avoided. getpwuid(uid) getpwnam(sn) PwdCurrent() getenv("HOME") maybe if hget, hgethome don't work SnFromUid(uid) maybe if hashed passwd stuff doesn't work SnCurrent() maybe if getlogin fails calls SnFromUid(uid) getpwf() passwdent(uid,sn) */ # include "defs.h" # include "config.h" # include /* global variables */ int debugflg = DBV; /* debug flag */ char local = LOCAL; /* the machine we're on */ struct userinfo status; char netcmd[] = NETCMD; char resfile[] = RESFILE; char senddir[] = SENDDIR; char Bsh[] = BINSH; char shomedir[100]; /* passwdent() Read the password file looking for current user's entry. Fill in the status structure. Has the (dangerous) side effect of giving a value to getenv("HOME"). */ passwdent() { register char *u; register struct passwd *pwd; #ifdef CRN register struct gecos *gcos; #endif pwd = PwdCurrent(); if(pwd == NULL){ err("Bad uid/username\n"); return; } strcpy(status.localname,pwd->pw_name); status.muid = guid(pwd->pw_uid,pwd->pw_gid); status.mgid = pwd->pw_gid; #ifdef CRN if( (gcos=pwgecos( pwd->pw_gecos) ) == NULL ) strcpy( status.jobno, MAGICCRN ); else { if( debugflg ) debug( "crn found = %s\n", gcos->gc_crn ); if( isalpha( gcos->gc_crn[0] ) || isdigit( gcos->gc_crn[0] ) ) strcpy( status.jobno, gcos->gc_crn ); else strcpy( status.jobno, MAGICCRN ); } #else strcpy( status.jobno, "XYZZ" ); #endif strcpy(status.dir,pwd->pw_dir); strcpy(shomedir,pwd->pw_dir); /* side effect */ u = pwd->pw_shell; if(u[0] == 0 || strcmp(u,"/bin/sbash") == 0)u= Bsh; strcpy(status.loginshell,u); } /* promptlogin(mchto) ask user for login and passwd on mchto. make sure status.localname has a value before calling this. One way is to call passwdent(). */ promptlogin(mchto) char mchto; { char buf[BUFSIZ], mch; FILE *wf; int c; if(status.mpasswd[0] == 0 || status.login[0] == 0 || status.force){ wf = fopen("/dev/tty","r"); if(wf != NULL){ if(status.login[0]==0 || status.force){ fprintf(stderr,"Name (%s:%s): ",longname(mchto), status.localname); if(fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, wf) != buf){ perror("fgets"); exit(EX_OSERR); } c = strlen(buf); buf[c > 0 ? c-1 : 0] = 0; if(c > 10){ err("Login name too long.\n"); exit(EX_USAGE); } if(FMemberSCh(buf,' ')){ err("Login names don't have blanks in them.\n"); exit(EX_USAGE); } if(buf[0] == 0)strcpy(buf,status.localname); mch = MchSFromAddr(status.login,buf); if(mch != local && mch != mchto){ err( "Must specify login name on %s machine\n", longname(mchto)); exit(EX_USAGE); } } if(strcmp(status.login,"network") != 0 && (status.mpasswd[0]== 0 || status.force)){ sprintf(buf,"Password (%s:%s):", longname(mchto), status.login); strcpy(status.mpasswd,getpass(buf)); } fclose(wf); } } if(status.login[0] == 0) strcpy(status.login,status.localname); if(status.mpasswd[0] == 0)strcpy(status.mpasswd,"\"\""); status.force = 0; } #define tst(a,b) (*mode == 'r'? (b) : (a)) #define RDR 0 #define WTR 1 static int popen_pid[20]; /* return a file descriptor suitable for writing, send to user toaddress from fromaddress, if cautious != 0 then don't do any forwarding hopcnt is passed thru the mail program. normal value is 0 */ FILE * mailopen(toaddress, fromaddress, cautious, hopcnt) char *toaddress, *fromaddress; int cautious, hopcnt; { char cmd[100]; char *mode = "w"; int p[2]; register myside, hisside, pid; char shopcnt[20]; if(pipe(p) < 0) return NULL; myside = tst(p[WTR], p[RDR]); hisside = tst(p[RDR], p[WTR]); while((pid = fork()) == -1)sleep(2); if(pid == 0) { /* myside and hisside reverse roles in child */ close(myside); /* dup2(hisside, tst(0, 1)); */ close(0); dup(hisside); close(hisside); sprintf(shopcnt,"%d",hopcnt); if(fromaddress != NULL){ /* by convention, MAILFWD1 may forward this mail and response messages shouldn't be forwarded */ if(!cautious && !FMemberSCh(toaddress,'/')){ # ifdef DELIVERM mexecl("/etc/delivermail", "delivermail", "-ee", "-r", fromaddress, "-h",shopcnt, toaddress, 0); # endif mexecl(MAILFWD1, "mail","-r",fromaddress, "-h",shopcnt,toaddress,0); } mexecl(SYSMAIL2, "mail","-d","-r",fromaddress, "-h", shopcnt,toaddress,0); } else { if(!cautious && !FMemberSCh(toaddress,'/')){ # ifdef DELIVERM mexecl("/etc/delivermail", "delivermail", "-ee", "-h", shopcnt, toaddress, 0); # endif mexecl(MAILFWD1, "mail","-h", shopcnt, toaddress,0); } mexecl(SYSMAIL2, "mail","-d","-h", shopcnt,toaddress,0); } perror(SYSMAIL2); exit(EX_UNAVAILABLE); } if(pid == -1) return NULL; popen_pid[myside] = pid; close(hisside); return(fdopen(myside, mode)); } mailclose(ptr) FILE *ptr; { register f, r, (*hstat)(), (*istat)(), (*qstat)(); int status; f = fileno(ptr); fclose(ptr); istat = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); qstat = signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); hstat = signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); while((r = wait(&status)) != popen_pid[f] && r != -1) ; if(r == -1) status = -1; signal(SIGINT, istat); signal(SIGQUIT, qstat); signal(SIGHUP, hstat); return(status); } /* ch means 'a'-'z', inx in 0..25 ch means '0'-'9', inx in 26..35 */ chtoinx(ch) { if('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') return(ch - 'a'); if('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') return((ch - '0') + 26); err("bad ch"); } /* inx is 0..25 means 'a'-'z' inx is 26..35 means '0'-'9' */ inxtoch(inx) { if(0 <= inx && inx <= 25) return(inx + 'a'); if(26 <= inx && inx <= 35) return('0' + (inx - 26)); err("bad ch"); } /* determine through machine */ gothru(from,to){ register int i; switch(from){ # ifdef RAND case 'a': i = configA[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'b': i = configB[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'c': i = configC[chtoinx(to)]; break; # endif # ifdef NOSC case 'a': i = configA[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'c': i = configC[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'm': i = configM[chtoinx(to)]; break; # endif # ifdef BERKELEY /* for Berkeley */ case 'a': i = configA[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'b': i = configB[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'c': i = configC[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'd': i = configD[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'e': i = configE[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'f': i = configF[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'g': i = configG[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'h': i = configH[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'i': i = configI[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'j': i = configJ[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'k': i = configK[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'l': i = configL[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'm': i = configM[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'n': i = configN[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'o': i = configO[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'p': i = configP[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'r': i = configR[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 's': i = configS[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 't': i = configT[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'u': i = configU[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'v': i = configV[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'w': i = configW[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'x': i = configX[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'y': i = configY[chtoinx(to)]; break; case 'z': i = configZ[chtoinx(to)]; break; # endif default: i = 0; break; } return(i); } # define NPARMS 20 /* prints out commands before executing them */ /*VARARGS0*/ mexecl(va_alist) va_dcl { char *arr[NPARMS], *file, *f; va_list ap; register int i; va_start(ap); file = va_arg(ap, char *); i = 0; while(f = va_arg(ap, char *)){ if(i >= NPARMS){ err("too many args"); arr[NPARMS-1] = NULL; break; } if(debugflg) err("'%s' ",f); arr[i++] = f; } arr[i] = NULL; va_end(ap); if(debugflg) putc('\n',stderr); execv(file, arr); } /* prints out commands before executing them */ mexecv(s,p) register char *s, **p;{ register int i; if(debugflg){ err("'%s' ",s); for(i=0; p[i]; i++)err("'%s' ",p[i]); putc('\n',stderr); } execv(s,p); } /*VARARGS0*/ /* fills in -l - -p from commands like rcp */ /* must be called with at least two arguments */ kexecl(va_alist) va_dcl { char *a[NPARMS], i = 1, *file; va_list ap; va_start(ap); file = va_arg(ap, char *); a[0] = va_arg(ap, char *); if(status.login[0]){ a[i++] = "-l"; a[i++] = status.login; } if(status.mpasswd[0]){ a[i++] = "-p"; a[i++] = status.mpasswd; } if(status.nonotify)a[i++] = "-b"; if(status.force) a[i++] = "-f"; if(status.quiet) a[i++] = "-q"; if(status.nowrite) a[i++] = "-n"; while (a[i++] = va_arg(ap, char *)){ if(i >= NPARMS){ err("too many args"); a[NPARMS-1] = NULL; break; } }; mexecv(file, a); } /* MchSFromAddr(sn,addr) take an address of the form "mach:username" and return mch as the 1 char code of "mach" and in sn put "username". If addr has no colon in it, return mch==local, sn==addr. Return 0 for mch if host unknown. */ MchSFromAddr(sn,addr) char *sn, *addr; { char fcolon = 0, *s, mch, stemp[BUFSIZ]; /* assume addr is a local address */ strcpy(stemp,addr); s = stemp; while(*s){ if(*s == ':'){ fcolon = 1; *s++ = 0; break; } s++; } if(fcolon != 1){ /* sn better be the right size for addr */ mch = local; strcpy(sn,addr); return(mch); } /* addr has a colon in it, s pts to name */ mch = lookup(stemp); strcpy(sn,s); return(mch); } /* returns a single character for machine S */ /* returns 0 for unknown host */ lookup(s) register char *s; { register struct tt *t; if(strlen(s) == 1)return(isupper(*s) ? tolower(*s) : *s); for(t = table; t->bigname; t++) if(streql(s,t->bigname) == 0)return(t->lname); return(0); } /* returns a long name (string) for single character machine c */ char *longname(c) register char c; { register struct tt *t; if(c == 0)return("UNKNOWN"); for(t = table; t->bigname; t++) if(c == t->lname)return(t->bigname); return("UNKNOWN"); } /* FMemberSCh(s,ch) return 1 if ch is a character in string s. 0 otherwise. */ FMemberSCh(s,ch) register char *s, ch; { while(*s)if(*s++ == ch)return(1); return(0); } /* return a static string with the form "X hrs X mins X secs" */ /* t is # of secs */ char *comptime(t) long t; { static char str[30]; char buf[20]; long w; str[0] = 0; w = t/3600L; if(w > 0L){ sprintf(buf,"%ld hr ",w); strcat(str,buf); } t = t % 3600L; w = t/60L; if(w > 0L){ sprintf(buf,"%ld min ",w); strcat(str,buf); } t = t % 60L; sprintf(buf,"%ld sec",t); strcat(str,buf); return(str); } /* parseparmlist(string) parses variable parameter lists in string, as defined in genparmlist in net.c */ parseparmlist(parmlist) char *parmlist; { while(*parmlist && *parmlist != '(')parmlist++; } /* just like strcmp except upper- and lower-case are ignored */ streql(s1,s2) char *s1, *s2; { char a,b; while(*s1 && *s2){ a = isupper(*s1) ? tolower(*s1) : *s1; b = isupper(*s2) ? tolower(*s2) : *s2; if(a < b)return(-1); if(a > b)return(1); s1++, s2++; } if(*s2)return(-1); if(*s1)return(1); return(0); } /* VARARGS0 */ err(s,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r) { fprintf(stderr,s,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r); }