/* * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)c.c 5.8 (Berkeley) 05/11/88"; #endif not lint static char rcsid[] = "$Header: c.c,v 1.5 88/04/02 01:25:44 donn Exp $"; /* * C-dependent symbol routines. */ #include "defs.h" #include "symbols.h" #include "printsym.h" #include "languages.h" #include "c.h" #include "tree.h" #include "eval.h" #include "operators.h" #include "mappings.h" #include "process.h" #include "runtime.h" #include "machine.h" #ifndef public # include "tree.h" #endif #define isdouble(range) ( \ range->symvalue.rangev.upper == 0 and range->symvalue.rangev.lower > 0 \ ) #define isrange(t, name) (t->class == RANGE and istypename(t->type, name)) private Language langC; private Language langCplpl; /* * Initialize C language information. */ public c_init() { langC = language_define("c", ".c"); language_setop(langC, L_PRINTDECL, c_printdecl); language_setop(langC, L_PRINTVAL, c_printval); language_setop(langC, L_TYPEMATCH, c_typematch); language_setop(langC, L_BUILDAREF, c_buildaref); language_setop(langC, L_EVALAREF, c_evalaref); language_setop(langC, L_MODINIT, c_modinit); language_setop(langC, L_HASMODULES, c_hasmodules); language_setop(langC, L_PASSADDR, c_passaddr); langCplpl = language_define("c++", "..c"); language_setop(langCplpl, L_PRINTDECL, c_printdecl); language_setop(langCplpl, L_PRINTVAL, c_printval); language_setop(langCplpl, L_TYPEMATCH, c_typematch); language_setop(langCplpl, L_BUILDAREF, c_buildaref); language_setop(langCplpl, L_EVALAREF, c_evalaref); language_setop(langCplpl, L_MODINIT, c_modinit); language_setop(langCplpl, L_HASMODULES, c_hasmodules); language_setop(langCplpl, L_PASSADDR, c_passaddr); } /* * Test if two types are compatible. */ public Boolean c_typematch(type1, type2) Symbol type1, type2; { Boolean b; register Symbol t1, t2, tmp; t1 = type1; t2 = type2; if (t1 == t2) { b = true; } else { t1 = rtype(t1); t2 = rtype(t2); if (t1 == t_char->type or t1 == t_int->type or t1 == t_real->type) { tmp = t1; t1 = t2; t2 = tmp; } b = (Boolean) ( ( isrange(t1, "int") and !isdouble(t1) /* sigh */ and (t2 == t_int->type or t2 == t_char->type) ) or ( isrange(t1, "char") and (t2 == t_char->type or t2 == t_int->type) ) or ( t1->class == RANGE and isdouble(t1) and t2 == t_real->type ) or ( t1->class == RANGE and t2->class == RANGE and t1->symvalue.rangev.lower == t2->symvalue.rangev.lower and t1->symvalue.rangev.upper == t2->symvalue.rangev.upper ) or ( t1->class != RANGE and t1->type == t2->type and ( (t1->class == t2->class) or (t1->class == SCAL and t2->class == CONST) or (t1->class == CONST and t2->class == SCAL) ) ) or ( t1->class == PTR and c_typematch(t1->type, t_char) and t2->class == ARRAY and c_typematch(t2->type, t_char) and t2->language == primlang ) ); } return b; } /* * Print out the declaration of a C variable. */ public c_printdecl(s) Symbol s; { printdecl(s, 0); } private printdecl(s, indent) register Symbol s; Integer indent; { register Symbol t; Boolean semicolon, newline; semicolon = true; newline = true; if (indent > 0) { printf("%*c", indent, ' '); } if (s->class == TYPE) { printf("typedef "); } switch (s->class) { case CONST: if (s->type->class == SCAL) { printf("enumeration constant with value "); eval(s->symvalue.constval); c_printval(s); } else { printf("const %s = ", symname(s)); printval(s); } break; case TYPE: case VAR: if (s->class != TYPE and s->storage == INREG) { printf("register "); } if (s->type->class == ARRAY) { printtype(s->type, s->type->type, indent); t = rtype(s->type->chain); assert(t->class == RANGE); printf(" %s[%d]", symname(s), t->symvalue.rangev.upper + 1); } else { printtype(s, s->type, indent); if (s->type->class != PTR) { printf(" "); } printf("%s", symname(s)); } break; case FIELD: if (s->type->class == ARRAY) { printtype(s->type, s->type->type, indent); t = rtype(s->type->chain); assert(t->class == RANGE); printf(" %s[%d]", symname(s), t->symvalue.rangev.upper + 1); } else { printtype(s, s->type, indent); if (s->type->class != PTR) { printf(" "); } printf("%s", symname(s)); } if (isbitfield(s)) { printf(" : %d", s->symvalue.field.length); } break; case TAG: if (s->type == nil) { findtype(s); if (s->type == nil) { error("unexpected missing type information"); } } printtype(s, s->type, indent); break; case RANGE: case ARRAY: case RECORD: case VARNT: case PTR: case FFUNC: semicolon = false; printtype(s, s, indent); break; case SCAL: printf("(enumeration constant, value %d)", s->symvalue.iconval); break; case PROC: semicolon = false; printf("%s", symname(s)); c_listparams(s); newline = false; break; case FUNC: semicolon = false; if (not istypename(s->type, "void")) { printtype(s, s->type, indent); printf(" "); } printf("%s", symname(s)); c_listparams(s); newline = false; break; case MODULE: semicolon = false; printf("source file \"%s.c\"", symname(s)); break; case PROG: semicolon = false; printf("executable file \"%s\"", symname(s)); break; default: printf("[%s]", classname(s)); break; } if (semicolon) { putchar(';'); } if (newline) { putchar('\n'); } } /* * Recursive whiz-bang procedure to print the type portion * of a declaration. * * The symbol associated with the type is passed to allow * searching for type names without getting "type blah = blah". */ private printtype(s, t, indent) Symbol s; Symbol t; Integer indent; { register Symbol i; long r0, r1; register String p; checkref(s); checkref(t); switch (t->class) { case VAR: case CONST: case PROC: panic("printtype: class %s", classname(t)); break; case ARRAY: printf("array["); i = t->chain; if (i != nil) { for (;;) { printtype(i, i, indent); i = i->chain; if (i == nil) { break; } printf(", "); } } printf("] of "); printtype(t, t->type, indent); break; case RECORD: case VARNT: printf("%s ", c_classname(t)); if (s->name != nil and s->class == TAG) { p = symname(s); if (p[0] == '$' and p[1] == '$') { printf("%s ", &p[2]); } else { printf("%s ", p); } } printf("{\n"); for (i = t->chain; i != nil; i = i->chain) { assert(i->class == FIELD); printdecl(i, indent+4); } if (indent > 0) { printf("%*c", indent, ' '); } printf("}"); break; case RANGE: r0 = t->symvalue.rangev.lower; r1 = t->symvalue.rangev.upper; if (istypename(t->type, "char")) { if (r0 < 0x20 or r0 > 0x7e) { printf("%ld..", r0); } else { printf("'%c'..", (char) r0); } if (r1 < 0x20 or r1 > 0x7e) { printf("\\%lo", r1); } else { printf("'%c'", (char) r1); } } else if (r0 > 0 and r1 == 0) { printf("%ld byte real", r0); } else if (r0 >= 0) { printf("%lu..%lu", r0, r1); } else { printf("%ld..%ld", r0, r1); } break; case PTR: printtype(t, t->type, indent); if (t->type->class != PTR) { printf(" "); } printf("*"); break; case FUNC: case FFUNC: printtype(t, t->type, indent); printf("()"); break; case TYPE: if (t->name != nil) { printname(stdout, t); } else { printtype(t, t->type, indent); } break; case TYPEREF: printf("@%s", symname(t)); break; case SCAL: printf("enum "); if (s->name != nil and s->class == TAG) { printf("%s ", symname(s)); } printf("{ "); i = t->chain; if (i != nil) { for (;;) { printf("%s", symname(i)); i = i->chain; if (i == nil) break; printf(", "); } } printf(" }"); break; case TAG: if (t->type == nil) { printf("unresolved tag %s", symname(t)); } else { i = rtype(t->type); printf("%s %s", c_classname(i), symname(t)); } break; default: printf("(class %d)", t->class); break; } } /* * List the parameters of a procedure or function. * No attempt is made to combine like types. */ public c_listparams(s) Symbol s; { register Symbol t; putchar('('); for (t = s->chain; t != nil; t = t->chain) { printf("%s", symname(t)); if (t->chain != nil) { printf(", "); } } putchar(')'); if (s->chain != nil) { printf("\n"); for (t = s->chain; t != nil; t = t->chain) { if (t->class != VAR) { panic("unexpected class %d for parameter", t->class); } printdecl(t, 0); } } else { putchar('\n'); } } /* * Print out the value on the top of the expression stack * in the format for the type of the given symbol. */ public c_printval(s) Symbol s; { register Symbol t; register Address a; integer i, len; register String str; switch (s->class) { case CONST: case TYPE: case VAR: case REF: case FVAR: case TAG: c_printval(s->type); break; case FIELD: if (isbitfield(s)) { i = extractField(s); t = rtype(s->type); if (t->class == SCAL) { printEnum(i, t); } else { printRangeVal(i, t); } } else { c_printval(s->type); } break; case ARRAY: t = rtype(s->type); if ((t->class == RANGE and istypename(t->type, "char")) or t == t_char->type ) { len = size(s); str = (String) (sp -= len); if (s->language != primlang) { putchar('"'); } while (--len > 0 and *str != '\0') { printchar(*str++); } if (*str != '\0') { /* XXX - pitch trailing null */ printchar(*str); } if (s->language != primlang) { putchar('"'); } } else { printarray(s); } break; case RECORD: c_printstruct(s); break; case RANGE: if (s == t_boolean->type or istypename(s->type, "boolean")) { printRangeVal(popsmall(s), s); } else if (s == t_char->type or istypename(s->type, "char")) { printRangeVal(pop(char), s); } else if (s == t_real->type or isdouble(s)) { switch (s->symvalue.rangev.lower) { case sizeof(float): prtreal((double) (pop(float))); break; case sizeof(double): prtreal(pop(double)); break; default: panic("bad real size %d", t->symvalue.rangev.lower); break; } } else { printRangeVal(popsmall(s), s); } break; case PTR: t = rtype(s->type); a = pop(Address); if (a == 0) { printf("(nil)"); } else if (t->class == RANGE and istypename(t->type, "char")) { printString(a, (boolean) (s->language != primlang)); } else { printf("0x%x", a); } break; case SCAL: i = pop(Integer); printEnum(i, s); break; /* * Unresolved structure pointers? */ case BADUSE: a = pop(Address); printf("@%x", a); break; default: if (ord(s->class) > ord(TYPEREF)) { panic("printval: bad class %d", ord(s->class)); } sp -= size(s); printf("[%s]", c_classname(s)); break; } } /* * Print out a C structure. */ private c_printstruct (s) Symbol s; { Symbol f; Stack *savesp; integer n, off, len; sp -= size(s); savesp = sp; printf("("); f = s->chain; for (;;) { off = f->symvalue.field.offset; len = f->symvalue.field.length; n = (off + len + BITSPERBYTE - 1) div BITSPERBYTE; sp += n; printf("%s = ", symname(f)); c_printval(f); sp = savesp; f = f->chain; if (f == nil) break; printf(", "); } printf(")"); } /* * Return the C name for the particular class of a symbol. */ public String c_classname(s) Symbol s; { String str; switch (s->class) { case RECORD: str = "struct"; break; case VARNT: str = "union"; break; case SCAL: str = "enum"; break; default: str = classname(s); } return str; } public Node c_buildaref(a, slist) Node a, slist; { register Symbol t; register Node p; Symbol etype, atype, eltype; Node r, esub; t = rtype(a->nodetype); eltype = t->type; if (t->class == PTR) { p = slist->value.arg[0]; if (not compatible(p->nodetype, t_int)) { beginerrmsg(); fprintf(stderr, "subscript must be integer-compatible"); enderrmsg(); } r = build(O_MUL, p, build(O_LCON, (long) size(eltype))); r = build(O_ADD, build(O_RVAL, a), r); r->nodetype = eltype; } else if (t->class != ARRAY) { beginerrmsg(); fprintf(stderr, "\""); prtree(stderr, a); fprintf(stderr, "\" is not an array"); enderrmsg(); } else { r = a; p = slist; t = t->chain; for (; p != nil and t != nil; p = p->value.arg[1], t = t->chain) { esub = p->value.arg[0]; etype = rtype(esub->nodetype); atype = rtype(t); if (not compatible(atype, etype)) { beginerrmsg(); fprintf(stderr, "subscript \""); prtree(stderr, esub); fprintf(stderr, "\" is the wrong type"); enderrmsg(); } r = build(O_INDEX, r, esub); r->nodetype = eltype; } if (p != nil or t != nil) { beginerrmsg(); if (p != nil) { fprintf(stderr, "too many subscripts for \""); } else { fprintf(stderr, "not enough subscripts for \""); } prtree(stderr, a); fprintf(stderr, "\""); enderrmsg(); } } return r; } /* * Evaluate a subscript index. */ public c_evalaref(s, base, i) Symbol s; Address base; long i; { Symbol t; long lb, ub; t = rtype(s); s = t->chain; lb = s->symvalue.rangev.lower; ub = s->symvalue.rangev.upper; if (i < lb or i > ub) { warning("subscript out of range"); } push(long, base + (i - lb) * size(t->type)); } /* * Initialize typetable information. */ public c_modinit (typetable) Symbol typetable[]; { /* nothing right now */ } public boolean c_hasmodules () { return false; } public boolean c_passaddr (param, exprtype) Symbol param, exprtype; { boolean b; Symbol t; t = rtype(exprtype); b = (boolean) (t->class == ARRAY); return b; }