/* Copyright (c) 1982 Regents of the University of California */ static char sccsid[] = "@(#)eval.c 1.15 (Berkeley) 03/01/85"; static char rcsid[] = "$Header: eval.c,v 1.5 84/12/26 10:39:08 linton Exp $"; /* * Tree evaluation. */ #include "defs.h" #include "tree.h" #include "operators.h" #include "debug.h" #include "eval.h" #include "events.h" #include "symbols.h" #include "scanner.h" #include "source.h" #include "object.h" #include "mappings.h" #include "process.h" #include "runtime.h" #include "machine.h" #include #ifndef public #include "machine.h" #define STACKSIZE 20000 typedef Char Stack; #define push(type, value) { \ ((type *) (sp += sizeof(type)))[-1] = (value); \ } #define pop(type) ( \ (*((type *) (sp -= sizeof(type)))) \ ) #define popn(n, dest) { \ sp -= n; \ bcopy(sp, dest, n); \ } #define alignstack() { \ sp = (Stack *) (( ((int) sp) + sizeof(int) - 1)&~(sizeof(int) - 1)); \ } #endif public Stack stack[STACKSIZE]; public Stack *sp = &stack[0]; public Boolean useInstLoc = false; #define chksp() \ { \ if (sp < &stack[0]) { \ panic("stack underflow"); \ } \ } #define poparg(n, r, fr) { \ eval(p->value.arg[n]); \ if (isreal(p->op)) { \ if (size(p->value.arg[n]->nodetype) == sizeof(float)) { \ fr = pop(float); \ } else { \ fr = pop(double); \ } \ } else if (isint(p->op)) { \ r = popsmall(p->value.arg[n]->nodetype); \ } \ } #define Boolrep char /* underlying representation type for booleans */ /* * Command-level evaluation. */ public Node topnode; public topeval (p) Node p; { if (traceeval) { fprintf(stderr, "topeval("); prtree(stderr, p); fprintf(stderr, ")\n"); fflush(stderr); } topnode = p; eval(p); } /* * Evaluate a parse tree leaving the value on the top of the stack. */ public eval(p) register Node p; { long r0, r1; double fr0, fr1; Address addr; long i, n; int len; Symbol s; Node n1, n2; boolean b; File file; String str; checkref(p); if (traceeval) { fprintf(stderr, "begin eval %s\n", opname(p->op)); } switch (degree(p->op)) { case BINARY: poparg(1, r1, fr1); poparg(0, r0, fr0); break; case UNARY: poparg(0, r0, fr0); break; default: /* do nothing */; } switch (p->op) { case O_SYM: s = p->value.sym; if (s == retaddrsym) { push(long, return_addr()); } else if (isvariable(s)) { if (s != program and not isactive(container(s))) { error("\"%s\" is not active", symname(s)); } if (isvarparam(s) and not isopenarray(s)) { rpush(address(s, nil), sizeof(Address)); } else { push(Address, address(s, nil)); } } else if (isblock(s)) { push(Symbol, s); } else if (isconst(s)) { eval(constval(s)); } else { error("can't evaluate a %s", classname(s)); } break; case O_LCON: case O_CCON: r0 = p->value.lcon; pushsmall(p->nodetype, r0); break; case O_FCON: push(double, p->value.fcon); break; case O_SCON: len = size(p->nodetype); mov(p->value.scon, sp, len); sp += len; break; case O_INDEX: s = p->value.arg[0]->nodetype; p->value.arg[0]->nodetype = t_addr; eval(p->value.arg[0]); p->value.arg[0]->nodetype = s; n = pop(Address); eval(p->value.arg[1]); evalindex(s, n, popsmall(p->value.arg[1]->nodetype)); break; case O_DOT: s = p->value.arg[1]->value.sym; eval(p->value.arg[0]); n = pop(long); push(long, n + (s->symvalue.field.offset div 8)); break; /* * Get the value of the expression addressed by the top of the stack. * Push the result back on the stack. */ case O_INDIR: case O_RVAL: addr = pop(long); if (addr == 0) { error("reference through nil pointer"); } len = size(p->nodetype); rpush(addr, len); break; /* * Move the stack pointer so that the top of the stack has * something corresponding to the size of the current node type. * If this new type is bigger than the subtree (len > 0), * then the stack is padded with nulls. If it's smaller, * the stack is just dropped by the appropriate amount. */ case O_TYPERENAME: len = size(p->nodetype) - size(p->value.arg[0]->nodetype); if (len > 0) { for (n = 0; n < len; n++) { *sp++ = '\0'; } } else if (len < 0) { sp += len; } break; case O_COMMA: eval(p->value.arg[0]); if (p->value.arg[1] != nil) { eval(p->value.arg[1]); } break; case O_ITOF: push(double, (double) r0); break; case O_ADD: push(long, r0+r1); break; case O_ADDF: push(double, fr0+fr1); break; case O_SUB: push(long, r0-r1); break; case O_SUBF: push(double, fr0-fr1); break; case O_NEG: push(long, -r0); break; case O_NEGF: push(double, -fr0); break; case O_MUL: push(long, r0*r1); break; case O_MULF: push(double, fr0*fr1); break; case O_DIVF: if (fr1 == 0) { error("error: division by 0"); } push(double, fr0 / fr1); break; case O_DIV: if (r1 == 0) { error("error: div by 0"); } push(long, r0 div r1); break; case O_MOD: if (r1 == 0) { error("error: mod by 0"); } push(long, r0 mod r1); break; case O_LT: push(Boolrep, r0 < r1); break; case O_LTF: push(Boolrep, fr0 < fr1); break; case O_LE: push(Boolrep, r0 <= r1); break; case O_LEF: push(Boolrep, fr0 <= fr1); break; case O_GT: push(Boolrep, r0 > r1); break; case O_GTF: push(Boolrep, fr0 > fr1); break; case O_EQ: push(Boolrep, r0 == r1); break; case O_EQF: push(Boolrep, fr0 == fr1); break; case O_NE: push(Boolrep, r0 != r1); break; case O_NEF: push(Boolrep, fr0 != fr1); break; case O_AND: push(Boolrep, r0 and r1); break; case O_OR: push(Boolrep, r0 or r1); break; case O_ASSIGN: assign(p->value.arg[0], p->value.arg[1]); break; case O_CHFILE: if (p->value.scon == nil) { printf("%s\n", cursource); } else { file = opensource(p->value.scon); if (file == nil) { error("can't read \"%s\"", p->value.scon); } else { fclose(file); setsource(p->value.scon); } } break; case O_CONT: cont(p->value.lcon); printnews(); break; case O_LIST: list(p); break; case O_FUNC: func(p->value.arg[0]); break; case O_EXAMINE: eval(p->value.examine.beginaddr); r0 = pop(long); if (p->value.examine.endaddr == nil) { n = p->value.examine.count; if (n == 0) { printvalue(r0, p->value.examine.mode); } else if (streq(p->value.examine.mode, "i")) { printninst(n, (Address) r0); } else { printndata(n, (Address) r0, p->value.examine.mode); } } else { eval(p->value.examine.endaddr); r1 = pop(long); if (streq(p->value.examine.mode, "i")) { printinst((Address)r0, (Address)r1); } else { printdata((Address)r0, (Address)r1, p->value.examine.mode); } } break; case O_PRINT: for (n1 = p->value.arg[0]; n1 != nil; n1 = n1->value.arg[1]) { eval(n1->value.arg[0]); printval(n1->value.arg[0]->nodetype); putchar(' '); } putchar('\n'); break; case O_PSYM: if (p->value.arg[0]->op == O_SYM) { psym(p->value.arg[0]->value.sym); } else { psym(p->value.arg[0]->nodetype); } break; case O_QLINE: eval(p->value.arg[1]); break; case O_STEP: b = inst_tracing; inst_tracing = (Boolean) (not p->value.step.source); if (p->value.step.skipcalls) { next(); } else { stepc(); } inst_tracing = b; useInstLoc = (Boolean) (not p->value.step.source); printnews(); break; case O_WHATIS: if (p->value.arg[0]->op == O_SYM) { printdecl(p->value.arg[0]->value.sym); } else { printdecl(p->value.arg[0]->nodetype); } break; case O_WHERE: wherecmd(); break; case O_WHEREIS: if (p->value.arg[0]->op == O_SYM) { printwhereis(stdout, p->value.arg[0]->value.sym); } else { printwhereis(stdout, p->value.arg[0]->nodetype); } break; case O_WHICH: if (p->value.arg[0]->op == O_SYM) { printwhich(stdout, p->value.arg[0]->value.sym); } else { printwhich(stdout, p->value.arg[0]->nodetype); } putchar('\n'); break; case O_ALIAS: n1 = p->value.arg[0]; n2 = p->value.arg[1]; if (n2 == nil) { if (n1 == nil) { alias(nil, nil, nil); } else { alias(n1->value.name, nil, nil); } } else if (n2->op == O_NAME) { str = ident(n2->value.name); alias(n1->value.name, nil, strdup(str)); } else { if (n1->op == O_COMMA) { alias( n1->value.arg[0]->value.name, (List) n1->value.arg[1], n2->value.scon ); } else { alias(n1->value.name, nil, n2->value.scon); } } break; case O_UNALIAS: unalias(p->value.arg[0]->value.name); break; case O_CALLPROC: callproc(p, false); break; case O_CALL: callproc(p, true); break; case O_CATCH: if (p->value.lcon == 0) { printsigscaught(process); } else { psigtrace(process, p->value.lcon, true); } break; case O_EDIT: edit(p->value.scon); break; case O_DEBUG: debug(p); break; case O_DOWN: checkref(p->value.arg[0]); assert(p->value.arg[0]->op == O_LCON); down(p->value.arg[0]->value.lcon); break; case O_DUMP: if (p->value.arg[0] == nil) { dumpall(); } else { s = p->value.arg[0]->value.sym; if (s == curfunc) { dump(nil); } else { dump(s); } } break; case O_GRIPE: gripe(); break; case O_HELP: help(); break; case O_IGNORE: if (p->value.lcon == 0) { printsigsignored(process); } else { psigtrace(process, p->value.lcon, false); } break; case O_RETURN: if (p->value.arg[0] == nil) { rtnfunc(nil); } else { assert(p->value.arg[0]->op == O_SYM); rtnfunc(p->value.arg[0]->value.sym); } break; case O_RUN: run(); break; case O_SET: set(p->value.arg[0], p->value.arg[1]); break; case O_SEARCH: search(p->value.arg[0]->value.lcon, p->value.arg[1]->value.scon); break; case O_SOURCE: setinput(p->value.scon); break; case O_STATUS: status(); break; case O_TRACE: case O_TRACEI: trace(p); break; case O_STOP: case O_STOPI: stop(p); break; case O_UNSET: undefvar(p->value.arg[0]->value.name); break; case O_UP: checkref(p->value.arg[0]); assert(p->value.arg[0]->op == O_LCON); up(p->value.arg[0]->value.lcon); break; case O_ADDEVENT: addevent(p->value.event.cond, p->value.event.actions); break; case O_DELETE: n1 = p->value.arg[0]; while (n1->op == O_COMMA) { n2 = n1->value.arg[0]; assert(n2->op == O_LCON); if (not delevent((unsigned int) n2->value.lcon)) { error("unknown event %ld", n2->value.lcon); } n1 = n1->value.arg[1]; } assert(n1->op == O_LCON); if (not delevent((unsigned int) n1->value.lcon)) { error("unknown event %ld", n1->value.lcon); } break; case O_ENDX: endprogram(); break; case O_IF: if (cond(p->value.event.cond)) { evalcmdlist(p->value.event.actions); } break; case O_ONCE: event_once(p->value.event.cond, p->value.event.actions); break; case O_PRINTCALL: printcall(p->value.sym, whatblock(return_addr())); break; case O_PRINTIFCHANGED: printifchanged(p->value.arg[0]); break; case O_PRINTRTN: printrtn(p->value.sym); break; case O_PRINTSRCPOS: getsrcpos(); if (p->value.arg[0] == nil) { printsrcpos(); putchar('\n'); printlines(curline, curline); } else if (p->value.arg[0]->op == O_QLINE) { if (p->value.arg[0]->value.arg[1]->value.lcon == 0) { printf("tracei: "); printinst(pc, pc); } else { if (canReadSource()) { printf("trace: "); printlines(curline, curline); } } } else { printsrcpos(); printf(": "); eval(p->value.arg[0]); prtree(stdout, p->value.arg[0]); printf(" = "); printval(p->value.arg[0]->nodetype); putchar('\n'); } break; case O_PROCRTN: procreturn(p->value.sym); break; case O_STOPIFCHANGED: stopifchanged(p->value.arg[0]); break; case O_STOPX: isstopped = true; break; case O_TRACEON: traceon(p->value.trace.inst, p->value.trace.event, p->value.trace.actions); break; case O_TRACEOFF: traceoff(p->value.lcon); break; default: panic("eval: bad op %d", p->op); } if (traceeval) { fprintf(stderr, "end eval %s\n", opname(p->op)); } } /* * Evaluate a list of commands. */ public evalcmdlist(cl) Cmdlist cl; { Command c; foreach (Command, c, cl) evalcmd(c); endfor } /* * Push "len" bytes onto the expression stack from address "addr" * in the process. If there isn't room on the stack, print an error message. */ public rpush(addr, len) Address addr; int len; { if (not canpush(len)) { error("expression too large to evaluate"); } else { chksp(); dread(sp, addr, len); sp += len; } } /* * Check if the stack has n bytes available. */ public Boolean canpush(n) Integer n; { return (Boolean) (sp + n < &stack[STACKSIZE]); } /* * Push a small scalar of the given type onto the stack. */ public pushsmall(t, v) Symbol t; long v; { register Integer s; s = size(t); switch (s) { case sizeof(char): push(char, v); break; case sizeof(short): push(short, v); break; case sizeof(long): push(long, v); break; default: panic("bad size %d in popsmall", s); } } /* * Pop an item of the given type which is assumed to be no larger * than a long and return it expanded into a long. */ public long popsmall(t) Symbol t; { register integer n; long r; n = size(t); if (n == sizeof(char)) { if (t->class == RANGE and t->symvalue.rangev.lower >= 0) { r = (long) pop(unsigned char); } else { r = (long) pop(char); } } else if (n == sizeof(short)) { if (t->class == RANGE and t->symvalue.rangev.lower >= 0) { r = (long) pop(unsigned short); } else { r = (long) pop(short); } } else if (n == sizeof(long)) { r = pop(long); } else { error("[internal error: size %d in popsmall]", n); } return r; } /* * Evaluate a conditional expression. */ public Boolean cond(p) Node p; { register Boolean b; if (p == nil) { b = true; } else { eval(p); b = (Boolean) pop(Boolrep); } return b; } /* * Return the address corresponding to a given tree. */ public Address lval(p) Node p; { if (p->op == O_RVAL) { eval(p->value.arg[0]); } else { eval(p); } return (Address) (pop(long)); } /* * Process a trace command, translating into the appropriate events * and associated actions. */ public trace(p) Node p; { Node exp, place, cond; Node left; exp = p->value.arg[0]; place = p->value.arg[1]; cond = p->value.arg[2]; if (exp == nil) { traceall(p->op, place, cond); } else if (exp->op == O_QLINE or exp->op == O_LCON) { traceinst(p->op, exp, cond); } else if (place != nil and place->op == O_QLINE) { traceat(p->op, exp, place, cond); } else { left = exp; if (left->op == O_RVAL or left->op == O_CALL) { left = left->value.arg[0]; } if (left->op == O_SYM and isblock(left->value.sym)) { traceproc(p->op, left->value.sym, place, cond); } else { tracedata(p->op, exp, place, cond); } } } /* * Set a breakpoint that will turn on tracing. */ private traceall(op, place, cond) Operator op; Node place; Node cond; { Symbol s; Node event; Command action; if (place == nil) { s = program; } else { s = place->value.sym; } event = build(O_EQ, build(O_SYM, procsym), build(O_SYM, s)); action = build(O_PRINTSRCPOS, build(O_QLINE, nil, build(O_LCON, (op == O_TRACE) ? 1 : 0))); if (cond != nil) { action = build(O_IF, cond, buildcmdlist(action)); } action = build(O_TRACEON, (op == O_TRACEI), buildcmdlist(action)); action->value.trace.event = addevent(event, buildcmdlist(action)); if (isstdin()) { printevent(action->value.trace.event); } } /* * Set up the appropriate breakpoint for tracing an instruction. */ private traceinst(op, exp, cond) Operator op; Node exp; Node cond; { Node event, wh; Command action; Event e; if (exp->op == O_LCON) { wh = build(O_QLINE, build(O_SCON, strdup(cursource)), exp); } else { wh = exp; } if (op == O_TRACEI) { event = build(O_EQ, build(O_SYM, pcsym), wh); } else { event = build(O_EQ, build(O_SYM, linesym), wh); } action = build(O_PRINTSRCPOS, wh); if (cond) { action = build(O_IF, cond, buildcmdlist(action)); } e = addevent(event, buildcmdlist(action)); if (isstdin()) { printevent(e); } } /* * Set a breakpoint to print an expression at a given line or address. */ private traceat(op, exp, place, cond) Operator op; Node exp; Node place; Node cond; { Node event; Command action; Event e; if (op == O_TRACEI) { event = build(O_EQ, build(O_SYM, pcsym), place); } else { event = build(O_EQ, build(O_SYM, linesym), place); } action = build(O_PRINTSRCPOS, exp); if (cond != nil) { action = build(O_IF, cond, buildcmdlist(action)); } e = addevent(event, buildcmdlist(action)); if (isstdin()) { printevent(e); } } /* * Construct event for tracing a procedure. * * What we want here is * * when $proc = p do * if then * printcall; * once $pc = $retaddr do * printrtn; * end; * end if; * end; * * Note that "once" is like "when" except that the event * deletes itself as part of its associated action. */ private traceproc(op, p, place, cond) Operator op; Symbol p; Node place; Node cond; { Node event; Command action; Cmdlist actionlist; Event e; action = build(O_PRINTCALL, p); actionlist = list_alloc(); cmdlist_append(action, actionlist); event = build(O_EQ, build(O_SYM, pcsym), build(O_SYM, retaddrsym)); action = build(O_ONCE, event, buildcmdlist(build(O_PRINTRTN, p))); cmdlist_append(action, actionlist); if (cond != nil) { actionlist = buildcmdlist(build(O_IF, cond, actionlist)); } event = build(O_EQ, build(O_SYM, procsym), build(O_SYM, p)); e = addevent(event, actionlist); if (isstdin()) { printevent(e); } } /* * Set up breakpoint for tracing data. */ private tracedata(op, exp, place, cond) Operator op; Node exp; Node place; Node cond; { Symbol p; Node event; Command action; p = (place == nil) ? tcontainer(exp) : place->value.sym; if (p == nil) { p = program; } action = build(O_PRINTIFCHANGED, exp); if (cond != nil) { action = build(O_IF, cond, buildcmdlist(action)); } action = build(O_TRACEON, (op == O_TRACEI), buildcmdlist(action)); event = build(O_EQ, build(O_SYM, procsym), build(O_SYM, p)); action->value.trace.event = addevent(event, buildcmdlist(action)); if (isstdin()) { printevent(action->value.trace.event); } } /* * Setting and unsetting of stops. */ public stop(p) Node p; { Node exp, place, cond, t; Symbol s; Command action; Event e; exp = p->value.arg[0]; place = p->value.arg[1]; cond = p->value.arg[2]; if (exp != nil) { stopvar(p->op, exp, place, cond); } else { action = build(O_STOPX); if (cond != nil) { action = build(O_IF, cond, buildcmdlist(action)); } if (place == nil or place->op == O_SYM) { if (place == nil) { s = program; } else { s = place->value.sym; } t = build(O_EQ, build(O_SYM, procsym), build(O_SYM, s)); if (cond != nil) { action = build(O_TRACEON, (p->op == O_STOPI), buildcmdlist(action)); e = addevent(t, buildcmdlist(action)); action->value.trace.event = e; } else { e = addevent(t, buildcmdlist(action)); } if (isstdin()) { printevent(e); } } else { stopinst(p->op, place, cond, action); } } } private stopinst(op, place, cond, action) Operator op; Node place; Node cond; Command action; { Node event; Event e; if (op == O_STOP) { event = build(O_EQ, build(O_SYM, linesym), place); } else { event = build(O_EQ, build(O_SYM, pcsym), place); } e = addevent(event, buildcmdlist(action)); if (isstdin()) { printevent(e); } } /* * Implement stopping on assignment to a variable by adding it to * the variable list. */ private stopvar(op, exp, place, cond) Operator op; Node exp; Node place; Node cond; { Symbol p; Node event; Command action; if (place == nil) { if (exp->op == O_LCON) { p = program; } else { p = tcontainer(exp); if (p == nil) { p = program; } } } else { p = place->value.sym; } action = build(O_STOPIFCHANGED, exp); if (cond != nil) { action = build(O_IF, cond, buildcmdlist(action)); } action = build(O_TRACEON, (op == O_STOPI), buildcmdlist(action)); event = build(O_EQ, build(O_SYM, procsym), build(O_SYM, p)); action->value.trace.event = addevent(event, buildcmdlist(action)); if (isstdin()) { printevent(action->value.trace.event); } } /* * Assign the value of an expression to a variable (or term). */ public assign(var, exp) Node var; Node exp; { Address addr; integer varsize, expsize; char cvalue; short svalue; long lvalue; float fvalue; if (var->op == O_SYM and regnum(var->value.sym) != -1) { eval(exp); setreg(regnum(var->value.sym), pop(Address)); } else { addr = lval(var); varsize = size(var->nodetype); expsize = size(exp->nodetype); eval(exp); if (varsize == sizeof(float) and expsize == sizeof(double)) { fvalue = (float) pop(double); dwrite(&fvalue, addr, sizeof(fvalue)); } else { if (varsize < sizeof(long)) { lvalue = 0; popn(expsize, &lvalue); if (varsize == sizeof(char)) { cvalue = lvalue; dwrite(&cvalue, addr, sizeof(cvalue)); } else if (varsize == sizeof(short)) { svalue = lvalue; dwrite(&svalue, addr, sizeof(svalue)); } else { error("[internal error: bad size %d in assign]", varsize); } } else { if (expsize <= varsize) { sp -= expsize; dwrite(sp, addr, expsize); } else { sp -= expsize; dwrite(sp, addr, varsize); } } } } } /* * Set a debugger variable. */ private set (var, exp) Node var, exp; { Symbol t; if (var == nil) { defvar(nil, nil); } else if (exp == nil) { defvar(var->value.name, nil); } else if (var->value.name == identname("$frame", true)) { t = exp->nodetype; if (not compatible(t, t_int) and not compatible(t, t_addr)) { error("$frame must be an address"); } eval(exp); getnewregs(pop(Address)); } else { defvar(var->value.name, unrval(exp)); } } /* * Execute a list command. */ private list (p) Node p; { Symbol f; Address addr; Lineno line, l1, l2; if (p->value.arg[0]->op == O_SYM) { f = p->value.arg[0]->value.sym; addr = firstline(f); if (addr == NOADDR) { error("no source lines for \"%s\"", symname(f)); } setsource(srcfilename(addr)); line = srcline(addr); getsrcwindow(line, &l1, &l2); } else { eval(p->value.arg[0]); l1 = (Lineno) (pop(long)); eval(p->value.arg[1]); l2 = (Lineno) (pop(long)); } printlines(l1, l2); } /* * Execute a func command. */ private func (p) Node p; { Symbol s, f; Address addr; if (p == nil) { printname(stdout, curfunc); putchar('\n'); } else { s = p->value.sym; if (isroutine(s)) { setcurfunc(s); } else { find(f, s->name) where isroutine(f) endfind(f); if (f == nil) { error("%s is not a procedure or function", symname(s)); } setcurfunc(f); } addr = codeloc(curfunc); if (addr != NOADDR) { setsource(srcfilename(addr)); cursrcline = srcline(addr); } } } /* * Send a message to the current support person. */ public gripe() { typedef Operation(); Operation *old; int pid, status; extern int versionNumber; char subject[100]; puts("Type control-D to end your message. Be sure to include"); puts("your name and the name of the file you are debugging."); putchar('\n'); old = signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); sprintf(subject, "dbx (version 3.%d) gripe", versionNumber); pid = back("Mail", stdin, stdout, "-s", subject, MAINTAINER, nil); signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); pwait(pid, &status); signal(SIGINT, old); if (status == 0) { puts("Thank you."); } else { puts("\nMail not sent."); } } /* * Give the user some help. */ public help() { puts("run - begin execution of the program"); puts("print - print the value of the expression"); puts("where - print currently active procedures"); puts("stop at - suspend execution at the line"); puts("stop in - suspend execution when is called"); puts("cont - continue execution"); puts("step - single step one line"); puts("next - step to next line (skip over calls)"); puts("trace - trace execution of the line"); puts("trace - trace calls to the procedure"); puts("trace - trace changes to the variable"); puts("trace at - print when is reached"); puts("status - print trace/stop's in effect"); puts("delete - remove trace or stop of given number"); puts("call - call a procedure in program"); puts("whatis - print the declaration of the name"); puts("list , - list source lines"); puts("gripe - send mail to the person in charge of dbx"); puts("quit - exit dbx"); } /* * Divert output to the given file name. * Cannot redirect to an existing file. */ private int so_fd; private Boolean notstdout; public setout(filename) String filename; { File f; f = fopen(filename, "r"); if (f != nil) { fclose(f); error("%s: file already exists", filename); } else { so_fd = dup(1); close(1); if (creat(filename, 0666) == nil) { unsetout(); error("can't create %s", filename); } notstdout = true; } } /* * Revert output to standard output. */ public unsetout() { fflush(stdout); close(1); if (dup(so_fd) != 1) { panic("standard out dup failed"); } close(so_fd); notstdout = false; } /* * Determine is standard output is currently being redirected * to a file (as far as we know). */ public Boolean isredirected() { return notstdout; }